Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2067 King of the province (two in one)

Chen Jianghe's hosiery factory is booming, and when a new step is being made, Luo Yuzhu, who is far away in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, encounters a catastrophe. Her husband, Wang Dashan, is a line patrol worker of the Railway Bureau. Worker Zhao Jiaqing had an accident on his shift, lost consciousness and became a vegetative state.

Zhao Jiaqing was afraid of being punished and denied the fact that Wang Dashan was on shift. This directly led to Wang Dashan's inability to identify work-related injuries, compensation, and preferential treatment for his widow and children.

Luo Yuzhu has never been a fuel-efficient lamp. He cried, made troubles, hanged himself, blocked doors and made up nursery rhymes. In short, with the ability to pull his face and bow, and the weak signs of orphans and widows, he finally settled the work-related injury procedure. Received a large pension.

Coincidentally, as soon as she got the money, Wang Dashan kicked her feet and died.

She couldn't stay here any longer, so she sold what she could sell at home, and left Jiangxi with Wang Xu, who was a few years old, and bought and sold goods along the railway, stop and go, Nanchang, Jingdezhen, Huangshan, Hangzhou, Jiaxing , Shanghai... After getting busy, she quickly forgot the sadness brought about by Wang Dashan's death. No, to be precise, being able to count money every day and getting tickets into the account is what Luo Yuzhu pursues, what she wants life, marrying an unambitious railroad worker or something is like putting a bird in a cage.


Autumn 1991.

The bleak season is ushering in the north, and there are still embers of summer in the south. The black-covered boats in the Dongyang River are going down the river, and the fishermen in black felt hats are constantly driving away the pelicans who are fighting with them with their oars. Ushered in a chicken flying dog jumping on the river.

The fireworks in Fotang Town spread out into a picture scroll. The most vivid thing is the scent from the smoking and roasting workshop of Shuangwu Meat Products Factory, although for the nearby residents, they have long been accustomed to smelling it for so many years.

The night outside the window lightened up, and the lights in the room first came on.

"How is the progress of the factory relocation?"

"40% of the work has been completed, and if all goes well, the rest should be completed by next spring."

Lin Yue nodded, and said in a voice only he could hear: "The time is just right."

"Here, here is the IOU."

Jinli handed him an IOU with an amount as high as six figures.

In the past, the scale of Shuangwu Meat Products Factory was relatively small, which had little impact on the residents. Now that more and more production lines are opened, it will inevitably bring about the accumulation of waste water and fertilizer. Once it cannot be treated in time, it will definitely affect the lives of nearby residents. Therefore, Jinli Under Lin Yue's suggestion and with the consent of all gods, the relocation was initiated.

"I don't understand, it's obviously your money, why did you lend it in Li Jinze's name?"

Lin Yue said: "You will understand next year."

Well, play charades again.

He was very speechless, this kid looked like a mountain man with his own tricks all day long, after seeing too much, he really didn't want to smoke.

"The factory director, the factory director..."

Accompanied by a bluffing rough voice, Li Jinze broke into the office.

Jin Li said: "What do you look like in a panic? You are in your thirties, can you be more stable?"

"Hey, hey..."

Li Jinze smiled embarrassedly: "There is a reason, there is a reason."

After speaking, he walked to the color TV in the corner, turned on the power with a snap, and pressed button 1 on the control panel.

The screen jumped, and the channel switched to Zhejiang TV Station.

At this time, Zhejiang TV Station has not yet launched a star, and the station logo is not a combination of a blue background and an artistic "Z". There is only a line of small white characters in the lower left corner-Zhejiang TV Station-1.

Counting the time, the CCTV news broadcast is about to be rebroadcasted. Thirty seconds before the countdown, the screen changed and several men gathered for dinner appeared. Male voice: "You can't have a banquet without wine, and there must be Qiandao beer for a happy gathering."

"See? See? Our beer is on TV."

Li Jinze was very excited, wishing he could hug Jinli and kiss him.

Lin Yue shook his head and smiled wryly. In his opinion, this advertisement has nothing to do with "well-made" at all, but in the early 1990s, it was definitely a tall one among the dwarfs, and it was already very good.

And what is advertised on TV in this day and age? There are not many fast-moving consumer goods such as cockroach medicine, lice medicine, electric fan, blood pressure medicine, and now Qiandaohu Beer is featured on the TV station. One can imagine what effect it will bring to the brand.

After five or six years of fighting, the breweries in Yongkang and Jinhua were either bought by him or were on the verge of bankruptcy. Qiandaohu Beer has basically monopolized southern Zhejiang and radiated northern Fujian. His next goal is northern Zhejiang, as long as he wins Hangzhou In the market, Qiandaohu Beer will become the well-deserved No. 1 beer brand in Zhejiang. Advertising on TV stations is the key bargaining chip for him to monopolize the provincial market.

"Have you laughed enough? If you have laughed enough, get down to business."

Li Jinze froze for a moment: "Business?"

Lin Yue's eyes became colder.

Li Jinze quickly changed his words: "I know, I know, I can't forget it, I'm just teasing you."

"I haven't settled the debt with you last time for drinking and messing with you. It depends on how I deal with you this time." Leaving this sentence full of warning, Lin Yue walked out of the office, rode on the second-hand bicycle, and dinged. Dangdang to the direction of Chenjiacun.

Jin Li grabbed Li Jinze who was about to leave: "What's the matter? It's so solemn."

Li Jinze said: "He asked me to find some reliable people, go to Ningbo and Hangzhou after a few more days of advertisements, pick out those roadside shops that are booming, and ask them if they have Qiandaohu beer in the shop pretending to be a diner. If you don’t have any, you will complain, saying that the beer on the TV station can’t be sold, and you won’t eat it if you feel upset, and then five or six people will all withdraw. The restaurant will take the initiative to contact us to purchase.”

"That's okay?" Jinli was speechless, this guy was also very sneaky when he played crooked ways.


The time came to 1992.

Chen Jianghe's socks factory is in big trouble.

Because of its high quality and low price, Yuzhu brand socks are deeply loved by customers, and they began to erode the market share of Yang's socks in the headquarters of Tianci socks.

For the affirmation of a product, for manufacturers, the most direct feedback is the surge in orders.

Having orders is a good thing, but having too many orders is a disaster.

Generally speaking, human beings still sleep seven or eight hours a day, not to mention the electronic jacquard machine, a new equipment that has been on the market for less than three years. Hours, as deputy factory manager Yan said, workers can work in three shifts, but machines can't.

In order to be able to deliver the goods at the agreed time, Chen Jianghe sent Jiang Zhenshan to contact the parts factory, but the answers from those people were uniform, and they couldn't supply the goods, even the Japanese gang of Hero Yamashita avoided seeing them.

Before at the Garden Hotel, Chen Jianghe was drunk, and after knowing Yang Xue's identity, he left early due to embarrassment. He didn't know the conversation between Lin Yue and her, so he couldn't figure out what was going on, those bastards How can you let the money go without earning it? Don't the Japanese love money?

After learning about the difficulties of the socks factory, Sister Feng and a group of vendors who set up stalls in the small commodity market took the initiative to return the goods to the socks factory, hoping to help Chen Jianghe tide over the difficulties.

what to do? what to do!

Chen Jianghe was circling anxiously in the office.

"Old Yan, how are you? Have you been in touch?"

Deputy Factory Manager Yan shook her head: "Chen Yulian said she didn't know what Lin Yue was doing? It's been more than a month since she contacted her family. Could it be like what your younger brother said, he couldn't find a job, gave up on himself, and was ashamed Are you staying in Yiwu?"

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Chen Jianghe knew that the younger brother he was referring to was Chen Daguang, and this guy came a while ago, apparently to apologize for his words and deeds, but in fact, it was to find someone to share his happiness——Lin Yue’s happiness of not being able to find a job, no, It should be said that Lin Yue's failure to find a job is Chen Daguang's happiness.

Factory Manager Chen couldn't understand how a college student who graduated from Jiaotong University could not find a job. Chen Daguang's answer was that the graduation season is only a short period of time, and the fresh graduates will be allocated packages. Excellent companies and institutions will compete for it. , but if this mountain looks at the height of the mountain, hesitates and hesitates, and finally misses the opportunity, and then finds a job that suits the heart, it will be difficult. A guy like Lin Yue who has his eyes above the top will lower his standards ? Won't! So he can only be a bachelor all his life like those old girls who are not high enough or low enough.

Chen Jianghe believed that the truth was definitely not what Chen Daguang said, and that kid was not a person who could reason with common sense. However, he still called Chen Yulian's phone number with the fluke mentality of trying to find out, but the answer he got was, Lin Yue left a note, saying to go out to relax, don't worry about it, and left with his bag on his back. Judging from Deputy Factory Manager Yan's answer just now, he hasn't returned home until today.

"It doesn't matter whether it is or not, the problem now is that he cannot be contacted. Taking a step back, even if we do, it will be difficult to quench the thirst in the distant water."


Deputy Factory Director Yan was right. Even if he got in touch, Lin Yue could fly over in a whiff. It would be hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. The manufacturer does not provide accessories. How can I assemble the jacquard machine?

boom boom boom~

boom boom boom~

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside, and deputy director Yan said: "Please come in", the door opened, and a woman's face cut into view.

Chen Jianghe didn't care about the person who knocked on the door at first, because this is the office of deputy factory director Yan, and he must be looking for him when he knocked on his door, but after noticing the strange expression on the old brother's face, he felt that something was wrong, so he turned his head and looked. ,stunned.

"'s you? You...why are you here?"

"What? I'm not welcome?"

Yang Xue walked into the office wearing a long trench coat and carrying a very low-key gray handbag.

"No, no, I just..."

"You just didn't expect me to come, did you?"

He really didn't expect Yang Xue to come to the socks factory again. Although he didn't know what Lin Yue said to her at the Yuhua Hotel, what is certain is that the conversation between the two fell apart. On Yangguan Road, I crossed my single-plank bridge state.

"Heh, heh heh..." Chen Jianghe smiled dryly, standing there at a loss.

"Could it be that Director Chen intends to keep me standing?"

"Sit, sit down."

Only then did Chen Jianghe come to his senses, he quickly let Yang Xue sit down on the sofa, and then turned around to find a cup to make tea, he might be a little nervous, he poured too much tea into the boiling water and found out that this is just a habit, not to mention he can't stand it Deputy Director Yan, who drank strong tea, couldn't bear to look directly at him.

"Cough, let's drink boiled water. Plain water is healthy."

Chen Jianghe could only pour out the freshly brewed tea, put a cup of boiled water on the coffee table, and push it in front of her.

Yang Xue looked at him with a half-smile, said "thank you" and then turned to Deputy Director Yan: "I want to have a few words with Chen Jianghe alone, is that okay?"

"Ok, Ok."

Deputy Factory Manager Yan finished talking with a smile, picked up the cigarette case on the table, and went to find a place to puff.

Only Yang Xue and him were left in the office.

Chen Jianghe became more nervous, as if he didn't know where to put his hands. It was Lin Yue who said that he would marry Yang Xue and inherit Yang Tianci's inheritance, but it was his masterpiece to say that the woman might be a 200-jin fat man.

Leaving aside her entanglement with Lin Yue, just talking about the help to him and the hosiery factory is not insignificant.

"Director Chen, haven't you had a drink today?"

"No, could it be?"

"Then do you think I weigh 200 catties?"

Well, she really doesn't open any pot, picks black history to start with.

"This...don't laugh at me. At that time, I really didn't know that you were Yang Tianci's daughter. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I apologize to you, is it okay?"

Yang Xue smiled and said nothing.

"Look at you, you need to have one, you need to have a good appearance, you need to be knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and you need to be born and born. A good lady like you won't keep holding on to a joke."

"Boast, keep on boasting, I want to see what kind of peerless beauty you can make of me."


"Do you think that if you praise me, I won't pursue you for speaking ill of me behind my back?"

Chen Jianghe touched his cheeks, his teeth were a little sore: "How should I explain it to you so you can understand..."

"Forget it, because you are much more honest than your cousin, I won't bother with you when you spoke ill of me back then."

Hearing this, Chen Jianghe breathed a sigh of relief, but the next "but" raised his heart again.

"But I don't care about you, it doesn't mean that other people will be so talkative." Yang Xue said, "Recently, your socks factory...has been a lot of trouble, right?"

Hearing her bring up this topic, Chen Jianghe's expression became serious.

"Yes, there are a lot of troubles, and I don't know what's going on. Those jacquard machine sellers stayed away as promised. The raw materials are also very nervous, and the orderer is urging delivery. I have several I haven't had a full night's sleep. By the way, I would like to ask, do you still have contact with the hero at the foot of the mountain?"

"Yes, I have."

"Then can you contact him for me?"

"It could be, but I don't think it makes sense to do so."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that even if you get in touch with him, he will not dare to sell you the jacquard machine, or in other words, it is almost impossible for you to find a purchase channel across the country."


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