Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2080 On How Ruthless Lin Yue Is (Two in One)

Something happened at home?

Could it be... grandma?

Lin Yue hurriedly took the eldest brother and put it to his ear: "Hey, Mom, it's me."


"Huh? Okay, I see, I'll go back as soon as possible."

After saying this, he hung up the phone.

Seeing his relieved look, He Lizi couldn't help being curious: "At home... are you all right?"

Seeing that the three of them were all looking at him, he could only repeat the conversation.

"It's fine at home. My mother's stall in Huancheng Road Small Commodity City was investigated."

Li Jinze asked: "Your booth was checked? Why?"

"Selling fakes."

"Selling fakes?" The three of them said in unison.

This is simply... It's just a joke. Everyone in Huancheng Road Small Commodity City has a reason to sell guys, but Chen Yulian has the least reason to sell fakes. First of all, they are very clear about Lin Yue's personality, and they have been talking about it for so many years Tell them that you can't deceive consumers about quality. The so-called word-of-mouth is actually consumers' confidence in the product. Once this thing collapses, the enterprise will not be far from death. Secondly, Chen Yulian is not short of money at all, renting a booth is simply to find something to do, so as not to live in vain, there is absolutely no need to learn from those booth masters who care about petty profits.

Jin Li said, "Do you need me to contact the people from the Industry and Commerce Bureau..."

"No, I can handle it." Lin Yue waved his hand, squinted his eyes and smiled: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. It's interesting."

With this smile and tone, Li Jinze knew that someone was going to be in trouble.

Two years ago, because the ham sausage was cheap and had the same taste as canned food, it fully satisfied the needs of ordinary people for meat food in recent years, so it was very popular. The profits of the Uganda Group spread rumors in the market, saying that the ham sausages of Shuangwu Group are made of sick pigs and dead pork, otherwise how could it be possible to achieve high quality and low price.

Lin Yue was even more ruthless, and he didn't know what method he used. Within a week, he set up a meat joint factory in Luohe City to make ham sausage with dead human meat in order to improve the taste of the product. The factory was left in a state of disgrace and collapsed. So far, Lin Yue has not stopped. He has collected a lot of evidence that the factory manager surnamed Wan is nepotism, squandering the company's funds and enriching his own pockets, and he is directly sent to prison. It is said that even his son who is going to college is arrested Drunk driving caused a third-degree disability, including the brother and sister of the factory manager surnamed Wan, as well as his wife and family members who were either implicated or suffered accidents.

After that, no one dared to pour dirty water on the meat products of Shuangwu Group.

Jin Li said: "Then go back and deal with it quickly. We are the ones here to deal with it. If you encounter problems that cannot be solved, we will call you."

Lin Yue nodded, threw the eldest brother to He Zizi, and prepared to go back to the market to see the situation.

After walking two steps forward, he suddenly remembered something and stopped in his tracks: "By the way, starting from the next season, we will adopt a year-end rebate strategy for regional agents of ham sausage and beer."

"Rebate offer?"

Jinli told him that he was confused.

Lin Yue explained: "It is to promote the ex-factory price to the outside world. In fact, regional agents can get different proportions of rebates according to the amount of goods they take each year. This can stimulate their desire to purchase and promote, and further form stable and long-lasting cooperation. relation."

The three of Jinli understood that this is a brand-new marketing model, which is equivalent to setting a soft target for grading above the benchmark level. In order to get high rebates, regional agents must work hard to promote products, and it can also increase the number of private sales. The cost of such behaviors has greatly increased the influence of upstream manufacturers on downstream agents.

Li Jinze said with a dark face: "He lame, what you said is right, he can play around in the market without studying business at all."

"So, are you convinced?"

"For him, I have long been convinced, for you..."

Li Jinze curled his lips, and hated He Zizi's tone of "don't doubt him, Mr. Mogu said, he is my nobleman, and what the nobleman does must be reasonable and right".

"Okay, I'll take a step first. Anyway, I've told you the general content. You can hold a meeting to study and decide on the details."

Lin Yue understands the principles of employing people without suspicion, doubting people without suspicion, clear rewards and punishments, and proper delegation of authority. He controls the general policy and leaves the rest to the people below. This is the management method he has always practiced.

The three of them waved to him and didn't go to see him off, fearing that people outside would see the clue and make everyone feel uncomfortable.

Just imagine that the group boss and branch executives circled around him, a young man in his twenties. Fotang Town Group is the major shareholder of Shuangwu Group, and the actual controller is the assistant to the general manager. Not only would there be riots in the group, but the market The other side will also respond to this situation, and any turmoil is not what a steadily developing company pursues.


Twenty minutes later, Lin Yue came to Huancheng Road Small Commodity City, parked his car in the parking lot, opened the door and walked out, and saw Lao Chen, who was doing odd jobs in the Small Commodity City, coming out pushing his small car, with piles of piles on it. With several boxes, it doesn't look light, and the tires are flattened.

Their eyes met, and Lao Chen was taken aback.

"Lin Yue, hurry up and take a look. Your mother's booth was searched by people from industry and commerce, and a lot of fake products were found. Tingting and Qiaogu are negotiating with those people."

"I see, thank you."

Lao Chen didn't say anything, just pushed the cart and left.

Lin Yue walked into the Commodity City unhurriedly, and saw Chen Tingting blocking two staff members to prevent them from leaving. The newly hired little girl was standing behind her, looking helpless, not knowing what to do. picture.

"Captain Tang, we really didn't buy these goods. Please believe me. Although our boss is not rich, he is well-known in the entire market. There is no need to sell fake goods."

"Is it worth selling fakes? What do you say about these things? Could it be that we put them in your counter?"

"There must be a misunderstanding here."

Chen Tingting just came back from her grandmother's house, her eyes are still a little swollen, her voice is hoarse than before, and she looks tired.

Taking care of the elderly's funeral has always been a sad and hard work. If her granddaughter is like this, her mother's situation must be even worse.

Lin Yue also called her the day before yesterday, asking her to rest for a few more days and stay with her mother at home. Unexpectedly, this girl promised well and returned to work today.

There were already many spectators gathered outside, pointing at the booth and talking about it.

"I didn't expect that Chen Yulian's store would also sell fake products."

"I think Chen Tingting is right. She really doesn't need to do this. The printing and dyeing factory has been so profitable in recent years, and the dividends alone are enough for her to live comfortably."

"How do you know that the printing and dyeing factory is profitable?"

"My family lives not far from the printing and dyeing factory. You haven't seen it. The trucks transporting gray cloth and yarn have come in and out in the past few years. That guy is jealous. Can he buy goods like this without making money? , In the past few years, the factory area has been expanded two or three times.”

"Hey, money is a good thing. Who would think too much money?"

"I don't understand. Now that the city's inspections are so strict, merchants in the whole market are afraid to sell fake products blatantly. Isn't Chen Yulian making trouble at this juncture, isn't she hitting the gunpoint?"

"If everyone doesn't do it, and she does it alone, wouldn't the profit be higher?"

"Profit? Is this the time to go after profit?"

"Then who do you think she is? Her son has a good relationship with Qiu Yingjie, and she is also the assistant of President Jin of the Shuangwu Group. This is called confidence."

"Still confident? Chen Jianghe and Qiu Yingjie have a good relationship, so the goods worth tens of thousands of dollars haven't come back yet?"

"I am more concerned about the outcome of this matter. Chen Yulian's booth continued to sell fakes after the management department issued a notice. According to the usual practice, he will be fined heavily. I will see how Qiu Yingjie defends his little brother."


People who knew his relationship with Qiu Yingjie talked about it a lot, and they regarded it as a good show.

Lin Yue broke away from the crowd and walked in: "What's going on?"

As soon as he came, the busybodies who were whispering behind him shut up one after another.

Finally, the Lord came.

"Lin Yue, you're here, just today... I've only been here for a while, and they said that someone bought fake products in our store and sued them to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. No, they came to check the store .”

Seeing him coming, Chen Tingting couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and wiped the sweat off her face with her hands.

Although I have been helping Chen Yulian look at the booth for more than two years, she has never encountered such a thing. She is a girl who has just passed 20, and she has no weak legs, so she can speak fluently.

Lin Yue took out the hair dryer and telephone in his pocket, and found no problems from the appearance.

"Have you checked? Are they all fake?"

The businessman asked, "Are you the stall owner?"

"No, I am Lin Yue, the son of Chen Yulian."

Seeming to know his identity, Captain Tang's expression softened a lot: "It doesn't look like a big problem from the outside, but the parts inside are all defective products of substandard quality."

After speaking, he pulled out a disassembled telephone from the inside and showed him.

Indeed, it was exactly the same as Captain Tang said, not to mention transformers, speakers and other components, the circuit boards are not from big manufacturers at first glance.

He is also a person who has opened an electronics factory, so he can tell at a glance whether this stuff is real or not.

"That's right, it's a fake."

His affirmation aroused a lot of discussion among the crowd.

"You also said that this is a fake, then we can only punish it according to the regulations."

With so many people watching, Captain Tang didn't dare to defend Lin Yue. Just when he was about to issue a ticket, Qiu Yingjie came, and those noisy voices disappeared again. Everyone wanted to know how he would handle this matter.

"what happened?"

Captain Tang walked over and explained the situation.

Qiu Yingjie took a look at Lin Yue: "Take this batch of goods away for inspection, don't pay any fines first, there is something strange about it, let me investigate it clearly."


Hearing what he said, Captain Tang meant that he was in charge of this matter, so he was naturally happy to hand over this hot potato.

"Take your things back first."

Captain Tang left with his men.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that this is the end? Qiu Yingjie solved Chen Yulian's fine and suspension of business in one sentence? This is completely the opposite of the cruel words he said two days ago.

Any fool could see that Qiu Yingjie was defending Lin Yue.

Some merchants whose goods had been confiscated cast resentful glances at him, and were deeply displeased with this kind of differential treatment. Two days ago, they found out that Chen Jianghe’s goods had also been inspected, and everyone said that he was ruthless. Now it seems... ruthless Shit, it's just that the relationship is not in place. It seems that the gossip circulating in the market that Qiu Yingjie put his daughter in the care of Lin Yue and Chen Yulian as soon as he was on a business trip is not groundless. .

On the other side, Lin Yue and Qiu Yingjie came to the booth.

"Is this right for you?"

Qiu Yingjie knew the meaning of the above question, for this matter, he really shouldn't come forward, and if he wanted to, he shouldn't come forward now. Being watched by so many people, as the director of the Reform Office, it is inevitable that he will be honest. Do the same thing, deal with it in accordance with the law, be impartial and selfless, and really touch your own core interests, wouldn't you be able to open the net and release water for those around you?

"I believe you will not do such a thing, there must be a misunderstanding."

Lin Yue didn't know how to persuade him. Qiu Yingjie was not suitable for being an official. In the TV series, he died in his 30s. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was exhausted. His good?

Seeing that he didn't speak, Qiu Yingjie thought he had some concerns, and glanced at the audience outside who hadn't dispersed: "I'm not afraid, are you?"

Lin Yue still didn't speak, just shook his head slightly.

"I will give them a satisfactory answer when the investigation is clear."

He persuaded Jinli to pay in advance for the construction of the Commodity City. If the market breaks down and the money cannot be paid back to Shuangwu Group, then Lin Yue will have to bear the responsibility. Chen Yulian has shares in the printing and dyeing factory. You can get 10,000 to 20,000 yuan in dividends, but renting three such stalls is only 8,000 yuan a year. As the assistant to the general manager of Shuangwu Group, Lin Yue’s salary will not be low. He set up several small counterfeit workshops, and everyone in the world believed that his stall sold fake goods, even Qiu Yingjie didn't believe it.

"Where did this shipment come from?"

Qiaogu said, "It's from the factory."

"Who pulled that?"

"Tingting is not here, Xiaoya just came, and I went to fetch the goods."

"Is there any abnormality when pulling the goods?"


Qiu Yingjie asked a few questions, but did not get any valuable information, and saw that the people outside had dispersed, so he told Lin Yue not to worry, he would go back and look at the fake products first, maybe he could find some clues.

Is Lin Yue in a hurry?

not at all.

After sending Qiu Yingjie away, he looked at Luo Yuzhu who was sitting at the counter eating melon seeds diagonally across from Yuzhu Trading Company, and knew that this matter had nothing to do with her, at least...the person who reported to the industry and commerce department was probably her hired.

"Qiaogu, have you visited Chen Jintu recently?"

This sentence stunned Qiaogu, she didn't expect his thinking to jump so much, Chen Tingting and Xiaoya kept talking about fakes, but he brought the topic to Chen Jintu.

"Ah, oh...didn't go."

"You should visit him more often. After all, he's your father-in-law."

"I... I see."

Lin Yue has lived for so long, and his eyes are so poisonous. An honest person like Qiao Gu can't hide the slightest change of expression from his eyes.

Before Qiu Yingjie came, he noticed that she behaved differently from Chen Tingting and Xiaoya. Rather than being panicked, it was better to say that she was absent-minded, making it unclear what she was thinking. When answering Qiu Yingjie's question later, His eyes were also evasive, and he looked very embarrassed, but now that he asked the question casually, the tension in his eyes almost overflowed.

With Qiaogu's character, it's impossible to sell fakes, but she must know...or think of something.

As for who regarded him as an enemy in Yiwu, if Luo Yuzhu was ranked first and Wang Xu was ranked second, then Chen Jintu and Chen Jinshui must be third and fourth.

Combined with Qiaogu's reaction, it seems that Chen Jintu also got involved.

"If anyone talks to you about this in the past two days, tell them that Qiu Yingjie said that he will help us solve the problem of fake products. It is impossible to rectify with fines. Even if other merchants rectify it, this kind of thing will not Maybe it's our turn."

Qiaogu, Xiaoya, and Chen Tingting looked at him puzzled.

This... With the current situation, doesn't doing what he said mean giving Qiu Yingji hatred?

"I see, you want to urge Qiu Yingjie to find out the truth as soon as possible, and don't waste your time." Xiaoya said smartly.

Lin Yue scratched her nose: "You are such a clever little ghost, anyway, just remember to say that."

Xiaoya was very happy, thinking that she was praised.

Chen Tingting pouted, looked at him, then at her distant cousin who just turned 18, her face full of displeasure.

Qiao Gu kept her head down and said nothing, as if she didn't hear their conversation.


Two days later, Lin Yue came to He Zizi's auto parts store.

This guy married a daughter-in-law three years ago, not to mention beautiful, just an average person, he doesn't know what kind of personality she is, but she is very capable.

"Lin Yue, you drink tea, and this...the strawberries I bought at the market this morning are fresh."

One of He Zizi's best skills is to read words and expressions, knowing that he must come to the store to discuss something important, so he pointed to the back: "You sort out the batch of goods that arrived yesterday, and I will talk to Lin Yue for a while. "

"Hey, good." The lame daughter-in-law left as promised.

He walked over and closed the door, and sat down on the three-person sofa near Lin Yue: "Look at your serious face, what happened?"

"Have you heard that the freight station manager surnamed Shang and several people sued Qiu Yingjie?"

"I heard from the person who came here to buy accessories yesterday to mention it."

As for the grievances between these two people, he is quite clear, because several of his brothers work at the train station, and they drank together and talked about it during the Chinese New Year. Kayao, he did a lot of bad things. One time, Chen Jianghe was hit by a gun. By chance, Qiu Yingjie went to find Chen Jianghe. After learning about this incident, he dealt with the webmaster named Shang.

The anti-counterfeiting incident in Small Commodity City is very serious now. Many merchants hate Qiu Yingjie so much that their teeth itch, and some people who are jealous of the talented and capable are also full of bad water. It depends on the jokes of this powerful man. It can be said that the timing is very good.

"You want me to find some reliable people to give the webmaster a little color? Oh, he is no longer the webmaster."

He Zizi knew about the relationship between Lin Yue and Qiu Yingjie, so he took it for granted that he mentioned this matter to help Qiu Yingjie through the difficulties.

" have a look."

Lin Yue took out a letter and pushed it over: "Find more people and make things better."

He Lizi took it over, and after reading it the first time, he was a little unbelievable, so he watched it again, and found that he hadn't read it wrong.

"Are you kidding me? You want me to sue Qiu Yingjie?"

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