Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2090 You are not qualified to fight with me (two in one)


Hu Yanjie pressed the joint letter back on the table, looked at Luo Yuzhu, and then at the people whose names were on the joint letter, with an angry expression on his face.

"Really, you guys, how did Lin Yue treat you back then? Without his help, would you have survived the crisis of trust caused by the proliferation of fake products nine years ago? Not to mention all of you, at least a quarter of you here will go bankrupt Liquidation, debts, and now everyone’s pockets are bulging, and they have money in their pockets, so they forget his kindness? What is this called?! This is called ingratitude!"

Some merchants were full of embarrassment and dared not speak out, because what Hu Yanjie said was right. If it weren't for Chen Yulian's son, many merchants would have died, let alone earn money to drive luxury cars and live in luxury houses.

Luo Yuzhu's expression didn't change, she kept smiling and watching Hu Yanjie go crazy.

"President, what are you doing so arrogantly? The decision to give loans to the merchants was made by President Jin of Shuangwu Group. Lin Yue is an executor. It's not his turn to thank everyone, right?"

Her remarks eased the embarrassment on the merchants' faces, so some people became more confident.

Yes, the money came from the Shuangwu Group, and Jinli made the decision. Lin Yue is a little assistant who pretends to be a tiger. Everyone should be grateful for the kindness of the Shuangwu Group, and the kindness of Jinli. I have also been the president of the Chamber of Commerce for so many years, and I have been rewarded.

"Luo Yuzhu, I want to ask you about the fact that you took the lead in writing the joint letter...does Chen Jianghe know?"

With the prestige of Chen Yulian's mother and son in Commodity City, ordinary merchants would not have the guts to provoke them. Only Yuzhu Group, as a key enterprise in the city, is qualified to make a fuss about this matter. There is a word called bullying. There is a word called following the trend. There is no doubt that the current Yuzhu Group is the trend that all merchants need to bow their heads to.

"At the beginning you treated Chen Yulian so well, and Lin Yue didn't kick the name 'Chen Jianghe' from the list of lenders. Now you have made great achievements. One has become the chairman of Yuzhu Group, and the other has become the general manager of Yuzhu Group. Now Take this thing out to disgust him, Luo Yuzhu, has your conscience been eaten by a dog?"

These words are very serious, and some people are sweating for Hu Yanjie.

Yes, Hu Yanjie has been doing well in recent years, and his business has been doing quite well, especially in the stationery wholesale business. He has actually made a lot of money, but compared with Yuzhu Group, it pales in comparison.

In front of so many people at the venue, he scolded the conscience of the general manager of Yuzhu Group for being eaten by a dog. This is the rhythm of offending Luo Yuzhu and Chen Jianghe to death.

"President Hu, I really want to know how much Lin Yue gave you to help him so willingly." Luo Yuzhu was not angry, and squinted at the host, but the mockery in her tone showed that her mood was not what it seemed. So peaceful.

"He gave me money? Why did he give me money? These years, as long as the merchants in the Small Commodity City do things in a down-to-earth manner and operate earnestly, how many of them lose money? Think about how old I am, Hu Yanjie, I am an old man in the Small Commodity City. Let me ask everyone, have you ever done anything wrong with your heart?"

Indeed, when Lin Yue called on everyone to sign the initiative to burn fake goods, Hu Yanjie was the first to stand up to do so. His awareness and character were not mentioned, and Luo Yuzhu... was a woman who almost went to prison, so I can only say that she With a good husband, it was a good time to get pregnant again.

She actually found out about her scandal nine years ago.

Luo Yuzhu's face was gloomy.

Qiu Yan didn't say a word behind her back. When she was twelve or thirteen years old, she heard Qiu Yingjie and Zhang Xue talking there by chance, saying that Luo Yuzhu and Chen Jintu framed Chen Yulian because of her prejudice against Lin Yue. I was pregnant at the time, otherwise I would have to be locked up for at least a year and a half. I was young and didn't think much about it, but I felt that the godmother was cheated by Chen Jintu. Looking at it now, the matter is not so simple. The conflict between her and Lin Yue should be regarded as Misunderstood, I am afraid it is impossible.

This is also one of the reasons why her father wants to return to China, and wants the two to let go of their prejudices.

Fortunately, Qiu Yingjie didn't come back. If he came back and saw what Luo Yuzhu did, he might be sulking again.

"Is it interesting to bring up the old rotten millet again?" Luo Yuzhu didn't expect Hu Yanjie's reaction to be so strong, and thought he would be happy, because Chen Yulian retired, he would be able to remove the adverb in the title. Unexpectedly An old businessman talked about benevolence and righteousness instead: "Do you think I forced them to sign the joint letter? In the past few years, have Chen Yulian and Lin Yue attended a regular meeting of the chamber of commerce? Their thoughts are not here anymore , why do you still want to occupy the chairman's seat?"

"That's right, that's right."

"That's the heart of the matter."

"To be honest, I haven't met that president since I opened a store in Commodity City."

"I heard that Chen Yulian has completely handed over the operation of the store to Chen Tingting's cousins, and all the money they make is theirs."


Luo Yuzhu's words aroused the resentment of the signatory merchants.

Since Lin Yue's grandmother passed away three years ago, Chen Yulian didn't come to Commodity City very often, leaving everything to Chen Tingting and the little girl. The year before the old lady passed away. Xiaoya and Chen Ping got married, and the management of the stall can be said to be handed over smoothly. She is basically in a semi-retired state. In addition to playing mahjong and square dancing with women of the same age in the village, she has nothing to do every day.

The same is true for Lin Yue. Over the past few years, Shuangwu Group has established cooperative relations with many foreign companies. He travels here and there on behalf of Jinli, and has no time to ask about the chamber of commerce. If you want to ask who has the most booths in the current Small Commodity City, it is of course Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu who have the most booths. Some have set up showrooms for Yuzhu jewelry and hardware, and the rest are rented out.

The influence ebbs and flows, and now that Luo Yuzhu has produced a joint letter, it is understandable that many merchants choose to sign it.

Hu Yanjie was severely beaten.

Yes, Lin Yue treated them well. However, the existence of the chamber of commerce is based on common interests. Given the current situation, everyone has obviously run out of patience.

slap~ slap~ slap~

At this moment, applause came from outside the door.

The people sitting in the auditorium near the door turned their heads and saw that the man who was smiling and applauding suddenly changed his face.

A few of them noticed that the visitor was unfamiliar, and asked the person next to him who he was. Only the former veterans would mutter in their hearts, and asked unconsciously, "Why is he here?"

Luo Yuzhu and the merchants inside also noticed the situation outside.

As Lin Yue led Li Ming into the room, Hu Yanjie shivered excitedly.

"Lin... Lin Yue?"

To be honest, he hadn't seen Lin Yue for more than a year.

Lin Yue?

He is Lin Yue? Chen Yulian's son, the actual president of the Small Commodity City Merchant Association?

In the past few years, new merchants have been talking about it.

Luo Yuzhu was also taken aback, never expecting him to come so timely, and another question arises, this guy has not dealt with the affairs of the chamber of commerce for several years, so what happened today...was someone tipping the news behind his back?

Chen Daguang?

Impossible, Chen Daguang's hatred for Lin Yue is deeper than her, how could he betray her in such a matter.

If it's not Chen Daguang, then who is it? The merchant who signed the joint letter?

This idea flashed in her mind. Luo Yuzhu thought that everything had been done. It was just right for him to come to the venue. Anyway, it was everyone's opinion to let him abdicate. She was just leading the way. Faced with this situation, look at him What to say.

She focused on Lin Yue and didn't notice the expression of the girl behind her.

Although Qiu Yan tried his best to control his emotions, if he observed carefully, he could still tell the excitement in her eyes.

After returning to Yiwu for almost a week, she finally met the person she most wanted to see.

However, Lin Yue just glanced at her, paused for a while, then walked to the conference table and threw the things in his hand on it.


It was very loud, and it scared several merchants who felt that they had done something wrong.

The people behind looked carefully, and found that what he threw on the table was a bunch of pennants, and they could vaguely see the good words on it.

The righteous deed warms the heart and benefits the village.

Sending charcoal in the snow is deeply affectionate and righteous.

There is true love in the world, and there is in Yiwu... I can't read the following words clearly.

"Tong Hua, take back what you sent, and Cai Xiya, Wang Xianfeng, Liu Dezhi, Zhang Pengyu..."

Every time he said a name, some people lowered their heads, so embarrassed that they didn't know what to say.

These people got loans from the Integrity Fund, and after getting out of the predicament, they planned to send a banner to President Jin of the Shuangwu Group. It turned out that Lin Yue was the one who actually managed this matter, and he provided the list. If you want to send a banner, you can send it to him. Mr. Jin didn't want someone to persuade him to leave by saying that he took the opportunity to name the picture. After they went back, Lin Yue helped them, and Chen Yulian became the president of the chamber of commerce. The pennant was delivered to Chen Yulian's home, and Lin Yue took it. He even took some photos and hung them in the exhibition room behind the conference room to commemorate the development of Commodity City.

Whether it is right or wrong to ask Chen Yulian to give up the position of president is not to be mentioned for the time being. I have received favors from others in the past, but now I signed my name on the joint letter. This behavior is very fucking. Because they could have achieved their goal in a more tactful way, such as sending one or two representatives to Chen Yulian with generous gifts and talking to her, or discussing with Lin Yue after he returned to Yiwu.

And what he's doing now... is clearly to please Luo Yuzhu.

When he was relying on others to save his life, he was so affectionate and merciful. He didn't need others, so he turned his face and surrendered to his deadly enemy?

Is this something that humans can do?

"What's the matter? You don't talk? You don't talk, let me tell you." Luo Yuzhu saw the wink from Qiu Yan, but she didn't care. Although she was surprised that Lin Yue could come back in time, it's already too late for things to come to this point. I have no choice but to say: "According to the information I have, Shuangwu Group agreed to give loans to merchants back then because it helped the city invest in the construction of Small Commodity City. If the reputation is lost, the market collapses, and the rental income is lost, what will happen to the city? Pay back the money?"

There was another discussion below, and the old merchants suddenly realized that they nodded one after another. Although their expressions were different, their thoughts were very unified—that’s how it was.

Lin Yue looked at this group of people and wanted to laugh. Some people do business. In the end, it is business. Life is business, family is business, friendship is business, interest is business, ideals are business... I don’t know these When a person is lying on a hospital bed waiting to die, looking back on his life, will he find that he has been a slave to money all his life?

There is a limit to everything, too much is too late.

Li Ming couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and said, "Since you know that Shuangwu Group paid for the construction of the Small Commodity City, you should know why the city gave Aunt Chen the three best stalls? It's very simple, because it's Brother Yue." The one who persuaded Boss Jin to contribute, the city gave Aunt Chen three booths in order to thank him for his timely help. Heh, you only say that it is beneficial to you, you are really shameless."

Luo Yuzhu said: "No wonder he doesn't want the Small Commodity City to decline. It turned out that he was afraid that the stalls acquired by empty-handed wolves would depreciate in value."


Li Ming is really annoyed. In the past two years, he followed Lin Yue and met many executives of large groups, some even from monopoly enterprises in a certain field in various countries, and some family members who have been in business for generations. Which one doesn't throw this bitch a few streets away? No matter how calculating or cunning she is, she is not as narrow-minded as she is, and it is not embarrassing to tell nonsense with a cheeky face.

The most fortunate thing for him to live up to now is to follow this man who claims to be Jinli's assistant through his cousin Li Jinze. A woman who has never read it, all she sees is the things in front of her eyes.

But it is also understandable, women, not many are broad-minded, and some of them are small conflicts of sesame and mung beans that can be remembered for a lifetime.

"Back then, your Small Commodity City was in a crisis of trust. Even if you had a slight interest in Brother Yue, what's the matter with Mr. Guan Jin? Shuangwu Group doesn't need you people to underwrite products, beer, ham sausage, furniture, and textiles from dyeing factories. Which one of the sales channels is the Small Commodity City? Even the shoes and hats that Aunt Chen sells are part of the export orders. To put it bluntly, the domestic market is dispensable for shoes and hats. Today , Auto parts, construction machinery, the province's leading logistics network, special equipment, and financial business, which one needs you? It's not Brother Yue, he told the board of directors that the growth environment can affect a person The character, thought, vision, pattern, and the company are the same. For our children to be influenced by their ears and eyes since childhood, they have business acumen and foresight that children in other regions do not have. For our business to be able to reach the world, there are constantly companies that keep up with the times. It appears that in order for the people living here to live a prosperous and comfortable life, the merchants in the Small Commodity City will help Yiwu's commercial system, and it is also for everyone living here, and this is a leading company The social responsibility that businesses and people who can be called entrepreneurs need to take on.”

He suppressed his emotions, and continued: "If Brother Yue hadn't persuaded the people on the board of directors, who would care about your life and death."

The faces of Tong Hua, Cai Xiya, Wang Xianfeng and others are beyond embarrassment. If they weren't under the watchful eyes of everyone, they would have slipped away with oil on their feet.

Luo Yuzhu said in a deep voice: "Whoever becomes the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce is a matter for Commodity City, and you have no say."

Lin Yue smiled and said, "He doesn't have the right to speak, so I'll find you someone who is qualified to speak."

He clapped his hands, and a man walked in from the outside.

It's a woman.

The people in the venue felt very strange, except Luo Yuzhu.

"Yang Xue? Why are you here?"

"Why can't I come here?" Yang Xue said as she walked in: "I'm here to attend the regular meeting."

"Who is this person?"

"Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Yang Xue...that Yang Xue of the Yang Group? Isn't that a company in Shanghai?"


People were very surprised by such a development, and they couldn't figure out what the small commodity city had to do with Yang Xue.

At this moment, Santouqing, who was sitting opposite Wang Xianfeng, stood up, called "Mr. Yang" respectfully, and gave his seat to Yang Xue.

Santouqing called her Mr. Yang?

That is to say, Santouqing is working for her?

Now everyone understands why Yang Xue came to the regular meeting.

The reason why Santouqing is called Santouqing is because he has a blue wolf tattoo on his two shoulders and on his back. Don't engage in crooked ways, taking advantage of the spring breeze of reform and opening up and joining the WTO, he has developed to a certain extent, and the number of stalls of Santouqing has increased from one to four. He can be regarded as the number one figure in the Commodity City. The name is called Dongbei Tong, mainly because this kid went to the Northeast with his relatives to discuss life when he was 13 or 14 years old. He stayed there for five or six years. What about Nagada in the Northeast? When it comes to things in the Northeast, it is very clear.

Unexpectedly, he is actually a member of the Yang Group.

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