Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2103 He is scum, but he is warm (two in one)

Similar to the plot in the TV series, Yang Xue and Luo Yuzhu started an offensive and defensive battle.

Yang's Group opened a larger store opposite the Yuzhu Group's showroom, and Luo Yuzhu asked the design department to create several products that collided with the jewelry that Yang's Group mainly promoted.

Yang Xue attacked Luo Yuzhu for plagiarism. In order to prove her point, she spread the news that the big dog, who was released from prison a few years ago but returned to her old business, went to work in the Yuzhu Group Hardware Factory, which aroused a strong reaction in Commodity City. response.

Back then, Big Dog and Chen Jintu designed and framed Chen Yulian. Strictly speaking, Luo Yuzhu was also one of the victims, and Big Dog was sent to prison by Chen Jianghe. Turning around, they recruited Big Dog into a hardware factory. Can that be a good thing?

The fact that Luo Yuzhu asked Chen Daguang to coerce and lure merchants in the Small Commodity City to sign a joint letter can still be judged by Chen Daguang slandering himself. After all, the two communicated in private, and others do not know the truth. There are photos of Dagou entering the hardware factory. At the same time, merchants in Small Commodity City launched a petition campaign to replace Luo Yuzhu with Chen Yulian, so the relevant departments and the society Public opinion is in chaos.

Like this kind of thing, ordinary people don't care about it, the list is basically determined by default, and now things are so big, the official has to announce that it is considering making some adjustments to the list of candidates, after all, Lin Yue's mother has helped Xiaoshang over the years The merchants in the city have won a lot of benefits, what about Luo Yuzhu? Her Yuzhu Group didn't distribute the profits to everyone.

Interestingly, unlike the rumor that Luo Yuzhu asked Chen Daguang to coerce merchants into collusion, she vehemently denied it and refused to withdraw from the election. Media people in Jinhua City went to interview Chen Yulian, and Chen Yulian replied that she would not run for Yiwu Ten Outstanding women, who are almost 60, now want to live a stable and leisurely life, this kind of honor is better reserved for younger generations who are younger than themselves and need more encouragement.

The news of Chen Yulian's refusal sparked another heated discussion. Let's take a look at Luo Yuzhu again. One regards fame and wealth as floating clouds, and the other is ugly. Anyway, the words are ugly. Mr. Luo is very angry and puts this account on Chen Yulian's head , thinking that there must be Lin Yue's shadow behind this incident, and the mother and son deliberately embarrassed her.

At about the same time, a post appeared on the Internet. The content said that Luo Yuzhu, as the general manager of Yuzhu Group, was very concerned about being named one of the top ten outstanding women in Yiwu, but when it came to supporting the elderly, it was Not at all human.

You must know that Luo Yuzhu only recently met Luo Dali through her youngest son Chen Lu. The other party claimed that he was here to make amends. She expressed doubts about this and drove him away.

With Chen Yulian as the comparison object, she suddenly became a clown. The pressure from all sides made her almost go crazy. She even ran to Luo Dali's house and had a close relationship with this guy who stole the barley money from the villagers of Chenjia Village more than ten years ago. The old guy who put her in prison had a fight.

After returning to the company, I noticed the eyes of the employees sneaking at her. I couldn’t suppress the fire in my heart. Finally, I opened the cover of the phone, dialed Wang Xu’s phone, and told him not to care about Chen Jianghe’s words and go to Hu Li. , according to the original plan.

This time she must make Chen Yulian's mother and son look good.


Near noon.

Jingju Temple back mountain.

The sun dispelled the fog in front of the mountain. Standing on the bluestone road and looking south, you can see patches of green space outside the village in front of the temple, and you can also see the monks cleaning the outer corridors of the pagodas in the temple. The sound of sweeping the floor came into my ears.

"Why did you come here? You didn't answer my phone either."

A familiar voice came from behind, Qiu Yan looked back and found that it was the man who had been running away crazily for the past few days, and his mood suddenly became agitated.

"I... I... I didn't bring my phone."

"It's a poor excuse."

Lin Yue walked to her side, sat down on the bench in the gazebo, crossed his legs, and faced down the mountain.

"I remember that the last time I brought you here was ten years ago. You didn't pass the final exam, you got angry at home, and you didn't eat when you were angry. No one could coax you. I thought at the time that this little girl must be difficult to serve when she grows up. Whoever marries her will be really unlucky."

Hearing him mention the past, and the incident of interrogation passed by, the panic in Qiu Yan's heart subsided a little: "Why do you think so?"

"Others are unhappy, lose their temper, make a fuss, or even break something, and then they are relieved. As for you, just embarrass yourself and compete with yourself. To put it nicely, this is called gentleness, maturity, and good character. In fact, all the sorrow and pain are bored in my heart. After a long time, it is inevitable that I will be depressed and hurt myself. What is a partner? Isn’t it someone who can share, support and accompany each other for a lifetime? What's the point of being together?"

Qiu Yan lowered his head, looked at the lush night grass under the pavilion, and found that his heart was beating very fast. In his memory, Big Brother Lin often comforted her like now, but the previous topic never involved men and women.

Lin Yue continued: "You have always listened to what I said, only that time, I brought you here in the end and told you that this is the safe haven I used to escape the hustle and bustle of the world, but the funny thing is that the mountain wind that day Big."

Qiu Yan didn't speak, she didn't forget, it should be said that she would never forget the wind blowing mountains and mist, the red leaves were faint, and the scene of Zen singing westward, the restlessness and blood fever in her heart disappeared without a trace. The reason why Tiandu ran here was just...the mountain was still that mountain, the temple was still that temple, and the pavilion was still that pavilion. She still couldn't find the feeling at that time. She thought the problem was with herself, because when the next That's right, a dead end.

"Actually... I didn't get bad grades back then, it was because I eavesdropped on my father and mother's phone calls. My mother said she didn't want to go back to China and was going to stay there to work after finishing her studies. She also told my father very clearly that she was going to give up. custody of me."

Lin Yue nodded and said, "I know."

"you know?"

"Otherwise, why did you spend most of that winter vacation at Chen Jianghe's place?"

"My dad said that you are on a business trip and don't have time to look after me."

"That's right, I'm on a business trip to the United States to find your mother."

No wonder!

Qiu Yan suddenly understood that Lin Yue met her mother that winter. She didn't know how he talked to Zhang Xue. Anyway, Zhang Xue spoke highly of him and said that if it wasn't for him, this family would have died. Ruined, not to mention upgrading from a family of three to a family of four.

"Brother Lin, thank you."

She wanted to give him a sincere and grateful smile, but when she thought of the problems she was about to face, her nose was sore, and helplessness and sadness welled up in her heart, she quickly turned her face away, pretending to comb her hair that was blown by the wind Si, took the opportunity to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Heh... well, look, the fog has cleared, those red maples are so beautiful."

She wanted everything to look natural, but the twang gave her away.

Lin Yue pretended not to know, and followed her direction to look. The white mist in the valley on the side slowly opened up, and the red maple tree appeared in front of his eyes with a touch of smoke.

"It's late autumn..."

Qiu Yan's focus was not on his emotions, because the mountain wind brought a fresh fragrance, and for some reason, it was like a long-thirsty person drinking a handful of sweet spring, and his inner irritability and confusion were swept away. Things the wind can't do.

This is the taste.

This is the taste!

Ten years ago, when Lin Yue brought her here, hundreds of flowers were in full bloom, and it was a beautiful scene. She thought it was the smell of some kind of flowers, so she didn't get angry and searched the area for a long time. They have to be turned over.

Smelling it again today, she has grown up and confirmed one thing, that is, not only the mountain scenery and Zen singing, but also the fragrance has played a big role in relaxing her.

It is late autumn now, and there are flowers blooming on the mountain, but the number is not many, and it is not the same as the spring ones, so why?

At this moment, Lin Yue handed her a bottle of water.

"Drink some water."


Qiu Yan thanked Bi, and took the mineral water he handed over.

"Wait a moment."

Just when Lin Yue was about to twist the mineral water bottle in his arms, Qiu Yan stopped his movements, put his face close to his unretracted arm, and sniffed around his sleeve, looking like a bird from the side. Catch delicious kitties.

"This smell... so it's from you."

Qiu Yan stared at him blankly. Although the tears were wiped away, the redness around his eyes couldn't disappear for a while. Coupled with that puzzled face, he looked a little funny.

Lin Yue pretended to be surprised, raised his arm and smelled it: "Is it bad smell?"

"No, no, it smells good." She hastily waved her hand in denial: "Brother Lin, where did you buy this perfume?"

"It's 4711 in Cologne. Because I went to the airport to pick up an important female client in the morning, as a show of respect, I sprayed it on when I went out in the morning."

"No, Cologne 4711 doesn't taste like that." She said with certainty.

"It should be because of climbing up all the way, I sweated a lot, and the smell of the cologne changed."

Can sweat change the smell of cologne?

What kind of chemical reaction is this?

Qiu Yan didn't care whether it was ambiguous or not. He rolled back his sleeves, moved his face closer, and moved his nostrils up and down, sniffing very seriously.

Today, she must find the source of this fragrance.

"You... don't need it?"

Qiu Yan raised his head, looked at his face, pursed his lips, put his head into his arms very suddenly, buried his face in his collar and took a deep breath.

She often did this when she was a child. When Lin Yueyi was reading on the sofa, after she finished her homework, she would get into his arms with the Chinese textbook and recite ancient poems. But since she followed her parents abroad, she has never done this until today. kind of thing.

She was actually nervous, afraid of being pushed away by him.

But no.

"It really is."

She didn't dare to be too presumptuous. After taking two deep breaths, she turned her head away, and put on a serious face of seriously researching new discoveries. Unfortunately, she didn't know how bright red her ears were.

"How did this come about? Have you seen a doctor?"

Lin Yue said with a smile: "Naturally beautiful."

"Brother Lin, do you want to say that you are the male version of Xiangfei?"

"Hey, do you also watch "My Fair Princess" abroad?"

"Huan Zhu Ge Ge" was released in 1998, counting the time, Qiu Yan was studying in middle school in the United States at that time.

"I read novels, which were given to me by a classmate of Chinese descent."


Thinking about it, Qiong Yao's books were very popular in the 90s, and people of Qiu Yan's age were at the stage of life when they were in love and fantasizing about love. Those Chinese boys and girls who immigrated to the United States with their parents in the mid-to-late 1980s liked to read her books. Books are normal.

"Brother Lin, the last time you were in a hurry to leave and said to go to Shanghai, did something happen to the Yang Group?"

Talking about Qiong Yao's book, the contradictory design in it appeared in her mind. Most of the things between men and women are caused by misunderstanding or misunderstanding. Recalling the conversation with Leon, she hesitated for a long time, and she chose to face this problem directly.

"Something happened to the Yang Group. Luo Yuzhu told Yang Xue's mother about the conversation I had with her at your house last time."

The conversation between Luo Yuzhu and Lin Yue at her home?

Qiu Yan remembered.

"Destroy the Yang Group, bring down the Yuzhu Group, kill three birds with one stone?"


"Didn't you say that this is a counterattack? It can't be true."

"But based on my relationship with Yang Tianci, do you think Yang Xue's mother would believe it?"

"Indeed." Back then, Lin Yue gave Yang Tianci a great embarrassment. Because Yang Xueneng liked him and didn't care about this kind of behavior, her mother was different: " the matter resolved?"

"Almost solved"

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Yue thought for a while and whispered a few words.

Qiu Yan was completely dumbfounded when he heard that, and he murmured to himself after a while: "It's quite convincing. Back then, my dad always praised you in private. Smartest guy, it really okay to do this?"

"Then do you think it's okay for parents to intervene in their children's emotional problems?"

This sentence stopped her from asking, because she was worried that she would also face this problem.

"Don't talk about her." Lin Yue waved his hand: "You haven't told me yet, why you have been hiding from me and running to this place to be alone, don't use your fineness to perfuse me, you know, you can't lie to me."

"I have an acceptance letter from Stanford Business School."

"It's a good thing."

"But I can't make up my mind whether I should continue my studies."

Of course, she didn't hide from him on purpose because of this matter. To be honest, she couldn't do it. What was given to me is far more practical than what is in the book."

"You... don't think about it anymore?"

Qiu Yan showed her signature smile and shook her head lightly. What happened to Yang Xue gave her a revelation, or the courage to face her parents.

Restricted by Yang Tianci's last wish, Yang Xue escaped for ten years, what kind of life she lived in these ten years... She can understand and understand, as the so-called teacher who never forgets the past, she doesn't want to follow Yang Xue's old path , knowing that escaping cannot solve the problem, as for what is waiting for her, she can only take one step at a time.

"Well, since you have decided, I can only choose to support it." After saying this, he took out a small box wrapped in colored paper from his backpack behind him and handed it over.

"What's this?"

"I remember you used to pester me for gifts every time you came back from a business trip."

As a child, she just wanted gifts, and now that she's grown up, she doesn't want gifts, she wants... people.

"Thank you." Qiu Yan looked at him tenderly, his eyes were obviously different from before.

"Take it apart and have a look."


She nodded, tore off the colored paper outside, threw it into the trash can in the pavilion, and buckled the outer cover of the gift box to open it.

"Music box?"

She has liked this since she was a child, and Lin Yue would bring her a different one every time she went on a business trip. Over the years, all kinds of music boxes not only filled the display cabinets, but even took up more than half of the bookshelves.

In Zhang Xue's words, others would like to fill it with books to show their erudition, but she is lucky. She has read a lot of books over the years, but what is in the room? Music box! The key is that she can't bear to lose any of them, and I don't know why she has a soft spot for this. I still remember that when the family went to the United States, she took Qiu Yingjie and bought a large suitcase, saying that she would put her clothes and books, but it finally arrived. As soon as the United States opened, oh... a box full of music boxes.

That's right, it was all given to her by Lin Yue.

But today's music box is very different from the previous ones. Inside the glass cover is a snow scene. In the middle of the snow scene are two clay figurines, a man and a woman. When the switch is turned on, the two clay figurines form a spiral The trajectory is getting closer and closer.

In the past, the music boxes he gave were either with a dancing girl as the main character, or a crystal swan that could change colors, or a spinning wooden horse, or a cola tumbler...

"Do you know the biggest difference between this music box and the one I gave you before?"

She shook her head.

"I made the clay figurine inside, and I played "Dream Wedding". How about it? Do you like it?"

She was about to say she liked it when Lin Yue's cell phone rang.

"Hey, Li Ming, didn't you tell me not to call my number if there is nothing important?"

"Brother Yue, your phone is turned off, and I have no choice but to call this."

"Look at your panic, what happened?"

"Yes... yes... Brother Yue, your father is here, and now... now the meeting room of Yuzhu Group is accepting exclusive interviews with reporters."

"Okay, I see, remember to send me a copy of the press release when it comes out."

"Brother Yue, why... why are you not in a hurry, he was invited by Luo Yuzhu, and he will definitely not speak well of you."


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