Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2109 Your wife and children's career is all mine (two in one)

In the north of Chenjiacun, Chen Jinshui's home.

The autumn rain was misty, revealing a chill, and the stone benches and stone tables in the yard were all wet, looking dark, slippery, cold and hard.

The unswept leaves rustle, as if to say that autumn is over and winter is coming.

Chen Jinshui was walking back and forth in the living room, his breathing was a bit short of breath, he didn't suffer from bronchitis, which is common among old people, but he was angry.

"This little bastard, I...I..."

He wanted to say, "Let me see again, I will break his leg", but in the middle of speaking, he looked at the newly equipped crutch in his hand, and swallowed the rest.


Chen's mother sat on the grand teacher's chair, but sighed sadly. In just this short time, she might have sighed eleven or two times.

It's no wonder that Chen Jinshui got angry, the person surnamed Lin came back to their house, and shook off Qiao Gu's scandalous things, and said that I will soon lose my job, don't push me, and everyone's life will not be lived if you push me It's like a gangster who is not stingy, and the husband and wife are calculating for a long time, thinking that the matter has already happened, what else can they do? Chen Dong and Chen Qian are ten years old, so they can't be stuffed back into Qiaogu's belly, right? No matter what, the grandson and granddaughter also have half of the Chen family's blood, and the husband and wife helped to see the children. The grandparents and grandchildren have a deep relationship. Faced with this situation, they can only hide it from Chen Daguang and take a step forward. .

They have already made mental preparations, accepted the reality that their grandson and granddaughter are Lin Yue's seed, and hoped that after he lost his job, he would go away in despair, so that Chen Dong and Chen Qian could have a stable environment for growth. , as long as Chen Daguang has been kept in the dark, this family can remain intact, the result? Turning his face, Lin Yue managed to get the board of directors of Shuangwu Group, and according to the rumors outside, this guy was planning for today ten years ago. Looking back at the threat of death that day, it is obvious that he lied to them, because if Lin Yue After becoming the general manager of Shuangwu Group, the husband and wife must be very stubborn. Once the news of Qiaogu gets out, they will have no face to stay in Chenjiacun, and Lin Yue's position as general manager will not be secure. , then we can negotiate terms, and won't be manipulated to death, and won't be so aggrieved.

"Old man, you can't beat him." Chen's mother sighed for the thirteenth time: "What a crime."


Chen Jinshui tapped the ground with his crutches: "No, I can't swallow this breath, I'll talk to his mother."

The daughter was slept with for ten years, and gave birth to a pair of twins. In the end, the parents were threatened, manipulated, and dare not speak out. Is there such a weird thing in the world?

Chen's mother stopped her: "It's raining outside, so you should calm down."

Boom boom boom...

Just when the two were worrying about this matter, a person knocked on the door of the living room: "Who are you looking for? Me?"

Chen Jinshui turned his head and looked, hey, he said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, he didn't go to Chen Yulian's place to complain, he went to the door first.

"What are you doing here?"

"I figured out that you wanted to find me, and here I came."

Of course, Chen Jinshui would not believe his nonsense: "I am looking for your mother, Chen Yulian. Her son has done such a nasty thing, so she must give an explanation."

"Explanation? What explanation do you want? I advise you not to do it. My mother has been thinking about my marriage for many years. If she finds out that Qiaogu's child is mine, guess what she will do?" Come? Will others guess her relationship with the two children because of her different behavior? And I think you don't want the two children to get too close to my mother? You will be jealous, right?"



This couple, one angry and the other sighing, looked very interesting.

"Hey, did you change the crutches?" Lin Yue carefully looked at the crutches in Chen Jinshui's hands: "It's made of rosewood, and there's a... Got it? Then... you should understand the principle of contentment and happiness, at this age Now, what are you fussing about, do you think you live too long?"

This guy can choke people to death with a single word, Chen Jinshui raised his crutch several times in anger, but he didn't let it fall in the end. The crutch in his hand was bought by Chen Jianghe as a tribute to him, because it is more expensive, and the mahogany crutch that I bought for five or six years before was still good, so it was kept upstairs and was useless until Lin Yue came to a showdown and took the mahogany crutch. The crutch broke in two, and he had no use for it, so he went upstairs to take it out.

Don't feel sorry for the mahogany crutch being ruined, Lin Yue will die of rage if this rosewood crutch is broken again.

"Lin Yue, let me tell you, don't push me, push me...I..."

"What about me? Just slept with your daughter for ten years, and let her tell me about giving birth to monkeys for me? A lose-lose situation? Just kidding, I am the chairman and general manager of Shuangwu Group now. Most people have illegitimate children, so what?" I will definitely be pointed at the spine and called a jerk, but for a rich man like me, people's tolerance for this kind of thing will be much higher. At most, they will shake their heads and say that they are rich and willful. What about you? ? What kind of infamy will you face, have you ever thought about it?"


Trembling with anger, Chen Jinshui quickly went to the sofa and sat down, picked up the teacup, regardless of whether the tea in it was cold or not, and took two sips of it, only then did he feel that the hotness in his heart subsided a little, and his breath became much smoother.

In any case, he was right. In this matter, the husband and wife were pressed to death by him.

Chen's mother patted the handle of the grand teacher's chair and said, "What on earth do you want to do, you... Anyway, we are also the grandfather and grandmother of Chen Dong and Chen Qian..."

Lin Yue said, "I'm here today to talk to you about your children."

Chen Jinshui and his wife looked at each other, suppressed the resentment and anger in their hearts, and waited for him to speak clearly.

Lin Yue walked to the sofa opposite Chen Jinshui and sat down.

"The reason why I didn't let you withdraw your shares last time, you should have guessed it? If I were you, seeing the unavoidable civil strife in the Yuzhu Group, I would definitely hide away, out of sight and out of mind, just like you did in the past Chen Jianghe and Qiaogu didn't succeed, they just plunged into the chicken farm."

"You want me off the board?"

"That's right, transfer your equity to Chen Dong and Chen Qian, but because they are too young, Chen Daguang will temporarily hold it."


"Impossible? Chen Jinshui, I have already saved face for you. Otherwise, do you think it would be difficult for me to bring down the Xicheng Chemical Plant back then, and now it is difficult to smash Yuzhu Group? Besides, this company itself has problems. You transferred the shares For Chen Dong and Chen Qian, for the future of the two children, I will not only help you keep the Yuzhu Group that I founded, but also make it develop better. If you don't do it, then don't blame me for being cruel, eh... ...Don't say that I haven't fulfilled my father's responsibility, it's you who insisted on being my enemy and ruining the foundation of the Chen family."

Chen Jinshui frowned and looked at him a few times, and finally sighed.

"Just do as you say."

What else can we do now? Everyone in Chenjia Village knows what Luo Yuzhu and Wang Xu did, and Lin Yue will definitely not let the mother and son go. In the past, there was Chen Jianghe in the middle. Due to the friendship ten years ago, Shuangwu Group and Yuzhu The group has always kept the water in the water, now that Luo Yuzhu invited Lin Yutang, and made such a big commotion, can Lin Yue not take revenge? When he was an assistant to the general manager, he was a bit restrained in his work. Now that he has become the chairman and general manager of Shuangwu Group, everyone is his staff. It is definitely not difficult to bring down Yuzhu Group.

Since the future of Yuzhu Group is in decline, think about it rationally. If the shares are transferred to Chen Dong and Chen Qian, Lin Yue is their biological father after all, and he will definitely not do anything wrong. One day, if you know the truth, you won't complain too much, after all, your father has done his duty.

It's a pity, Chen Daguang...

And Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu...

But there is no way around this, the lesser of two evils really drives the guy opposite him into a hurry, maybe he will do even more bottomless things.

Lin Yue slapped his knees and stood up.

"I'm waiting for your news, let's go."

He walked outside, Chen Jinshui sat motionless on the sofa, and Chen's mother unexpectedly sent him to the yard.

"What are you doing? You sent him to the door, is he really a guest?"

"Old man, things are like this. Is there any use for you to be angry? At least he is the biological father of Chen Dong and Chen Qian. It's not good for anyone if you continue to be stiff."

Chen Jinshui knew what she meant by this.

I have given in and compromised, and I still have to fight over such meaningless things as whether to give it away or not. Is it interesting?


If they had known about this ten years ago, they would have forced Chen Yulian to accept Qiaogu as her daughter-in-law, but now...

How much effort did Chen Yulian make for Chen Tingting? is that useful?

In order not to push their daughter into a corner and prevent things from getting out of control, all they can do is cooperate with Lin Yue to conceal the truth and continue their previous life.

Looking back on the past, Chen Jinshui regretted it very much. When Lin Yue went hunting outside the village, Chen Yulian was worried about his son's safety and came to seek him. As the mayor of the town, he mobilized the villagers to look for him. Mother and son, if they had made different choices at that time, maybe they would not have faced these bad things.


Two days later, Yuzhu Group board meeting.

Chen Jinshui stood up leaning on a rosewood cane: "I've already said what needs to be said, you guys go to the meeting, I'm leaving first."


With a tired face, Chen Jianghe still wanted to persuade him to think again.

Chen Jinshui waved his hands, said nothing, and walked outside with his hands behind his back.

"I'll see dad off." Chen Daguang didn't even attend the board meeting, and chased him out with a smile on his face.

Luo Yuzhu and Wang Xu's expressions were ugly, because starting tomorrow, Chen Daguang will be the largest shareholder of the company besides Chen Jianghe.

"Dad, Dad, thank you Dad."

Chen Daguang flatteringly said good things, while holding Chen Jinshui's arm, he helped the father-in-law down the stairs.

"Da Guang, you must work hard in the future, and don't let Qiao Gu down."

"Don't worry, Dad, I will do well."

Chen Daguang was both excited and grateful. Just yesterday, Chen Jinshui went to the notary office to apply for a notarization on the grounds that he was getting older, his body was getting worse day by day, and he didn't want to worry about the company anymore. The shares are all left to the grandson and granddaughter.

Chen Jianghe had just returned from Spain, and he dragged his adopted son to the board of directors, and publicly announced his resignation as vice chairman. Considering that the two children were still young, he decided to entrust these shares to Chen Daguang.

what does that mean?

Isn't giving two children the same as giving a daughter and a son-in-law? As the proxy holder of the shares, at the level of the board of directors, he has the right to speak, and he will no longer have to talk to Luo Yuzhu in a low voice like a grandson in the future.

"Okay, don't send it away, go back to the meeting."

Chen Jinshui looked at Chen Daguang with pity, and walked away aggressively on crutches.

Poor guy, he thought that what belonged to the child was his, and he would be able to feel proud and be on an equal footing with Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu in the future. Didn't he know that his wife and career were making wedding dresses for others.


Chen Jinshui looked up at the sky, there were a few clouds floating in the south, very white and light, like cotton wool.

"I'm old……"

The crutches rattled and kept walking, and soon disappeared.


The board meeting is over.

Luo Yuzhu and Wang Xu came to Chen Jianghe's office.

"What's wrong with Uncle? Are you confused? Hand over the shares to Chen Daguang? Doesn't he know who Chen Daguang is? Does he think Yuzhu Group is not chaotic enough?"

She asked several questions in a row, very forcefully.

Chen Jianghe stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, silently looking into the distance.

Luo Yuzhu tossed her short hair and said expressionlessly, "I'm talking to you, did you hear me?"

She didn't believe that Chen Jianghe didn't know about Chen Jinshui asking Chen Daguang to hold the shares on his behalf. Would he inform him in advance about such an important decision?

"The shares belong to my uncle, and it's his freedom to hold them on his behalf." Chen Jianghe looked away, looked at his feet and said in a low voice.

Luo Yuzhu said: "He is free, where is the Yuzhu Group?"

Wang Xu also said behind: "Dad, go and persuade Grandpa, Chen Daguang is not a good guy..."

Chen Jianghe didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence. He turned his face and rolled his eyes: "Chen Daguang is not a good guy, but you are? I've been in Spain these days, what have you done! I give you Chen Jianghe's face It's gone."

Well, these words were obviously reprimanding Wang Xu, but they also meant to blame Luo Yuzhu.

Wang Xu lost his momentum and took half a step back.

Luo Yuzhu said: "The matter is already like this, is it useful for you to get angry with the child?"

Chen Jianghe suppressed his anger.

"Uncle, you didn't force me to do this."


Luo Yuzhu couldn't figure it out: "Why did we force him?"

Chen Jianghe said: "Lin Yue is now the general manager of Shuangwu Group, and he has replaced the members of the board of directors. When he cleans up the people placed by Sun Xiao and others, who will he target next?"

Luo Yuzhu said, "Are you afraid of him?"

"The person I'm afraid of isn't him, it's you!" Chen Jianghe didn't know how to describe his inner emotions. For Luo Yuzhu, he loved, angry and hated, and he also felt powerless after being kidnapped.

On the day he returned from Spain, he made a fuss and scolded the mother and son bloody, but did it work? Just like what Luo Yuzhu said, things are already like this, is it possible to kneel down to Chen Yulian and beg for forgiveness like before, not to mention that one of them is the chairman of Yuzhu Group, and the other is the general manager of Yuzhu Group, both of them are famous in Yiwu Characters, even if they can really lose face, will Chen Yulian forgive them if there is a lesson learned from the soft heart ten years ago?

"Now the whole Yuzhu Group has a good relationship with Lin Yue. Qiaogu is the only one. It is said that he gave Chen Dong and Chen Qian some pocket money a few months ago. The uncle transferred the shares to his grandson and granddaughter just to keep him from seeing the monk. For the Buddha's face, Nian gave us a way to survive because Qiao Gu has always been kind to Chen Yulian. Do you think Uncle is just as smart as you are?"

Luo Yuzhu glared: "Chen Jianghe, who do you think can't do things with brains?!"

Chen Jianghe ignored her, and looked behind Wang Xu who was dissatisfied: "I have already arranged for you to send you to study in Australia after the Chinese New Year."

study abroad?

Luo Yuzhu and Wang Xu were taken aback. Chen Jianghe hadn't mentioned this to them before, why suddenly...

"I dont go!"

Wang Xu was very resistant to studying abroad, and he was unwilling to leave like this.

"Don't go? No way, you have to leave Yiwu for me."


"I'm saving you."

"I don't need your help!" Wang Xu became paranoid, pointed to Chen Jianghe and said, "I know, you have always looked down on me and been on guard against me, and now you just found an excuse to send me away."

Chen Jianghe turned around, grabbed the white porcelain cup on the desk, and flicked it vigorously.


The cup shattered.

"Get out! Get out!"

Wang Xu gritted his teeth for a while, and walked out of the office with a cold snort.

It so happened that a female staff member walked by and bumped into him. Before she could say "I'm sorry", she was scolded, "Don't you have eyes when you walk?" Anxious, how could it be my own fault?

"Lin Yue..."

"Lin Yue."

"Lin Yue!"

Back in his room, Wang Xu became more and more angry when he thought about it, and finally his eyes sank, he took out his mobile phone and called Qiu Yingjie.

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