Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2119 How does it feel to be a pauper (two in one)

half year later.

Overseas warehouse was built.

The big dog looked at the products on the shelf with excitement.

Chen Jianghe sold the joint venture factory and gave Chen Daguang a factory that meets domestic production standards. The workers naturally followed him, except for Dagou, who used to be his enemy, but now he has become his most trusted person.

"Brother, with this in the future, we will be able to gain a firm foothold in Europe."

Chen Jianghe nodded, very satisfied with the current progress. The first-level transit warehouse is completed, and the second-level warehouse is below. After the second-level warehouse is also built, Yuzhu Group's overseas logistics network will be formed. Next, we only need to rely on this With the establishment of a sales network, you will no longer be afraid of veteran traders and partners who will betray you.

"Big dog, the patent for the new material has been approved, you have to keep an eye on the production in the future."

"Brother, you've been putting all your energy overseas recently. I heard that there...something went wrong in China."

"what is the problem?"

"Chen Daguang has replaced the old people in several factories under his command, I'm afraid..."

Chen Jianghe knew what big dog meant.

"Big dog, don't you understand? What is the most important department of a company? Sales! The market determines the scale and type of production. Now the domestic market is basically saturated, and the European market is a big cake. As long as we firmly grasp the It is in your hand, but you still worry about Chen Daguang's disobedience? I don't think he will be troubled by money, no matter how stupid he is, right?"

"Brother, you should take a long-term view."

The big dog was convinced, and was overwhelmed by Chen Jianghe's courage.

Who knew that the person involved waved his hand: "I was told these things ten years ago. When Yuzhu Group was still actively exploring the domestic market, they had already gone abroad to engage in strategic investment."

"Brother, who are you talking about?"

Chen Jianghe recalled the past, when he was about to say that person's name, there was a burst of applause from the warehouse door.

"Oh, Mr. Chen is really far-sighted and quick to act. Overseas Warehouse! I have always had this idea, but I didn't expect you to take the lead. I, Ruan, admire, admire, for such courage and action."

"Ruan Wenxiong?" Dagou's face was very ugly, because the Ruan Group's stealing of the new material formula caused a lot of trouble, and many people called Ruan Wenxiong despicable behind his back.

"Chen Dong, give me a chance, how about we join hands to do this?"

"Not interested in."

Chen Jianghe flatly refused.

The big dog also said beside him: "Who would cooperate with a thief like you."

"Hey, you can't say that. As far as I know, you faked the Yuzhu Group back then, and you were reported by him and squatted in for several years. Haven't you become the most trusted person now? My Ruan Group and your Yuzhu Group , it can also be mutually beneficial.”

"Mr. Ruan, you know, I'm a stubborn person, you think too much about cooperation."

"Chen Dong, I have inquired before I came here. To build a transit warehouse, you can say that it is all-or-nothing based on your current situation. If you make it through, everything will be fine. If you can't make it through, you can't even pay the travel expenses to go back, and Shuangwu The group is also eyeing your Yuzhu Group. It just acquired a joint venture factory of yours and a piece of land in the west of Yiwu City through the Yang Group half a year ago. You let me join, so that we are partners. Shuangwu Group wants to touch you The Yuzhu Group should have more concerns, don't you think?"

"I said, I'm not interested in working with you."

"Chen Dong..."

Ruan Wenxiong wanted to persuade him again, but he heard a loud shout from behind: "Close the door!"

A few powerful Europeans stepped forward quickly, twisted the arms of the three men, tied them around their heads, and tied them away.

When Chen Jianghe and Dagou woke up, they found that they were locked in an iron cage. The price tag is 30 million US dollars, if you don't give it, you will tear up the ticket.

Thirty million dollars. Since he separated from Chen Daguang, he has invested all his money in overseas warehouses. Where can he have the money to pay the thirty million dollars?

Chen Jianghe had a will to die, but the kidnappers quit. They called the country and asked Luo Yuzhu to raise money.

Originally, she was sleeping and didn't believe the sound of the big dog, but when the kidnapper whipped Chen Jianghe violently, and there were screams from the receiver, she woke up suddenly, and asked the kidnapper not to beat her husband. to raise money.

After leaving home, she first approached Director Wu who had a good relationship with Chen Jianghe, who told her that the assets belonging to her and Chen Jianghe had been pledged to the bank, and there was no money in the account.

She didn't believe in evil, went to the company to search, and found that not only was there no money in the account, but also the park, factory buildings, office buildings, and even their villas were all taken by Chen Jianghe for loans.

In desperation, she thought of Chen Daguang.

If Chen Daguang can realize the assets belonging to Chen Dong and Chen Qian, then Chen Jianghe will be saved.

Beep, beep, beep...

The phone connects.

"Hey, Daguang, I need your help with something."

"Sister Yuzhu, what's the matter? Tell me."

Chen Daguang's voice was a bit lazy, he should be sleeping at this point.

"Jianghe is in trouble, and now urgently needs 30 million US dollars. I wonder if you can... transfer some of the accounts from the factories and shops you manage to help us?"

"Thirty million?" Hearing this number, Chen Daguang's voice became much clearer: "Sister-in-law, are you joking, how can there be so much cash in the account."

"Then... then you... don't you have a few factories in your hand? If you sell some assets..."

"Luo Yuzhu, are you sick? Now that things are going on, I still have ideas about several factories in my hands. I have agreed with Chen Jianghe on the board of directors. The domestic market and these factories are mine. The joint venture factory and the park , The headquarters and so on belong to him. Whether he uses it to raise funds to build overseas warehouses, or to play house behind closed doors, if we can make money together in the future, we can make money together. If we can’t make money together, then I will do mine and he will do it. His, well water does not violate river water, you want me to mortgage the assets belonging to Chen Dong and Chen Qian now? I think you are seriously ill!"


Chen Daguang hung up the phone.

Luo Yuzhu shivered, her face was as ugly as she wanted, it was the first time she regretted making the relationship with Chen Daguang so stiff.

On the other hand, Qiaogu pondered Luo Yuzhu's words carefully, and was a little worried about Chen Jianghe's safety.

"You didn't ask brother what happened to him."

"It's impossible for me to sell the factory to help them raise money when I encounter any difficulties. Just tell me how she treated me when I was in trouble?"

"Brother treats us...not bad."

"It's not bad, it's not bad." Chen Daguang sneered a few times, took out a piece of paper from the drawer under the bedside table and patted it in Qiaogu's hand: "Look what this is?"

"Is this... a withdrawal agreement?"

"That's right, your father planned to withdraw his shares a long time ago." Chen Daguang pointed to the list of assets above and said, "See, it's just that little, eight stalls, eight stalls, that's really a lot."

Qiaogu knew why Chen Daguang was upset. Chen Jinshui was the veteran of the group and the largest shareholder besides Chen Jianghe. He used eight booths and deposits to invest in the shares, which revitalized Chen Jianghe's capital chain and developed into today's Yuzhu Group.

She knew about Chen Jinshui's withdrawal of shares before, but she didn't expect that the most valuable things Chen Jinshui and Chen Jianghe wanted were 8 booths, basically how they got in and how they got out.

"What do I call him? Dad! What does Chen Jianghe call him? Uncle! What am I? Son-in-law! Who is Chen Jianghe? Adopted son! Our two children have his blood. Where are Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu? Jin Shui has something to do with it, so he's too partial to do this."

"Didn't Dad give all the shares to Chen Dong and Chen Qian in the end?"

"Do you think I don't know what he thinks? Lin Yue has taken the position of the general manager of Shuangwu Group. He must not let Luo Yuzhu be lightly spared. Yuzhu Group is likely to collapse, and you have a very good relationship with Chen Yulian. He Giving the shares to Chen Dong and Chen Qian is to hope that Lin Yue will let Yuzhu Group survive because of his mother's face. In the end, it is to save Chen Jianghe. In his eyes, Chen Jianghe is his own son, and you are his adopted son. The one. Luo Yuzhu emptied your father two years ago, and let you and I sit on the bench, for what? Isn't it just to put us under her nose, so that we can control it? This matter I don't believe that Chen Jianghe doesn't know about it." When Chen Daguang talked about the grievances he had suffered in the Yuzhu Group in the past few years, he became angry: "Look, Luo Yuzhu didn't get any money from me, so he will definitely go Find your father and ask him to ask us for money."

Qiaogu flipped through the things in her hand again, thinking that you don't know, it wasn't the old man who changed his mind, it was Lin Yue who blocked him, forcing him to give up halfway, and didn't insist on withdrawing the shares.

"Where did you find this...?"

"Wang Xu gave it to me. The last time he came to settle accounts with me, he slammed it in my face, saying that Chen Jianghe didn't agree at that time. If he had agreed then, how could Yuzhu Group still have our business now? He also called me an ungrateful person." If my parents didn’t take me in, I might not even be able to eat. I, Chen Daguang, would be Chen Jinshui’s son-in-law. What he meant was that I was the son-in-law of the group’s second largest shareholder. Doing administrative work is a high-ranking job? Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu have a fart of kindness to me! I will leave the word here today, even if Chen Jianghe’s difficulty is to die, I will not give them a dime.”

Qiaogu looked up to the sky and sighed, she didn't know what to say to this nephew.

He ruined the relationship between Chen's family and Qiu's family, and now that it's all over, he also ruined Chen Daguang's remaining gratitude to Chen Jinshui.


Luo Yuzhu hit a hard nail on Chen Daguang, and she really hit Chen Jinshui's head.

But she didn't come to the door at night, and she rushed to Chenjia Village with a haggard face the next morning.

In the TV series, Chen Jinshui withdrew his shares from Yuzhu Group, only allocated 8 stalls, and gave them to Qiaogu to make ends meet. He couldn't afford to pay the ransom for Chen Jianghe. Naturally, Luo Yuzhu would not come to ask for it. Similarly, Chen Daguang holds the shares of Chen Dong and Chen Qian on his behalf, and the shares of the two children come from Chen Jinshui, so as long as Chen Jinshui comes forward to persuade Qiaogu, it is possible to force Chen Daguang to sell his assets to raise ransom.

Isn't Lin Yue buying the assets of Yuzhu Group through Yang Xue's hands? Then give him this chance.

Now that things have happened, she can't care that doing so will ruin the Yuzhu Group's family fortune.

In fact... the assets of Chen Dong and Chen Qian will never fall into Chen Jianghe's hands, but Chen Jianghe is Chen Jinshui's adopted son. Well, pretty good.

With such a mood, she came outside Chen Jinshui's villa, raised her hand and knocked on the door.


Mother Chen opened the door, and she called out to her aunt.

"Is uncle there?"

"Here." Mother Chen stepped back, and Luo Yuzhu walked into the room.

Chen Jinshui was sitting on the teacher's chair in the living room, and Qiaogu was also there, with a complicated expression on his face.

She was not surprised to see this scene. After all, she couldn't hide from Qiaogu that she asked Chen Daguang to sell his assets. It was only reasonable to come to Chenjia Village early in the morning to discuss with her relatives.

To her surprise, besides her parents and daughter, there was another person in the living room admiring the picture of Huangguoshu Waterfall hanging on the east wall with her hands behind her back.

This person... She recognized even when he turned into ashes.

"Why are you here?!"

"It's none of your business why I'm here." Lin Yue didn't even look back at her.

"Cough..." Qiaogu coughed lightly, and explained, "Lin Yue is here to send invitations."

It was only then that Luo Yuzhu discovered that there was an invitation on the coffee table with red happy characters on it, which meant that he and Chen Tingting were getting married. But she was very surprised, isn't the relationship between Lin Yue and Chen Jinshui very bad? Why did you come here to send invitations?

After thinking about it, she could only attribute this matter to Chen Yulian.

"Have you finished sending the invitation? Please come back after sending it."

She used "please go back" but "scroll" was useless. It must have been a later option in the past, because she also knew that at this moment, even if Chen Daguang agreed to sell his assets, he would be able to come up with 30 million US dollars within a day or two. In cash, only the Shuangwu Group is available.

Of course, the bank can provide 30 million US dollars, but the mortgage loan has to go through a process, and she is short of money and time now.

Lin Yue didn't leave, turned around, and looked at her playfully: "If I'm not wrong, you came here for Chen Dong and Chen Qian's assets, right?"

Luo Yuzhu's face suddenly collapsed.

"How did you know?"

"You can form a strategic alliance with Sun Xiao and Dong Leyang, so there's no need for me to make a fuss about your Yuzhu Group. As far as I know, Chen Jianghe has mortgaged everything he can in order to build an overseas warehouse. Now The only realizable asset of Yuzhu Group is Chen Daguang. I really want to know, facing this problem, whether Chen Jinshui will sacrifice the interests of his grandson and granddaughter to help you and Chen Jianghe, or choose grandson and granddaughter Give up your adopted son and you."

No wonder she felt that the atmosphere was not right as soon as she entered the room. It seemed that Lin Yue had already communicated with Chen Jinshui and his daughter about this matter.

"Uncle...Jiang He...he was kidnapped, and the kidnappers said that if they couldn't raise 30 million US dollars within two days, they would... just tear up the ticket."

In order to increase the pressure on Chen Jinshui and Qiaogu, Luo Yuzhu revealed the truth.

Chen Jianghe was kidnapped?

Chen Jinshui and Qiaogu knew that something happened to Chen Jianghe, but they never thought that it was such a life-and-death problem.

"Uncle, if you don't save him now, no one will be able to save him."




There was a lengthy silence.

The flesh under Chen Jinshui's eyes was twitching, Mother Chen wiped her tears beside her anxiously, and Aunt Qiao kept looking at Lin Yue.

But the three of them just didn't speak.

In fact, long before Luo Yuzhu came here, there had been a quarrel in the living room.

If Lin Yue's visit last time was to force Chen Jinshui and his wife to choose between their daughter and adopted son, then today it is almost equivalent to forcing them to sever ties with Chen Jianghe. According to Lin Yue, he is a person who will take revenge. The things that Yuzhu and Wang Xu did are all on the books. Back then she made a fuss about Lin Yutang, but today he makes a fuss about Chen Jinshui and Chen Jianghe's father-son relationship.

As long as Chen Jinshui dares to save Chen Jianghe, Chen Dong and Chen Qian will surely plant the seeds of hatred that their grandfather betrayed their grandchildren's interests for their adopted son, and he will also buy Yuzhu Group, leaving no inheritance for Chen Dong and Chen Qian. thing.

Chen Jinshui became angry and threatened him to expose the matter. The Chen family would have a hard time, and he and Chen Yulian wouldn't have it too. But what did Qiaogu say? She doesn't want to see Chen Jianghe suffer, but she will not betray the child's father in this matter. She made it clear that she will take the responsibility on herself, saying that she was reluctant to do something wrong when she was too hot-headed more than ten years ago. Twins, insisting on giving birth to them, everyone scolded her if they wanted to, it had nothing to do with Lin Yue.

Ever since, Chen Jinshui faced a dilemma.

To save Chen Jianghe, with the relationship between Lin Yue and Luo Yuzhu, the Yuzhu Group will be over sooner or later, and the couple will never have a chance to turn around in the future. As a daughter, Qiaogu will not say anything on the surface, but what about in the future? When the child grows up? Will they hold grudges against him, think that he is biased, and use their property to save an uncle who is not related by blood?

If you don't save Chen Jianghe, once the other party tears up the ticket, the adopted son will be gone.

So he was driven crazy.

At this time, Lin Yue walked to the coffee table, picked up the purple sand pot with the padding and poured himself a cup of tea, it was not too cold, and he took a big sip from the cup.

"It's all a personal choice. When he made you lose face in front of your relatives and friends, insisted on marrying Luo Yuzhu, and did not hesitate to sever the relationship between father and son, would you have thought of today? Luo Yuzhu put you aside, and he turned a blind eye. At that time, would you think of today? Yesterday, the adopted son was responsible for the adoptive father, and he regarded the second-hand wife as more important than the adoptive father. Today, you don’t help him, how normal it is.”


The rosewood cane fell to the ground.

Chen Jinshui slipped and fell to the ground trembling all over, feeling anxious and fainted.

"Dad, Dad, what's wrong with you." Qiao Gu hurried forward to help her.

Chen's mother also rushed over and kept shaking Chen Jinshui's body, pinching people and calling names in her ears.

Lin Yue said: "It's really timely to faint, so that I don't have to worry about those stupid things anymore."

He waved his finger at Luo Yuzhu: "If it's a two-day deadline, half a day has passed, and you still have one more day."

After leaving this sentence, he patted the invitation card, said "Don't forget to participate", and left.

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