Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2123 End of Volume - Chen Jianghe Chapter (2 in 1)

Hearing the words "Chen Jianghe", Li Ming immediately became alert. He was quite afraid that the guy with no wealth would take the opportunity to make trouble. You must know that today is Lin Yue's wedding. will not be comfortable.

When he followed Lin Yue's line of sight to the open space on the left side of an abandoned factory building obliquely ahead, he found a thin man in a gray coat walking back and forth on the embankment full of willow trees. His mouth kept moving, plausibly speaking without knowing what to say.

It doesn't look like they're here to make trouble.

Li Ming poked his head back, looked at Lin Yue in the back seat and said, "He seems to be... looking for something?"

Lin Yue nodded slightly, he also felt that Chen Jianghe was looking for something.

At this time, Chen Ping, the co-pilot, spoke.

"It's not been a day or two since he's been like this. The last time I went back to Chenjiacun to visit my aunt, Aunt Xiao still talked about it with me, saying that Chen Jianghe always likes to run to the river bank in front, and sometimes he can come three times a day. Well, the villagers were worried, and ran over to ask him what he was looking for, but he didn’t say anything, just kept mumbling, why disappeared, why disappeared, and he didn’t know what was missing.”

Li Ming observed carefully for a moment, and pointed to his own brain.

"Brother Yue, Brother Ping, tell there something wrong with him?"

Lin Yue frowned and remained silent.

Chen Ping replied: "According to Aunt Xiao, it was Luo Yuzhu's younger brother Luo Tianbao who came to pick up people several times, and there were conflicts on the embankment. Finally, Uncle Jin Rui took Chen Jinshui and gave Chen Jianghe Hurry home."

The Yuzhu Group collapsed, and Chen Jianghe owed a lot of debts. Originally, with his ability, many companies were willing to take him in, but the bad thing was that his family offended Mr. Lin of the Shuangwu Group, and Chen Jianghe was unwilling to leave Yiwu. , then who would invite a hot potato to put in his company, waiting for Mr. Lin to put on shoes?

Even if Mr. Lin is not so narrow-minded, the managers of other companies will not take such a risk and make themselves unhappy.

After Luo Yuzhu entered, Chen Jianghe and his two sons moved to live in Luo Dali's old house, which was not close to Chenjiang be honest.

"I know what he's looking for."

Lin Yue's words attracted the attention of two people.

"Looking for what?"

"a bridge."

"a bridge?"

When Chen Jianghe ran away in trouble and met Luo Yuzhu, the two of them lived under the bridge hole of this river for a period of time, one boiled sugar and the other sold it. Now that Luo Yuzhu has gone in, he can't find anyone, so he will inevitably have emotions. Come here to find memories from the past. But it is a pity that after more than 20 years, high-rise buildings have been built in the city, asphalt roads have been built in the suburbs, large and small parks are located next to the community, and the dilapidated river has also changed. The stone bridge that has been in disrepair for a long time has followed If it no longer exists, where can he find it?

Sometimes when I think about it carefully, this guy is really like being lowered in the movie and cannot do without Luo Yuzhu. It has only been a few days since she went in, two months? They all became like mental patients, and the silly Zhu in "Love in the Courtyard" was stared at by Qin Huairu, but he didn't become like him.

Lin Yue didn't explain in detail, but just said lightly: "Let's go."

Li Ming was full of puzzlement, but he didn't dare to be negligent. He hurriedly continued to drive in order not to miss the auspicious time.


The wedding went very smoothly, the only fly in the ointment was that Qiu Yingjie and Zhang Xue were not present, everyone can understand this, even if Qiu Yan didn't care about this, it was inevitable that some people would point out her parents and regard her parents as the object of discussion, so don't worry about it. It's good to come.

Yang Xue was very generous, and even brought Yang Siyue, who had just learned to walk, over here.

Naturally, Qiao Gu was going to be there, bringing her two children with her.

Chen Dong and Chen Qian thought the kid was quite fun, so they asked Yang Xue what his name was, and they answered Yang Siyue.

When this name fell into the ears of children, they would not think much about it. Those guests all sighed, thinking that Yang Xue's name for the child should also be commemorative. I don't know what Chen Tingting would think if she knew it.

Chen Jinshui and his wife did not come.

This is also normal, not to mention the matter of Lin Yue standing at the gate of the mayor's house and scolding the street, even if the adopted son Chen Jianghe and Lin Yue are arguing to this point, the two of them have no reason to come to cheer.

Chen Daguang came, greeted all the guests with a smile on his face, and told everyone that what happened back then is over, he and Lin Yue are now good friends, not enemies, and Daguang Group will have to cooperate with Shuangwu Group in the future.

Anyway, this guy's face opened the eyes of all the people in Chenjiacun.

It's strange that my father was sent to prison for others, and he can still say that we are friends.

Wang Xu was going to make trouble, but Luo Tianbao stopped him and stayed close to him all day, fearing that he would be charged with picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and Lin Yue would send him to prison to reunite with his mother. In terms of seniority, Luo Tianbao is Wang Xu's uncle, so no matter how unwilling he is, he can only admit it with a pinch of his nose, and spend this day in torment.

This is also the reason why Chen Jianghe fell ill and went to the river to look for a stone bridge. Luo Tianbao was alone, and he couldn't see two of them. Wang Xu was the most dangerous, so he had to pay attention to Wang Xu's side first. Jiang He is not related by blood, so he can take care of him for ten days and a half months. Every day he runs to the river like crazy, he must be upset, and he will have the idea of ​​letting him go.

Taking advantage of Luo Yuzhu's eleven-year sentence, Lin Yue and Chen Tingting ended their nearly twenty-year long-distance relationship and entered the palace of marriage.

Half a year later, Wang Xu also adjusted his mentality... No, to be precise, it was a spiritual victory.

Chen Jianghe's situation fluctuates from good to bad, Luo Yuzhu is in prison again, and his younger brother is still in school. We can't push the responsibility of supporting the family to Luo Tianbao. He has no choice but to find a job.

Zhejiang Normal University is also a university in China, and graduates from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​are very popular in Yiwu, a small commodity distribution center in the world, and it is not difficult to find a job.

He analyzed very well, thought well, and was very confident in his abilities, but the fact was that no company was willing to accept him. Lin Yue and Qiu Yan's incident of splashing dirty water was very violent. To put it simply, he has become an Internet hacker in this era. Of course, the HR of a serious company is unwilling to recruit someone who will damage the company's image.

The so-called sowing melons and reaping melons, sowing beans and reaping beans, until now, he knows what it means to mess around, and he will have to pay back sooner or later.

Just when Wang Xu hit the wall again and again, and couldn't leave his unconscious adoptive father behind, and his younger brother who was still in school went out to work hard, and his whole body fell into depression, Chen Daguang called and asked him to work in Daguang Group.

In the past, Wang Xu would definitely let one of the culprits who brought down the Yuzhu Group go as far as he could.

But now, he has neither the qualifications nor the courage to refuse Chen Daguang. After hanging up the phone, he thought about it for a day and chose to agree.

Of course, he doesn't really want to work for Chen Daguang, he just wants to find an opportunity to get back what should belong to him. After all, there are many old people in the Daguang Group who followed Chen Jianghe from scratch. As long as he can connect with these people, the Yuzhu Group will There is a possibility of a comeback --- the factories selected by Chen Daguang are all producing products for the domestic market. Chen Jianghe said that the domestic market is becoming saturated, and the foreign market will be the profit channel for domestic enterprises in the future. Although the patent of new materials has given The Ruan Group, but his relationship with Professor Lu is still very good, if these resources can be used well and integrated together...

His abacus was very good, but when he joined the Daguang Group, Chen Daguang didn't let him do anything, just like what Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu did back then, put him under the nose to do administration, no, it should be To put it too far, what are you responsible for on weekdays? Serving tea and water, copying documents, making phone calls to book hotels, picking up bags and umbrellas in the car, these are all errands and miscellaneous tasks, and there is no serious work.

Chen Daguang also had plausible words, saying that young people are too impetuous and not steady enough. There is a saying, "If you don't cut a jade, you can't make it, and if you don't learn, you don't know righteousness." The reason why he is arranged in this way is to temper his will and improve his character. , see more, think more, do more and ask why less, so that after a long time, he can really grow up, and he can rest assured that once the time is right, the position of vice president will be his.

Look at the painting of this big cake...

The time is ripe, what is the time is ripe?

It's not Chen Daguang who has the final say.

Although Wang Xu was angry, there was nothing he could do. Who told others to have thick arms, and he could only endure it if he couldn't resist it.


On the other hand, the first thing Lin Yue did after his honeymoon was to go to Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

On the highest floor of the Ruan Group headquarters building, the sunlight illuminated the entire room, the air-conditioning air from the air outlet blew harshly, and the white streamers below swayed from side to side, looking very weak.

The coffee on the tea table was already cold, and looking from the door, the spoons on the tea tray reflected dazzling brilliance.

Lin Yue looked at the dial of the watch.

This was the third time he looked at his watch.

It could be seen that he waited impatiently.

The female secretary in overalls stood at the door with a smile on her face, her hands in front of her body were more of guilt than humility.

It is never good etiquette to keep guests waiting.

"Oh, Mr. Lin, I kept you waiting for a long time. There are so many things to discuss at the meeting, but they are all very important. There is no way, I can't get away." Ruan Wenxiong walked in from the outside with a smile on his face.

The female secretary breathed a sigh of relief, made eye contact with the boss, turned and left the room.

Ruan Wenxiong walked to the sofa opposite Lin Yue and sat down, seeing that the coffee was cold.

"What? Not to your taste? Liu Mei, replace Mr. Lin with the frozen top oolong I brought back from TW last time."

The female secretary who had just left walked in again.

Lin Yue made a "no" gesture.

"I've been waiting here for 21 minutes."

"I'm sorry for keeping Mr. Lin waiting for a long time. In this way, KLCC has opened a brand new high-star hotel. I will be the host later, and I have the right to apologize to Mr. Lin."

Ordinary people should be relieved when they hear such remarks, but Lin Yue is different, because he knows that Ruan Wenxiong is farting when he said that he is in a meeting, and this old boy deliberately left him in the reception room for nearly half a day. hours.

It doesn't matter whether you want to get off the horse or want to see how patient he is, in short, this is a very uncomfortable thing.

Lin Yue looked at him playfully: "How can a meal be enough?"

"This..." Ruan Wenxiong's expression changed slightly, but he quickly recovered: "Then what Mr. Yilin meant, how should I express my apology? I will accept the punishment for whatever you say, okay?"

The ball kicked back to Lin Yue's feet.

Under normal circumstances, guests who want to continue the conversation should stop in moderation, but... Lin Yue, a guest, likes to do things that distract the host.

"Admit the punishment? That's easy, 10 million US dollars a minute, I waited for you for 21 minutes, that's 210 million US dollars."

"What?" Ruan Wenxiong thought he heard it wrong: "What did you say?"

"I said that if I accept the penalty, I will be compensated 210 million US dollars."

Now Ruan Wenxiong heard clearly.

Liu Mei, the female secretary standing at the door, also heard clearly, her facial expression was exaggerated, the corners of her mouth were twitching, the corners of her eyes were twitching, and the wings of her nose were shaking.

She had never seen this kind of person before, and Ruan Wenxiong had many clients, even if this Boss Lin in front of her was wealthy and a well-known entrepreneur in China, it was quite strange.

210 million dollars in 21 minutes?

Whose time is so precious? Bill Gates can't do it.

Ruan Wenxiong said, "Are you joking?"

Lin Yue shook his head: "Who is joking with you, 21 minutes, 210 million US dollars, you heard me right, I am serious."

Ruan Wenxiong was somewhat annoyed: "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry for making you wait so long, but the two hundred and ten million dollars... I think you are not here to discuss cooperation, but to play me."

"Tricking you?"

Lin Yue said, "I'm not going to have trouble with money...or do you think you're not worth two hundred and ten million dollars?"

Ruan Wenxiong confirmed again and again that he knew that Lin Yue was not joking. This was very strange. Who gave him the courage to say such a thing?

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Yue smiled slightly, took out his mobile phone, and clicked a few times on the button panel.

"I'm calling to tell you that Chen Jianghe's Yuzhu Group has run out of money, and he can't raise the $100 million."


"I don't think so. In this matter, we can get what we need. What do you think? But the price may have to be discounted."


"You have to know that at this point in time, except for me who is willing to take over this mess, no one can afford such a large sum of money. Is it possible that you really want to tear up your ticket? To do so, you need to record a sum in the police station's files. It doesn't do you any good."


"make a deal."


"Pleasant cooperation."

beep beep beep...

This is followed by a busy tone that hangs up the phone.

Ruan Wenxiong's expression was extremely ugly, and Liu Mei was even more flustered because she heard something terrible. The secretary is very clever, of course she understands that knowing more about things will not do her any good.

"I... I... I'm going to sort out the meeting minutes."

Here she fled the room pale.

Ruan Wenxiong glanced at the door, then turned around and said, "Where did you get this thing?"

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