Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2125 End of Volume - Chen Daguang Chapter (2 in 1)

Lin Yue squeezed Chen Dong's face: "The longer you grow, the fatter you get. Come, this is a gift for you to meet."

The little guy is 12 years old this year, his height is close to 1.7 meters, he looks very strong, and he wants to live a good life on weekdays.

This is not the first time they have met. Every time they meet, Lin Yue will always give money, as much as 1,000 yuan per person, doubled during the New Year, and as little as 300 to 500 yuan. For children from ordinary families, the money is quite a lot, but compared to him Even if the people in Chenjia Village saw it, they wouldn't think too much about it. After all, Qiaogu often went to Chen Yulian's place. Ever since Chen Daguang went to Lin Yue and Chen Tingting's wedding, she didn't mention the past. Now, they have settled their suspicions and turned their hostility into friendship. Qiaogu went to Chen Yulian's house more often, and often took her two children there for dinner.

This is also normal, she used to help in Chen Yulian's store, and everyone in the village knew that they were close.

"Thank you, Uncle Lin."

Chen Dong and Chen Qian took the pocket money and said thank you very politely.

As for children, they spend a lot of time with their mothers. Qiaogu told them about Chen Yulian and Lin Yue since they were young. Even if Chen Daguang and Chen Jintu hated Lin Yue, what would change? And every time they meet, they give pocket money, which is not a small amount, so of course they feel that Uncle Lin treats them well.

Lin Yue straightened up, looked at Qiaogu who was embarrassed and said: "The last time I went home, my mother said that she liked Chen Dong and Chen Qian very much, and said they were as cute and sensible as you, and wanted to recognize them as grandchildren, granddaughters, what do you think?" Is that good?"


No wonder there was a very bad premonition just now, every time the two of them had a tryst and Lin Yue wanted to play new tricks, he would be as worried as he is now, and now it has almost become a conditioned reflex.

"Why are you hesitating? It's a good thing." Chen Daguang made a decision next to him, and agreed.

What is he thinking? Now that the Ruan Group is going to enter the Chinese market, they have even won over Wang Xu. Although he doesn't think he will lose to that little boy, the financial resources of the Ruan Group are by no means comparable to that of the Daguang Group. If Chen Dong and Chen Qian recognize Chen Yulian As a grandma, then he can get the support of Shuangwu Group, and with the cooperation of Yang Group, Ruan Wenxiong wants to get a piece of the pie from him? That is impossible.

"The relationship between Aunt Yulian and Dad... is not good, people in the village will gossip."

Qiaogu has two concerns. First, she knows that this is Lin Yue's prank. Every once in a while, this guy will do something that makes her shudder and feel exciting. Looking through history, he wears a cuckold like Chen Daguang, Not to mention that there is no one to come after, and it is absolutely unprecedented. Second, if Chen Dong and Chen Qian recognized Chen Yulian as their godmother, wouldn't she be Chen Yulian's goddaughter, and the relationship would be messed up.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Chen Daguang took over the conversation: "Old Chen's family has produced five clothes in our generation. After five clothes, they are not relatives. In the generation of Chen Dong and Chen Qian, they are even farther away. Who would pick such a reason?"

After hearing what he said, Qiaogu was stared at by Lin Yue again, and immediately lost her position.

"Oh well."

Chen Daguang said with a smile: "A closer relationship adds to the relationship, does this count as an increase in the relationship?"

Lin Yue looked at Chen Qian and Chen Dong and said, "Of course, we are close relatives."

"Since this is the case, it is better to hit the sun than choose a date. Tonight, I will treat guests to the Yiwu Grand Hotel and take them to pay homage to grandma."

"Hey, how can you invite me? It's against the rules, I'll just arrange it."

"Then we're welcome."

"One family speaks two words."

Chen Daguang is very happy, super happy, because his plan to paralyze his opponent has worked.

Just imagine if Lin Yue still regarded him as an enemy, how would it be possible for Chen Yulian to accept Chen Dong and Chen Qian as her grandsons and granddaughters? Jumping thighs, first let the company have no worries, and then seek revenge.

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

Of course Qiaogu knew what Chen Daguang was up to, so what could she say? I can only mourn Chen Daguang in my heart.


Eleven years later.


This year, Lin Yue and Chen Tingting's child Lin Fei entered the third grade of elementary school.

This year, Qiu Yan's condition was stable. She, Lin Yue and Chen Tingting had lived together for twelve years, but they had never had children. This was the doctor's suggestion and Lin Yue's insistence.

This year, Chen Jinshui's wife died of illness, Qiaogu moved back to the old house to take care of her father.

This year, Chen Dong and Chen Qian graduated from university, one entered the Daguang Group as an intern, and the other entered the Juilliard School for further study.

This year, Shuangwu Group, as a non-listed company, had a market value estimated at over 300 billion.

In this year, Yang's Group completed its strategic transformation, expanding from the previous hardware and jewelry processing to a comprehensive enterprise integrating mining, smelting, forging, and production of hardware products.

This year, Daguang Group increased its real estate development business on the basis of its original business, and became the top three real estate developers in Jinhua City.

This year, the overseas warehouses in Europe did not bring economic benefits to the Ruan family, but instead became a drag, continuously bloodletting the Ruan Group, but on the other hand, due to the further reduction in shipping costs and the increase in domestic labor costs However, the hardware products produced in Southeast Asia have become the darling of the international market because of their low cost, and they are basically on par with the Yang Group and overwhelmed the Daguang Group. This surprised the spectators who followed the grievances of Chen Jianghe, Chen Daguang, Lin Yue, Yang Xue, and Wang Xu. These companies are clearly in the same industry, but they have survived the long-term competition and have their own development.

This year is also the year when Luo Yuzhu will be released after serving his sentence. Surprisingly, she didn't get a commutation of her sentence in it, and she didn't know whether it was because she didn't perform well enough or because of unknown reasons. In short, she stayed in it for eleven years.

And this year, the most important thing for Lin Yue was the trade war. Yiwu's large and small factories were greatly affected, and the order volume dropped significantly compared with previous years. Although Shuangwu Group has various However, other companies are not so lucky.

"Lin Yue, we can't go on like this anymore. If we go on like this, the Shuangwu Group will be dragged down." Xiao Hang said with a hint of pleading.

Xiao Dongfeng is older than Chen Jinzhu. He resigned from the board of directors five years ago and handed it over to his eldest son, Xiao Hang.

"That's right, cousin, I don't have much money left. If this goes on, it will take another two months at most." Chen Ping stretched out two fingers to emphasize the seriousness of the problem.

"Brother Yue, the people below are complaining and waiting for you to speak. We are a company, not a philanthropist. We really can't go on." Li Ming, assistant to the general manager and secretary of the board of directors, also persuaded him to accept hand.

One is called by name, one is called cousin, and the other is called Brother Yue.

And here is the board.

It's not that the three of them don't understand the rules, it's because they call Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin... It's useless, it's better to call them like this and play the emotional card.

Chang Xiyun saw that Lin Yue was motionless, did not speak, and looked at the folder on the table without sadness or joy, feeling somewhat anxious.

"Lin Yue, what exactly are you thinking? You must tell everyone that once the capital chain is broken, the group will collapse."

He Laizi and Li Jinze also looked at him eagerly.

From the early 1980s to 2018, more than 30 years have passed in a blink of an eye. In the eyes of the two of them, Lin Yue is the rebirth of Zhang Liang and the rebirth of Kong Ming. He has turned a small workshop into a company with a valuation of more than 300 billion For the big group, he can do everything without fail, but now, he has done something... how should I put it, it is not something a businessman should do.

He often said that entrepreneurs should shoulder social responsibilities, but social responsibility should not be in the form of burning oneself to illuminate others, there must be a limit.

"Okay, I understand what you mean, but the resolution made years ago must be persisted, and we can't admit defeat at this time." Lin Yue raised his head, looked at the crowd and said a word.

Chang Xiyun sighed heavily: "You...why are you so stubborn!"

He didn't understand, Lin Yue wasn't old enough to be confused, why did he get into a dead end on this matter, no matter how good you are, can you challenge the President of the United States? Can it challenge the tariffs?

What's more, this has nothing to do with Shuangwu Group in the first place, so why do we have to go through this muddy water?

When the others heard it, they sighed and sighed, dumbfounded, and unhappy. In short, they didn't agree with his approach.

"For so many years... He Laizi, you had no income back then and relied on the support of your parents and relatives for food. Now? You have changed three wives. As you get older, the wives are getting younger and younger. The eldest daughter is thirteen. , I heard that this little daughter-in-law is pregnant again, what does this mean, the food is good, the life is good, and the body is also good, right?"

"Brother Xiao Hang, when Uncle Xiao applied to join the Shuangwu Group, you objected. In the end, I made the decision. Over the years, has Dongfeng Home Furnishing become a first-class furniture dealer in the country? It has achieved the ultimate in sinking the market, the first and second tiers IKEA is the largest in the city, and Dongfeng is the king in the third, fourth and fifth tiers. Think about it, if I hadn’t brought Uncle Xiao a Simmons back then, today’s Dongfeng Home might still be a small workshop in Chenjiacun.”

"Cousin, you and I won't talk about it. Compare it with Chen Hong, and you should understand what it means to be more than enough than the bottom."

"Uncle Chang, I asked you to switch careers to printing and dyeing back then, and you accepted my advice. That's how you bought a carpet factory that was on the verge of bankruptcy to export shoes and hats. For a whole ten years, I have held the hatred of the deputy factory director."

"Li Jinze, do people who used to call you a pig-killer still dare to call you that now?"


Everyone was dumb, and all emotions were choked back by his question.

"Don't talk? Then I will continue." Lin Yue said: "The above words are not pleasant, I know, because I said it, you just pretended to be in your heart, if it was someone else, the table would have been overturned, right? After all, they are placed in the stalls they manage. The people under your command and the people who point at you to make money, which one is not respectful, serving you with good wine, cigarettes and good food. I have said so much today, I just want to express one meaning, what about people? , you must learn to be content and never forget your origins. After following me for so many years, each of you has made a lot of money, but if you take the saying 'no one can live with money' as a golden rule and a creed in life, then you will really succeed I am a slave to money. Now that orders from overseas have dropped significantly, we can still not be affected, but what about those small companies with single products, fragile capital chains, and poor risk resistance capabilities? Natural selection, survival of the fittest, as the saying goes Light, but behind these eight words, how many people are unemployed? How many families are in trouble? How did Yiwu grow into a global distribution center for small commodities? Isn’t it because of high-quality and cheap small commodities? And how did these small commodities come about? ?It was piled up by those small businesses that could not withstand too much storm. Once they are gone, Yiwu's status as a global distribution center for small commodities will also be in jeopardy. Accompany them through this cold and long winter?"

The words are long, but the content of the expression is very clear, that is, he will save these small businesses that are in trouble.


Li Ming still felt that this was a bit too extreme.

It's okay to use Shuangwu Group's money to subsidize those small businesses, but it's a bit unwise to do so regardless of the cost.

Originally, there were tax rebates for products exported abroad, and with the subsidy from Shuangwu Group, a group of small enterprises have survived for about half a year, but God knows how long the trade conflict will last. No matter how rich Shuangwu Group is, it can’t stand this A certain degree of blood loss, if they are rescued and the Shuangwu Group collapses, isn't that also a huge loss for the market? What's more, those small businesses failed to make it through, and Shuangwu Group was dragged down. Isn't that even more tragic?

Li Jinze shook his head and stopped Li Ming from continuing.

Because he understands Lin Yue's meaning better than his cousin, that is, everyone has made a lot of money these years, and it's time to stop. Lin Yue must save those small businesses, even if they get into the Shuangwu Group I don't hesitate.

From the establishment of the Integrity Fund in the past, the granting of interest-free loans to shops that were on the verge of bankruptcy due to the flood of counterfeit goods, to the use of group money to subsidize export companies in Yiwu, in all fairness, it is relatively subsidized for college students, built Hope Primary School, and donated to disaster-stricken areas. Charity, word-of-mouth It is basically equal to nothing, because ordinary people will not sympathize with those small merchants and small business owners at all, and will even be criticized, saying that Boss Lin just wants to show off and regards himself as the savior.

This guy loves to do thankless things!

Lin Yue said: "Since everyone has no objection, let's do as I said. Remember, you must pay close attention to the implementation of the agreement. Whoever dares to cheat the world and engage in third-party reselling tricks, you know what to do. "

He pushed back his chair, got up and walked outside.

After he left, everyone discussed a few more words, and could only accept this reality.

Li Jinze, He Zizi, Xiao Hang, and Chang Xiyun, more than half of the shares in their hands are held by Lin Yue on behalf of Lin Yue. Even if he insists on doing this without considering the previous friendship, everyone will not be able to change the overall situation.

The consensus of the last few people is that even Li Ming, the youngest member of the board of directors, has already achieved financial freedom after so many years of work.


two months later.

In winter, the confrontation on tariffs continues.

First, it was revealed on the Internet that Shuangwu Group’s capital chain was tight, and some unimportant positions began to lay off employees, and then the money collectors who went to cooperative enterprises tried their best to ask for payment. The breath of rain is coming.

That's right, the Shuangwu Group has a big problem. To put it bluntly, Lin Yue single-handedly shifted the risks brought by the trade confrontation to small and medium-sized enterprises in Yiwu to his own enterprises. To put it bluntly, in the field of small commodities, he is on a par with the tariffs imposed by US imperialism. up.

I think he is MAN enough.

I think he is like a man with a mantis arm.

I think this is a good show, full of highlights.

Of course, there are also people who gloat. After all, Shuangwu Group has been standing in southern Zhejiang for 30 years, and I am tired of hearing its name. There is a saying that when a whale falls, all things are born. When it falls, other people have a chance.

The most representative person who has this idea is Chen Daguang.

"Qiaogu, take a quick look, come and take a look."

Chen Daguang excitedly waved the Apple XS MAX in his hand, and the mobile app was playing a video made by a little brother - about the development of Shuangwu Group over the years, factory construction, expansion, production increase, marketing, acquisition, restructuring... …until Lin Yue fought against the crowd and crazily subsidized small businesses that were hit by increased tariffs and sharp drops in orders.

"Lin Yue is going to end, haha, Shuangwu Group is going to end, I finally waited for this day."

Qiaogu walked over, grabbed the phone and glanced at it. Although she had heard the rumors in the society, she was still very angry when she saw what some people who gloated about others' misfortune said.

"Do you know what Chen Dong calls these people? Keyboard man, a few years ago, everyone would discuss issues calmly when surfing the Internet. Some people now are too unqualified."

Chen Daguang was embarrassed when he said this, because he just has no quality

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