Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2136 It's riding a horse to fight, not domestic violence (two in one)

"What did you say?"

Feng Xiaoqin was a little confused about the situation and thought she had heard it wrong.

Lin Yue said, "Can you borrow the money? Can you buy the house?"

This time she heard clearly, but the question that followed was what happened between going downstairs to pick up the little tiger and going home? Why did his attitude take a 180-degree turn? He was arguing about getting a divorce before, but now he is actually discussing the topic of buying a house.

Could it be... Gu Qingyu?

its not right.

Isn't Gu Lei's divorce just Gu Qingyu's idea? I persuaded them to reconcile just now... Wasn't it acting in front of Gu Shihong and the old lady?

She was completely confused, and she couldn't figure out the cause and effect relationship behind this incident.

Lin Yue asked again: "Do you want to buy it or not?"

This question pulled her back from her thoughts.


Of course, we have to buy a house, even if we don’t consider the matter of bringing our family to Shanghai after buying the house, she won’t be afraid if Gu Lei gets divorced after owning the house, because it is the joint property of the husband and wife.

"The rhetoric I taught you this morning? Have you memorized it?"

"Sister, today is your birthday. Tomorrow is my birthday. I am thirty-six years old. My son is seven years old. He is an older child. You need to have your own space. You understand. Sister, we Xiaoqin and Xiaoqin have taken a fancy to a house, which is very close to here, just a bowl of soup away, and we want to borrow one million from you as a down payment, and we will definitely return this money to you slowly."

That's right.

Feng Xiaoqin was very surprised. She knew Gu Lei's virtues. She recited Tang poems with the little tiger, and her son had already recited them. The father was still beating his head, so she made a note and wrote down what she wanted to express. , let him spend a day memorizing it, and borrow money at the dinner table while Gu Qingyu is home for his birthday.

Unexpectedly, this guy played games outside all afternoon, and after coming back to fight with her again, he could still remember the contents of the note.

Lin Yue said: "I can go out and talk now, but I have one condition."

Feng Xiaoqin said, "What conditions? Tell me."

"You said it yourself before you gave me the note, you want me to handle things with the spirit of the head of the family. Since I am the head of the family, I can learn whatever I want."

"Okay, you can learn whatever you want?"

As long as the house can be bought, cram school is not important.

Lin Yue continued: "Then what will you do with my going to the Internet cafe to play games in the afternoon?"

"Didn't you come back and make a fuss with me?"

"It was you making trouble with me, not me. Since I am the head of the family, I should have the authority of the head of the family. If you do something wrong, you must accept punishment."

punish? He actually has the guts to bring punishment?

For a moment just now, she mistakenly thought that the Gu Lei she knew who obeyed her had returned, but it turned out that she was thinking too much.

"Gu Lei, don't go too far."

"You are the one who buys the house, you are the one who moves the house, and you are the one who borrows the money. I'll take the blame, and I'll take the blame. Which one of us is too much?"

Feng Xiaoqin held back her anger and said, "Then how do you want to punish me?"

Lin Yue said: "It's very simple, do whatever I ask you to do tonight."

divorce? Ah……

Feng Xiaoqin wanted to divorce him, but he was still unwilling.

Since Yuanjia Road is narrow, why not have fun? Wouldn't it be cheaper for Sister Feng's sister to go their separate ways like this?

"for example."

"For example... I let you bark like a cat, but you can't bark like a dog. If you sleep on the floor, you can't climb into the bed."

"You're dreaming."

"Then don't dream about buying a house." Lin Yue looked at his watch: "I'll give you thirty seconds to think about it."

After speaking, he sat down on the bed.

Feng Xiaoqin's expression changed again and again, and finally she chose to compromise, because exchanging a night of humiliation for a house is a very worthwhile deal.

As for the account, first write it down in a small notebook for him, and then find a way to get back the place later.

"Okay, it's my fault to force you to go to cram school and yell at you in the afternoon, and I accept the punishment."

Lin Yue smiled slightly, threw the furry thing to the end of the bed, got up and went out to talk to Gu Qingyu about borrowing money.

Feng Xiaoqin felt strange, and thought that she had never seen this thing before. She walked over and picked it up, and found that one side was furry, more than twenty centimeters long, like a fox's tail, and the other side was a glass object, with a spherical structure at the front.

A toy for the little tiger?

It's quite delicate.

She also held the vitreous body in front and shook it.


When Feng Xiaoqin came out of the bedroom, Lin Yue was already talking about buying a house with Gu Qingyu.

"Although, my sister also wants to buy a house, but you have said so, one million, you can always get it together if you borrow it from a friend."

Gu Qingyu raised his head and glanced at her, then raised his voice a bit.

"That's right, Zhan Xiang is so rich, as long as you open your mouth, how could he not sell your face?"

"Gu Lei, I can't tell Zhan Xiang about this."

"Does it matter? Are you afraid that he will threaten you to associate with him?"

Gu Shihong intervened in the conversation between the siblings: "This upstart, how dare he?!"

"Okay, anyway, since you want to move out, then Sister Qian will find a way for you. As for who I ask to borrow, you don't care. As long as you and Xiaoqin are doing well, don't quarrel every day. Just make dad and grandma worry."

"Okay, just figure it out."

Feng Xiaoqin saw her sister washing dishes in the kitchen and walked over with a smile on her face.

Normally, she would make complaints about her younger sister and her elder sister. When she returned home, she would eat and drink a lot, and not do any serious work. This time it was different, and she didn't say a single bad word.

Feng Xixi couldn't hold back anymore, she leaned in front of her, pointed to the living room and asked, "Sister, brother-in-law... what's going on?"

Before going downstairs, the two were still arguing about divorce. After returning, they ran to the bedroom and said a few words, turned Gu Lei's face and went to talk to Gu Qingyu about borrowing money to buy a house. This change made her... at a loss? Overwhelmed? Surprised? A little bit.

Of course Feng Xiaoqin would not tell his sister that he had accepted Gu Lei's punishment, so he kept silent about the divorce and went to borrow money from his sister.

"What's the matter? Let's be soft."

She said as she rinsed the dish soap from the dishes.

"Sister, you are really good. You settled my brother-in-law in just a few words." Feng Xiqian looked back at the living room again, and said in a low voice, "Sister, didn't you say that it was Gu Qingyu's idea behind that brother-in-law's divorce? But Look at her, she is quite easy to talk to, so she readily agreed to borrow money."

"I'm also very strange." Feng Xiaoqin still doesn't want to believe that the divorce is Gu Lei's own idea: "She is easy to talk to? Cut, why do you just have to be good, don't quarrel every day, make dad and grandma worry, why ask friends to borrow money?" After a while, I can always get the money together. The words are for Gu Lei, but they are actually pointing at me? This is to let me know how to be grateful, to let Gu Lei when things happen, and to think about the goodness of my eldest sister , In fact, this one million is nothing to her, anyway, I don't believe that she needs to find someone to borrow money, and the purpose of saying this is to create pressure on us."

Feng Xiqian said: "Fake, scheming bitch."

Feng Xiaoqin glared at her: "Keep your voice down, she heard it, what if you don't lend us money to buy a house? Bear with it, everything will be fine when we move out of this house."

Feng Xiqian nodded, stopped complaining about Gu Qingyu's insidiousness, and put the washed chopsticks and plates into the storage box.


that night.

The full moon was in the sky, and most of the balconies were illuminated.

A room in the opposite unit building turned on a red light. Some people said it was a woman who had lost her footing. Some said it was the practice of a well-known witch in the community setting up an altar. Some said it was not so mysterious. It was actually some succulents trying to look good. Lighting must be done.

Anyway, it looks weird from a distance.

Every time Feng Xiaoqin complains that the owner of the house has no morality, but not today because she has no time to complain.


"I will not do it."

"That's fine. I'll call my sister tomorrow and say it's good to live at home. We won't borrow money."

"You... Gu Lei, you are going too far."

"If it's not too much, is it still called punishment? When I secretly hid 100 yuan to watch the new change 5, when you drove me to the living room to sleep, why didn't you think that what you did was too much? In front of the old man On the other hand, when you say that I am a negative example in front of the little tiger, when you don’t study hard and have no future like me, why don’t you think that what you did is too much?”

Feng Xiaoqin gritted her teeth and finally chose to compromise.

Shame is shame, but for the sake of the house, bear with it and pass.

"Tsk tsk, this figure... is pretty average, what are you looking at, crawling."

Lin Yue stared, and whipped the furry ball on her back like a whip.

Feng Xiaoqin gritted her teeth again, and walked around the bed according to his instructions.




Maybe sitting on the bed and watching her crawling on the ground didn't feel like participating, so Lin Yue walked over and sat on her back.

"Since it's a punishment, there must be some extra material, otherwise how can you remember that I am the head of this family."


"Of course, you can go back on your word, and I don't have to borrow money."

Of course Feng Xiaoqin was not reconciled to giving up after taking eighty steps from one hundred steps, so she could only grit her teeth and crawl under the weight.



Lin Yue took Furry and twitched twice, suddenly the corners of his mouth turned up, and he exerted force with his hands.


A scream resounded through the room.

The little tiger sleeps very badly. He has to call five or six times in the morning to get him out of bed. But this scream woke him up from his sleep. Father.

"Dad, Mom, what are you doing?"

"Oh, Dad's playing horse-battle with your mother."

"War on horseback?"

The little tiger was very confused at first, but later became energetic: "I want to play too."

Feng Xiaoqin roared hoarsely: "Gu Lei, I'm going to kill you!"


The next day, early in the morning.

The atmosphere in the living room was dull and depressing, as if the court was about to open.

However, unlike Gu Shihong and Feng Xiaoqin, Lin Yue sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, holding a two-bitten apple in his hand.

"Gu Lei, people often say that there are quarrels between husband and wife, fights at the head of the bed and close at the end of the bed. I don't want to take care of the two of you, but no matter what, you can't..." At this point, the old man paused: "Take it in the middle of the night. The neighbor woke up and knocked on the door of our house, asking you to keep your voice down, my old face is about to be lost to you."

Feng Xiaoqin kept a dark face and said nothing.

She deliberately scolded Gu Lei in front of Gu Shihong, but how did she speak about what happened in the room last night? I can't open my mouth!

Lin Yue took a bite of the apple and said, "You have to find her for this matter. She didn't sleep well, and she fell to the floor and screamed and woke up the neighbors."

"Gu Lei!" Feng Xiaoqin was so angry, thinking of what happened last night, she wished she could give him a few knives.

"Is what I said wrong? Could it be that I was the one who yelled loudly?" Lin Yue said solemnly: "Don't forget, there is still a witness in the room. When the little tiger comes back, let him say who woke him up gone."


If you want to ask the little tiger, the answer must be mother, and maybe he will tell the story of father and mother fighting on horseback.

"Okay, stop arguing, you two pay attention in the future." After Gu Shihong said this, he went for a walk with his hands behind his back.

Feng Xiaoqin's face was full of resentment. In this matter, she was dumb and couldn't tell.

"Sit down, it's getting cold, drink a cup of tea to warm yourself up."

Seeing the old man leave home, Lin Yue stood up and poured her a cup of tea. This behavior seemed quite masculine.

However, Feng Xiaoqin didn't buy it, she gritted her teeth and looked at him, because from last night until now, she didn't dare to sit on the soft sofa or win the chair.

That whip hurts!

Lin Yue said: "Punishment is punishment. If it doesn't impress you, how can you have a long memory and understand that I am the head of the family?"

Impressive, indeed impressive enough, so impressive that there are shadows.

As for recognizing mistakes, long-term memory.

She didn't think she was wrong at all, and she was just making excuses.


Thinking about the house he was about to acquire, he suppressed the urge to kill him.

Ding ding dong...

At this time, the mobile phone on the coffee table rang, Lin Yue picked it up and put it to his ear: "Sister."


"You're well-informed."


"It's okay, I just fell off the bed and hit my tailbone. I'll be fine after two days of rest."


"Okay, I know."


"The money has already been transferred? The efficiency is really high."


"Okay, I'll check it out now."

Listening to the conversation between Lin Yue and Gu Qingyu, Feng Xiaoqin's face softened a little. Once the money is in place, will the house be far away?

"Sister, Xiaoqin and I will definitely pay back the money, don't worry." Lin Yue said as he went to get his clothes, pretending to go to the bank to check the accounts.


"It's your business not to be in a hurry. Don't you know me? I don't feel at ease in owing others money."


"Neither can the family."


"Okay, okay, I see."

Lin Yue hung up the phone, put the phone in his pocket, put on his gray jacket and black leather shoes on the floor, and was about to open the door and go downstairs when he suddenly remembered something and turned around to look back.

"Sister just asked, for a house worth 2.5 million yuan, 1 million yuan will be used as a down payment, and the remaining 1.5 million yuan will be used as a loan. Calculated on a 360-period basis, it will cost more than 7,000 yuan a month. How should we pay it back with our income?"

He threw the homework to Feng Xiaoqin and went out.

How to repay the monthly payment?

Yes, how should I pay it back?

Feng Xiaoqin frowned.

Lin Yue curled his lips and walked downstairs.

In the TV series, there are actually a lot of places that are extremely scary to think about. Feng Xiaoqin and Gu Lei live together with the elderly, and they don’t have to pay for water, electricity, and food. The little tiger is in the stage of compulsory education, and there is basically no tuition fee. People just need to buy some stationery.

Gu Lei is a person who earns little and spends little. He doesn't smoke or drink. He usually plays games and watches movies. How much money can he spend a month? Even if you spend 4,000 a month and leave 1,000, you have saved 100,000 yuan in eight years, but the two only have 30,000 yuan in their hands. Where did the rest of the money go?

Looking at Feng Xiaoqin again, she bought a fake Adidas schoolbag for the little tiger, and the gift for Gu Qingyu was a hand-made scarf + a fake LV label, and her younger brother can actually make models and sell them, earning five or six hundred at least, and earning more One or two thousand, and there is no brand effect. If something of the same level is labeled as Bandai, how much will the value soar?

Everyone knows that it costs money to learn to draw, to learn music, to learn dance and to perform, so how about making models? First of all, you have to know what the original model looks like before you can make works of the same level. You must know that the vast majority of people who are willing to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on this thing are hardcore players with high requirements and poisonous eyes, so they are made in China. Is it possible to ask them to pay for a work of the highest level?

So here comes the question, who will give Feng Danian money to support him in buying genuine models? Is the second sister Feng Xixi? Or the parents who were farmers?

The son here buys a cheap schoolbag, while the son over there has money to play with genuine models.

The aunt of the key family loved her nephew and bought a genuine Adidas schoolbag for her, which became a mockery of her mother's lack of money.

It's ridiculous that such a rotten person still has people standing.

"Hey, what are you thinking? Your smile is uglier than bitter gourd."

He had only reached the second floor when a voice from the side interrupted his thinking.

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