Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2144 It's hard to argue now (two in one)

Lin Yue took out his mobile phone, walked to the clerk and said a few words.

The beautiful clerk pondered for a while, then walked to the rostrum, discussed in a low voice with the three judges, and finally the presiding judge nodded, and then she walked to Lin Yue, took the mobile phone and returned to her seat.

Soon, there was a conversation from the loudspeaker at the trial site.

"Grandma, the matter is already like this. What we have to do now is to deal with the trial. Gu Lei's father and I have persuaded it, but it is useless. Can Abo persuade him to withdraw the case by going to him? Unless you apologize in public , but what is the difference between this and losing the lawsuit?"

"I don't apologize, and I'm not wrong. Why should I apologize to him?"

Then came an old male voice: "This... this Gu Lei is too much."

"Who says it's not? Something as big as sesame and mung bean must be brought to court."

A slightly shrill female voice: "Xiaoqin, what should you tell me?"

"It's very simple. If you don't admit it, grandma, as long as you don't admit it, he won't be able to win the lawsuit if he can't find witnesses or produce evidence."

An old male voice: "Then what if he finds witnesses? You also know that your grandma contacts so many people every day, maybe someone is willing to testify in court."

"If someone testifies in court, then you should submit a proof that grandma has intermittent insanity. It is not illegal for a madman to kill someone, let alone a person of grandma's age who is gossiping."

"Yes, yes, yes, why did I forget about this, I will go to Lao Han tomorrow and ask him to give me a diagnostic report, Xiaoqin, thank you, without you, I really don't know What should I do?"

"Abbe, I'm to blame for this. If I hadn't complained to Grandma and asked her to help her figure out a solution, she wouldn't have said those things to people everywhere."


This is... a conversation between Feng Xiaoqin and Zhang Dingguo and his wife?

Everyone in the Wanziyuan Community looked at Feng Xiaoqin in unison.

She is Gu Lei's wife, and she actually conspired for Zhang Dingguo and his wife to cheat her husband. This...what the hell is going on?

Faced with those questioning gazes, Feng Xiaoqin was surprised and confused at first, then angry and puzzled, and finally embarrassed, after all, those gazes were too oppressive.

Lin Yue said: "Everyone should have heard it. This is the recording of the conversation between Zhang Dingguo and Feng Xiaoqin. I couldn't understand it at first, but after thinking about it carefully, who is the beneficiary after the two rumors spread? Yes, it is her. Feng Xiaoqin."

Now everyone understood that Mrs. Zhang was helping Feng Xiaoqin to make troubles, improving her reputation, creating a personality for her, and belittling Gu Lei at the same time.

Lin Yue continued: "At first I didn't want to take this thing out. It's a couple's affair. No one will look good after this, but Mrs. Zhang has no intention of repenting at all. She came to the court and deceived everyone in various ways. Refusing to admit my mistake forced me to make this last move."

Discussions broke out in the auditorium again. Unlike before, the presiding judge did not ask everyone to be silent. Maybe this turning point was too surprising, or maybe it was intentional to give everyone time to think and digest.

And Feng Xiaoqin felt like she was sitting on pins and needles. Although she was sitting in the auditorium, she had the feeling of being a defendant. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to run away, as far as she could. But she also wanted to know the outcome of the trial. From a moral point of view, It's not easy to let Zhang Dingguo and his wife turn around and run away.

"My wife plotted against my husband, and hired an old woman to be the first bird. Heh, the matter of the Gu family is really interesting."

"That's why rural wives cannot marry."

"This is absolutely true. There are still many good girls."

"Then let me introduce a rural girl to your son who works in the park management office?"


At this moment, Gu Xin who was sitting alone in the corner yelled.

"Presiding judge, such wiretapping recordings should not be admitted as evidence in court."

One sentence suppressed everyone's voice.

The few who understand the law nodded repeatedly. They were aware of this problem just now, but they couldn't figure out why the court adopted this recording.

Just when Gu Xin was excited about finding this key issue, the clerk gave an explanation: "After the court certification, this recording belongs to the telephone recording, which was dialed by Feng Xiaoqin on its own initiative, and it does not belong to the category of illegal acquisition."

Gu Xin's expression froze on his face, and his already gloomy face stretched further.

phone recording?

Feng Xiaoqin took the initiative to dial?

When she was discussing countermeasures with Zhang Dingguo, she called Gu Lei and let him record the conversation?

She... whose side is she on?

Everyone was confused by Feng Xiaoqin's contradictory behavior.

She herself was also in a daze, calling? She never called Gu Lei.

In order to confirm the authenticity of this matter, she took out her mobile phone, found the call records with Gu Lei and looked through them.

There was indeed a call three days ago, and the time was right.

But she really didn't fight.

Zhang Dingguo and Mrs. Zhang looked at her with strange eyes.

Feng Xiaoqin shook her head anxiously, but didn't know how to explain the scene in front of her.



The people in the audience were allowed to discuss for a while, and the judge struck the gavel again.

"Defendant, do you have anything to say?"

Zhang Dingguo: "..."

Zhang Ting: "..."

Feng Xiaoqin's sudden betrayal made the couple at a loss. In the end, the guy who advised them became the biggest ghost, so how can this lawsuit be fought? No matter how you fight, you will lose, so just lie down.

Seeing that Zhang Dingguo and his wife had nothing to say, the judge struck the gavel twice again, announced the adjournment, set a date for sentencing, got up and left with the documents.

After a while, the people in the auditorium were also evacuated from the trial court through the back door under the guidance of the staff.


"Uncle, grandma, listen to me, I really didn't call Gu Lei."

Everyone outside dispersed, and Feng Xiaoqin waited for a while before seeing Zhang Dingguo and his wife come out of the court.

"Let go of her hand."

Zhang Dingguo pulled the old lady Zhang behind him and looked at Feng Xiaoqin angrily: "You didn't call Gu Lei? Then why didn't you tell the judge in court?"

The telephone recording submitted by Gu Lei not only proved that Mrs. Zhang carried out the slander in a sober state, but also stripped off the couple's underwear. Thinking that he is a retired cadre in the street, he is considered a few in the community. A person of great reputation, once this recording came out, he was directly branded as a bad old man with no bottom line and no responsibility. How will others think of him and talk about him in the future?

He is not the kind of person who is shameless and can ignore public opinion.

"I...I..." Feng Xiaoqin couldn't argue, the phone call records were there, and she said that she didn't make the call, but she didn't believe it: "I didn't expect to dial out by mistake, Aunt, you believe me, I never I never thought of betraying you."

Zhang Dingguo said: "Things are already like this, is it still useful to say this now?"


Feng Xiaoqin wanted to explain further, but the old lady Zhang suddenly patted her pocket, her old face changed color: "Dingguo, where is my medicine? I want to take medicine, but the doctor said that if I don't take medicine on time, the child will be lost."

"Don't worry, don't worry, let's go home and take medicine."

Zhang Dingguo glanced at Feng Xiaoqin, took the old woman's hand and left in a hurry.

Obviously, Mrs. Zhang fell ill again, and she seemed to be very sick. She used to imagine that she was young and could have a child after recuperating her body. Now she thinks that she is pregnant and will not be able to keep her child without taking medicine.


The word "po" was not called out in the end, because Feng Xiaoqin suddenly found a sneaky figure, probably seeing her standing at the door, and shrank back into the shadow of a police car.

"Shi Zhiwei!"

Feng Xiaoqin stepped forward quickly.

Boss Shi, who was hiding behind the shadow of the police car, turned around and ran away.

"Don't run, stop for me."

As soon as she shouted, she ran faster over there.

"Run again, believe it or not, I'll smash your Xianyun Pavilion."

Hearing this, Shi Zhiwei stopped running, and at the moment he turned around, a hypocritical smile hung on his face: "Xiaoqin, there's no need to do this, right?"

"Not necessary?"

Feng Xiaoqin poured the emotions of being embarrassed in court and being blamed by Zhang Dingguo all over his head.

"Say, why did you betray me?"

"Xiaoqin, what you said is not right. When will I betray you?" Shi Zhiwei laughed dryly: "How do I know that you were a part of Mrs. Zhang's slander of Gu Lei? If you know the truth in advance, you will kill me won't come either."

This was not wrong, he really didn't know about Mrs. Zhang spreading rumors, and Feng Xiaoqin was a participant.

"Then let me ask you, what ecstasy soup Gu Lei poured into you, is it worth your help?"

She knows Shi Zhiwei well, this little boss with a strong sense of scorn is definitely a no-profit owner, when facing Gu Lei before, he was very polite, but in fact he looked down on moneyless people from the bottom of his heart The second child of the Gu family, who has no education or ability, is just doing superficial work because of Gu Shihong's prestige and her face.

With this kind of relationship, can he help Gu Lei to testify in court for no reason?

Even if you think about it with your butt, you know it's impossible.

"I'm not helping him, I'm helping myself."

Feng Xiaoqin was taken aback by Shi Zhiwei's words.

"Help yourself? What do you mean?"

"Zhan Xiang introduced me to a partner two days ago. He is a very nice person. I don't know how to make it happen. What Mrs. Zhang said reached her ears. What do you want me to do? Xiaoqin, you don't know what to do. I'm married and have children, and I'm still a bachelor, this... I have to show an attitude?"

Feng Xiaoqin understood what he said.

Shi Zhiwei helped Gu Lei to testify in court to prove to the woman Zhan Xiang introduced to him that he did not agree with Mrs. Zhang, that is, to deny his view that she was interesting to her.

Feng Xiaoqin looked back and forth at Houjinger's footwashing city boss from head to toe, and from foot to head several times.

"Is that woman rich?"

"General, general."

These words sound modest, but there is always a feeling of pride and showing off.

"If the conditions are mediocre, can you go all out to prove yourself in court?" Feng Xiaoqin's words seemed to be teasing, but they were actually a bit sour. After all, she spent so much effort back then and failed to get Boss Shi.

"Zhan Xiang, that bastard, is very enthusiastic about introducing you to someone. He promised to lend me a million dollars earlier, but later he said he was interested in a house. He was nervous about money and couldn't borrow it anymore. He has been avoiding me recently, don't let me saw him..."

Speaking of Zhanxiang, Feng Xiaoqin hated it.

She had already thought about it before, and borrowed one million from Zhan Xiang, saying that her parents sold the house in her hometown and brought the money. Gu Lei took more than 200,000 from the one million that Gu Qingyu gave out to buy a BMW. Gu Shihong, as his father-in-law, saw that his in-laws had sold the house, so why would he not pay for it?

After getting the Gu family's money, buying a house, and bringing her parents and younger brother to live in, how to deal with the house in her hometown will depend on the situation--there is a house in my hometown, and there will be a way out in the new year, so that she can live her life Be sure, even if it is revealed that the money was taken from Zhan Xiang in the future, it can be said that the house in his hometown was mortgaged to Zhan Xiang.

Now the rent-collecting man suddenly regretted it, which completely disrupted her plan.

And about Grandma Zhang...

She's been really unlucky lately.

"Boss Shi, tell me, how do you want to solve this matter?"

"Sister Qin, calm down, go to my Xianyun Pavilion, pinch your feet first, then tap your back, and provide one-stop ear and head treatment. After I finish, I'll take you to take a bath and have a seafood feast. I'm sure there's nothing bothering you. Forgot all."

"That's what you said."

"I said so."

"If you don't feel comfortable serving me today, I will stay in your Xianyun Pavilion."


Shi Zhiwei led her to the parking place.

"Boss Shi, tell me about your blind date."



At the same time, Lin Yue ran into Gu Xin in the parking lot.

It could be seen that he was very unhappy, and his usually depressed face became even more depressed.

"I really didn't expect that you would come to the trial."

As Lin Yue said, he took out the car keys and pressed the unlock button. The headlights of the opposite BMW flashed twice, and the folding rearview mirror slowly unfolded.

"Who asked you to send the recording to Sun Qi?"

"Of course it's me."

"You don't keep your word."

"Is there a mistake? When did I promise not to tell Sun Qi? I just promised my sister not to tell Ge Yue what you never forget about her. What? She contacted you again?"

Gu Xin just looked at him coldly, without answering the question.

"Is she disappointed in you? Including your parents? 'I'm sorry, Gu Xin, and no one will be sorry to Sun Qi?' Heh, parents who don't know what gratitude is can teach a decent son? Anyway, I don't believe it. "

"Gu Lei, I warn you, if you meddle in my affairs with Sun Qi again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Okay, I won't meddle in your affairs with Sun Qi, I'll meddle in your affairs with Ge Yue, okay?"


Gu Xin stepped forward quickly and grabbed his collar.

Lin Yue grabbed his wrist, slowly exerting force.

"I'd love to know what your colleagues would think if you showed up to work with a bruised nose."

People in public institutions are the most concerned about face, Gu Xin is very clear that he is not as strong as him, and he will definitely suffer in a real fight, so he can only let go of his hand bitterly.


Lin Yue pursed his lips, and walked past Gu Xin to the BMW car.

"Gu Lei, do you think that Sun Qi will look at you like this? Don't take a pee and take care of yourself. What's your condition? What's her condition?"

Gu Xin always felt that Gu Lei had a plan to get close to Sun Qi, if it wasn't for his beauty... He really couldn't figure out what other things in Sun Qi other than beauty could make men covet.

As for the sake of the Gu family's reputation, to help him cut the mess quickly, only ghosts believe this kind of rhetoric.

Lin Yue got into the car, started the engine and drove away. When he passed by Gu Xin, he looked out expressionlessly.

Just yesterday, Gu Shihai took a trip to the Wanziyuan community and sent invitations to Gu Shihong and Gu Qingyu, but he was the only one who did not.

This matter made Gu Shihong sulking for a day, and the old lady was also very upset, saying that it must be Su Wangdi's idea.

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