Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2152 It's not a Rolls-Royce, I won't smash it (two in one)

The windows closed silently, and the curtains were drawn again.

Lin Yue took two steps back.

Gu Shihong said: "I told you a long time ago, it won't work."

beep beep...

beep beep...

The horn of the car came from behind again.

Lin Yue turned around and walked out.

"Gu Lei, what are you doing?"

Gu Shihong asked a few questions but got no response. He thought he had gone outside to buy a car. After all, he would be posted on the side of the road. Wanziyuan Community is the key focus of the traffic police.

Looking back at the long line of traffic, the old man was about to die.

"Teacher Gu."


Gu Shihong turned around under the guidance of the property staff, and found that Gu Lei had gone and returned, still holding a... hammer?

He glanced to the side, and suddenly realized that his son hadn't parked outside, but had gone to the security room next to the gate to get the hammer.

Take a hammer?

take the hammer...

Take the hammer!

"Gu Lei, what are you doing?"

Gu Shihong watched him go straight to the Rolls-Royce, and it was too late when he realized that he raised the hammer high and smashed it down heavily.


The windows of the cab were shattered and glass shards were sprayed everywhere.


The glass in the back row of the driver's cab shattered, and Shi Zhiwei, who was sitting on the sofa, was so frightened that his expression changed drastically, and he screamed, the broken glass splashed all over him, waving his hands like a frightened chicken, shrinking desperately to the right, the The walkie-talkie was also thrown to the ground, and the voice of the younger brother asking him what happened came from inside.

There was a long queue behind the Rolls-Royce, and many drivers were waiting anxiously. Some stuck their heads out of the car windows and honked their horns, some were smoking impatiently with a cigarette between them, and some were desperately making phone calls. Know if you're explaining to your client, or explaining to your family...

Anyway, it feels like time is passing very slowly. Everyone was listless at first. With Lin Yue raising the hammer and hitting it like this, everyone is not sleepy or bored. Some stretch their necks, some open the skylight, and some directly Get out of the car and run forward.

That's a Rolls-Royce. A piece of window glass costs tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. This kid actually smashed it?

"Fuck me, rich people dare to smash a Rolls-Royce." The bald man driving the Ford SUV trembled, and the cigarette fell to the ground.

Behind the Rolls-Royce is a Mercedes-Benz C-Class. The owner was too frightened to honk the horn, and even lifted his car to the back, for fear that he would be involved too. This thing really caused some disputes or something, 1.5 million The three are in danger of not being able to afford it.

"Ah? What are you doing?"

"Ah? What are you doing?"

"Ah, what are you doing?!"

Every time Lin Yue smashed a piece of glass, Shi Zhiwei repeated endlessly in the carriage, his face was so pale that no blood was visible, and there were glass shards on his head.

It wasn't until then that Gu Shihong realized that he didn't recognize the logo of Rolls-Royce, but the property staff knew it. When he heard that it was a Rolls-Royce, his face turned blue. The shadow of the famous tree on the car, his son If someone smashed the car like this, how can he pay for it? Are you selling your house?

"Gu Lei, Gu Lei...don't smash it, don't smash it."

The man who is Lao Tzu is almost knocked down by the man who is a son, with an anxious and pained look on his face, as if someone cut his flesh with a knife.


The little golden man just in front of the car was smashed into the air by the hammer, and just as Lin Yue stopped to catch his breath, Gu Shihong finally found a chance to snatch the hammer from his hand. At this time, a group of people had already surrounded three circles outside.

There are a lot of people who smashed second-hand cars on TikTok, and none of them smashed Rolls-Royce in three or five years. Such a wonderful scene was staged at the gate of the community today. If you miss this excitement, wouldn’t it be a lifetime of regret?

One word, cool.

Two words, so cool.

Three words, really cool.

It looked too relieved, too relieved.

Good dogs don't block the way, let you block the gate, you deserve it!

Many drivers were not in a hurry to go out, pointing and pointing around the Rolls-Royce, and almost applauding Lin Yue.

When Shi Zhiwei saw that the hammer was taken away by Gu Shihong, he felt that his life was safe, so he quickly shook off the glass shards on his body and got out of the carriage.

Lin Yue said, "I'll ask you again, to move or not to move?"

Shi Zhiwei pointed at him and said, "Let me tell you, you are doomed. If you smashed my car, you won't be able to pay for it."

"Is it……"

"What kind of attitude do you have, oh, Mr. Gu, you are going to be famous because of your son again, but it's different from before, this time it's on TV." Shi Zhiwei changed the pointing object: "I called the people from the TV station and let everyone comment on it. Judge, let’s see how your owners’ committee and the property management team are colluding, not only raising the parking fee in the community at random, but also smashing cars in public.”

The back of the head, the face of a donkey, the small naked eyes and the sunken sideburns, the look of the stern look, coupled with the soft Shanghai dialect, it is very pleasant to look at.

But Gu Shihong couldn't laugh, he was almost pissed off by his son.

"You dare to smash that car. His car is worth dozens of BMWs of yours. You, you, you have caused a big accident. Neither me nor your sister can save you this time."

Lin Yue glanced back at him, narrowed his eyes and said, "You can't save me, but sister can."

Gu Shihong blinked: "You don't plan on taking your sister's money again, do you?"

Lin Yue chuckled: "If I say that you don't have to pay a penny, do you believe it?"

Gu Shihong expressed his disbelief, and the property staff also thought he was joking.

Lin Yue didn't say much, walked to the front of the Rolls-Royce without the statuette, took out his mobile phone and took a picture, Wang Shi Zhiwei said: "Boss Shi, this car doesn't belong to you, does it?"

"This... is not mine but yours?"

"Don't think I don't know, you borrowed this car from Zhanxiang, right? Then what do you think about the relationship between Zhanxiang and my sister, if I smashed his car, can he ask me for compensation?"


Shi Zhiwei felt that he had encountered a hooligan.

How could he do that?

The Rolls-Royce really belonged to Zhan Xiang. He borrowed it from Zhan Xiang for the reason that his friend got married and wanted the car to look good. Now because of blocking the door, Gu Lei smashed the car in a fit of anger. If Zhan Xiang pursued it... Gu Qingyu would how to think?

So Zhan Xiang could only grit his teeth and swallow the bitter fruit, so how would he be treated if he cheated his trust and directly caused the incident to happen?

"Gu... Teacher Gu, your son is so unreasonable, why don't you take care of him?"

Seeing that Shi Zhiwei was timid, Gu Shihong thought of his attitude towards him just now, and spread his hands: "What should I do? His wings are hardened now, and he doesn't listen to what he says as a father."

This is really not shirking responsibility, just look at the things your son has done these days, did you listen to his persuasion for one thing?

"You are the director of our community's business committee, and you are still a teacher. How can you not care about your son's affairs?" Shi Zhiwei was very excited, and at the end he had a broken voice.

Ding ding dong...

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and when he picked it up, it was Zhan Xiang calling.

He looked up at the car again, it looked like this, how could he dare to pick it up, and then pressed the hang up button.

Ding ding dong...

The phone rang again.

He continued to hang up.

It rings again.

Hang up again.

After doing this five or six times, the phone stopped ringing. I just breathed a sigh of relief, but I didn't expect that Zhan Xiang would stop calling him and call Lin Yue instead.

"Shi Zhiwei!"

With the hands-free turned on, Zhan Xiang's roar came from the speaker.

Lin Yue handed the phone to Shi Zhiwei's face.

The owner of Xijiaocheng saw that he couldn't escape, so he could only bite the bullet and call "Brother Xiang".

"I asked you, why didn't you answer my call?"


"Why didn't you answer my call?"

" phone is out of battery, if I make a call...the phone will be turned off if I make another call."

"No electricity? Okay, okay, I won't tell you this, let me ask you, my it alright at your friend's wedding?"

Shi Zhiwei glanced at the Rolls-Royce, which was blown in all directions: "Don't worry, Brother Xiang, it's alright."

"Are you ready?!" There was a loud shout from the loudspeaker: "Boss Shi, you are still fooling me at this time! I kindly lent you a car to pick up the bride. What have you been doing? Use it to block the road. It was also smashed by someone, right?"

"Brother Xiang, did you read it wrong?"

"Misunderstanding? Gu Lei sent me the photo, the license plate is clearly taken."

"Brother Xiang, did he tell you that he smashed the car?"

"Why did he smash the car? You are in the way of others, shouldn't you smash it?"

"Brother Xiang, listen to me explain to you..."

"Go to hell, Shi Zhiwei."

Boss Shi shivered, shrank his head back, and looked at the phone screen again, Zhan Xiang had already hung up the phone.




Sirens sounded in the distance.

Sounds like it's just outside the complex.

At this time, Shi Zhiwei's cell phone rang again. He picked it up and found that it was not Zhan Xiang's call. He breathed a sigh of relief, and put it to his ear after connecting.

He said three sentences back and forth.

He put down his phone, pointed at Lin Yue and Gu Shihong and said, "I'm telling you, don't be arrogant, the people from the TV station will be here soon, wait for the TV show."



woo... woo... woo...

There was another burst of police sirens from far to near, and the people watching the excitement turned their heads one after another, wondering what happened?

Soon, a girl in a white coat trotted in and shouted to the crowd blocking the gate: "Everyone give way, move the car, someone in your community calls 120, so the ambulance can't come in."

Boss Shi, who was sneering over there, blinked his eyes: "Ambulance? Who called the ambulance?"

Gu Shihong was in a hurry: "Don't worry about who called the ambulance, just move the car quickly."

"Move the car? Isn't moving the car just to destroy the scene? Mr. Gu, in order to protect your son, you can do this kind of thing?"

"Boss Shi, human life is at stake." Gu Shihong said, "It's such a time, yet you still care about losing money."

When the two were talking, as Shi Zhiwei said, the reporter from the TV station came, and the girl in front was only in her twenties, followed by a man in his early thirties, wearing a vest and holding a camera.

"Here, here..."

Boss Shi waved to the two of them.

"Are you Mr. Shi who called the TV station and provided news clues?" the girl asked out of breath.

"Yes, I am."

At this time, the two newcomers noticed the Rolls-Royce whose windows were smashed, looked at each other, and their mood suddenly became very beautiful.

As a media person, they certainly know what this means.

As far as parents are concerned, the contradiction between the property and the owner is such a trivial matter, how can it stir up the G-spot, which is becoming less and less sensitive to the public? Now that a Rolls Royce has been smashed, as long as it is used as a gimmick, will it cause strong repercussions in society?

Wanziyuan Community... You came to the right place!

"Mr. Shi? Is this your car?"

"That's right, this is my car. They... that's the one... that's him. His father is the director of the owner's committee of the community. To help his father, he smashed my car. Now I have reason to suspect that the industry The members of the committee are in collusion with the property management, raising the parking fee and infringing on the rights of ordinary owners in the community to collect money, and then add 5 cents to every 21."

Not to mention, he is quite smart, yet the villain sued first.

The onlookers talked a lot, and some people really doubted it. Shi Zhiwei also said what everyone wanted to say but was not easy to say.

Gu Shihong, a middle school teacher, is reasonable in everything and saves face. When he encountered such a thing, he was so angry that his mouth trembled: "Boss Shi, how can you talk like this? It is said that the owner committee and the property management team are holding money together. The evidence What? There is no evidence to frame people with empty teeth.”

Shi Zhiwei said: "What evidence is needed for this kind of thing? Ask everyone, do they all think so?"

The little nurse at the back was anxious: "Are you finished? Can you move the car away first? In case the patient loses his life if the rescue is not timely, who will take the responsibility?"

Not to mention, she is quite responsible.

Gu Shihong said: "Boss Shi, don't talk about anything else, move the car quickly."

"Then you agreed to lower the parking fee?"

"Okay, okay, I agree on behalf of the industry committee."

From this point of view, the old man is still very kind. As the director of the industry committee, he obviously has no income, but he still only cares about the health of the residents in the community.

"And my car? Compensate or not?"

"It's not your car at all, okay?"

Just as the two were arguing again, a man in a fire suit and a helmet walked in from the crowd.

"What's going on? Who parked the car here?"

Amidst the discussion of "firefighters are coming", everyone shifted their attention to Shi Zhiwei.

"It's your car? Move away quickly."

The firefighter was in a hurry, speaking almost in a commanding tone.

Of course he had a reason to say this, because the four gates of the community were blocked, and the fire truck couldn't get in at all.

Shi Zhiwei said, "Comrade firefighters, why are you here?"

"Why are we here? Some residents in your community called 119, can we not come? Stop talking nonsense and move the car quickly."

"But my... this car, look..."

"If you don't move the car, you are blocking the fire exit and hindering the official business. If you cause loss of life and property of residents, we will hold you legally responsible."

The little nurse spoke very gently, but the firefighter spoke with a different attitude.

Shi Zhiwei was terrified. If someone died like what the fireman said, he might go to jail.

"I move, I move."

He quickly got into the main cab, endured the stinging pain from his buttocks, and started the car.

Pressed the start button.

no response.

Press the start button again.

Still no response.

Shi Zhiwei was in a hurry, patting here, stomping there, sweating profusely in the cab, unable to start the ignition.

The crowd of onlookers watched him busy there in a daze.

Some said it was time for the car to break down, and some said it was because the car couldn't start. In all likelihood, Boss Shi did something on purpose. After all, Gu Lei just smashed the glass, the little golden man flew away, and the car didn't move. sub engine.

"How did that happen?"

"How did that happen?"

Shi Zhiwei tried again and again, but the car did not move at all.

The firefighter got impatient and kept asking him if you could do it.

"The police are here, the police are here."

Accompanied by the commotion from behind the crowd, two policemen wearing big caps walked to the front of the car.

Shi Zhiwei saw that his face was longer than that of a donkey.

First the ambulance, then the fire engine, and now the police are here to join in the fun?

"Who did it? Who did this?"

Xiao Liu, the security guard, raised his hand and said, "Comrade policeman, I called the police."

The leading policeman said, "I didn't ask who called the police, I asked whose car it was?"

"I... It's mine, it's mine." Shi Zhiwei stuck his head out of the cab and greeted like a slave.

"Aren't you going to move quickly? Look at how long it's blocked in the back."

After the low-ranking policeman finished speaking, he noticed a firefighter standing beside him.

"How is this going?"

The firefighter said: "Someone in the community called the fire alarm, saying that there was a fire at home. After we received the alarm, we drove over and found that the four doors of the community were blocked, and the fire truck could not get in at all. No, there is another family member in the community who called 120." , to send emergency patients, the ambulance also encountered the same problem when it came to the community.”

If the two policemen were able to maintain calm just now, they are filled with righteous indignation now.

"Hurry up, you have one minute to move the car away, or don't blame us for arresting you for obstructing official duties."

Shi Zhiwei was about to cry. He really wanted to move the car away, but God knows what went wrong. Not only could this thing fail to start, but the electronic handbrake could not be released either.

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