Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2174 You...don't...don't (two in one)

It can be seen that Sun Qi is not in a beautiful mood today, because the hem of her overalls has visible folds, which is rare. As a well-known cold beauty in the company, she always pays attention to her image, and her makeup is not very delicate , The foundation was not evenly applied, and the high-grade eye cream could not cover the dark circles. I think I didn't sleep well last night.

Insomnia is natural, after all, I lost the case of Lanson Glass.

Although the person in charge of the project is Gu Lei, everyone knows that Manager Gu is a pure newcomer in the industry. The big boss assigned Sun Qi to him because he valued her ability to be competent for this business. The hard work is obvious to all. As for Manager Gu, he is idle and idle all day long. When he arrives at the company, he either sits in the office playing with his mobile phone, or goes to the rooftop to smoke and chat on the phone. He can be said to be a shopkeeper.

People who are appreciated by the big boss, everyone has nothing to say about it.

Now the question is, the case of Lansen Glass is lost, what does it mean? Is Gu Lei responsible? As a newcomer in the industry, he obviously didn't do anything. Sun Qi was busy with the project from taking over to auditing and then negotiating. Oh, Shi Yuan was added a few days ago, but Shi Yuan is also a newcomer. Run errands for Sun Qi, print out a document, call to make an appointment for an appointment, etc. In other words, Sun Qi will be Gu Lei's assistant, and Shi Yuan will be Sun Qi's assistant. Looking at it this way, is it because Lansen Glass's CEO Zhou switched to Murray Gail Quinn because he was dissatisfied with Sun Qi's business ability?

Although the case was lost, according to the company's system, the responsibility should be on Gu Lei, but everyone's thinking, it is inevitable that they will point the finger at her.

Doubtful voices, and the failure of a large commission --- don't look at the manager's business ability as scum in the eyes of everyone, but he is still very generous when it comes to employing people. He handed over the case to Sun Qi At the same time, he promised 85% of the commission, that is to say, the big boss got him the order from Mr. Zhou, and Sun Qi was in charge of the actual operation. In the end, he only needed 15% of the commission. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to practice and improve your ability to operate independently. For this, many people in the company are jealous of her, because neither Xindi Lu, Jack Liu, Ma Jingzhong, or Su Xiaonian can hand over an order of one billion yuan to their subordinates, because a rough estimate, If this project is successful, Sun Qi will get a commission of more than one million yuan.

Well, the money is gone, the opportunity is gone, it's no wonder I don't suffer from insomnia.

"Sun...Sun Qi." Coincidentally, Gu Xin came out of the work hall with a blue folder, and greeted her with a smile.

Regrettably, this flattery was not responded to at all, and the ex-girlfriend turned a corner and walked to her work station.

The female staff in the rest area smiled at Gu Xin's unhappy gaze, tidied up their attire, and went back to the work hall to do their work.

I thought that Sun Qi would adjust her mood after sitting down at the work station, and put her energy into work, but to everyone's surprise, she walked up to the blue maca cup with herbal tea with a cold face, blinking her eyes In front of Shi Yuan, who was staring at the report on the computer screen without blinking, he didn't care about the surprised eyes of his colleagues, and held back his anger and said, "Did you do it?"

Shi Yuan's attention was all on the computer screen, the work area was always noisy, and he didn't pay attention to the sound of high-heeled shoes from far and near. He didn't look up until Sun Qi opened his mouth, and put the blue mug on the table On, with a puzzled face, he asked, "What did you say?"

"Did you do it?"

"What did I do?"

"I said, did you leak the plan to Murray Gail Quinn about the Ranson Glass case?"

Sun Qi spoke very loudly, the staff at the nearby work stations all looked over, and there were a few talking to the two of them at the door.

The reason why Lanson Glass lost its case was Shi Yuan's fault?

"It's not me." Of course Shi Yuan would not admit it: "Why would I do such a thing?"

Sun Qi said bitterly: "Because your wife is Gu Qingyu."

Some people know about the relationship between Shi Yuan and Gu Qingyu, and some don’t. Now everyone knows and understands Sun Qi’s thoughts. On the project of Lansen Glass, Gu Lei and Sun Qi have no position to collude with Gu Qingyu, because once they become Well, one gets a promotion and a raise, the other gets a huge commission, what about Shi Yuan? Shi Yuan's benefits are pitifully small. There are rumors these days that Shi Yuan is Gu Lei's brother-in-law, but the relationship between the two is very bad. When Gu Qingyu brought him to his family, his brother-in-law disagreed. In the marriage, my brother-in-law was beaten up and bruised on the spot. Now that they have entered the same company, my brother-in-law got my brother-in-law to do errands in his team. It was clear that he was humiliating him, so we have to say that Shi Yuan intentionally retaliated against his brother-in-law. It is absolutely reasonable to spoil the case.

Shi Yuan looked at his colleagues around him, then at Sun Qi, and said as calmly as possible: "Who do you think I am, a commercial spy? Please don't slander me."

Sun Qi said: "Only the three of us know the details of the plan. Tell me, who else has the motivation to do this besides you? Why do I think you are someone who can get along with someone who doesn't know you for money? Would a man care about his own reputation when a woman cheats her into buying a house with a fake marriage?"

Compared with Shi Yuan, she was very excited.

This is normal, a case of more than one million is so yellow, for those who want to roll up their sleeves and take this opportunity to go out their own way, instead of following Cindy Lu and Jack Liu's ass to drink soup People, it can be said to be an extremely heavy blow.

Shi Yuan stood up and said: "If I did it, then why would I leak the plan to Murray Gale Quinn? I should choose institutions that are not suspected, such as Galaxy Securities, Guosen Securities, Orient Securities, etc. A sum, not Murray Gale Quinn, the arch-nemesis of Amoy Securities."

Sun Qi said: "It's very simple, because you want to drive a wedge between Gu Lei and Gu Qingyu. Don't think I don't know, Gu Lei has been fighting with Sister Qingyu because of your matter, and no one has called anyone for a long time. You As long as you do this, the relationship between the siblings will definitely get worse, not only to take revenge on the brother-in-law, but also to make Sister Qingyu only get close to you."


Shi Yuan was stunned, unable to understand why Sun Qi's brain circuit was so twisted.

At the same time, in a director's office where you can see the large work area, Jack Liu closed the door, touched the texture of the newly permed hair, walked to the chair opposite Gu Xin and sat down, resting his head on the head of the office chair Zhen said: "Director Lu is watching the theater with his arms folded, are you sure you don't want to go out and have a look?"

Gu Xin was holding a pure black lighter in his hand. While turning it around, he tapped on the table lightly, and shook his head slightly at Jack Liu's proposal.

Jack Liu said proudly: "Peter Du's matchmaking case can be lost, and your cousin's promotion to director is likely to be a failure. This ex-girlfriend has lost a large commission and the opportunity to prove her strength to the big boss. If I were you, I would definitely seize this opportunity to comfort my ex-girlfriend, right?"

Gu Xin looked down at the lighter in his hand. Since Gu Lei came to Aimeng Securities, he has learned to smoke, and the more he smokes, the more he smokes. In just over a month, he has reached half a pack a day.

"You don't need to teach me this, I know what to do."

Jack Liu was a little dissatisfied, because Gu Xin is a newcomer who has only been in the industry for less than half a year. He has been in this industry for more than ten years, and he is still a middle-level leader of Aimong Securities. This kid's attitude towards him is not respectful enough.

Gu Xin raised her head and asked, "I have done what I promised you, what about what you promised me?"

Jack Liu said: "Don't worry, as long as you say OK, I will go to the big boss right away."

According to the agreement between the two, after this incident is over, Sun Qi will definitely lose face, and her colleagues will discuss her in private and question her ability. There is no doubt that she will be depressed, sad, and self-doubt. Then, as an ex-boyfriend, Gu Xin can take advantage of it. After the two of them repair their relationship, he will make a suggestion to the big boss and send the two of them to the European branch for further studies. You can sleep together, and what's the matter with Gu Lei!

"I hope you keep your word."

Gu Xin patted the desk, got up and was about to leave Jack Liu's office, at this moment, a person passed by the corridor in front of the door, his eyes narrowed, and his expression changed slightly, because that person was none other than someone whom he hated so much. The cousin who gritted his teeth.

Jack Liu turned his head to look, and was amused.

"Heh, let me see how he will explain this matter to the big boss, maybe...then there will be a scene where Zhuge Liang beheads Ma Su with tears."

On the other side, Lin Yue walked directly into the work hall, looked at Sun Qi and said, "Sun Qi, come to my office."

After saying this, he went straight into the office.

The employees whispered, thinking that Sun Qi would inevitably be scolded. After all, 90% of Manager Gu's promotion and salary increase would be ruined.

"Eat the inside out!"

Sun Qi cursed bitterly, and walked towards Manager Gu's office.

Xindi Lu, who was standing at the door of the office and quietly watching the movement in the lobby, came out and clapped hands to the employees who were still discussing the matter: "Okay, it's time to work."

Then everyone stopped discussing and went back to their seats to sit down.

In the opposite office without a nameplate, Lin Yue looked at Sun Qi who was in poor condition and said, "What happened just now?"

"Except for him, I can't think of anyone who would do such a thing. I just can't figure it out. You can humiliate him, but why discuss the details of the plan in front of him. Now Mr. Zhou voted for Murray Gail Quinn, we The hard work these days has been in vain."

Sun Qi was very wronged. When Gu Lei made the case for her before, he was really excited and moved. He felt that he was a reliable person. As promised at Starbucks, as long as she follows him, she will have the opportunity to display her talent and make a lot of money. After CASE took over, she worked late every day, contacting the law firm to inquire about past cases, and looking for an audit The work unit understands the policy, and even brings Xindilu breakfast in the morning to get advice, and works overtime at night to help with supper, but who would have thought that a Shi Yuan would make all her efforts go to waste.

"Then if you say it's him, you have to show evidence. So many people are watching, they will only say that you are making trouble for no reason." Lin Yue got up and walked to her side, slightly raising his right hand.

Sun Qi found a small piece of paper in his palm, on which was written a sentence, "Do you really want to know who is the ghost? Nod or shake your head."

What do you mean?

She couldn't figure out why he did that, but she nodded instinctively.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Lin Yue suddenly grabbed her hand and kissed her very arrogantly.

Sun Qi's head buzzed, he pushed his hands out forcefully, and turned his head to one side: "Let me go, let me go."

Lin Yue pushed her back and directly pushed her down on the desk.

"Well, what are you doing? This is the company, if you don't let me go, I'll call someone."

Let's say she resisted with all her heart, kept her volume at a certain level, and was very restrained. The reason why she had such a reaction was more because she was unprepared and in a state of panic. As for Manager Gu, her thoughts were more complicated—— —In the past, it was curiosity, the shock at Gu Xin’s wedding, the accident of seeing him in Aimeng, the gratitude for handing over the case to her, the doubts caused by the rumors involving the two, the grievance and anger just now, and the current situation. Violent at a loss.

This series of emotional values ​​made her unable to resist fiercely. Instead, she became weak under Lin Yue's attack, and even her voice became weak.

"What are you doing! Let her go!"

At this moment, only a stern shout was heard, and the wind came in from the door.

Sun Qi felt a blur in front of her eyes, and when she realized it, Gu Xin had already pulled the person lying on top of her aside and punched her.


The sound was loud, and Gu Xin's fist collided with Gu Lei's palm.

Instead of hitting the cousin's punch, the cousin's punch was caught.

"What happened?"

"Come and see, it's fighting, it's fighting."


Following the discussion coming from the door, Sun Qi woke up suddenly, stood up quickly, smoothed the messy coat with his hands, and turned his face to one side, not daring to look at his colleagues outside.

"Stop! You two... what's going on?"

Soon, Peter Du, who wore a white shirt under a suit without a tie, appeared outside the door accompanied by Cindy.

Gu Xin grabbed Lin Yue's hand and said, "Mr. Du, you came just in time. Gu Lei molested Sun Qi in the office. Let's see what to do about it."

Manager Gu molesting Sun Qi?

The onlookers outside were in an uproar. Looking at Sun Qi who was blushing, and Gu Xin who was filled with righteous indignation, they basically accepted this statement.

Otherwise, would Gu Lei let Sun Qi be his assistant? This is her fancy.

Everyone is well aware of the unspoken rules in the workplace like this, and they have suspected it for a long time, but doing this kind of manipulation in the office... how hard it is to be able to do it. Not good, I have to go in and stay for a few years. Speaking of which, he is a project manager, who can barely be regarded as the middle level of the company. Do you think he is the big boss? Able to knock people out with money.

"Gu Lei, do you have anything to explain?"

Peter Du encountered this kind of thing when he first came to the company. As a man, even if he understands his ideas and wants to defend them, it is not easy to be too obvious in front of a group of subordinates.

Lin Yue smiled at the people outside, turned around and punched Gu Xin in the face.

No one thought that he would dare to fight back violently when he was caught molesting a female assistant. Gu Xin was completely unprepared, and was directly driven to the corner of the wall, knocking over the flowerpot with the monstera.

"Sun Qi, don't you think it's strange? Xiao Zhang and Xiao Chang, who are closest to this office, didn't notice that I molested you. Instead, Gu Xin, whose desk is on the other side of the diagonal, broke into the office to stop me from doing anything to you." Move your feet."

As soon as these words came out, Sun Qi looked at his ex-boyfriend whose complexion changed drastically.

That's right, his work station is not to mention the farthest from the office, and there are more than a dozen people in between. Why didn't they notice the movement here, but Gu Xin rushed there at the first time? Then contacted the note that Gu Lei showed her before he forced her to kiss her, and her expression changed.

There is another person whose expression has become ugly, that is Jack Liu, he has a very bad premonition.

Sun Qi looked at Gu Xin who was wiping away the blood on his lips with his hands, his eyes became colder and colder.

"You suspect... him?"

Lin Yue said: "That bag you just changed is worth a lot of money."

This sentence reminded her.

Just over half a month ago, Gu Xin gave her a Maboli bag, which is a little less popular in China, as a birthday present. The price is not expensive, maybe five or six thousand yuan. Well, she helped introduce this job, and the salary is much higher than when Gu Xin was working in the Party Working Committee, so it is well deserved.

Gu Lei meant that this bag...

Lin Yue walked to the door of the office, picked up the big red cross-body bag on the chair, found the utility knife in the desk drawer, cut the heart-shaped pendant next to the handle, and stretched out his index finger to buckle it in. .

Soon, there was an electronic component not much bigger than a fingernail on the desk.

"Jack Liu, you are a trick that is popular all over the world."

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