Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2177 Infidelity within marriage is still so arrogant (two in one)

look around.

Gu Shihai and Su Wangdi sat on the three-person sofa, looking at him gloomyly.

Gu Shihong, the owner of the house, sat on the single sofa by the door on the left. Even the old lady was not asleep, so she sat opposite her second son. When she knew the eldest grandson came home, she turned her body and looked back, with a somewhat tired look on her brow. Because according to her past habits, she should have gone to bed more than half an hour ago.

Sitting at the dining table near the door were Gu Shilian and Gao Chang. The former didn’t say a word, but the latter winked at him. I don’t know if it was gloating, or he wanted to say that you are a good boy. The famous playboy in the factory.

Feng Xiaoqin sat in the aisle between the TV and the coffee table, with a cold face.

Gu Qingyu was originally standing on the balcony with his arms folded, but when he heard him enter the door and turned around, his eyes were a bit complicated, and there was a trace of... don't know whether to say encouragement or a helpless smile.

This is understandable, she didn't like Feng Xiaoqin as a sister-in-law, and she was already prepared for the two to divorce. Otherwise, when they were discussing buying a three-bedroom apartment a few days ago, Feng Xiaoqin wouldn't have been pissed off by Feng Xiaoqin for persuading him to be cautious.

But, she knew Sun Qi again, and knew that Gu Xin and Sun Qi had been in love for several years. This younger brother stole his cousin's girlfriend.

In addition to these, she is more or less proud, it's very simple, her younger brother is a technical secondary school graduate, he has received key universities, urban elites, Gao Baimei's swan meat, and being a twin sister also has face.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Lin Yue walked to the middle of the living room and said with a playful smile, "Is this really a three-room trial? Don't worry, uncle, aunt?"


Gu Shihai snorted coldly: "Shihong, look at him, what kind of attitude is this?"

Gu Shihong had a very headache. In the past, his son was not promising, and he would not be annoyed if he said a few words. ...In all aspects, the degree of difficulty in management has also soared. If you say too little, you will be ignored, and if you say too much, you will choke to death.

"Gu Lei, your sister and I have called you so many times, why didn't you answer?"

"I'm busy, I don't have time to pick it up."


What are you busy with? Are you busy flirting with Sun Qi in the office?

Feng Xiaoqin gritted her teeth and looked at him.

I haven't touched her for more than half a year, so it's not that I don't want to do that, but I don't want to do that with her.

Lin Yue turned a blind eye to her, looked at the old lady yawning on the sofa and said, "Grandma, it's getting late, go back to sleep."

"Gu Lei, your uncle said you were the third party between Gu Xin and his girlfriend, is it true?"

"Old lady, that's ex-girlfriend. Do you know what ex-girlfriend means? It means breaking up."


The old lady didn't know whether she was too sleepy or believed her grandson's words. She patted the armrest of the sofa with her withered hands, tried to get up, and waved her hands as she walked: "Sleep, go to sleep."

She is a bachelor enough to leave as soon as she says.

"Auntie, grandma's milk." Lin Yue pointed to the 1L boxed fresh milk on the dining table.

Gu Shilian suddenly came to her senses, and poured a glass of fresh milk into the glass for the old lady.


Gu Shihai wanted to stop the old lady and not let her go back to her room to sleep, three sessions of trial, it would naturally look like three sessions of trial, once the oldest person in the family left, the aura would lose all of a sudden.

"Uncle, Aunt, you two are quite interesting." Lin Yue did not look like a person who made a mistake at all. He walked to the single sofa where the old lady was sitting just now and sat down. He smiled and looked at the couple on the three-person sofa. : "I really want to know what Gu Xin told you."

"How did you say it? How else can you say it?" Su Wangdi stared at him viciously: "Who doesn't know that Sun Qi introduced Gu Xin into Aimeng Securities, and the two of them have almost reconciled. I don't know what ecstasy soup that Mr. Du was poured into by you, and you sent Sun Qi to be your assistant. You, a man with a wife and son, seduce your cousin's girlfriend in the company, what is this called... Gu Xin said... Oh yes, what is it called P...P?"

Gu Shihai added next to him: "PUA, PUA..."

"Yes, it's PUA. To put it seriously, it's called a crime."

"Oh?" Lin Yue said cheerfully, "Is it PUA? I thought Gu Xin would make me worse, like just..." He looked at the scale on his watch: "Five hours ago, I just met Sun Qi After making out with the hostess at home, he ran to beg for forgiveness, you don't know how embarrassing the scene was."

The air in the living room suddenly froze.

Everyone stared at him blankly.

Gu Shihai and Su Wangdi came to find their younger brother today to ask for an explanation, and even brought their younger sister and brother-in-law as witnesses. What they said was nothing more than Gu Lei using his power as a leader to unwittingly rule a female subordinate, and this female subordinate was Gu Xin's ex-girlfriend. Everyone thought that in the face of the situation where his dirty behavior was exposed, he would be ashamed to speak out and keep silent, or he would talk about him and deny the existence of such a thing, but they did not expect this to be the case.

This bastard... This bastard is not ashamed but proud, telling Feng Xiaoqin about the good things he did at Sun Qi's house this afternoon.

"Gu Xin asked you to come to my door to settle accounts with me, but he didn't come to confront me face to face. Don't you think about why? He was trapped by love outside, and the woman he liked kissed me with my cousin, and he still had the face to ask for an explanation? I Ashamed of you all."

"Shihong, look, look... This is your adopted son." Gu Shihai stood up and pointed at Lin Yue angrily: "Shameless, you are shameless..."

"Brother, don't be excited, don't be excited, talk carefully." Gu Shihong was afraid that the neighbors would be called in so late, and where would the Gu family's face be put at that time.

Su Wangdi's husband and wife followed, shook the old man with teeth and claws behind his head, spit at the mouth and said: "Xiaoqin, listen to what he said... Is he speaking human language? He admitted it himself, cheating inside marriage, cheating outside Raise a woman, this is your husband, hubby. I really don’t take you seriously, scumbag! Big scumbag!”

What is the purpose of the couple coming to the second brother's house? Asking Gu Shihong for an explanation is the first, letting the Gu family and people in the Wanziyuan community know about Gu Lei's bastard deeds is the second, and intensifying the conflict between Gu Lei and his wife and making them fight is the third.

Now, one of the two is questioning Gu Shihong, the other is inciting Feng Xiaoqin, plus they deliberately quarreled loudly, it can be regarded as a plan and a purposeful division of labor.

Lin Yue sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and looked at them calmly. After Su Wangdi finished cursing, he turned his head and said to Feng Xiaoqin, "Look, uncle and aunt want to make decisions for you. If not, we can do it tomorrow." How about going to the Civil Affairs Bureau and tearing up the divorce certificate?"

Su Wangdi raged on the side: "Li, Xiaoqin, leave him, like this man, why don't you keep him for the New Year? Let the little tiger see what kind of thing his father is."

Gu Shilian, who had just returned to the table and sat down, had a flash of unbearable eyes, wanted to get up and say something, Gao Chang held her down, stroked the carefully trimmed white beard on her chin, and pouted towards the balcony.

Gu Qingyu stood there with his arms folded, without saying a word.

According to her previous performance, if she felt that Su Wangdi's words were not pleasant, she would have been angry with her for a long time, and now she has not said a word, does that mean a problem-she agrees with her younger brother and Feng Xiaoqin's divorce?

As for Gu Shihong, if something happens at home, he will call his daughter to discuss it, so does he have the same thoughts?

Soon, something happened that surprised Su Wangdi and Gu Shihai and prevented them from stepping down.

"I'm going to see the little tiger."

At this tense moment, Feng Xiaoqin actually got up and left.

Everyone could see the resentment on her face, but she just didn't lift the table, she gave up...and walked away.

Of course Su Wangdi and Gu Shihai couldn't understand, but Feng Xiaoqin was not a cheap lamp in this family, why did all the men sleep with other women, she just shook her face, she didn't cry or make a fuss, she didn't look like she would hang herself.

"I remember that there were rumors in the Wanziyuan community. When I was interested in Sun Qi, everyone thought I was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat. Now that I have eaten it, I took it from your son." Lin Yue glanced at it. He glanced at Feng Xiaoqin's back.

divorce? Even if she was killed, there would be no divorce at this point in time.

The house was not bought, the debt was not passed on, what can be divided in divorce now? Is it a BMW? It was bought with Gu Qingyu's loan, and it can be used to pay off the debt at any time. Little Tiger? It is very difficult for her to live alone, and it is no wonder that she will live well in the rest of her life with a big and a small two oil bottles, and even if she goes to court, it is impossible for the judge to award the child to her.

So even if he and Sun Qi cuddled and kissed me in front of her, it was impossible for her to break up and divorce.

"Gu Lei, stop talking."

Gu Shihong saw that his elder brother's face was turning blue, and he was afraid that if the couple would get angry... They are brothers after all.

"Then you can't listen to the one-sided words of uncle and aunt." Lin Yue put down his upturned feet, picked up the cold water pot with rice hammer patterns on the coffee table, and poured himself a glass of water: "If I guessed correctly, Gu Xin told you that I robbed him of his girlfriend when he was half drunk, but did he say what he did to make Sun Qi hate it?"

Gu Shihai looked at Su Wangdi, the couple looked at a loss.

"I don't know? Then you probably don't know about his unemployment?"


Gu Xin is unemployed?

The couple looked shocked. Although the son was not in a good mood these days, he still left early and returned late. He looked busy with work, so why did he lose his job?

"You're talking nonsense!"

Su Wangdi couldn't accept the fact that her excellent son lost his job within a few days after joining Aimeng Securities.

Lin Yue smiled, not as knowledgeable as her, pointed at the tea table and said, "In order to support me, Mr. Du has given me a big job, which is the IPO project of Lansen Glass. My sister also knows about it."

Gu Qingyu nodded.

Lin Yue continued: "As for me, I have zero experience in IPO trading. Peter Du recommended Sun Qi to me, saying that she is prudent in her work and has the possibility of growing into a second sister. This project is fully entrusted to her to operate, and she will take the bulk of the commission after the completion of the project, and I only want project experience and promotion opportunities, but your son, in order to punish me, has a problem with a sister in the company, named Jack Liu. They worked together to obtain commercial secrets by wiretapping, and sold them to Murray Gailquin's President Wen, so that Sun Qi lost the project, and the millions of commissions were naturally forgotten. What is Gu Xin thinking? Stop it Sun Qi helps me with things, and it is best to squeeze me away, so that Jack Liu can help him create more opportunities for reunion. What they didn't expect was that I was quite smart and saw through the deeds of the two of them. After such a thing, will Mr. Du still keep him? Can Sun Qi get back together with him? Afterwards, he licked his face and went to her to beg for forgiveness, pestering him endlessly, is it shameful?"

Gu Shihai and Su Wangdi were dumbfounded.

"No, my son won't... You made it up, you must have made it up."

How could a son who was excellent in all aspects, as the proud son of their family, do such a thing? Gu Lei is lying, it must be so.

Gu Qingyu walked between the single sofa and the three-seater sofa where Gu Shihong was sitting.

"Auntie, I know a little bit about this matter. It is basically the same as what Gu Lei said. What happened to Sun Qi was indeed caused by Gu Xin. It really shouldn't be."

Gu Shihai stared angrily: "Then you know this, why didn't you tell us just now?"

Gu Qingyu was very speechless: "Uncle, are you blaming me for saying this? You came here after dinner, sat for two or three hours, and asked Dad to call me over. During this period, did I tell you first? Going back, the older generation should not interfere with the relationship between men and women. What about you? Did you hear that? Oh, do you want me to tell the truth in front of my aunt, uncle, and sister Xiaoqin? Do you think it looks so good? ?"

Gu Shihai was so stunned that he couldn't speak.

Su Wangdi pointed to Lin Yue and Gu Qingyu and said, "You two are working together to bully my son, Gu Qingyu, I don't believe it. Without your help, with Gu Lei...he is a wimp, he can Into Imond?"

Gu Qingyu turned his head directly, not wanting to look at her, and felt that this rural woman was simply unreasonable.

"That's right, that's right, I'm a coward, I'm a coward who messed up your son's wedding, slept with your son's ex-girlfriend who failed to get back together, and kicked your son out of Aimeng Securities, oh yes." Lin Yue said from his pocket. He took out his mobile phone, swiped the screen twice and threw it on the coffee table, beckoned to a few people to watch for themselves, and took a sip of water after finishing the cup.

"That's right, the plan was given to me by Gu Xin from your Aimeng Securities. At first, I said I would give it away, but afterwards I asked someone to transfer 50,000 yuan."

"Why did you give him money?"

"The plan is real. The content in it can save us a lot of time and energy. It also has research and reference significance. It is very worthwhile to buy it for 50,000 yuan. I, Wenxue, have never liked to take advantage of others."


The sound of two people talking came from the loudspeaker.

"Wen Xue?" Gu Qingyu said in surprise, " did you get it?"

"Don't worry about how I got it." Lin Yue glanced at Su Wangdi and Gu Shihai: "If I give it to Mr. Du, what will happen next?"

Gu Qingyu said: "With Wenxue's testimony and the remittance certificate, Gu Xin may be sued by Aimeng for stealing business secrets."

"What about the sentencing?"

"Based on the profits from the IPO of Lansen Glass, once convicted, the penalty will be 7 years."

Lin Yue put away his cell phone: "Uncle, Aunt, let me ask you, have I been lenient in this matter?"


Su Wangdi collapsed on the sofa, her face was ashen, and she seemed to be exhaling less air from her mouth.

Gu Shihai neither stood nor sat, sighing over and over again.

"You nephew, you are amazing..."

Gu Shilian glared at her gloating husband, stood up and said, "Brother, sister-in-law, it's getting late, let's go back first, what's the matter, wait until Gu Xin sobers up and asks about the situation."

Obviously, she was stepping down for her brother and sister-in-law.

Gu Shihong touched Gu Qingyu's arm: "Qingyu, take your uncle and aunt home."

"Got it, Dad."

She carried her bag and walked in front of Gu Shihai and Su Wangdi. Although she didn't say anything, she meant very clearly, and carried out her father's order to see them off.

What can the couple do?

Originally dragging the old lady up to sleep, and recruiting Gu Shilian, Gao Chang, and Gu Qingyu, they planned to give Gu Lei a three-session interrogation, who would have thought that in the end, the nephew would have a three-session interrogation instead, this is really... …It's a shame.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Isn't it embarrassing?" Gu Shihai forcefully lifted Su Wangdi from the sofa: "It's all you, you insist on coming here to settle accounts."

"Are you blaming me now? Then when you came over, why didn't you say to stop me? If you want me to say, you father and son don't have a good thing."

The two complained to each other as they walked towards the door.

Gu Shihong shook his head and sighed, thinking that the matter of the eldest brother and sister-in-law had been settled, and that his son had video evidence in his hand, Gu Xin could calm down for a while, but Feng Xiaoqin and the little tiger... what should we do?

"Who is it?"

"Oh, Qingyu, haven't you gone back so late?"

"Sister Ren, you live on the second floor, why did you come here?"

"I... I read the weather forecast and it said it will rain at night, so I went to the rooftop to collect the quilt."

"What about the quilt?"

"Ah... oh... the quilt was taken away by the child's father."


A conversation between Gu Qingyu and Ren Ming floated in the corridor.

The bitterness on Gu Shihong's face became more intense.

Gu Shilian and Gao Chang sat for a while, said a few innocuous words, and then got up to leave.

The old man wanted to stop Lin Yue and say something, but he knew it was useless to say anything, so he finally shook his head and entered the room.

In the old lady's room next door, Feng Xixi looked sideways at the elm cabinet with a history of more than forty years, constantly thinking about what her brother-in-law said, and almost stayed up all night.

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