Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2185 Are you sure you want to drink my footwashing water? (two in one)

Gu Shihai and Su Wangdi don't know these two English words, it doesn't mean they don't know what this scene means.

Gu Lei was fired.

Just like what my son said, Gu Er Er... you also have today? !

"What... what's going on here? Son, did you cause him to be expelled?" Su Wangdi tugged at the corner of her son's clothes.

Gu Xin suppressed the heat in his heart, and said freely: "You can say that."

At the beginning, he could confess Jack Liu to reduce his guilt, but he didn't. Isn't this the result he wanted? Now that Gu Lei has been fired, there is no doubt that he has a share of the credit for it.

"Jack Liu, Jack Liu, you really have lived up to my trust in you."

Su Wangdi also felt as if she heard her enemy burp, she felt as if she was facing the sea and the flowers were blooming in spring.

"Gu Shihong, let me see how you show off your children in the future."

Although Gu Lei did a lot of unscrupulous things, which made Gu Shihong's brain very troubled, but in front of his old colleagues and neighbors, he often praised his son for his ability, and he joined a securities company like Qingyu. Sudden unemployment, what face does Gu Shihong have to say those things?

More importantly, Gu Xin's unemployment is nothing.

Gu Shihai was also very happy, now it was their turn to watch Gu Lei's jokes.

Su Wangdi has already started to think of some excuses to restart the family dinner. When the time comes to talk about this matter, Gu Shihong's family will definitely lose face, and they will be able to win back.

"Gu Xin, what are you doing?"

The two noticed that Gu Xin had dropped his phone to get his coat, as if he was about to go out, so they couldn't help but ask.

"I'm going to find Sun Qi."

Looking for Sun Qi?

The couple looked at each other, why did the son still miss that woman.

However, it is also understandable that Gu Lei's unemployment is equivalent to being knocked out of the mortal world and showing his original shape. Will Sun Qi still succumb to him?

From the perspective of Gu Shihai's family, the biggest reason why Sun Qi slept with Gu Lei was not that she fell in love with him, but that he was her boss. The relationship between the two is equivalent to unspoken rules in the workplace. If you want to get further opportunities, you can only succumb to his despotic power.


three days later.

Feng Qianqian walked with the little tiger on the way to the south gate of the community.

Feng Xiaoqin went out early in the morning and entrusted her with sending the little tiger to school.

"Auntie, look, it's my uncle."

Feng Xiqian followed the pointing of the little guy, and sure enough, she saw a young man in a color-block sweater striding like flying on the sidewalk leading to the south gate of Wangxing Pavilion. From the back, he looked like Feng Danian.

"Hey, it really is."

Feng Xiqian also noticed an abnormality. Feng Danian was carrying a Nike backpack on his back.

She was very surprised. For so many years, Feng Xiaoqin hadn't bought the same famous brand for the little tiger. The Adidas schoolbag she bought for her birthday before was still A-grade, and the Nike bag that Feng Danian carried looked like a new one. Where did it come from? Someone sent it? Feng Xiaoqin bought it?

"Little uncle, little uncle..."

The little tiger beckoned, but Feng Xiqian covered his mouth and said, "Don't bark."

The child couldn't understand why, but he kept his mouth shut obediently and watched Feng Danian walk out of the south gate and get into a Volkswagen car.

Feng Xiqian really wanted to know where this younger brother in name, but actually a nephew, was going, but it was hard to stop him, because since she slapped Feng Danian in the face, the two hadn't communicated until today, if the little tiger yelled , Feng Danian looked back, did she go up to talk, or did she not go up to talk? In short, how to face this fake brother and real nephew is a very serious problem.

From Feng Danian, she thought of the conversation with Feng Xiaoqin yesterday. She asked her sister what she thought, whether she should listen to Gu Shihong's persuasion, and ask Gu Lei to go home. Who knows what Feng Xiaoqin said.

She is very relaxed and panicked.

Feng Xiaoqin has said many times that she would divorce Gu Lei as soon as she got the house. Now that the house is in hand, why did she hesitate again?

Feng Xiaoqin's explanation for this is that the little tiger is 9 years old this year, even if it can be used to suck the blood of the Gu family, it can only be sucked for 9 years. Once the child goes to college, her livelihood will be cut off. She was 47 years old at the time. She needed physical strength but no physical strength, skills but no skills, and experience but no experience. How could she support herself? So... do you want to make do with Gu Lei?

Eldest sister can make do with it, what about her? what should she do I thought that Feng Xiaoqin bought a house and let it go after getting a bargain of one or two million yuan, so that she and her brother-in-law could live together, and the two sisters could get what they needed, but they didn't expect this wishful thinking to fail.

Feng Xiqian almost couldn't control her emotions, she told her eldest brother-in-law that she belonged to her, they were a couple destined by heaven, her brother-in-law himself said that he owed her in the last life, and wanted to make up for her in this life, why do you want to occupy him, he is a A person is still someone who someone loves and someone likes, not your cash machine for Feng Xiaoqin.

But... She held back in the end, because when she said this, she would inevitably face a problem. Should Feng Xiaoqin withdraw wisely and give Gu Lei to her, or use the little tiger as a shield to persuade her to control her thoughts, don't be sorry Who should be tempted? Anyway, no matter what the result is, the relationship between the two sisters will definitely become tense, and there may be a danger of turning against each other.

Whether she wants her sister or her husband, this multiple-choice question was given to her by Gu Lei three days ago,'s really hard to choose.

"Hey, have you heard that it is Mr. Gu's son, Gu Lei, who was fired by the company."

"Really? Who did you listen to?"

"Of course it's true. His aunt told me this news. Can it be false?"

"Su Wangdi? Ha, is she very happy?"

"That's right, I was so happy, and I said something, oh, the retribution of the natural law is not good."

"Let me just say, Gu Laoer did such a nasty thing, how could the company's leaders not respond, they will definitely try to calm the public opinion, he will lose his job sooner or later."

"It's only been a few months since he's been there? So he's being fucked? It's so pitiful."

"What a pity, Gu's second education, do you know? Do you know? More than 70% of the people in Wanziyuan community know, recruit him into a securities company? What is the boss thinking, isn't he throwing his own name? "

"That's right, he has made unspoken rules for his female subordinates after only two months in here, so he is not expected to be a serious officer, and the boss of that company is considered a remedy for the past."


The little tiger was in a hurry at first, because Feng Xiqian stopped by the billboard next to the gazebo, pricking up her ears to eavesdrop on those people's conversations. She didn't have enough time, and it took a long time, and she would be late for school, but after hearing , he also showed a confused expression.

"Auntie, is Dad out of work?"

"Don't listen to their nonsense, oops, I'm going to be late, hurry up and go."

Feng Xixi raised her wrist and glanced at the dial, her expression changed. She knew that if she didn't speed up, the little tiger would be late for school, so she hurriedly took him by the hand and walked out from behind the billboard with the core socialist values ​​printed on it, and hurried south door to go.

Those gossip old women shut their mouths quickly when they saw her figure.

This is not only because Feng Xiqian is a member of the Gu family, but also because of the death of Mrs. Zhang. Although the main cause of death was the black general, no one can deny that Feng Qianqian was the fuse of the whole incident. It must be a kind of superstition. I am afraid that I will become the second old lady Zhang.

They thought that Feng Xixi would be angry with those harsh words, but she was not. On the contrary, she was very excited, excited that her brother-in-law lost his job, because in this way, Feng Xiaoqin's idea of ​​using Gu Lei as a cash machine would come to naught. As for her...she didn't I don't care about her brother-in-law being fired, no, it should be said that this is the second most exciting thing, because he can stay away from Sun Qi if he doesn't go to work in Aimeng Securities, which greatly improves her sense of security, let's talk about work, My brother-in-law has memories of his previous life, and has decades more life experience than ordinary people. Is it difficult to find another good job?

So...God help me too!

Feng Xiqian dragged the little tiger to a trot, and finally sent him to the school before the class bell rang. After that, she found a place where no one was around, and dialed Feng Xiaoqin's number.

"Hey, sister, do you know the news that is spreading in the community?"

"what news?"

"The old ladies dancing in the square said that her brother-in-law lost his job."

"Unemployed? Who said that?"

"The news from my aunt. If you don't believe me, call her yourself and ask her."


"Sister, do you still go to talk to him? I think, if you don't take advantage of the public opinion on your side to divorce now, maybe he will drag you and the little tiger in the future."

"Sissy, what's the matter with you recently? Why do you keep persuading me to divorce him?"

"Sister, I'm doing this for your own good."

"Let me think about it, that's all, Sissy, I still have something to do, so I won't tell you."

Pa, Feng Xiaoqin hung up the phone.

Feng Qianqian's body trembled, she was very angry.

So Feng Xiaoqin is still here? What do you think?

As for her sister's character, she knows better than anyone else that such a calculating woman will continue to marry for her children when her relationship is broken and her money is uncertain? If Feng Danian is regarded as a mistake, will a person who has already made a mistake make a second mistake on a similar problem?

Ding ding dong...

The phone in his palm rang.

Feng Xiqian picked it up and found it was an unfamiliar number. She pressed the connect button and put it to her ear: "Hi, hello, who are you looking for?"


"Yes, I am."


After listening to the other party's narration, her expression became super complicated. If this is the case, then the matter makes sense.


On the other side, Lin Yue was also answering the phone, it was Gu Shihong calling.

"Gu Lei, let me ask you, is it true that the people in the neighborhood said that you were fired by the company?"

"That's right."

"Why don't you tell your family about such a big thing."

"Is the matter... big?"

"You know? Unemployment, such a good job, just lost like this, you still can't say it?"


"Tell me, why? Sun Qi?"

"That's right."

"What does it mean? Yes, yes, no, no."

"That is."

"Oh, you child, let me tell you what's good about you. I just talked to Xiaoqin, and she promised to talk to you, and this happened when she turned around. What if she regrets it?"

"Don't worry, she won't regret it."

"Don't go back on your word? You don't have a job now, what will you do to support her and the little tiger? I...I really want to be...sigh!"

It could be heard from the voice that the old man was very disappointed with him.

It's secondary to bragging about his son's ability with his old colleagues and buddies. For Gu Shihong, the little tiger is his lifeblood.

"Dad, I won't tell you anymore. I'm at sister's house."

"Qing Yu? What are you doing at Qing Yu's house?"

"I haven't seen her for a while, and I miss her."

Gu Shihong always felt that what he said was a bit intriguing, and was about to ask a few more questions, but his son hung up the phone with a snap.


Boom boom boom...

Lin Yue bent his fingers and knocked on the door in front of him.

"Who is it?"

Gu Qingyu's question came from inside.


"Gu Lei?"

With a click, the door opened, and it could be seen that Gu Qingyu was a little surprised by his arrival, holding an untrimmed flower arrangement in his hand, the light yellow petals contrasted with the long chiffon dress she was wearing.

"come in."

Gu Qingyu let him sit on the sofa in the living room, and went to get him mineral water as usual.

Lin Yue glanced at the yoga mat laid out on the balcony, then turned around and said, "I was fired by the company."

Gu Qingyu was quite surprised, but it wasn't the accident, it was the attitude of his younger brother who was very calm when he said this, as calm as talking about other people's affairs.

"I heard about it."

After her younger brother was fired, Cindy told her the news immediately, because of various considerations, she didn't tell Gu Shihong about it.

"Don't Mr. Du have a good relationship with you? Why did you fire you? Is it because of...Sun Qi?"

This is the only reason she thinks about. For a big company, word of mouth and image are still very important.

"A little bit, but not much."

Lin Yue opened the zipper of the briefcase beside her, took out a document from it and handed it over: "Sister, help me to read it."

"What? Hydrogen Pharmaceuticals? Underwriting plan?"

She took the file, looked at the cover, and didn't browse the contents immediately, because she was worried that it might involve Aimon's business secrets.

"Look, it's all right, this is a canceled plan, and I trust your professional ethics."

Hearing what her brother said, she collected herself and turned to the second page of the document.

Lin Yue explained next to him: "Mr. Du originally handed over the case of Hydrogen Pharmaceuticals to me. This is a plan drafted by Sun Qi and I after discussing it. After reading it, Mr. Du said it was very good, so I decided I did this, but I don’t know why, after a while, he gave up on this plan again, and told me that he had a better one, and later, he just said that he had difficulties with a face of embarrassment, in order to appease the employees I hope that I can take the initiative to resign. I think it is not a big problem to be unemployed, but while Sun Qi is promoting the Lansen Glass project, he has been working for several days and nights to get a job. I think it is good. The plan was just blocked. I am very sorry for her dedication, so I want you to help the staff to see if you can optimize the details. It is best to save the situation. Qi can get better and better, this is what I owe her."

Logically speaking, this is normal. Sun Qi is such a good girl, and she is willing to marry him under the pressure of being a mistress. As long as she is a normal man, she will cherish such a girl. Qi's efforts go in vain.

However, Gu Qingyu's face did not show a positive expression of satisfaction or satisfaction with her brother's character. On the contrary, her complexion was very bad, to the extreme!

Because she seems to have read this document.

A few days ago, Shi Yuan showed her a document. The content was also an underwriting plan for convertible bonds, but the target was not Hydrogen Pharmaceuticals, but another company called Fuan Pharmaceuticals. Shi Yuan Tell her that this is the proposal that Aimeng Securities gave to the pharmaceutical company last year, but the cooperation was not reached in the end, and the proposal was scrapped. I showed it to her today to let her provide some suggestions for revision to facilitate his study.

She knew that Fu'an Pharmaceutical issued a bond of 1 billion last year, and even more knew that the deal was eventually won by Galaxy Securities, so she didn't think much about it at all, and combined with her own experience, she carefully explained the shortcomings in the plan to Shi Yuan and details that could be improved.

It can be said that she spared no effort in this matter, because she felt that she was not good enough for her, and being poked at the back by others said that eating soft food was Shi Yuan's biggest heart disease. Being able to help her husband achieve success in his career was also regarded as Let's work hard for the small family of two people.

However, she never imagined that she would see in Gu Lei's hands an underwriting plan with a similarity of more than 90% in the main content except for the biggest difference in the name of the target company.

"You and Sun Qi made this plan?"

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