Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2205 Youth Pie (Two in One)

Lin Yue sat down against the edge of the bed, and as he returned before, he focused his attention on the system space, and pulled down the menu list to the task bar.

The cursor blinks several times, and a line of characters appears.

"The host has returned from the world of "Heart Dwelling", and now evaluates the completion of the task."

Task: [Heart contains vicious air and flames].

Main task: Be a different Gu Lei (completed).

Side task: Convince people with reason (completed).

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Task time frame: 2017-2019.

Mission Completion: Perfect.


He felt that he had done a good job. Gu Lei was different from before. He had changed from an honest person, a wimp, and a coward to a "scumbag" that everyone in Shanghai had heard about. The contrast was big enough, and his various behaviors were different. It makes sense, the spectators are scolding the scumbag, as long as his scumbag partner doesn't think he is bad, will it be fine? Who doesn't know that these people just can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

"Now distribute the task rewards."

The system did not stop running because of his cranky thoughts, so continue with the following steps.

Main task: upgrade the portable space.

The capacity of the portable space is increasing...


After the portable space is upgraded, you will get [1850cmX720cmX500cm] portable space.

That is to say, the portable space has been expanded to a capacity of 18.5 meters by 7.2 meters by 5 meters, which is equivalent to a 133-square-meter house with a floor height of 5 meters, and it is the kind that does not have a shared room. It can still be made into a double room. Layered—on this point, the system is very conscientious.

But turning around and thinking about it, is this the main mission reward? Somewhat tasteless.

As for the portable space, when entering the mission world, I usually put some practical things in it, such as clothes, medicines, energy products, candies to amuse children, small gifts to please women, cigarettes and alcohol that men like, and so on. It is the system reward items, [Gemini], [Obsidian], [White Crystal] and so on.

Oh, recently it was used as a cage and locked up for several worlds by the villain who stole Fang Wei's underwear.

Previously, the capacity equivalent to a two-bedroom was enough to meet the tasks of most urban dramas. Now, does it make sense to increase the capacity to a villa level? After all, he rarely put people in it, let alone live in it.

But since the system gave it to him, he can't return it, so he can change it, right?

admit it.

"The rewards for the main missions have been distributed, and the rewards for the side missions are now distributed."

Side quest reward: 2 skill strengthening points.

It is still 2 points of skill enhancement as before, which is very practical, and there is nothing to complain about.

Next is the extra reward for a perfect rating.

"The main task rewards and side task rewards have been distributed."

"Additional rewards are now issued."

Bonus: Portable Space Augmented Reality Component.

Lin Yue was at a loss.

Portable space augmented reality component?

What the hell?

"The mission rewards have been issued, and the control has been released."

The characters flashed, the interface changed from dark to bright, and the control returned to Lin Yue.

He first cut to the skill list and glanced at it.

【I'm Acting LV4】.

[Steel Bladder LV2].

[Animal Friends LV3].

[Muay Thai LV3].

【Picture memory LV3】.

[Bargain LV4].

【Teacher Killer LV3】.

【Sneak LV3】.

【Photosynthesis LV2】.

[Left and right hemisphere LV5] - [Compound eyes].

【Taunt LV1】.

[Chameleon LV4].

【Hypnotism LV5】-【Nightmare】.

[Hacker LV3].

[Double Harvest LV2].

【Smell animal LV4】.

【Super Sweat Gland LV3】.

[Night Demon LV1].

【Riding LV1】.

[Wonderful Hand Rejuvenation LV4].

[Magic Hand LV2].

Current remaining skill enhancement points: 6.

6 skill strengthening points...

What should I add? Is it the magical skill of killing people and stealing goods [Chameleon LV4], the walking elixir [Super Sweat Gland LV3], or the great alchemy [Wonderful Hand Rejuvenation LV4]?

Referring to the cost of the last upgrade, these three skills must cost at least 4+ skill strengthening points.

Hesitation comes and goes.

He gritted his teeth and chose the first one.

With [Chameleon LV4] blinking twice, it becomes [Chameleon LV5], and the current skill enhancement point returns to 0.

A level up costs 6 points.

He couldn't help but feel a pain in his flesh, and he could only hope that [Chameleon LV5] wasn't that bad.

[Chameleon LV5] (Note: When this skill is activated, your body surface cells will obtain the effect of scattering light, which can cooperate with the information fed back by the visual system to maximize the optimization of color difference, chromaticity, and hue shift without strenuous exercise. Move and blend into the surrounding environment to achieve the effect of invisibility under human vision. This skill can last for three hours under the condition of keeping still, and it will be greatly attenuated in the state of motion, and the invisibility effect will be destroyed by strenuous exercise. This skill needs to consume cells Energy, after the cell energy is exhausted, it must be turned off for twelve hours to recharge, and the skill strength can be enhanced and the cooling time can be reduced by upgrading [Photosynthesis].)

now it's right.

The skill effect of [Chameleon LV5] is worthy of the descriptor "chameleon". Like before, adding tattoos, changing skin color, controlling hair length and so on, compared with level 5 skills, it is just childish. This is about the same as stealth without vigorous exercise. It can be called the magical skill of killing people, stealing goods, and ambushing and investigating.

However, the embarrassing thing that can't be determined yet is...for this skill to I have to take off my clothes?

The next step is to return to the last series of the three series --- character attributes.

Name: Lin Yue.

Race: Human.

Strength 47.



Intelligence 33.


Attribute point 13 is currently unassigned.

After thinking for a while, he increased his physique to 36, and then exited the system menu. He did not rush to test [Chameleon LV5], but communicated with the portable space, trying to figure out what the use of this augmented reality component is.

Portable Space - Augmented Reality: This component can project the portable space to the current world, and you can use the all-seeing eye microcomputer component to design the form of the portable space in the current world, such as houses, tents, caves and other items with spatial attributes ( Note: The projected volume cannot exceed the capacity of the portable space)

After reading the instructions for use, he was stunned for a while.

When the main task reward was set to increase the capacity of the portable space, he complained that this thing rarely pretends to be a person, so the face-twisting system built an augmented reality component for himself?

In other words, he can use the portable space as a building, such as designing a villa on the all-seeing eye microcomputer, and after activating the components, he can combine the portable space with the villa and make them appear in the real world.

What's the use of buying a house then?

Except that there is no real estate certificate, this thing is a mobile home.

In other words, it is the paradise in the fairy tale novels.

Is it expensive to buy a house in a big city and difficult to buy a house? Oh, does he still need to worry about buying a house?

nice one.

One of a kind good stuff! It is no less valuable than the arbitrary door that was unlocked last time.


After a little precipitation, he calmed down, started the microcomputer of the all-seeing eye, and found the augmented reality design program on the interface, which was divided into two categories: appearance design and interior decoration design. If this is done, he is a master in the construction industry. Naturally speaking, it is not difficult.

It is worth mentioning that the interior decoration design only has the hard part and no soft part, which means that the sofa, coffee table, bed, household appliances, etc. still need to be purchased separately, and switching the world will clear the non-system space in the portable space. Rewards can be regarded as extra consumption, but in the real world, he has already bought a house, and he doesn't plan to use it here, so it doesn't matter if he loses money from the mission world.

So be it.

Make sure to complete the function of the portable space augmented reality component, and the following is 【Chameleon LV5】.

He took off his clothes first, and put on a pair of black pants. With the activation of the skill, he felt that his skin became hotter, and the color of his skin began to change. The hand on the bed was quickly blended with the sheet, and it was so realistic that even the wrinkles and textures Can see clearly.

With the help of the lens of the Type III Blackfly UAV, he saw that his whole body was invisible, and it was all-round. No matter how the camera position was changed, the whole person remained invisible compared to the environment.

But as he guessed, there is no way to make the part of the clothes invisible.

Presently, the black underpants floating on the bed can be seen through the lens.

This... To be honest, it's quite embarrassing.

But it is not without a solution, that is to switch on and off [Chameleon LV5] while wearing [Gemini], because [Gemini] is a system reward item, and it can be quickly dressed and quickly collected when used in the portable space.

In the following time, he tried the attenuation of [Chameleon LV5] relative to the intensity of exercise, and came to a conclusion that if you just walk, don't do running, fierce actions such as fighting, from the filling of cell energy to the passive closing of skills , can have a duration of about forty-five minutes.

During this period, he also discovered an abnormality, because according to the physiological data provided by the all-seeing eye, it does not take 12 hours to "fully charge" the body surface cells, and 10.5 hours is enough.

He thought about it carefully, and it should be that he had upgraded [Photosynthesis] to LV2, and the instructions given by the system were anchored to [Photosynthesis LV1], so there was such a discrepancy.

After finishing returning to the third company and mastering the use of new skills, he first called Su Han, chatted casually for a few words, and then went to bed to catch up on sleep. Nine hours later, he smeared himself and got up without going. Turn on the light, take out any door from the system space, open it and step out.


Phew, a strong wind blew by, lifting the black hair on his forehead.

He looked up at the night sky, and then took a look at the familiar street scene in the distance. He walked to the edge of the roof, his eyes fell on the roof of a black Kia Zhi sports car with a Jianghai license plate parked in front of the unit building, and he smiled coldly.

At the same time, in the cab of the car, two men with black dragon tattoos on their arms were having a conversation.

The man in the driver's seat said, "How is it? Did you take a picture?"

The man on the co-pilot turned the camera over, tapped the page-turning button twice with his thumb, and handed it over: "Is it them?"

The man in the driver's seat leaned over to take a look, and nodded: "It should be right, it looks a bit like his son, especially the mouth." As he spoke, he took out his phone and selected a picture from the photo album. A photo for the man in the co-pilot.

If there are residents of the community who have lived in the community for more than ten years, they will definitely recognize the identities of the middle-aged men and women in the camera——Lin Dong and Zhang Yunxiu. They have a son named Lin Yue. I heard that Nian brought a family in a big city. beautiful girlfriend back.

"I'll send it to Director Tu when I get back to the hotel."


The man in the co-pilot went to get the camera bag in the rear compartment.

At this moment, there was a tapping sound from the rear left.

The person in the driver's seat glanced at the rearview mirror, but saw no one.

But just when he let go of his heart and thought he was thinking too much.

There was another knocking sound, and the two looked at each other before pushing the door open and getting out.

The man in the driver's seat shouted to the back: "Who is it?"

But when I walked over, I found no one was there.


The man in the driver's seat noticed the swaying holly tree not far away, and called his companion to run over, only to find it was a pug on the ground, huddling around in the grass with its butt up.


The two men cursed, turned and returned to the car.

"Hurry up, I'm so sleepy."

The man in the co-pilot yawned: "I squatted for four hours to take these photos. Fuck, I'm so annoying."

The man in the driver's seat pressed the ignition button: "I thought I could earn two extra bucks, but I didn't expect that."

"Director Tu said, this is called knocking the mountain to shake the tiger. It's good to be shocked. If it can't be shocked, then you need to do something." The man in the co-pilot rolled up his sleeves, revealing a black dragon with teeth and claws underneath.

"Oh, the means? What means, let's hear it."

this voice...

The two men in front looked back anxiously, but found that there was no one in the rear compartment.

Just when they were highly concentrated and their hairs were standing on end, the light and shadow flickered slightly, and a translucent human face appeared less than a foot away from them.



Halfway through the cry, the heads of the two people hit one place heavily, their eyes rolled up, and they passed out.


Sometimes people are scarier than ghosts.

Five minutes later, Lin Yue got out of the car, glanced at the apartment building where his parents lived, did not stop, opened any door and walked away.

In the security room of the community, the 50-year-old doorman held a cigarette in his hand and watched the TV intently. His eyes wished to touch the chest of the heroine of "Three Lives Three Worlds Pillow Book". The computer monitor in the room behind him In the monitoring screen, the car door in the upper right corner opens and closes automatically, but there is no one within a ten meter radius.

In a villa on the outskirts of Jianghai City, Tu Yibai was wearing a large pajamas, sitting on a chair in the dining room with a red wine glass in his hand, shaking the glass while talking to the person on the phone screen: "Is there something wrong? Zhang Qiang ?”

"Director Tu, why did you leave without saying a word? Mr. Hu still wants to study the script with you. For tomorrow's play, he thinks that we should make some fine-tuning. The charisma of the character."

The crew usually live in the same hotel when they are filming outside, so that any problems can be dealt with as soon as possible, and it is easy to manage. Today, Tu Yibai was lazy and went to enjoy life in the villa he bought in Jianghai City.

"Oh, I have something urgent to deal with. In this way, I will go over early tomorrow morning. You ask Lao Hu to prepare the revised script. Let's discuss it carefully. Let's forget it tonight. Okay, that's it."

After speaking, he pressed the hang up button.

The phone switched back to the main interface, he shook the wine in the glass, and put it to his mouth to take a sip.

"Yo, Director Tu is in a good mood."

Suddenly, a strange voice came from behind.

Tu Yibai turned around quickly, only to see a smiling young man walking into the living room and closing the door leading to the yard.

"You... how did you get in?"

He was in a hurry, because this young man was none other than the young man who caught him and threatened him for some reason. His surname was Lin, and his single name was the word Yue.

"How did you get in? You walked in."

Lin Yue's answer obviously didn't satisfy him.

Tu Yibai picked up the phone, dialed 110, and said sternly: "What do you want to do? Don't mess around. I heard that you are getting married soon, so you definitely don't want your girlfriend to have an accident, right?"

"Is it just my girlfriend? And my parents, right? Tu Yibai, I'm the kind of person who hates people threatening me with relatives and friends. For such people, my approach has always been to kill the grass and root it out. If you implicate the whole family, you will If you threaten me with the lives of my relatives and friends, then I will kill all your immediate family members, isn't that too much?"

Tu Yibai pressed and pressed, pressed and pressed, but found that the phone could not be dialed out at all. This time he was really scared.

"You... you dare to kill?"

Lin Yue walked over, took the mobile phone from his hand and threw it on the dining table.

Worry about crushing a bedbug when you have power over species?

Tu Yibai looked at the pair of unemotional eyes condescendingly looking down at him, and felt for the first time that he was only half a step away from death.


His spirit collapsed, and he slapped his hands on the dining table, stood up and ran, but unfortunately, he was caught by a hand around the neck within half a meter. Lost consciousness.

Lin Yue didn't leave. He took down a goblet from the metal stand next to him, poured himself a little red wine, brought it to his mouth, and slowly slid it into his mouth, but left without a trace of fireworks.

Just as he came to the front yard and was about to use any door, there was a crisp sound in his mind.

? ? ? ? ?

Is this... a day off? Don't the landlord's donkey dare to do that?

With a hint of displeasure, he called up the system menu, switched to the task bar, and determined the target of the new mission——Youth Pi.

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