Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2206 Elite High School Is Not Good For Me (Two in One)

He remembered this TV series. It was a new TV series broadcast last year. He took over the task of "Xiao Huanxi" before. When he read online reviews, he saw netizens comparing the two dramas. Anyway, he came to the conclusion that today's school dramas are out of ordinary. In the category of people, the protagonist’s family lives in millions of houses and cries poor, and he is surrounded by either a school bully or a rich second generation. The plot is also all kinds of conflicts between parents and rebellious children. Same as nanny.

Because the new task was not a time-limited task and lacked urgency, Lin Yue decided to let it go and finish the work at hand.

He took out any door, pushed it lightly, and walked in.

And on the other side of the door is... Kuala Lumpur.


Three days later.

Hibiscus Street.

Su Xiaodi Love Pet Hospital.

The days are approaching Labor Day day by day, and the weather is getting hotter day by day.

The afternoon sun became hot, and Zhou Lin sat on the sofa drowsy.


The door opened.

She woke up from the daze, looked up, and found that it was Su Han who came back, and she looked at the electronic watch on the counter again, feeling a little strange.

"Hey, why did you come back so early? Where's Lin Yue?"

"Just now a pet owner called to make an appointment for vaccination, and said he would arrive at the store in 30 minutes. I wanted to come over in advance to prepare. Lin Yue is playing chess with my dad, and it will take a while to come."


Zhou Lin didn't think much about it, because the pet clinic is very close to the Oriental Garden where Su Han lives, only a few minutes' walk away. Originally, Su Han's parents invited the prospective son-in-law to dinner tonight, but he said that he had an appointment for the evening, so he moved it up to noon. Once the two of them left, she was left alone to look after the store.

"By the way, have you eaten yet?"

"have eaten."

Su Han glanced at the carton of roasted cold noodles in the trash can behind the counter.

"It's Sister Wang across the road baking cold noodles again?"

"It's not that you don't know, I lose weight."

"Okay, don't cut it. I just passed by Suguo Supermarket. I saw that their durians were on sale, so I bought two copies, one for each of us."

She opened the plastic bag in her hand, took out the box containing durian meat, gave one to Zhou Lin and one to herself.

"This...the heat is too high."

"Eat less at night, it's okay."

Zhou Lin looked at the yellow-orange durian meat in the plastic box, and quickly lost her battle. She didn't feel sleepy any more. She opened the box, picked up a piece, and put it in her mouth.

"Su Han, should we...should we eat at the back? If someone comes later and doesn't like the taste..."

She knew Lin Yue didn't like durian...

No, it should be said that a large part of men can't stand this.

Su Han looked at the durian meat in his hand and was in trouble.

"Forget it, eat everything, open the front door and the back door in a while, and the smell will dissipate soon after the draft passes."

So the two women reached a consensus on the matter of eating. One thought the durian meat in her hand was sweeter, so she gave some to the other, and the other thought the durian meat in her hand looked strange.

Thinking that someone would come later, they hurriedly finished eating the durian meat, and opened the front and rear doors to ventilate. However, more than half an hour passed, and no one came, and Su Han didn't call to remind him, because he was late and missed the appointment. Often, when I used to work in a pet hospital, I was familiar with it. There is no way, this kind of thing, those who pay for services can not take it seriously, and those who open a shop have to be careful.

Zhou Lin wasn't quite used to it yet, and when she was about to suggest Su Han to send a text message, Su Han spoke.

"Hey, Zhou Lin, Ming Palace it the crew where Lin Yue's ex-girlfriend is?"

"You mean... Gu Ying?"

"That's right, it's her."

Zhou Lin teased: "I thought you really didn't care as I said before. My ex-girlfriend came to find her fiancé, so she must be jealous."

"No, look at this."

Su Han waved his hand, indicating that this matter is not what she thought, and then shook the phone: "Come and see."

Zhou Lin leaned over, took a closer look at the phone screen, and whispered the hot news.

"Yesterday, a bad criminal case occurred in the southern suburbs of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. The local police received a report from a gardener and found 30 dead bodies in a villa less than 5KM from Serdang Mountain. After identification, Xiang Feng, the leader of the Malaysian Chinese community, was found. Sha Qianfei, chairman of MO Lihuang Group, and Tu Yibai, a Chinese-Canadian director, besides Malaysians, there are 8 other foreigners, the Kuala Lumpur police have contacted the relevant embassies, and the identification work is in progress.”

After reading the news briefing, Zhou Lin blinked her beautiful eyes: "Tu Yibai is dead? Will Fengyun of Ming Palace still be filmed?"

"Should... shoot it."

Su Han said: "It's enough to change the director, and the producer hasn't withdrawn his capital."

Zhou Lin carefully observed her expression: "Then tell me, will this affect Gu Ying's work?"

"Oh, Zhou Lin, didn't I say that? I'm not jealous, so don't keep talking about her, okay?"

"Is it?"

While the two were talking, a person walked in through the front door, accompanied by a scent of fragrance.

"Hey, why do you..."

Zhou Lin turned her head to look, and complained in her heart that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here.

That's right, the person who came was the one they were talking about just now, Lin Yue's ex-girlfriend Gu Ying.

Today she is a little different from when she came here a few days ago. She is dressed in no problem. She is wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt and a grape purple pleated skirt underneath. She is carrying a milky white Chanel handbag in her hand. But when she took off her sunglasses , looking at the makeup is a little flowery, it should not be touched up properly, and the expression is a little flustered.

"Do you know where Lin Yue is?"

Zhou Lin and Su Han glanced at each other, and the former said first, "What do you want from him?"

There was a hint of caution inside and outside the words.

She's already an ex-girlfriend and still comes to him all the time. Su Han has a good temper and a weak temper, which doesn't mean she's easy to talk to.

Gu Ying looked at the two of them begging for help: "I'm really in a hurry to find him."

"Is there something urgent? Don't you have his phone number?"

"He...he didn't answer my call."

"You still pester him if you don't answer your call?"

"I beg you, help me please?"

Gu Ying stepped forward quickly, grabbed Su Han's wrist, scared the proprietress back half a step, struggled with her hand, but did not break free.

"You... don't worry, just speak slowly." Su Han said ignoring Zhou Lin's wink.

If a man's ex-girlfriend begs his current girlfriend, he must have encountered a difficult situation and was forced to do so.

Gu Ying said: "Can you call him for me? Just say... I want to see him."

Su Han pondered for a while, then nodded.

"Su Han!" Zhou Lin was very angry. The ex-girlfriend asked the ex-boyfriend for help, acting very weak and helpless. How about the routine operation of green tea? I really don't know whether to say that she has a big heart, or that she is too kind. The key is that no matter how she winks, she is not afraid that the price of being soft-hearted is that a good man who is so good will be snatched away?

Su Han waved his hand, took out his mobile phone from his bag, dialed Lin Yue's number, and told him that Gu Ying was here, in the shop.

After a few words between the two, she hung up the phone.

"Lin Yue said that he will wait for you at Songfeng Tea Ceremony in an hour and a half."

"Okay." Gu Ying wiped his sweatless forehead: "Su Han, thank you."

After speaking, he walked out of the front door with his bag in hand, put on his sunglasses, and got into a Chevrolet SUV parked by the side of the road.

Zhou Lin walked over to close the door, and looked at her with eyes of hatred: "Are you really stupid or fake, Lin Yue doesn't answer her phone, and you, rush to help them create opportunities to be alone."


An hour and a half later.

Ode to the Wind Tea Ceremony.

Sima Tai walked to the Hongxiu Tianxiang hall with a black wallet in his hand, raised his arm lightly, and knocked on the door.


He pushed open the door, walked into the private room, and closed the door behind him.

"Mr. Lin."

He saw that on the chair facing the door, Lin Yue was drinking from a teacup and looking at the mobile phone on the table, so absorbed that he didn't even look up when he entered the door.

"Mr. Lin."

He called out again respectfully.

Only then did Lin Yue slowly raise his head, and replied blankly: "Mmm..."

This pair of indifferent look!

Sima Tai was very annoyed, when did he suffer from this? As a producer, which of the young people I usually see doesn't respect him, don't beg him, rely on him, in order to find a role that can stand on the stage in the play?

What's more, this guy in front of him was a dead-on-the-job in the film and television city last year.

It was Wu Ling who asked him to come to Lin Yue to find out. Be respectful and don't irritate people like last time, so as not to make things worse.

He didn't think Tu Yibai had anything to do with Sha Qianfei's death and Lin Yue. If this kid had the ability to take down the leader of a well-known Chinese association in Malaysia and more than 20 bodyguards in one go, how could he go to the film and television city to play tricks, let alone let him My fiancée made money by opening a pet clinic.

"Mr. Lin, the matter of director Tu Yibai...have you seen it?"

"What's up?"


Sima Tai didn't believe that he didn't know. After all, Xue Chao brought him to discuss cooperation, which caused a conflict with Tu Yibai. Gu Ying came to negotiate this matter, and he threatened her to cause an earthquake in the entertainment industry.

Shocked now.

It wasn't Tu Yibai's death that caused the earthquake, but Sha Qianfei's death—Emperor Group and all parties in the entertainment industry were deeply entangled. What's even more exaggerated is that not only Sha Qianfei died, but Sha Qianfei's parents also died. A family of nine, including his wife, child, and grandson, all died, some in Australia and some in the United States. Unlike Kuala Lumpur, where more than 30 people died, it has not attracted attention in China. Only his behind-the-scenes boss Wu Ling, as a close friend of Sha Qianfei, knows how bad things are.

Lin Yue didn't even have the intention to invite him to drink tea, he drank tea and talked on his own: "Sima Tai, do you believe in retribution?"


"Here, let me show you something fun."

Lin Yue turned the phone over, the screen facing him.

In the picture, there is a person wearing a mask walking on the street holding a mobile phone. The surrounding area is very clean. Occasionally passers-by wearing masks pass by, but they are also in a hurry and walking like flying.

"I am now located in the Chatswood area of ​​Sydney. Here is a wealthy area in a Chinese settlement. You can see that there are not many people on the street. It is true that rich people are most afraid of death. Just half a year ago, I Let me tell you, the number of luxury cars here is really... Foreigners are very envious when they see it. Now? They are all left in the garage to eat ashes. I don’t know if life can go back to the past. I can only say one thing, old man Ties, let’s do it and cherish it.”

There is a group of people replying below the screen, be careful, old iron, pay attention to safety, take personal protection, and a group of "66666".

At this moment, the camera shakes violently suddenly, and there is a loud noise.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, old irons."

The broadcaster entered the camera with a panicked face: "Something has happened."

The camera swayed again, aiming at an independent villa that was burning violently with black smoke billowing and flames rising a hundred meters ahead.

"Old irons, the villa in front exploded, you wait for me, I'll get closer."

Then came the bouncing camera and the sound of panting running.

A group of people below left a message telling him to be careful, so as not to be affected by the accident, after all, foreign countries are not safe.

For ordinary people, it takes only 15 seconds to run 100 meters at full strength. Even if the broadcaster holds a selfie stick, it doesn't take long to reach the destination.

Sima Tai was not interested in watching the excitement, but when the phone camera scanned the number plate in front of the burning villa, he felt his mind go crazy and his consciousness went blank.

To ask why.

The answer is simple, the villa where the fire broke out is the residence of her lover and 14-year-old illegitimate daughter.

"You did it, you did it!"

After being stunned for a minute, Sima Tai exploded, his beard and hair were all splayed, his face and eyes were red, and he went around the table to pinch Lin Yue's neck.

As far as the current time period is concerned, most people naturally go out as little as they can.

What does the scene on the phone mean? The warm quilt, the little padded jacket...all of them are gone.

Can he not be angry? Can you not be crazy?

However, no matter how crazy and angry he was, it was impossible for him to gain benefits from Lin Yue.

Seeing a flash of a figure in front of him, he fled to nothing, but was instead grabbed by the throat by a hand like iron pincers.

"Sima Tai, I'm in China. The explosion happened abroad, and I saw this scene under the camera of the broadcaster brother. What does it have to do with me? Are you so excited? Could it be that the people in the house have something to do with you? "

"You... ho ho... you know..."

The last time Lin Yue showed Gu Ying a photo of his illegitimate daughter, threatening him to be honest and ask his daughter for a hand. As a result, such a thing happened today. Nothing to do, possible?

"A person like you, who confiscated money in the mainland, transferred it abroad, and even sent his wife, child, lover and illegitimate child abroad, and became a foreigner. What are you afraid of? Is the money coming from a wrong way? Now It must be retribution, hey..."

Lin Yue made it clear that he was pretending to be merciful when a cat was crying for a mouse, and Sima Tai was strangled by him, unable to speak a word for a long time.

"By the way." He picked up the phone with one hand, tapped his thumb a few times, and put it in front of Sima Tai: "Do you know what it is on the dark web? I found out that someone uploaded Sha Qianli's Emperor Group and The capital transactions and call recordings of some companies in the mainland are priced at US$100,000. What do you think will happen if someone buys them and sends them to the procuratorate? Will Wu Ling and the star actors who have a cooperative relationship with him Can't sleep at all?"

"You... forced... forced... in a hurry, and... your parents... fiancee... die together." Sima Tai was so suppressed that his face was flushed, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing.

"Oh." Lin Yue sighed, "Then how do you think Tu Yibai died?"

" did it...hoho...?"

Lin Yue shook his head, stretched out his hand, and took out the phone from Sima Tai's pocket. The interface showed that the recorder function was turned on.

"Don't you think it's very pediatric?"

After speaking, he held Sima Tai's throat and took two steps forward, swiped his hand forward, and pushed Sima Tai to the door.




The sound of waves?

Sima Tai tried his best to turn his head and glanced into the distance.

On the endless sea, the waves are rolling, the sun is very hot, and the wind brings a strong smell of the sea, but directly in front of him is another world, with tea tables, teacups, teapots, and a female enemy.

Unlike before, there was no hatred on his face, but deep fear.

"You... you... who are you?" He firmly grasped the wrist of the hand holding his neck, for fear that if Lin Yue let go, he would fall into the sea and drown: "I...I tell... ...Tell you...there is surveillance...the surveillance filmed me...I'm here."

"You came here, but I didn't."

While Lin Yue was speaking, his hair began to grow, showing small curls, and the color also turned to silver gray. The flesh of his eyebrows, beard, and cheeks were also adjusting, and he became another person after a few breaths.

Sima Tai was completely desperate, and desperately grabbed his hand: "I beg you...please...for Gu Ying's sake...forgive us...I...I will never dare again ...What do you want me to do in the future...I will...just do it..."

"It's late." Lin Yue suddenly smiled playfully: "But if you kill you like this, I always think it's too cheap for you? Look, there is a small island less than one square kilometer in front of you. Do you want to experience the rest of your life on a deserted island? Like this Well, if you can survive 30 days, I'll get your wife to be your companion, if you can't survive 30 days, I'll get your son to collect your body, how about it?"

As soon as he let go of his hand, he swung it downward, and Sima Tai fell down with a long scream.

Cast Away?

If it were a wilderness survival expert like Mr. Pei or Mr. De, he might be able to survive in this environment. He is...a potbellied, lacks the ability to take care of himself, and his living habits are settled with money. He didn't even watch Robinson Crusoe Can those who have ever lived survive on an overseas island? is it possible?


Sima Tai fell into the water, splashing a cloud of water.

Lin Yue glanced at the sea, retracted his hand, and the arbitrary door slowly closed.

It took a lot of effort for him to open the door.

Returning to the tea table, he poured himself another cup of tea, cleaned up a bit, reopened any door, and stepped out of his own room.

Next, he went to the supermarket at the entrance of the community and carried a bucket of pure water upstairs, replaced the empty bucket on the water dispenser, then returned to the room, pulled down the system menu to the task list, and browsed the details.

[Only recognize clothes but not people]: Detected the complaints of the lucky user with ID 051511, what happened to the youth school dramas in recent years? Are they all taken as online articles? When will we be able to release a high-quality drama like "The Year in a Hurry" again? Looking back at the campus-themed movies in the 1980s and 1990s, the male students at that time were so energetic, and what they thought about every day was how to make achievements and grow into a man of indomitable spirit. Now what? Both inside and outside the campus are full of bullies falling in love with me, and warm men let me be gay. For example, Qian Yukun, Qian Sanyi’s father, proposed divorce many times but was rejected by Pei Yin. Looking for a lover under such circumstances, is this too much? How many people scolded the scumbag, and Wang Shengnan used his own man's toothbrush to clean the toilet, opened his mouth and shut up for divorce, but was selectively ignored, and they all praised Lin Da as a good man. I can do it, but you can't be cruel to me, you can't help me, otherwise it's scum, it's bad? The target audience of "Heart Home" is female audiences, like "Youth Pi", the target audience is teenagers and women, and then fabricate the plot with a tone of pleasing women, so can a man who grows up watching this kind of film be bloody? It's almost licking.

Main task: (Enter the film and television drama world to activate).

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Task time frame: 2014-2017.

Whether to accept: (Y/N).


Just one main mission?

Lin Yue was a little disappointed, but thinking about how long it took him to get ready to take on the task, the system had been waiting for him for so long, so one task requirement was just one task requirement.

As for the TV series, he has been focusing on two things in the past few days, watching them intermittently.

Let’s recall the plot a little bit--the spirited and lively girl Lin Miaomiao performed exceptionally well in the high school entrance examination, and was admitted to a key high school by accident, and her mother Wang Shengnan was proud. In the freshman year of high school, Lin Miaomiao, who escaped from her mother's control, lived in school like a fish in water. She made three friends, the school belle Deng Xiaoqi, the school bully Qian Sanyi and Jiang Tianhao, and became the anchor of the campus radio station, like a "winner in life". Lin Miaomiao's grades were brutally crushed, and she faced a frontal blow from Pei Yin, who "my son's grades are the first in the city". Wang Shengnan's fighting spirit was fully ignited, and he started his life as a student. The enemy's road is narrow, and he and Pei Yin's family became neighbors. The conflict between Wang and Pei continued to escalate, but because of their marriage problems, they cherished each other and became best friends. With the advent of her senior year, Lin Miaomiao experienced the turbulence of her parents' relationship, Qian Sanyi endured her parents' incongruity, Jiang Tianhao's family went bankrupt suddenly, and Deng Xiaoqi fell to the bottom because her mother's secret was exposed. The teenagers are rebellious, facing the sun, wind and rain, and growing vigorously like spring grass. The college entrance examination is over, and the teenagers go their separate ways, full of sadness and expectations for the future. The four families have gone through twists and turns, found their own directions, and reaped touching growth.

Calculating the time, if you accept the mission now, you should be able to come back before noon tomorrow, but the money obtained from Xiang Feng and Sha Qianfei’s overseas accounts will take a while to legally enter the bank account in Monaco, and the roaming function will return. Take a look at what happened in the world of "My Leader, My Regiment".

So be it.

He collected himself, pulled down the system menu, and chose to accept the task.


A gust of wind blew by, a white light flashed in the room, and the whole person disappeared.


Another gust of wind blew by, and with the feeling of lightheadedness and dizziness, his body swayed slightly, he couldn't help but help his forehead, and frowned slightly.

"What are you doing in a daze? Lin Daiyu? After walking two steps, it hurts so much."

A strange voice pierced his ears.

Lin Yue shook his head and patted his temples again. Feeling more comfortable, he raised his head and followed the prestige.

I saw an impatient man in a dark blue half-sleeve shirt standing on the front steps, looking at him with somewhat displeased eyes.

Isn't this Li Daokui, the life teacher in the boys' dormitory in the TV series?

He looked at the oppressive right shoulder again. Behind it was a worn-out and outdated denim schoolbag. He looked at his body again. He had a black T-shirt, jeans, and a pair of brand new white sneakers. He looked like a student.

"What's the matter with you? You're whimpering, didn't you hear what I said?" The impatience on Li Daokui's face grew stronger.

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