Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2209 My name is Lin Arrogant (two in one)

"Okay, if you don't buy textbooks, then don't blame the teacher for not teaching well when your academic performance plummets. There are more than 30 students in a class, and I can't adjust the teaching method for you."

Wei Lina tried her best to suppress her anger, trying to make herself appear more reasonable and peaceful, but there were many threats in and out of words... not a lot.

Those teachers who were busy preparing for the lesson stopped preparing for the lesson, and all raised their backs and looked up at the two of them with the mentality of watching the excitement. Li Bin also took a sip of chrysanthemum tea and smacked his lips.

"Don't be so troublesome." Lin Yue said with a serious face: "I'm going to be transferred, so I'll come here and let you know."

"You want to transfer?" Wei Lina was puzzled, "Why didn't I know you were going to transfer?"

Lin Yue was the top transfer student. Before the transfer students were in class ten, she was the head teacher of class ten. The transfer of students in the class must be approved by her.

"Then now you know."

"Okay, tell me, which class do you want to transfer to?"

Wei Lina wished that such a thorny student would leave her class, but the question was, which class teacher would be willing to take over such a hot potato.

"Class one."

"Class one?"

Wei Lina's eyes stared straight, and Zhao Rongbao, who was writing on the textbook in the corner, trembled, dropped the pen, and Gu Lulu rolled for a long way, only to stop when he touched the fence of the table. He turned his head in shock and looked at Wei Lina's desk.

And everyone else was looking at him.

The reason is very simple, he is the mathematics teacher and head teacher of the first class of senior high school.

Wei Lina looked at him and understood.

Lin Yue decided to transfer to Class One, Senior One on her own initiative. She thought that Tang Yuanming had agreed with Zhao Rongbao in advance.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Wei Lina became angrier as she talked: "You really think elite schools are places where you can run wild and no one can control you? Go to class one? What grades are the students in class one? What grades are you? Don't you know? You still go Ask Teacher Zhao, do I want you in class one?"

In the elite middle school, Class 1 and Class 2 are experimental classes, and the other 11 classes are regular classes. The number and list of each class are prepared before the school starts, unless they are like Qian Sanyi who got good grades in the senior high school entrance examination. Students, it is difficult for ordinary high school freshmen to transfer into classes, let alone Lin Yue, who is the bottom one in his grade.

Lin Yue said: "Wei Lina, is it me or you? Remember your identity. You are a teacher and I am a student. Teachers and students are not superiors and subordinates, but natural persons with equal status. Any decision involving the interests of both parties must be passed Negotiation and settlement, not what you want me to do, I have to do what I have to do. All the schools with experimental classes and ordinary classes play the banner of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. According to the outside world, the experimental class teaches relatively deep knowledge points, and students with average grades go It’s just the opposite, it’s not helpful for further studies, I don’t think I’ll be like this, and I’ll be 18 in two months, and I can be responsible for my actions, so I don’t need you to make decisions for me under the banner of doing my best.”


Wei Lina can only talk about the school rules: "Since you have registered, you must abide by the school's rules and regulations and obey the teacher's arrangements."

"Why should I obey the obviously unreasonable rules and regulations? Why should I obey your decision to infringe my interests? Since elite schools are public schools, they should be responsible for all taxpayers, and fairness and justice are the core values ​​of our society. , can you represent the school and challenge the core values ​​of society?"

Wei Lina was put down by this big hat that was an enemy of the core values ​​of society, and she was too scared to speak, her face turned a little pale.

Zhao Rongbao didn't want him to enter the experimental class. Seeing that Wei Lina was slumped, he helped his glasses, stood up and said, "You have to understand that high school is a selective education stage, not a compulsory education stage. If someone does well in the exam, you will be assigned by your own efforts." In the experimental class, you didn't do well in the exam, so you can only enter the ordinary class, what's so unfair about that?"

Wei Lina and Li Bin really wanted to applaud Zhao Rongbao. As expected of teaching mathematics, logic is good.

"That's what you said."

However, to everyone's surprise, Lin Yue smiled, took out his phone, shook it, pressed the play button, and Zhao Rongbao's voice came from the speaker.

"You have to make it clear that high school is a selective education stage, not a compulsory education stage..."

"you said……"

Repeating a half-threatening sentence, he put the phone in his pocket and left the freshman office very simply.

Zhao Rongbao, Li Bin and others looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what's wrong with this. Is there something wrong with the selection education in high school? That's right.


Two and a half hours later.

Afternoon class ends.

Some of the students got up yawning, thinking about going to the cafeteria to eat something later, whether to have a fried egg to replenish their brains, or to buy a couple of chicken legs to stick on their fat, so that the places that should grow can develop again.

There are also those who don’t hear what’s going on outside the window, and continue to concentrate on reading, and they still mutter words, not knowing what they are reciting. This scene mostly happens to students in the third grade of high school.

Of course, there are also those students who hear the bell after class like a treasure, as if the pursuit of life is for this moment, just like Lin Miaomiao.

"Mice, I heard that a new student has come to your dormitory and has taken up all the beds in Qian Sanyi." When she said this, she glanced at the podium. The guy in a white shirt and blue trousers had delicate features and a fair face. Walking with a cup of green tea in his hand, he looks good at maintaining his health, but in fact, the old-fashioned champion of the district high school entrance examination is surrounded by a group of people, asking him to explain the thinking questions left by the physics teacher just now.

"There is such a person."

"I heard it's crazy?"

Jiang Tianhao withdrew his gaze from Deng Xiaoqi, tapped the ballpoint pen on the table, and bragged: "I am the head of the dormitory of 205, and when I come to my site, I have to be coiled up by a strong dragon, and I have to lie down on a raptor. With me as a big mountain, it's his turn to be arrogant."

"Student, you can do it, the pillar of the elite middle school." Lin Miaomiao gave him a thumbs up.

Obviously, she also heard about the freshman named Lin Yue who opened the map cannon.

Elite high schools are not good enough for me, even Qian Sanyi dare not say such a thing, although his performance reveals that you are all scumbags in front of my high IQ.

Just when Jiang Tianhao wanted to be hypocritical and modest, and asked Lin Miaomiao why he didn't go to the cafeteria immediately, the broadcast that was playing music suddenly stopped.

"What are you doing? This is a radio station."

"Get out, which class are you in, get out."


The sudden noise made all the students in the school bewildered, and those who were about to go to the cafeteria also stopped and looked up at the direction of the radio station.

In the classroom of Class One and One, Lin Miaomiao murmured to herself: "This is... my master's voice, who is it? Dare to disturb my master's broadcast?"


"That's right, the third grader said that the broadcast will not be broadcast in a few days, and he should focus on the college entrance examination, and ask the station master to arrange tasks for him for two more days, so as to leave some good memories."

Just as Lin Miaomiao was explaining her relationship with the announcer, a conversation came through the loudspeaker.

"Wei Lina, am I acting wild, or are you acting wild? Remember your identity, you are a teacher, I am a student, teachers and students are not subordinates..."


"You have to make it clear that high school is a selective education stage, not a compulsory education stage. If you do well in the exam, you can be assigned to the experimental class based on your own efforts. If you don't do well in the exam, you can only enter the ordinary class. What's so unfair about it?"

For the people in Class One and One, the voices of a man and a woman in front are very unfamiliar, but the voice of the person behind... They are very familiar, it is the head teacher of Class One and One, Zhao Rongbao.

This... what's the situation?

The people who listened to Qian Sanyi's lecture all ran to the door and listened to the radio with their ears pricked up. Only Deng Xiaoqi still clasped her fists, staring at her male god with starry eyes.

"Hi students from elite middle schools. My name is Lin Yue. I'm a new transfer student. The above is a conversation I had with Zhao Rongbao, the head teacher of Class One and One in Senior One. The class is very fair, so I would like to ask the school leaders, if a student fell ill during the senior high school entrance examination, because of a fever, cold, stomach pain and enteritis, he was assigned to the ordinary class and was not taught in accordance with his aptitude. Due to personal reasons, his grades have declined, he can't keep up with the teaching progress, and he has become a poor student who is not as good as the top students in the ordinary class. Isn't it unfair to the top students in the ordinary class by letting him stay in the experimental class? Therefore, since the school selects only the results Mechanism, please rank according to the results of each monthly exam, let those who should go up and those who should go down, right, Teacher Zhao Rongbao?"

What the hell……

Lin Miaomiao pushed up the near-sighted mirror, she was still talking about him with Jiang Tianhao just now, does this mean that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived? The point is, he is so capable of being a demon, he dared to go to the broadcasting station to challenge Teacher Ban, she had never seen such an arrogant person when she grew up.

She pushed the chair, stood up and ran outside.

Jiang Tianhao shouted from behind: "Lin Miaomiao, what are you doing?"

"What am I going to do? Of course I'm going to the radio station."

Jiang Tianhao looked out the window, and there was a row of students standing in the corridor, all listening with their ears pricked up.

He was very upset, gritted his teeth for a while, and thought it was good for a while. If he wanted to ask why, the answer was simple. Lin Yue kicked out the people from the broadcasting station and used the broadcasting facilities to speak privately. This was worse than confronting Li Daokui in the dormitory. Will the principal let him go? How can it be!

"Hey, what are you doing, Qian Sanyi hasn't finished talking yet."

Hearing the voice from the podium, he looked up, and saw that the goddess in his mind was frowning, with a resentful expression on his face, persuading those students who were attracted by the broadcast to calm down, and continue to listen to her male god explaining the topic.

Qian Sanyi was actually very upset. He continued to write answers on the blackboard without any interaction, which was undoubtedly boring. Don’t look at his cold and academic face that no one cares about every day, but in the world of erudition and knowledge. On the one hand, he still hopes to be recognized and admired by the people around him, just like he has always regarded Jiang Yuwen as an idol, otherwise he would not be kind enough to give everyone science popularization every day, and he is even serious with Jiang Tianhao on the issue of playing games with computers.

As for Deng Xiaoqi...he was selectively ignored by him.

Seeing that no one came back, he threw the chalk on the podium and walked towards his seat.

"Don't go, Qian Sanyi, the problem is not finished yet." Deng Xiaoqi looked at his back eagerly.

"let's talk tomorrow."

Qian San didn't even look at her, picked up the thermos cup on the desk, unscrewed the lid and took a sip.

Deng Xiaoqi glanced in the direction of the broadcasting station, hating that idiot who disturbed Qian Sany's lecture.

On the other side, in the corridor of the ordinary class, some students were also pointing.

"I think what he said is quite reasonable."

"I also think what he said is right. Since the school is divided into experimental classes and ordinary classes, and the teaching quality of the two is different, it is fair to see that the grades are changed every month, and the capable ones go up to the weak. This is fair."

A student who was usually timid took a notebook and said at the door of the classroom: "Those who hold salaries for everyone should not be frozen to death in the snow, and those who open the way for freedom should not be trapped in thorns..."

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Go into the house."

At this moment, the door of the office opened, Zhao Rongbao, Wei Lina, Tian Shanshan and several other teachers came out, yelled at the booing students in the corridor, and the cowards went back to the classroom with their heads drooping.

They are not Lin Arrogant, dare to fight against the teacher.

Zhao Rongbao took two steps forward, holding on to the handrail of the corridor, looking up, down, left, and right.

He can manage the students in front of him, but... the seniors upstairs, the sophomores downstairs, and the students on the playground and the square in front of the building... there are a few teachers, hundreds of students, how to manage?

Vested interests never complain! But there are only two experimental classes in more than a dozen classes. Lin Yue's words will definitely stir up the emotions of ordinary class students and affect their minds. I can't run away.

He never thought that Lin Yue would get his words to be broadcast on the radio station.

Shift once a month?

The frequent turnover of personnel will bring great pressure to the teaching work. Teachers don't even know the situation of the students. How can they teach students according to their aptitude?

But if you don't do this, it's unfair, unfair, even if the students in the ordinary class don't dare to be troublesome, what about the parents, the parents find the principal to ask about this matter, especially the parents of the top students in the ordinary class come to the school to discuss, What should I do if I even go to the Education Bureau to make a fuss?

Wei Lina and Li Bin mourned for Zhao Rongbao, while Tian Shanshan was very angry, thinking that Lin Yue, who only knew his name but never met him, was extremely lacking in discipline.

In the principal's office.

Xie Weizhou, who had a big head, a face, and small features, were crowded together, and his upper and lower eyelids were severely swollen, was furious.

"Is this Lin Yue the same Lin Yue you mentioned?"

On the other side of the desk was Tang Yuanming. He was originally sitting on a chair, but now he couldn't sit still. He stood up with deep shame, and said weakly, "It's him".

After negotiating with Li Daokui, he left the boys' dormitory building. Considering that Xie Weizhou was not at school at noon and was going home for dinner, he wanted to talk about the bed in the afternoon. Who knew that after the first class, he came to the principal's office and found that he was not there. Knowing that Xie Weizhou went to the Education Bureau for a meeting, he would not be back until later, so he had to go to work on his own. When school was over, he came to the principal’s office for the second time, and happened to be blocking Xie Weizhou who was coming back from the meeting. As a result, the two of them sat down Just a few words, and there was such a scene outside.

He wished he could stamp a crack on the ground and get in, his blood pressure rushing upwards because of this cousin's anger.

The guy who got the lowest score in the whole grade in the first high school entrance examination insisted on going to the experimental class. Isn't this vexatious? Unwilling to be bullied by Zhao Rongbao, he went to the radio station to give provocative speeches. It was hard to imagine that such a mature and stable person like Lin Qiang would give birth to such a son who is super capable of being a demon.

"Listen, listen, what did he say? If I had known this, I shouldn't have agreed to his transfer application a few days ago." Xie Weizhou's nose was crooked in anger, and he tapped his fingers on the bright desk , as a principal, when talking to parents, "quality education", "not only achievement theory", "every child is good", these words are naturally not uncommon, but they are all Big words, empty words, official words, clichés, and setting up experimental classes are the clear rules used by every school, but in some high-level occasions, they have to be packaged with "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude", and they are questioning the public back and forth. Yue got Zhao Rongbao's recording to be broadcast on the radio station, which is equivalent to an honest child revealing the truth about the emperor's new clothes. He is the one who talks the most about scenes, beautiful words, big words, and empty words, of course he doesn't think so. feel good.

Putting aside his position and reasoning, Tang Yuanming still admires his cousin's courage to hold the authority accountable and challenge injustice. As a history teacher, it is normal for him to feel more thoughtful than those who teach mathematics, physics, and politics. However, he can also understand that the school likes two kinds of students the most, one is obedient, and the other is good grades, and Lin Yue has nothing to do with any of these two points.

"Principal, calm down first, calm down."

"Why should I be angry?" Xie Weizhou blew his beard and stared at him, pointing his hand in the direction of the broadcasting station: "The student you brought, get him out of the broadcasting station first, and then I will settle the score with you."

Well, I'm really angry.

At this point, what else could Tang Yuanming say? He replied lazily, left the principal's office with a feeling of resentment, and walked towards the broadcasting station.

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