Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2226 Okay, I'll show my cards, I won't pretend anymore (two in one)

The little girl wearing a red sweater with a star pattern on her chest is only a few years old, she doesn't seem to understand the meaning of the word "divorce", her expression has not changed at all, she looks at Tang Yuanming, then at her mother, and then at her watch that she hasn't seen for a month Brother, suddenly shook off his mother's hand, and rushed towards Lin Yue with his arms raised.

"Brother hug..."

"Hey, sweet girl, do you miss my brother?" Lin Yue picked up the little girl, and with a gesture of his hand, he conjured a lollipop like a magic trick.

"Wow, great, great."

The little girl clapped her hands.

Lin Yue was deeply suspicious of this, and suspected that Tang Jiaojiao didn't know what "divorce" meant. It was likely that Tang Yuanming and Wang Dingnan had a small quarrel every three days and a big quarrel every five days, which made the little girl feel familiar. This is also reflected in the TV series.

"Jiaojiao, come down!"

Seeing that his daughter liked the person he hated so much, Wang Dingnan was so angry that his brows stood on end. He gave Tang Yuanming a hard look, walked up to Lin Yue, and took the child very rudely.

"I don't want..." Tang Jiaojiao shrank into Lin Yue's arms, her small hands tightly clutching his collar.

Tang Yuanming couldn't stand it anymore, and persuaded him, "If the child doesn't want to come down, don't force him."

"My daughter, you don't need to worry about it." Wang Dingnan choked back, grabbing Tang Jiaojiao's clothes and pulling them back.


Tang Jiaojiao burst into tears.

Yes, children are close to their mothers, but looking after children like Wang Dingnan just puts the children aside, and she goes to watch online dramas on her mobile phone. Of course, an impatient mother cannot beat Lin Yue, who is super friendly to children.

"Come down."

Wang Dingnan pulled his daughter out of his arms very bluntly: "How can I tell you that you are not allowed to play with him in the future, do you have any memory?"

After speaking, he snatched the lollipop even more brutally, and threw it into the trash can with a look of disgust.

Just as Tang Yuanming was about to speak, Lin Yue's hands were much faster than his mouth.


There was a crisp sound.

Wang Dingnan tilted his body and nearly fell to the ground. His hair was very messy and draped over his shoulders, and a mass of red could be seen between the hair strands.

The words Tang Yuanming rushed to his lips were choked back by this slap.

What a joke, just now I slapped Wang Shengnan in the classroom, then turned around and slapped my sister, this kid is too indebted.

"Lin Yue, what are you doing!"

Although Wang Dingnan's actions were indeed excessive, it was not enough to hit someone, right? If Wang Shengnan is a relative who cannot be reached, then Wang Dingnan is his cousin.

"What? Hit her."

Lin Yue moved his steps lightly, and stood behind Tang Jiaojiao, who hadn't figured out the situation and just stopped crying with her eyes wide open, and looked coldly at the so-called relative who kept being a monster.

"Lin Yue, you are going too far!"

Tang Yuanming was very angry. Young people are rebellious, and it is somewhat understandable to do something out of the ordinary with passion, but if they still have no regrets after being reprimanded and reminded, then it shouldn't be.

"Am I too much? She is too much."

"My own daughter, I can arrange it as I like, what does it have to do with you little bastard?"

"I didn't hit you because of Jiaojiao, but because you dragged my cousin down."

"I dragged him down? Why did I drag him down? It's obvious that you dragged him down!" Wang Dingnan yelled, acting very agitated, with disheveled hair like a female ghost who wanted his life: "Tang Yuanming, with me and without him today, With him or without me, you choose yourself."

Tang Yuanming looked embarrassed, he couldn't explain to his parents if he chased Lin Yue away, if he didn't chase Lin Yue away, Wang Dingnan would file for divorce, which would mess up the family life, and he would die of being caught in the middle.

Lin Yue said: "Wang Dingnan, do you have an aunt? She committed suicide by jumping into a river because of a broken relationship."

This question...the two of them are all stupid.

Wang Dingnan said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I read about a mental illness called bipolar disorder in a book, and it felt similar to your situation, so I asked a friend to check it out, and found out that your family has a history of mental illness, and you concealed it before getting married. This matter is an act of obvious fault. If you get sick one day, wouldn’t it be a drag? And if Jiaojiao also inherited your family’s disease, Wang Dingnan, do you think it’s not right for me to slap you? Lin Yue paused for a moment, then sneered and said, "My cousin lives with someone like you who gets crazy at any time, and I'm afraid that he will get hurt and threaten to divorce? Okay, leave as soon as you leave, whoever stays with you It's the grandson."

His words were like a bolt from the blue, which made Tang Yuanming dumbfounded.

If it was as Lin Yue said, then things would be troublesome.

People with genetic diseases in the family are generally at the bottom of the marriage chain, especially those with mental illnesses. Normal people must hide as far as they can.

"You fart!"

Naturally, Wang Dingnan didn't believe his words.

"Don't force me to slap you again." Lin Yue said in a deep voice, "Don't you believe me? If you don't believe me, call your parents and ask them if you have a deceased aunt, and then ask why she didn't. "

Wang Dingnan looked at him with resentment, took his mobile phone into the bedroom and made a call.

Tang Yuanming looked behind Lin Yue, looked at their Tang Jiaojiao with incomprehensible and curious eyes, and said hesitantly, "Lin Yue, what you it true?"

"Do I need to lie about this kind of thing?" Lin Yue raised his wrist and looked at the dial: "I took Jiaojiao to McDonald's, you should think about how to deal with her relationship."

After speaking, he turned and picked up the little girl.

"Cousin will take you to eat a big hamburger?"

"I want ice cream too."

Tang Jiaojiao naturally couldn't understand those words. In her mind, hamburgers, French fries, ketchup, ice cream, set meal gifts...the attraction of these things was far greater than the contradictions of her parents.

"It's almost winter and you still eat ice cream? After eating diarrhea, let's have a cup of milk tea, shall we?"

"Then I want vanilla."

"I still know how to choose the flavor... Well, well, vanilla."

Amid the back and forth bargaining, Lin Yue took Tang Jiaojiao away.

Tang Yuanming originally wanted to go downstairs later to buy some celery, pork ribs, fish and shrimp, etc., fry some home-cooked dishes, have a good chat with Lin Yue, and ask him to accept the emperor's father who is upset but still hot Temper, I didn't expect that I didn't succeed in the ideological and political class, and instead I was given a thrilling ethics class by my cousin.

At this time, the sound of Wang Dingnan arguing with someone was faintly heard in the bedroom, and he felt more and more that Lin Yue was telling the truth.

Then how should I ask the result later, if she answers yes, should the marriage be divorced?

What about family opinions, colleagues opinions, friends opinions, and Jiaojiao? Who are you following? If Wang Dingnan has never been ill, will her daughter blame herself in the future?

Or... is this matter so rotten in the stomach? Step by step?

His mind was in a mess, and he was very uncomfortable.


Tang Yuanming was debating whether to divorce Wang Dingnan, and Lin Miaomiao's family was in a state of chaos. After all, Lin Dawei reported good news but not bad news, which made Wang Shengnan very passive in the matter of his daughter's grade ranking, even if other parents He didn't put pressure on her, and he didn't feel happy. Even when Lin Yue slapped her, it was all on Lin Dawei. Sleep on the sofa.

Lin Miaomiao's treatment was slightly better. After all, she was firmly on her mother's side in the classroom.

At eleven o'clock at night, Lin Dawei was woken up by Wang Shengnan's footsteps while he was sleeping soundly, and asked her what she was doing in the middle of the night, but she didn't say anything, and sold him the back of her head and left, which made Lin Dawei Not chasing, not chasing.

It wasn't until the next day that he and Lin Miaomiao found out that something had happened to Wang Dingnan. The couple almost divorced because of Lin Yue. Wang Shengnan went out because he wanted to send his parents to see the second elder of the Tang family. After waiting in the car for more than two hours, at the end of the day, the matter of divorce was pressed.

Wang Shengnan's parents did not tell their elder daughter the truth in order to protect their favorite younger daughter, so Lin Yue was hated again. According to Wang Shengnan, sooner or later, Tang Yuanming and Wang Dingnan's marriage would be disturbed by that boy, and The brother-in-law here also bears the reputation of being a fool who doesn't know what to do in his heart, kisses an outsider while letting his wife refuse to kiss, and also believes in slanderous rumors.

Naturally, Lin Miaomiao was told again not to associate with Lin Yue. If she couldn't do that, she would consider going to the principal to transfer classes.

Lin Dawei said that outsiders don't know the details of the couple's affair, so it's not good to comment on it. Perhaps Tang Yuanming and his wife had conflicts for a long time, and Lin Yue was just a catalyst. She also divorced him, which made Lin Dawei very depressed. He took his daughter to eat barbecue outside, and drank a few glasses of wine to soothe his worries.


On Monday, the elite middle school started as usual, and the students seemed to be unaware of what happened at the parent meeting, and Qian Sanyi did not transfer schools or classes. In Qian Sanyi's dictionary, everything is about facing up to difficulties, just like when he joined the class team, from Jiang Tianhao to the class teacher to the principal, he was not allowed to join, but he did. Once he transferred to another school, As the number one student in the district high school entrance examination, how many eyes are staring at him? In the future, people will definitely say that when he mentions it, the number one student Lang was put down by the bottom one in the class.

Another important reason is that Lin Miaomiao is still in the elite middle school and in the experimental class. Although he doesn't want to admit it, he really likes this bluffing, saying whatever he wants, eating like starving to death A girl who was reincarnated like a ghost.

Similarly, the video of Wang Shengnan being slapped by Lin Yue was not uploaded on the Internet. One reason is that he shot too fast, and those who had videos could not keep up. Don't tell what happened at the parent meeting, it will have a bad influence. The son/daughter put in so much effort to study in an elite middle school, and was assigned to an experimental class, not to mention that they have no grudges with Wang Shengnan in the past, and they have no grudges in the present, who would dare not listen to the head teacher? Isn't that making yourself unhappy, so except for Deng Xiaoqi and Jiang Tianhao who would pull Lin Miaomiao aside to care about her mother's situation, the other students don't even have the desire to look at her more, let alone ask.

The turmoil of the parents' meeting passed under the deliberate downplay of the participants, but if you observe carefully, you can still find some things that make people care. In the past, Lin Miaomiao liked to talk to Lin Yue, but since the parents' meeting , the relationship between the two stinks, they don’t say hello in class, and they don’t talk to each other when they meet each other. Liang Yunshu, Sun Chuanchu and others think this is normal, because the two are tied for the last place, and they must have suffered a lot after the parent meeting. What parent doesn't want their children to get close to good students? Just like the popular saying, those who are close to red are those who are close to black, and those who are close to ink are black. Lin Yue, a well-known poor student in the whole grade, undoubtedly has this sentence The word "ink".

This situation lasted for more than a month, and everyone gradually got used to it, and Lin Yue often didn't come to school for class, just to sketch.

As an art student, I can understand.

Today is the same as usual, with the bell ringing for class, students in the corridor walk in one after another, and students in the classroom open their physics textbooks, turn to the place to be taught, and wait for the teacher with peace of mind.

Not long after, Cui Xinming, a physics teacher, came into the classroom from outside with a stack of test papers.

"Hello, teacher." Liang Yunshu stood up and led everyone to say hello.

Cui Xinming replied feebly, waved his hand down, and motioned for everyone to sit down. As for the head of Lin Ci'er, who seemed to be asleep on the desk by the window seat, he was very upset, and also had some...unexplainable emotions .

Although the teachers were still a little timid when facing him, it was not the same as before, because the popularity of "The Lonely Brave" has disappeared a lot, and the video of Lin Yue beating the vice principal Yin Tiesheng was also sung by some Internet celebrities. Diluted the heat of the event.

It's quite strange to say that no one stood up to declare the ownership of such a popular song. The stars were afraid of copyright infringement and dared not use it. , found that no one came to the door, and then there was a second, a third...

"This is the paper for the weekly physics exam last week. I counted the results." Cui Xinming picked up the top test paper: "First place, Qian Sanyi."

There was a burst of applause from below, but it was not loud and sparse. It was not because everyone had a bad attitude, but because they had long been familiar with it. From language and mathematics to political history and geography, which exam did Qian Sanyi not take the first place? To put it bluntly, he is like an insurmountable mountain, standing there firmly. For most students, let alone crossing, they don't even have the courage to try to climb up.

Cui Xinming also understands this, and he hates iron for being weak: "Is it necessary for you to applaud? When the first place is not someone else, learn from them."

When he handed Qian Sanyi the test paper, someone below whispered.

"Qian Zhuangyuan is at the top of the list every time, and Lin is the last one in his school. Don't you think this CP is a good match?"

"Take you big-headed ghost, didn't you see how cold Qian San looked at him? It's the same as having revenge for killing your father. Didn't you just complain a few words at the flag-raising ceremony, but it was posted on the Internet to attract attention and was lost?" Is it a privilege? As for such a big hatred?"

"Yeah, I used to pinch a few words between classes, but now I don't pinch."


"Quiet!" Cui Xinming said, patting the table.

The students talking quietly below quickly shut up.

"Second place, Jiang Tianhao."

It is reasonable for Jiang Tianhao to be second. He is good at mathematics, physics and chemistry. As for the subjects of liberal is quite ugly, otherwise he would not be in the top five in mathematics, physics and chemistry, but his total score fell to the twentieth of the class. name or so.

Liang Yunshu was second in the last week's exam. This time he took the lead and was very happy. He trotted to the front of the podium, took the test paper with both hands, and walked back with his waist and hips twisted. Victory" gesture.

Cui Xinming wished he could kick him in the back.

"Can you be a little bit right?"

Jiang Tianhao stuck out his tongue and changed to a more normal walking posture.

Cui Xinming didn't say much, and went to get the third test paper.

Generally speaking, Liang Yunshu, as the second person in the class, is occasionally surpassed by Jiang Tianhao, and she doesn't take it to heart. After all, her Chinese and English can beat Mr. Jiang in seconds, but when she was about to get up with a smile At that time, Cui Xinming said: "The third place, the third place is Lin Miaomiao."

The audience was in an uproar.

Qian Sanyi almost sprayed tea on the table, and Jiang Tianhao even tore up the test paper he just got.

Who in the entire experimental class didn't know that Lin Miaomiao was incompetent in science, so she was probably a little higher than Lin Yue. Every time she was in the bottom three in mathematics and physics, she was definitely in the bottom three, but today... unexpectedly became the top three?

Liang Yunshu looked at her roommate at the end of the crane in disbelief, while her other roommate, Deng Xiaoqi, almost screamed with laughter.

Others don't know, but she knows very well that in order to comfort her parents' fragile hearts, Lin Miaomiao copied Jiang Tianhao's test paper during the weekly exam.

The situation is like this, but who knows why this guy is crazy, he actually copied the third place in the class, better than Liang Yunshu, and the person who accompanied him suddenly got a high score in the exam, it's strange that everyone can accept it.

Lin Miaomiao looked at this, looked at that, the smile on her face was uglier than crying, and she got the third place, she was not at ease, if it was a gang, it would be so embarrassing.

"Hurry up and get the test paper." It was Jiang Tianhao who spoke.

After being reminded by her buddies, she realized that she was about to stand up and go to the podium to pick up the test papers when Cui Xinming dropped another bomb, oh no, it was an atomic bomb.

"There is another student in our class who is tied for third with Lin Miaomiao."

He deliberately pulled the end of the sound, and looked at the person sleeping on the table.

"Lin Yue."

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