Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2236 My daughter is broken in love (two in one)

"Xiaoqi, you...why are you here?"

Lin Miaomiao was stunned. She couldn't understand why Deng Xiaoqi came to the station master's office. After something went wrong, she obviously drove him away.

Lin Yue said: "Are you using the cameras in the corridor outside the radio station as a display?"

After speaking, he looked at Deng Xiaoqi.

"Deng Xiaoqi, Lin Miaomiao said that she brought you into the radio station, which caused the radio accident, and she was responsible. Qian Sanyi said that you went after him, and you liked him for a long time, so the root cause lies with him. You should take the responsibility, now I leave the decision to you, Lin Miaomiao and Qian Sanyi, you choose one."

Qian Sanyi was tense because Lin Yue told Deng Xiaoqi what he said just now in a hurry. His previous approach was to treat Deng Xiaoqi coldly. Choose to give up, now what? It's almost like tearing your face apart.

"Choose, if you don't choose, then both of them have to leave." Lin Yue was very firm: "Qian Sanyi, don't think that you are the godson of the principal and he will favor you, he just wants you to leave the broadcasting station Stand up and put all your energy into your studies."

Liu Yang nodded straightly. Indeed, from the perspective of the principal, he hoped to see Qian Sanyi concentrate on his studies. Last time, Qian Sanyi had a radio accident because he was late for the math competition in the city. The relationship between Miaomiao and her best friend went wrong, and if the principal asked him to give up his job at the radio station, he would definitely get the support of Qian Sanyi's mother.

"Can eyes kill? No way." Lin Yue ignored Deng Xiaoqi's resentful gaze: "It's just a one-man show, don't you feel embarrassed?"

If he didn't say anything, Deng Xiaoqi wasn't embarrassed.

This said, it was angry, resentful, and embarrassing.

"I am willing, I want you to take care of it!"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just mocking you, who cares about your business." Lin Yue nodded the dial of his watch: "You have fifteen seconds to think about the time, don't wait when it's over."






The second hand ticked, the sound was very small, but every swing was beating Deng Xiaoqi's heart.

Who to choose?

She didn't dare to look up at Lin Miaomiao, nor did she dare to look up at Qian Sanyi.

It was said that it was Lin Miaomiao's responsibility, and her best friend would be expelled from the radio station. She knew better than anyone how much Lin Miaomiao liked working here.

Said it was Qian Sany's responsibility? Lin Miaomiao told her that Qian Sanyi came to collect points, and the purpose was to recommend him to a prestigious school. If he refused to conduct a public review on the radio station, he had to withdraw passively, so the admission to a prestigious school would definitely be affected.

"time up!"

Lin Yue clapped his hands and said, "Tell me your choice."

"I...I..." Deng Xiaoqi hesitated, and finally glanced at Lin Miaomiao's side: "Miaomiao took me there."

Clearly, she made what she thought was the right choice.

Lin Yue clapped his hands and said, "So, even if Luo Hua intends to be ruthless, the future of the lover is more important than the hobbies of the best friend."

Lin Miaomiao remained silent, no one knew what she was thinking.

Qian Sanyi was very angry. Ever since he was a child, he had been around such nympho girls. He didn't really care about their feelings, but the problem was Lin Yue's provocation. Deng Xiaoqi and Lin Miaomiao were best friends. And he was very concerned about Lin Miaomiao's opinion, and he didn't want the girl he had a crush on to be expelled from the radio station, and he would never be able to do what he loved.

"This matter has nothing to do with Miao Miao, Lin, don't you just want to see my jokes? Review it, I will do it! I will do it!" He left this sentence with hatred, and left without looking back.

Lin Yue jokingly said: "There is no one who admits that he is arrogant."

Deng Xiaoqi suddenly felt...that her flattery was counterproductive. Qian Sanyi was willing to lower his proud head in order to help Lin Miaomiao stay in the radio station. This...their relationship seemed not as simple as she thought.

Lin Miaomiao was also quite surprised, she didn't expect that Qian Sanyi would rather be humiliated than put the responsibility on her.

"Lin Yue! Don't you think this is too much?"

"Is it too much? Are you friends with him? The answer is no, then he did something wrong, and I, as the leader in charge, will punish him, isn't that right?" Lin Yue sneered: "In this matter, don't you think Are you self-willed?"

"That's right..." Liu Yang chimed in, "'s your fault, Qian Sanyi...did a voluntary't you? Don't be...too self-willed. "

Lin Miaomiao glared at the two of them angrily, ignored Deng Xiaoqi, turned and left.

Li'er was reasonable, but she knew very well that Qian Sanyi had suffered on her behalf, and it was difficult to accept emotionally.

Seeing Deng Xiaoqi standing there, Liu Yang said impatiently, "Do you have...anything else?"

This sentence was like a trigger switch, and Deng Xiaoqi was a robot, with a straight face, turning his body stiffly, and stumbling away.

She was clearly doing it for Qian Sanyi's benefit, but Qian Sanyi didn't appreciate it at all, and sacrificed herself to protect Lin Miaomiao instead.

After all this, she became a joke.


the next day.


After the get out of class bell rang, the radio station started broadcasting.

"Hi everyone, I'm Qian Sanyi. Before the broadcast officially started, I'm here to apologize to the teachers and classmates for yesterday's broadcast accident. I have let down the cultivation of the principal, the trust of my colleagues, and the love of the station master. Last night, I thought about it for a long time, learned from the pain, realized my mistakes, and wrote this review with guilt and remorse Book……"

Listening to the voice from the radio, the students in the experimental class were stunned.

Who is Qian Sanyi? That is the Peacock King who raised his noble head and never bowed his head to give in. The most dazzling pearl in the entire elite high school, why did he go to the radio station to confess and criticize now? With his grades and his status, shouldn't it be done with a few internal criticisms? Isn't this too much of a fuss?

"Qian Sanyi, the last time we met to say hello, he didn't even look at me. He also has today?"

"Ah, I came here for the top score in the senior high school entrance examination. An elite middle school. Why is this? The teacher at the radio station is too much. Isn't this humiliating him in public?"

"It's awesome. We all know that Qian Sanyi is the godson of the principal. People in the radio station dare to do this. Aren't they afraid of being put on by the principal?" Someone sighed at the entrance of the cafeteria.

"The principal has been put on the ground, and he is afraid that the principal will wear small shoes? Isn't Qian Sanyi's experience a replica of the principal? The godfather publicly criticized, and the godson was also stabbed. My Chinese is poor and I can't find good adjectives." , I can only say that I kneel to the Great God, please accept my knee." The little friend next to me squeezed the meal card and rattled.

"What's the meaning?"

"Lin Yue! Deputy station master, from the radio station."

"Huh? How did he become the deputy station master of the radio station?"

"You ask me, I ask who to go to, this matter must be the headmaster's nod."

"That's not surprising. I heard from people in the experimental class that this guy was a professional champion in the first year of high school. Unexpectedly, after the second class of high school, Qian Sanyi still failed to escape his murderous hands, hahahahahaha."

"Why are you smiling so obscenely?"

"This is fun, okay?"

"I see, the Zhang Xueqi you like has a crush on Qian Sanyi, so you are jealous of others."

"Get out."

"Don't go, don't you listen to him and continue reading the self-criticism?"

In the corridor of Class 1, Grade 2, Sun Chuan came out and poked Jiang Tianhao in the back: "Doesn't this routine look familiar to you?"

The son knew that Lin Yue was the deputy head of the radio station, so he could naturally understand the meaning behind this sentence.

Sun Chuan said: "Dude, don't play around."

He also knew what Sun Chuan meant by these words, Qian Sanyi was so thorough, would the petty actions he made with Lu Haotian also shoot himself in the foot? This is a matter of concern.

"Qian Sanyi received it on behalf of Lin Miaomiao."

"Huh, Lin Miaomiao? How do you know so clearly?"

"Mr. Lu heard from the head of the radio station Liu." Jiang Tianhao said, "Mr. Lu is not afraid, what am I afraid of?"

"Then I'll just sit and watch the show?"

Jiang Tianhao took a look at his chubby body: "With your tonnage, don't you just sit and watch, should you stand and watch?"


After a few days.

On a sunny morning, the 2015 Autumn Sports Meeting of the Elite Middle School officially opened.

Teams of all grades entered the arena one after another. There were students wearing white shirts, blue and white plaid skirts, and students wearing blue sportswear with white edges. The art teacher in charge of planning asked them to enter the arena at intervals. The school leaders on campus create visual impact.

Lin Miaomiao and Qian Sanyi sat on the radio station in front of the flagpole to operate the broadcasting equipment. Tables, chairs and flowers were placed on the adjacent rostrum. Xie Weizhou, Yin Tiesheng, teachers from the Academic Affairs Office, and grade teachers and head teachers of each grade were arranged according to their seniority. Sit in a row.

Liu Yang has folders and manuscripts in his left hand and a microphone in his right hand.

"Teachers, dear students, hello everyone! Today, the surging emotions are burning in the hearts of every student, and the atmosphere of joy is filled with the playground of the elite middle school. A feast of beauty, in this sports meeting, our dear athletes will carry forward the sportsmanship of being faster, higher and stronger, adhering to the principle of friendship first, competition second..."

The stuttering teacher in the past became able to speak clearly and fluently on such an important occasion as the sports meeting, which shocked many freshmen's jaws.

In Lin Miaomiao's words, this is called "professionalism".

"First of all, let our most beloved Principal Xie give a speech before the square teams of each class enter the field." Liu Yang inserted the microphone into the stand in front of Xie Weizhou with a flattering smile.

The old guy is wearing a striped polo shirt today. His carefully groomed, at least covering the top of his head. On his left hand is a Fuguang glass, which contains jasmine tea with jasmine petals. The soup is clear , translucent, good tea, water is also good.

"What I want to say..."

Before the conversation started, a person came up from behind the rostrum, walked straight to Xie Weizhou, and whispered a few words in his ear.

The old guy covered the microphone: "Really?"

Sun Jianqiang said in a low voice: "I dare not lie about this, people have already been invited to the lounge."


Ding ding dong...

The cell phone in his pocket rang, and when he took it out to look, his expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly asked Yin Tiesheng to speak for him, and while pressing the connect button and putting it to his ear, he instructed Sun Jianqiang to take him to meet someone.

Zhao Rongbao, Tang Yuanming, Li Bin and others sitting in the back looked at each other, wondering what happened and why the principal left at such an important moment.

The students standing on the playground were also very surprised. They whispered to each other and guessed what happened. Judging by the principal's expression, they should be very anxious.

"Be quiet, be quiet." Yin Tiesheng took the microphone: "There are some emergencies that need to be dealt with by the principal, and I will be back in a while. The sports meeting will continue as usual. Next, I will speak for the principal, and I am not ready to speak. The manuscript is definitely not as good as Teacher Xiao Liu..."

When the vice-principal was speaking, Lin Miaomiao looked left and right, and her butt moved around, as if she had hemorrhoids.

Qian Sanyi was puzzled: "What are you looking for?"

"Lin Yue!"

"What are you looking for him for?"

It could be seen that he was a little upset when his partner mentioned this person.

"You said...does the principal's sudden departure have something to do with him?" Lin Miaomiao searched around, but did not find him in the queue of Class 2 and 6 of Senior High: "Why not?"

"You said it yourself, he won't participate in the parade, so why come to the playground?" Qian Sanyi curled his lips: "Lin Miaomiao, you are too worried."


Lin Miaomiao thought for a while and thought what he said was right, so she looked away and focused on Yin Tiesheng's speech.

The left and right are just how good physical exercise is, how important it is to hold sports in schools, how hard students should work, carry forward the fighting spirit, and achieve results and demeanor in competitions.

He talked a lot here, Xie Weizhou went back and forth, and besides the sycophant Sun Jianqiang, there were two strange men who came back together. The middle-aged man in front of him wearing a white shirt and black trousers was quite imposing, and the principal laughed all the way , followed by a young man in his thirties wearing a black T-shirt, tall and thin, with a Canon SLR camera hanging around his neck.

"What... what's going on?"

Lin Miaomiao was puzzled.

Zhao Rongbao, Tang Yuanming and the others also looked stunned, not understanding the origin of the two people who came with the principal.

When Yin Tiesheng heard the movement behind him, he turned his head and saw that he couldn't continue speaking the unnutritious official language, so he stood up quickly, nodding and bowing like a grandson.

Xie Weizhou hurriedly introduced the head teacher and grade teacher sitting in the back row.

"This is Director Hao Youjie from the Municipal Education Commission."

Upon hearing that the Municipal Education Commission had come, Zhao Rongbao and the others hurriedly got up to greet them.

The competent department of the elite middle school is the Jiangzhou District Education Bureau, and the Municipal Education Commission is the superior unit of the District Education Bureau. Thinking about the principal's reaction just now, it is understandable.

"Sit, sit, sit, all sit." Hao Youjie greeted them to sit down.

Xie Weizhou signaled Sun Jianqiang to add a chair to Director Hao, and explained: "The leaders of the municipal education committee heard that the purpose of our sports meeting is that the students' sports meeting should be decided by themselves, and they think it is a good idea. Energy, so Director Hao brought Director Liu to cheer us up, take some photos and go back, write a manuscript, do publicity or something."

"Come on, Director Hao, do it here." Xie Weizhou let Hao Youjie to his side.

Yin Tiesheng was very good at coming, so he drove the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office to the back row. In this way, there were five people in the front row, Director Hao was in the middle, and Xie Weizhou sat with him on the left and right.

"Director Hao, please say a few words."

"Hey, Principal Xie, I just praised the advanced concepts of the elite middle school on the road, why are you engaging in this kind of formalism? Since it is a sports meeting for the students, they are the protagonists, and we are a group of spectators cheering for them."

"Since Director Hao said so, then... shall we proceed to the next procedure?"

The people around him have no objection.

Xie Weizhou took the microphone and announced the opening of the elite high school sports meeting. Lin Miaomiao quickly started the software and played "March of Athletes".

Soon, the square team from the first grade entered the field.

Lin Miaomiao and Qian Sanyi gave explanations.

When passing the rostrum, the square team of the first class of senior high school shouted the slogan "Striving for the first place forever, unite as one, class one and one senior high school, and create success together."

Then came Class One and Two, Class One and Three...

Director Liu from the Education Committee jumped off the rostrum and took pictures from different angles.

Hao Youjie looked at it for a while, and felt that it was no different from other middle school sports games. When he was a little disappointed, Class 1 and 3 of Senior High School shouted the slogan "Sunrise in the East, I am the only one who is undefeated, dominate the world, and last forever".

Zhao Rongbao asked behind him what he was talking about, it was just nonsense, he gave Yin Tiesheng a stare, and forced him back to his seat, because he noticed that Director Hao had a smile on his lips and took the lead in applauding.

Soon, after the cutscenes were over in the first grade, it was the turn of the main players of the sports meeting.

Under the leadership of Jiang Tianhao, Class One of the second year of high school walked to the rostrum, what slogan did they shout?

"The first brother of the champion, is extraordinary, he dominates the roost, and the tiger descends from the mountain."

Qian Sanyi pointed at him from across the air, and Xie Weizhou nodded repeatedly, saying yes, this is the class his "godson" is in, so of course he has to save face.

But at this moment, a joking voice came from the loudspeaker: "Hey, excuse me, if I remember correctly, this is a sports meeting, not an examination room, right? Since the slogan of Class 1, Senior 2 is to fight alone The number one pick dominates the roost, so why didn't I see this person's name on the competition roster? Oh... the mascot? I see."

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