Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2239 This guy is a pervert (two in one)

Liang Yunshu and Wei Xindi didn't have so many thoughts, they simply watched Lin Yue's top spot, and shouted loudly from the hand scroll: "Jiang Tianhao, come on, come on!"

Jiang Tianhao glanced at the outside of the track, and found that except for the students from Class 1, Grade 2, almost all the students had arrived, and the goddess in his heart had also come to watch the battle. Would that make Lin Yue stand out? One minute? No, not for a second.

He didn't care about it anymore, he clenched his hands violently, exerted force on his feet, his legs suddenly picked up speed, and rushed to catch up.

Lu Haotian who was running next to him saw that he lost his mind, and quickly reminded him: "Jiang Tianhao, pay attention to conserve your energy."

However, this is useless work. The proud student only has Deng Xiaoqi in his heart, so there is no teacher.

On the broadcasting station, Qian Sanyi turned his head to look at the venue, squeezed the microphone and said: "Jiang Tianhao, a student from Class One, Senior Two, has exerted his strength. He walks like flying, is as fast as lightning, faster and stronger...Look, he is approaching Now, it's within reach..."

The students in Class 1, Grade 2 were very excited, regardless of whether there was any hidden danger in sprinting at the beginning, the boys yelled and cheered, the girls jumped and screamed, and danced. How could Jiang Tianhao let Lin Yue overwhelm him? He is the representative of the experimental class.

Three meters, two meters, one and a half meters, one meter...

The distance is getting shorter and shorter, but when Jiang Tianhao is only one body away from the target, Lin Yue suddenly speeds up, and the distance of this body seems to have become an insurmountable gap, no matter if he takes a deep breath , headed forward, still looking ferocious, with red eyes and running wildly, it was useless, completely useless, he had opened a long distance from Kuang Wei, Ni Jiangyong and other sports students, but he just couldn't break through that damned guy.

From the beginning to the end, the transcendence seems to be within reach, and you can run through it with a little more effort, but it doesn't matter how much fuel you add.

From Director Hao on the rostrum, Principal Xie, to the teachers in the audience, to the students on the field, and Qian Sanyi who took the initiative to silence the sound, they all saw that something was wrong. Jiang Tianhao sprinted for more than 200 meters and was at the end of his battle , but Lin Yue blocked him less than half a meter away. He was fast and he was fast, and he was slow. It's one o'clock."

Jiang Tianhao had a hard time accepting this fact, how could it be? how can that be possible!

How could the art student who never exercised in physical education class just find a cat and woodcarving comfortably to KO himself? Shouldn’t he be out of breath after running for a while, and then walk 5,000 meters?

This is completely different from what I imagined.

Unbalanced mentality and poor physical strength, under the double blow, Jiang Tianhao's feet were weak, his center of gravity shifted forward, a bone fell on the ground and rolled far away, his back ran over the hot track, and he hugged his knees with both hands , grinning in pain, panting heavily.

The other players didn't stop, they ran past him one after another, and then looked up at Lin Yue. For a moment, he began to doubt his life.

Because his fall not only did not let the opponent relax, but his running speed was more than 30% faster. You must know that this is the third lap soon. Maintaining the sprint momentum of seven or eight hundred meters, is this something that humans can do?

TMD black bar.

What made Jiang Tianhao despair further was that Lin Yue was running faster than before. Doesn't that mean that people have been accommodating him.

No, to be precise, they are playing monkeys!

The students in Class 1, Grade 2 who were watching outside the track were all stunned. Liang Yunshu murmured, "It's fake..."

You must know that when she ran 400 meters in the morning, she and Wei Xindi were still talking about Lin Yue as a soft-footed shrimp, but the situation was reversed in the afternoon.

Like Jiang Tianhao, they couldn't accept what happened ahead.

Deng Xiaoqi's situation was better. She recalled the scene of Lin Yue kicking Brother Society a few months ago, but how could fighting be the same as running?

It’s okay if there’s no one cheering in Class One, Senior Two, and it’s okay for the students in Class Two and Six, Senior Two, to cheer for it, because this is contrary to psychological expectations, and I can’t react for a while.

As for the teachers, there are more ideas.

Judging from the current situation, in the 400-meter sprint in the morning, this kid deliberately released a lot of water, but he did not come in the 1500-meter event in the afternoon, saying that he overslept. It fully explained one thing-everyone watched his excitement, and he treated everyone like a monkey.

I really don't want to suffer at all.

Hao Youjie leaned back, waited for Director Liu to come close to his ear, and said in a low voice, "Well, I'm not wrong, this guy is much worse than his appearance, just talking about his athleticism, the entire elite middle school They were all deceived by him.”

Officer Liu said: "Director, with this level, can you participate in the competition in the city?"

"It's more than that." Hao Youjie said: "I think it has the level of a seed player in the National Youth Athletics Championships."

"So strong?"

"If you want me to say, there is still room for this."

Officer Liu's expression changed, without saying a word, he left the rostrum with his camera to take pictures of Lin, who was running.

And Xie Weizhou was "competing" with Tang Yuanming, and the two looked at each other speechlessly.

I still remember that before the placement test, he went to the sophomore office to ask Tang Yuanming to take the experimental class of liberal arts. Lin Yue said at that time that he would not take the entrance examination for the Academy of Fine Arts and the Academy of Physical Education. Both of them thought he was telling a joke. Looking at it now, is it a joke?


They are the ones who take his words as a joke.

Fine arts and sports, two bloom properly.

"Lin Yue, can you go faster? You are already a lap and a half ahead of them, hahaha, hahaha, who said that our liberal arts class is all Lin Daiyu." Lin Miaomiao was the first to react, As an announcer, she was a bit carried away, and she was too self-indulgent. After being glared at by Liu Yang, she restrained herself a lot and put down the microphone with a cough.

Qian Sanyi was very disappointed to see Jiang Tianhao fall, and Lin Miaomiao's performance made him even more unhappy. When did this chattering guy cheer him up!

"Look what makes you happy, isn't it time to be filled with righteous indignation when you heard him provoke the relationship between your little uncle and your little aunt in the morning?"

Lin Miaomiao said: "One size is one size."

After she finished speaking, she was taken aback, and looked at her partner suspiciously: "Qian Sanyi, you are... not jealous of Lin Yue, are you? Hahaha, hahaha, you have the day to be the number one in the high school entrance examination?"

Qian Sanyi's complexion became even worse after she told her the truth.

He was indeed jealous of Lin Yue, but he was also very glad that he didn't end up signing up for the competition when he was provoked in the morning, otherwise he and Jiang Tianhao would have been tortured two-on-one, and the face of class one of the second year of high school would have been thrown at his grandma's house.

The fifth circle, the sixth circle, the seventh circle, the eighth circle...

Lin Yue ran to the back and everyone was numb. He ran almost at a constant speed for three to four kilometers, without much deceleration.

When he ran to the twelfth lap, the four people behind gave up and stopped running, because this pervert had already left half of them, five laps in total, so why run? This is not a marathon. It is meaningless and even shameful to persist, because the gap between them and the first is too big, and they are almost abused.

In the blink of an eye, it came to the thirteenth lap, and it was time to finish. However, to everyone's surprise, Lin Yue didn't stop after breaking through the finish line, and kept running. He took out a small microphone from his pocket and clipped it to his collar, so the public address system in front of Lin Miaomiao was finished again, and his voice came from the loudspeaker: "Lu Haotian, as agreed in the morning, as much as I run, as much as you run, if you If you can’t run down, you’re a coward, don’t be a physical education teacher, go home and raise pigs.”

The whole playground was in an uproar.

When you thought he was lying flat, he justly yelled at Lu Zhenghao, saying that the physical education teacher had no sportsmanship. When you thought he would keep his promise and actively participate in the competition, he used oversleeping as an excuse to put everyone together , when you thought he was proving himself with strength, but you found that the first place was not what he wanted at all, and running to Lu Haozheng's death was his pursuit.

Every school will hold a sports meeting, each of which is about the same, and there is no special sports meeting, just for this guy to have fun.

Liu Yang looked at Lin Miaomiao and Qian Sanyi who were in a hurry again, stomped his feet and said, "I...know...don't...should not trust...he, this person is...very bad."

Round and round, round and round.

Until the last contestant who didn't give up ran to the finish line, Lin Yue had already circled the playground 25 times. In other words, this guy ran a full 10 kilometers, and he still looked calm, with a slightly red face , with sweat on the temples. After all, I have exercised a lot and the weather is hot, but my panting is very even.

Lu Haotian couldn't move anymore, his feet were stilted, he was a little floating, he said to run, it was only a little faster than walking, and he was panting heavily.

A 30-year-old, of course, can’t be compared with a young man in his 18th or 19th year. After running for 6 kilometers, he can still keep up with those sports students. He is worthy of a graduate from a sports school. set up.

But that's about it.

But Lin Yue didn't intend to let him go, walked to his side and said, "Today, either I'll run you to the hospital, or don't let me see you in physical education class from now on."

This is the style...

Selective high school doesn't fit me is back.

Li Daokui and Wang Hongying were very touched by this.

Lu Haotian couldn't run any longer after hearing this sentence, his mentality collapsed, he put his hands on his knees and panted heavily, bent over and didn't dare to raise his head.

If he followed the agreement, Lin Yue would be able to kill him, there is no doubt about it, but if he broke his promise as a teacher, no student would listen to him in the future, even Cai Ying would have to break up with him.

what to do?

"You... you won."

In the end, he confessed in front of all the teachers and students of the school, as well as the leaders of the municipal education committee, and voluntarily disappeared in the physical education class of the second grade of high school... and disappeared along with the tough guy character he had created in front of the students for many years.

The next 5,000-meter race in Group B is no longer cared about, no one cares, including the participants, who are also in the same mood.

Unless someone can come close to Lin Yue's performance, can anyone? Unless it's not human.

After almost ruining Lu Haotian's reputation, Lin Yue walked towards the sidelines.

No one stopped him, and the students stared at him blankly, because no one had ever seen a peer with such strong athletic ability, a genius? No, it's just a monster.

It wasn't until Lin Yue left the playground that the people behind were in the mood to discuss. Hao Youjie also got up from his seat and said with a smile: "Principal, you said that he was rebellious and stubborn, but since ancient times, only those who are talented will be proud of their talents. Fine arts and sports, hehe, they are good seedlings, so please take more care of them."

After saying hello to Officer Liu, he turned and left the table.

Xie Weizhou quickly agreed and sent off with Yin Tiesheng.

Jiang Tianhao went down to see his teacher with the support of Zhang Yonghui and Dong Jiangxin.

He was as ignorant as he was, but he also knew that this time the physical education teacher was screwed. The principal and Wei Lina were ignored by Lin Yue, and Lu Haotian lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot, but the damage was not in the same order.


The competition on the first day ended, Lin Yue didn't come on the second day, and he didn't come on the third day either. He didn't know what to do.

In short, after experiencing the first day, everyone’s mentality has changed. The contestants, especially the track racers, have a very low fighting spirit, and the audience also feels bored. In short, many people watched the rest of the schedule in a daze.

Although Lin Yue only participated in the preliminaries of the 5,000-meter track race, no one dared to accept the title of champion in the final. It would be a joke whoever picked up the title. Xie Weizhou had no choice but to hand over the certificate of honor and a pair of Nike store delivery cards to Tang Yuanming. Let him accept the award on his behalf.

The most unlucky one was Class No. 1 of Senior Secondary School. Their morale and energy were all drained. After the closing ceremony, when other classes left, the students were happily discussing the award situation. The people in their class, Lifeless, gloomy, and depressed, this is mainly due to the unsightly results. As a science experimental class, Sun Chuan took the third runner-up in the discus, Sun Tao won the runner-up in the high jump, and Wang Shiyong won the third runner-up in the 200 meters. A classmate named Jiang Tianhao, who did not have --- but Zhao Rongbao placed high hopes on, determined to get three championships to decorate the class honor wall, missed the 400m and 1500m finals because of a broken leg, which means that as a well-known sportsman Unexpectedly, he didn't even win a championship. If he had to find an outstanding result, it would be a disaster for his teacher Lu Hao.


It happened to be Friday after the end of the sports meeting. After three days of tossing, everyone from teachers to students needed a good rest.

Two students from Class 21 of Senior High were talking about what happened at the sports meeting in a low voice while walking towards the school gate.

"What's the use of being the number one scholar? At the sports meeting, you'll be fucked until your mother doesn't even recognize it."

"Keep your voice down, if those girls who like Qian Sanyi hear it, they will be blacklisted."

"What? Blacklist? If there is such a thing, hasn't that Lin Yue from class two and six died many times?"


"Tell me, Lin Yue is so capable, why didn't the principal give him the position of deputy station master of the radio station?"

"You ask me, I ask who to go to."

"Then aren't you an announcer at a radio station? I were at the same time as Lin Miaomiao, right?"

Just as the announcer was about to speak, the former gave him a hand and pouted to the side, only to see Qian Sanyi passing by on a mountain bike.

Yue couldn't hear the conversation between the two, and the student who was upset with the champion shook his head and joked: "The first brother of the champion is extraordinary, he dominates the king, and the tiger descends the mountain."

In these three days, the slogan has become the laughing stock of Class One, Grade Two.

"Hey, look...that seems to be Teacher Tang." The announcer suddenly pointed to the scene outside the school gate.

"That's right, it's Teacher Tang, but... let's go and have a look."

The two students passed through the turnstile quickly, and before they could get to them, they heard Tang Yuanming's begging voice.

"Top man, this is the gate of the school, what are you...what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? What are you talking about? Cai Ying, isn't Teacher Cai pretty? You go and live with her."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I have nothing to do with Teacher Cai."

"It's okay? It's okay. Your good cousin wants to match you up?"

I saw Tang Yuanming being questioned continuously by a mean-looking woman pointing at her face.

The students in Class No. 21 also saw Lin Miaomiao. There was a man and a woman standing behind him. The man was hunchbacked and had a mole on his face. He frowned and stared at the two people who were arguing.

"Sister, help me persuade the top man, what's the matter if you go home and talk about it at the school gate?"

Instead of persuading his sister to let go, Wang Shengnan insisted: "Tang Yuanming, the video of your cousin making trouble at the sports meeting has become very popular on the Internet these two days. I want to know, my cousin is going to divorce my aunt soon. What's the meaning."

Obviously, she wanted to help her sister beat this brother-in-law hard.

"It's not like you don't know Lin Yue's character. How can he speak..."

Before Tang Yuanming finished speaking, Wang Dingnan pointed to the certificate of honor and delivery card in his hand and said, "What is this? What is it in your hand?"


The principal asked him to hand over the competition rewards to Lin Yue. After the closing ceremony, he called and asked. Lin Yue said that he was wandering in the antique market not far from here. He was blocked by Wang Dingnan and Lin Dawei and his wife who came to pick up Lin Miaomiao from school.

"Bring it, I'll tell you to bring it here." Seeing him hesitating, Wang Dingnan simply stretched out his hand and snatched it vigorously. After taking the thing, he opened the certificate of honor and read, "Lin Yue was awarded in the elite middle school in 2015." In the autumn sports meeting, I won the first place in the 5,000-meter race, and this certificate is hereby issued as an encouragement."

"Okay, Tang Yuanming, you didn't take my words to heart at all." Wang Dingnan threw the certificate of honor on the ground vigorously, and kept stomping on it with his foot in the radish high-heeled shoes.

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