Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2241 Crazy One (Two in One)

Father Wang tremblingly said: "Top man, everything he said true?"


Wang Dingnan was silent.

Seeing that something was wrong, Wang Shengnan pulled his father's sleeve and said, "Dad, what happened?"

Father Wang said: "Your sister, we invested all of our savings over the years, a total of more than 800,000 yuan, saying that the return is high, and the monthly interest is more than the sum of our two pensions."

More than 800,000 yuan, which is higher than the combined pension of the old couple, and the interest for that year was more than 10 points.

"Dad, why... why are you so confused?"

Wang Shengnan's heart skipped a beat, more than 800,000 yuan, that's really the old couple's pension money and coffin books.

The Queen Mother struggled for a while, her eyes wandered, and she said in a slightly trembling voice: "Last week, the top man came to me and said that it would be a whole, a million gifts worth thousands of dollars, and I... I'll borrow it from her fourth aunt." I paid 170,000 yuan, and I made up the whole..."

Father Wang remembered that the old lady brought back a bunch of health care products a few days ago, this fish oil was 500, that sea platinum was more than 1,000, and the market price of this handful of Cordyceps sinensis was three or four thousand, and she forced him to eat it every day.

It turned out that the other party used these small favors to cheat them of big money.


Wang Shengnan was dumbfounded: "Mom, you... why did you borrow money to buy this!"

The queen mother said: "I'm not... I just want to make more money. What the top man said is so good, can she still lie to us?"

"Hehe." Lin Yue chuckled twice: "Can I lie to you? Do you think those health care products are given by wealth management companies? They were bought by your daughter to fool you into borrowing money from relatives. The financial manager completed the performance in order to lift the closed period. Tang Yuanming has nothing left, all the deposits have been invested, the house has also been mortgaged, and the father-in-law and mother-in-law have paid out more than 200,000 yuan, so don't lie to relatives now. Where to do it?"

These words sprinkled a handful of salt in the hearts of the Tang and Wang families.

Tang's father and Tang's mother looked at their daughter-in-law excitedly: "Top boy... is what Lin Yue said true?"

"This this……"

Wang Dingnan was dumbfounded by their questioning, and then looked at the policeman at the door who was whispering to his female colleague, his face turned pale and his body trembled slightly.

Lin Dawei suddenly realized a question: "How do you know that those health care products are bought by top men?"

Lin Yue smiled again: "Because I often go to Jiaojiao's kindergarten to see her. The children are afraid that their parents will be unhappy, so they dare not talk about me, but she will tell whether their parents are fighting again, and what mother has done is puzzling. Tell me, are you satisfied with this answer?"

Wang Dingnan was dissatisfied. He felt that his husband betrayed him and wanted to find Xiaosaner. Even his daughter refused to listen to him and went to contact with people his mother hated.




She yelled hysterically, her facial features became distorted, and she scratched her scalp with her hands, pointing at Lin Yue excitedly and asked: "You know they can run, don't you? Don't you? You know they can run, but nothing Don't do it, you just want to see my jokes, don't you? You bastard, bastard!"

"Wang Dingnan, you must be sick."


Another loud slap,

This time I hit it with my left hand, well, it's finally symmetrical.

Wang Dingnan was beaten until his hair was disheveled, his face was flushed, his neck was stuck and his eyes were staring, he looked like no one else.

The policemen in the corridor saw that they were about to fight again, so they hurried into the room, the female policeman stopped Wang Dingnan, and the police officer surnamed Zhang pushed Lin Yue.

"If you have something to say, don't do it!"

Beating someone in the police station, the police are definitely suspected of being partial when they say this, but it is completely understandable when you think about it seriously, people have emotions, whoever gets such a prodigal daughter-in-law will be punished to death, this kind of thing Shouldn't you fight?

Tang Yuanming felt too relieved. If his father and mother and Wang Dingnan's parents were not there, he might not be able to resist.

Back then Lin Yue reminded her that this thing was not safe, did she listen? Not only did he not listen, but he also said that he had a lot of things about his little kid and his hair didn't even grow. He actually hindered her from earning a lot of money. After being suspected of being mentally ill, she got the support of her in-laws. , and blame others for not helping her in advance?

Lin Yue scolded him right, he was really sick.



Wang Dingnan was like a badly injured wild ass, pushing away the policewoman, pulling down the magazine shelf next to him, knocking over the water dispenser, aiming his head at the filing cabinet in the corner, and banging upwards.

The king's father and mother were frightened and rushed to stop him, but she also shoved him aside.

Lin Miaomiao was holding the short-sighted mirror with a broken leg, and she was so frightened that she called auntie.

Wang Shengnan hurriedly called Lin Dawei to help.

As her husband, Tang Yuanming remained motionless because he was so disappointed, and Tang's parents and Tang's mother both looked bitter. If it was really like Lin Yue said, the boss of the fund company ran away with money, so their pension money would be returned Can I get it back? Will the son's house be taken away by the lender? If yes, where will he live in the future? What should Jiaojiao do?

Tang's mother glanced at Lin Yue, not to mention any regrets in her heart. If he had persuaded her son to divorce when he said that Wang Dingnan was prone to bipolar disorder, the matter would not have developed to this point.

After all, Wang Shengnan is the son of the Lian family, and he cooperated with his husband to hold down his irrational sister.

Police officer Zhang suggested that the two sides should separate and calm down, and Tang's father and Tang's mother agreed.

The king's father and queen mother also felt that something would happen if Wang Dingnan and Lin Yue were allowed to be together, so they asked Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei to take Wang Dingnan to the next room. Give them an explanation, and the police at the police station are still waiting for them to sign the mediation paper.


Another hour passed, and Lin Yue walked out from the police station, followed by Tang Yuanming and Tang's father and mother who did not say a word.

Wang Dingnan got into such a catastrophe. Now, who in the family cares about the fight in front of the school in the afternoon? Naturally, the people at the police station tried to persuade them. How did they listen? As for the fund company...there will be special personnel in the future Responsible, I can only report them to the District Bureau and wait for news from the Economic Crime Investigation Brigade.

"We should have listened to Lin Yue in the first place. Let Yuan Ming divorce her, but it hurt us." Tang's mother said, her eyes were still red.

From the fact that Wang Dingnan's parents have saved 700,000 to 800,000 yuan in pension funds over the years, while they only have more than 300,000 yuan, it can be seen that there is a gap in work and status between the two parties, or the Tang family is unwilling to divorce Tang Yuanming, Jiaojiao is the most important thing The reason is that the Wang family is better off than the Tang family, and Wang Dingnan is six or seven years younger than Tang Yuanming, which is also an aspect they consider.

"You are still crying, and you still have the face to cry. If you hadn't stopped you desperately and kept talking to your daughter-in-law, would you be able to get to where you are today?" Tang's father was angry and powerless about the current situation, and he felt uncomfortable. The old woman This crying made the whole person even more irritable.

"Dad, Mom, stop arguing. I believe that comrades in the police will be able to recover the defrauded money and bring the bad guys to justice."

That's right.

Anyone who is not a fool knows that this is words of comfort. According to Lin Yue, the boss of the fund company took the money and ran away overseas, can he get it back? joke!

However, the old couple didn't argue about who was right and who was wrong, because if it was hard to say, who could be as sad as Tang Yuanming? All the money was thrown in, and even the house was mortgaged. I don't know how many people Wang Dingnan borrowed money from. Today, he went to the school gate to make a big fuss. It really lost all face.

"Lin Yue, get in the car, I'll take you home first."

When he came to the gate of the courtyard, Tang Yuanming pointed to the Volkswagen Bora pretending to be calm, and motioned for his nephew to get in the car.

"No, I still have to meet a friend, and I'm not on my way."

Lin Yue declined his proposal, waved his hand, turned and walked towards the courtyard gate.

Tang Yuanming didn't care. He opened the car door and helped his parents into the car, ready to pick Jiaojiao up from school. As for Wang Dingnan and his father-in-law and mother-in-law...until she calmed down, no, it should be said that she didn't want to see them again until she calmed down.

Lin Yue walked out of the gate of the police station, turned to the left, and saw Lin Miaomiao standing there with a displeased face.

"Are you satisfied with this? Are you satisfied with how things have developed?"

"You are sick."

Lin Yue didn't bother to pay attention to her, took half a step to the side, and continued to move forward. Who would have thought that Lin Miaomiao would take a step back and open her arms to stop him.

"No, I have to speak clearly today, and I can't leave without making it clear."

"Lin Miaomiao, what can I tell you?"

"Why didn't you say it? Wang Dingnan is my aunt. If you hadn't said that at the sports meeting, would what happened today?"

Lin Yue was a little annoyed: "Lin Miaomiao, you are really Wang Shengnan's own daughter, can you be reasonable? Wang Dingnan didn't listen to advice, and without the slightest knowledge of financial management, he plunged into it and got deeper and deeper, and now he lost everything. As Tang Yuanming's nephew, is there a problem with my uncle's interests? It's like you are partial to your aunt. This kind of thing can't be covered by paper. If I don't make it clear today, wait until she borrows more money to invest in it? She didn't ask your parents to borrow money. If she really asked, let me ask you, should your parents borrow it or not? If you borrow it, the money will be wasted. There is nothing to do, so if it were you, faced with a similar problem, should you cut your arms to survive, or not crash into the south wall and not look back?"

Lin Miaomiao was speechless to him.

Yes, the two sides have different positions, she is only allowed to favor Wang Dingnan, and Lin Yue is not allowed to help Tang Yuanming?

" know why the fund company didn't tell me when there was a problem. Auntie should listen to my mother's words."

"Don't talk about whether a manic-depressive patient can listen to other people's advice. Why should I discuss it with you? What is our relationship? Friends? Relatives? Your mother should have told you more than once to ask you to stay away from me, then If you choose to listen to her, we only have the most basic classmate relationship, or the one where men and women are different. In this case, why don't I just sit and watch the wind rise according to my own ideas, and hope that my cousin will replace this constant monster? My cousin, but help her continue to drag my cousin?"

There's nothing wrong with that, she listened to her mother and didn't talk to him, didn't date him, so why did he lick his face and get close?


Lin Miaomiao "but" for a long time without saying anything.

"Nothing to say? Then please step aside."

Lin Yue walked around to the left, but this time Lin Miaomiao didn't stop her, because she couldn't find a reason to continue pestering her.


On Monday, the whole school was rumored that Tang Yuanming's wife came to the door and ruined Lin Yue's certificate of honor, but it turned out that just as the master came back, the two sides fought and were finally taken to the police station by the police.

We all know that Lin Yue is a lawless master, but it's still a bit shocking to be violent to an elder in full view.

Many students are asking about the outcome of this incident, wondering how the police handled it.

But what is certain is that Lin Yue was hardly affected, how to go to school, Tang Yuanming took several days off to deal with family affairs.

People in Class 1, Grade 2 were very disappointed. They always felt sorry for what he did at the sports meeting if they didn’t send him to the police station for a few days. Some people thought that as long as they were detained, the school would have a reason to expel him. It’s a pity. No, and the fight was at the school gate, not inside the school. The police station didn't respond, and the person who was beaten didn't come to the school to make trouble. I just thought about it.

Lu Haotian no longer served as a physical education teacher in the second grade of high school, but changed to teaching the first year of high school. Not long after, maybe a month, it was widely rumored that he and Cai Ying broke up.

Thinking about it, no one wants their boyfriend to be a joke, not to mention that the relationship between the two has not been established for a long time, and the foundation of their relationship is very weak.

Cai Ying thinks this way, but it doesn't mean that Lu Haotian can accept such a result. She turned around and reported to her superiors, and finally transferred to Jiangzhou No. 2 Middle School. The school basketball team has no leader. The students who have a good relationship with Lu Haotian hate Lin Yue Of course, there are also those who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal, spreading gossip about Cai Ying and Tang Yuanming every day, which makes the former very annoying.

In this way, the days passed day by day, and soon came to December, and it was almost 2016, and another activity was put on the agenda of each class --- New Year's Day Cultural Evening.

"In principle, except for the high school students who are academically stressed, the school encourages each class of the first and second grades to produce at least one program. Of course, the teachers will also actively participate in it. We can't... let you monopolize the stage, which is considered a universal celebration, teachers and students Let's have fun together." Tang Yuanming said with a smile on the podium.

How should I put it, he has given people a feeling of spring breeze recently, and I don't know what good things are going on.

Some students complained below, saying that students should not be allowed to monopolize the stage, and that teachers and students can have fun together. It was not because the physical education teacher was raped by Lin Yue during the sports meeting, which made the principal lose face in front of the leaders of the Municipal Education Commission. Apportionment in disguise, but the words are nice, and each class is encouraged to produce at least one program.

Well, a lot of times, when someone in charge says, "I suggest you do this," what they really mean is that you better do it for me.

Of course, the teacher will also be on stage this time, even if it is Lin Yue, he can't pick faults.

"Okay, you guys should study carefully what program to prepare, and report to me in the office if you have any results."

After speaking, Tang Yuanming took the textbook and left.

Lin Miaomiao, as the class monitor and also as the literary and art committee member, stood up and said, "Everyone heard it, this time we must compete with them."

In fact, even if Tang Yuanming didn't mention it, everyone already knew about the holding of the New Year's Day Gala. Just like the sports meeting, it is an annual tradition, but the question now is what kind of program to hold.

"Wen Hao, are you sure the science experiment class will talk about collective cross talk?"

"That's right, I heard what Qian Sanyi said." Wen Hao said firmly.

Class 6 of Senior Two is a liberal arts experimental class, Class 1 of Senior Second is an experimental class of Science, the last sports meeting... Qian Sanyi, Jiang Tianhao and others did not approve of the setting of Lin Yue representing Class 2 and Six of Senior High, saying that he and Once Lin Yue was excluded from the physical education teacher's personal conflicts, the results of Class 2 and 6 of Senior High School's awards would be unimaginable.

In short, because of this matter, the students of Class 26 and Class 1 of Senior 2 had a lot of verbal fights in private.

Now coming to the New Year's Eve party, which can be said to be the home of the liberal arts class, the students must hold their breath and want to see the real chapter.

Deng Xiaoqi said regretfully, "Miaomiao, I'm sorry, I have to prepare a dance for the city's cultural evening, so I can't rehearse with everyone."

"It's okay, just go and do your own thing."

It is no surprise that everyone has prepared for this.

Just when Lin Miaomiao was about to cheer everyone up and show her best form this time to knock out the hard-talking guys in Class One and One, Lin Yue, who was sleeping at the single table in the back row of the classroom, also stretched Waist, not even interested in looking at them, just left the classroom.


Deng Xiaoqi snorted coldly, quite dissatisfied.

Originally, she was going to perform modern dance, but the teacher suggested that she change to belly dance, or the Western Region belly dance with tulle on her face, saying that she can show her figure to the maximum, but she understands that doing so is the most important The reason is that people in the audience will recognize her as Deng Bancheng's daughter and cause unnecessary trouble.

And all of this was given by that guy who defeated him.

Lin Yue heard a disdainful voice from behind, but he didn't pay attention, and caught up with Tang Yuanming to say a word.

"You want to sign up for the New Year's Day party? Nonsense!"

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