Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2247 They are here to stand for me (two in one)

Just when everyone thought that the people on stage had finished brewing their emotions and should say something, he still didn't speak.

At the same time, another emergency happened.

Surprised and puzzled, Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi saw a person walking out from the exit on the right side of the stage directly opposite them. He was wearing a cool silver robe, sunglasses, and a pair of stiletto heels, walking in the wind. , with great momentum.

Is it a woman?

She walked up to Eason Chan and took off her sunglasses.

The audience in the front row was shocked.

Zhang... Shaohan?

That awesome soprano?

No way? No way?

The shock in my mind hadn't receded yet, and the second person came out of the exit on the side of Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi. It was a male singer, and that face...

Someone shouted JJ in the audience, followed by piercing screams.

Not to be outdone, the second female singer walked out of the exit on the right. She has brown hair, heavy makeup, deep eye sockets, and an oval face with a mixed-race look. She is wearing a white suit skirt with puffed sleeves, which is a bit more airy No worse than Zhang Shaohan next to her, and most importantly, she is young!


No way? No way?

Four, this is a top-notch singer in the Chinese music scene, even if there are people who look like them on the Internet, it is extremely difficult to get them together.

The audience off the court still couldn't accept the fact that they were fake stars, because it was illogical-the more they came, the bigger the formation, the more illogical, the more unbelievable it was.

However, this is not the end.

Under Deng Xiaoqi's unbelievable eyes, a male singer with silver-gray burr hair came over, and when he passed her, he winked at her and turned off the power.




She pointed to his back in disbelief.

Jiang Tianhao added beside him: "Xue Zhiqiang?"

And the third female singer was ushered in at the exit on the other side, and some girls in the audience were excited, jumping and waving, shouting the word "chunchun".

Qian Sanyi sat in the jubilant ocean with a sullen face, like a solitary boat, because just before they appeared, many girls were looking at him.

Of course, so did Lin Yue.

Lin Miaomiao pushed up her glasses, and suppressed the excitement in her heart, mumbling, "Brother Xinchun will live forever."

No one left the exit on the left side of the stage, and the man in sunglasses who stopped Deng Xiaoqi and Jiang Tianhao also lowered his open arms, but someone came out from the exit on the right side. It was a female singer, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and a set of black holes. Compared with Brother Chun who appeared in men's clothes, his aura is slightly weaker.

"Zhou Bichang, it's Zhou Bichang..."

The audience was full of jubilation. The students in the front row stood up because of their excitement, but the students in the back row couldn’t see them, so they had to stand up together. More than 80% of the people in the auditorium had seats and they looked at the stage excitedly. In a hurry, Li Daokui, Wang Hongying and others ran back and forth, telling this one to sit down and that one not to jump, for fear that the venue would be turbulent and chaotic.

"Students, sit down first, sit down and listen to us, okay?" Chen Yixun, who entered the stage first, held the microphone and said.

He is an evergreen tree in the music scene, and he is also the oldest of the seven singers. When he spoke, the noise in the audience stopped. The students in the front row suppressed their emotions and sat back in their seats. The people behind followed suit, and the scene gradually calmed down. Li Daokui and other teachers responsible for maintaining order breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm very happy to be here at the beginning of 2016 to celebrate the festive season with everyone. We..." He looked around: "How about introducing yourself?"

Lin Junjie held the microphone and said half-jokingly: "Everyone is so familiar, don't you need it?"

After speaking, he poked his head forward to look at the female singer over there.

Zhang Shaohan smiled back.

Brother Chun said very manly: "I have no objection."

"I have an opinion." Xue Zhiqiang interrupted the conversation of several people: "Isn't it a bit overwhelming to do so, don't forget the purpose of our coming here."

Lin Junjie said: "Then simply, you speak Mandarin best, so let's talk."

His name is very humble, but he is not very humble. He really picked up the microphone and said straight to the point: "Actually, before coming here, everyone just finished recording the theme song of "I Hear Your Singing". It's a pity that my family couldn't even get on the stage of a middle school art show, so we hit it off and formed a team to fulfill his little wish."

After speaking this sentence with a lot of information, he didn't wait for the students and teachers of the elite high school to react, and glanced at the audience for a while: "Lin Yue, don't dawdle, come up quickly, Teacher Chen has to catch a plane to the United States to reunite with his family .”

Are they here to fulfill Lin Yue's wish?

The voices of discussion that had just been suppressed rose again, and everyone turned their heads to look at that person.

Lin Miaomiao blinked her eyes, looking bewildered.

Genius songwriter?

Are you talking about him?

Lin Miaomiao thought of "The Lonely Brave", which became popular in the north and south of the country last year. I remembered that Lin Yue said in an interview with "Jiangzhou Evening News" that he wrote the lyrics of "The Lonely Brave" and had the copyright to it, but the composer never showed up. Is it possible? He wrote the lyrics and music?

If so, it is not too much to say that he is a songwriter.

Deng Xiaoqi and Jiang Tianhao were thinking about another question, how did he manage to get so many well-known singers to help him stand? How many awesome songwriters do you need to match this lineup?

Only the person concerned can answer this question, but no matter whether it is Joker Xue, Lin Junjie, Zhang Shaohan and other singers, or Lin Yue, they will not give a response.

Lin Yue stood up and walked towards the stage to meet the complicated eyes of the teachers and students.

Li Daokui, Zhao Rongbao and others looked at him helplessly, because he had succeeded again.

Not only to participate in the New Year's Eve party, but also to appear as the finale show. The planning teacher thinks that crossing out his name can stop things from happening? The reality is that this is of no use at all. When seven well-known singers decide to come to an elite middle school, the decision-making power is not in their hands, or in the hands of the school leaders or even the district education bureau, because they have too many fans. If it can't be handled properly, not to mention fans from all over the world, students from elite middle schools can scold Xie Weizhou to death.

Perhaps in order to cater to the phrase "don't overwhelm the guests", Lin Yue took the C seat directly after he took the stage, with Chen Yixun on the left and Zhang Shaohan on the right. Four men and four women are quite right, but because he is wearing a school uniform, instead It looks dazzling, and the contrast between left and right has great visual impact.

Many students in the audience didn't care about being exposed, so they took out their mobile phones and pointed at the stage to take a picture, directly looking at the life teachers.

How did these guys hide it from them?

Sure enough, there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom, and the wisdom of the revolutionary masses is infinite.

"Sing what?"

Lin Yue asked left and right.

"Your arena, you are the protagonist, you decide." Lin Junjie winked at him and said, it seems that he has a good personal relationship and is quite familiar.

"Then... the lonely brave man?" Lin Yue looked at the rostrum and said.

Xie Weizhou's face turned green.

How embarrassing for a group of singers to sing about the lonely brave man at him.

Chen Yixun said: "Do you think it's good to sing this song for Chinese New Year?"

"Yes, it's a little...unlucky."

The headmaster's face became more and more ugly, thinking that this guy was molesting himself, let's not rap or sing the lonely brave man, just his conversation with the two singers is equivalent to filing his face with a file-although how to arrange the program is the teacher who planned the party responsibility, but if he, as the headmaster, said he could participate, the people below wouldn't be able to object, would they?

"Then the theme song of "I Hear Your Singing"? This can be regarded as an advance promotion for the column team."

Brother Chun said with a smile: "This song really fits the occasion, but are you not afraid that the director will sue you for copyright infringement?"

Lin Yue shrugged: "The songs I write, I can sing as I like."

When he said this, it was hard for others to say anything.

Xue Zhiqiang nodded to the entourage on the side. After a few breaths, the stage lights went out, and slowly, multiple beams of light staggered past.

Lin Yue took the microphone: don't let the dark clouds cover the blue sky, don't let fate turn back to the oarless boat.

Deng Ziqi: Don't let the night fall in your arms, let me be your companion.

Zhang Shaohan: Don't let the mist cover the docked shore, don't let your world be so disturbed.

Lin Junjie: Don't let the light in your heart dim, fly over lakes and mountains.

Zhou Bichang: Your once scorching eye sockets were one of the rare, clumsy and precious moments in your life.

Joker Xue: We who are gone forever.

Brother Chun: It must be a wanton chase.

Chen Yixun: With you watching, it is not considered as an order.

Deng Ziqi: Whenever I was sad, I was also drenched by heavy rain.

Zhang Shaohan: The mud blooms flowers, let it grow.


When you are young, the notes fade away and the music stops.

There was a moment of silence in the audience. It wasn't just someone who got the head start. There was thunderous applause and applause. Except for the people on the rostrum and students like Qian Sanyi and Liang Yunshu who had a bad relationship with Lin Yue, basically everyone stood up.

Lin Miaomiao smiled like a flower, and cheered, "Boss Zhou, Boss Zhou".

She is Zhou Bichang's fan. This may be because they are both four-eyed girls. Qian Sanyi thought so, and turned around to look at the stands. Lin Yue was thanking several singers. He was joking, Chen Yixun was looking at his watch, probably because he was worried about missing the flight.

"Lin Yue, let them sing one more, one more."

Lin Miaomiao shouted after the freshmen.

Qian San couldn't see it, so he gave her a hand.

First of all, it is not easy for these singers to get together. They are celebrities anyway, and they are here to fulfill the little brother’s New Year’s wishes, and they are not here to hold concerts to make money. If you call someone else, come another one?

Liang Yunshu and Wei Xindi sat in their seats, raising their buttocks and touching their noses from time to time, which was awkward.

When Deng Xiaoqi was dancing solo, they were still discussing how to spread bad words about Lin Yue after the party, what are they going to do now? Not only did he realize what he was boasting about, but he also got seven popular singers on the platform. If he chewed his tongue indiscriminately and didn't need the parties to settle accounts with them, even the campus fans of the singers on the stage could make them unable to take care of themselves .

Li Daokui, Wang Hongying, and two other teachers and security guards guarding the aisle to avoid losing control, while Zhang Shaohan and others also left the venue after saying goodbye to Lin Yue.

Recording the show's theme song during the New Year was hard work, and I gave Lin Yue a big gift. Next time, I will definitely go back to reunite with my family or date with friends.

Under the signal of the principal, the hostess hurriedly took the stage to speak, announcing the successful conclusion of the 2016 New Year's Day Party of the Elite Middle School.

But if you listen carefully, you can find that her voice is obviously different from that at the opening of the party. Obviously, as the host of the party, she is also very excited.


Two days later, after the New Year's Day holiday, the school day ushered in again.

The first thing students talk about when they meet is not where they went during the holidays, what food they ate, and what interesting videos they saw. Everyone, especially those in the elite middle school, is very curious, how did Lin Yue accumulate all this energy quietly? Let seven popular singers come to the platform in one breath, what level of people in the entertainment industry can do this? Even if someone has a good intention to help him realize his New Year's wish, he must be recognized and favored in advance. Is it just based on last year's "The Lonely Brave"?

The teachers were also talking about this matter. Some people were thankful for the principal that Lin Yue did not sing "The Lonely Brave" at the New Year's Eve party. If he sang this song with those singers, Xie Weizhou's face would really have no place to rest.

At the same time, Lin Miaomiao, who has been absent from the broadcasting work, returned to the radio station. It seems that in the new year, her state has also adjusted and she has become more motivated.

Qian Sanyi was very happy, but after receiving the list of winners of the New Year's Gala from Liu Yang and being ordered to broadcast it on the radio, he was unhappy.

The same is true for Lin Miaomiao, because the first place on this list is "Chapter" sung by Lin Yue and the stars, the second place is the strength and beauty of the second and first class of senior high school, and the third place is the chicken dance of the second and sixth class of senior high school , the fourth place is Deng Xiaoqi's belly dance.

It's fine for the first place, they lost convincingly, not to mention that they sang well, the song was well written, and the atmosphere of the whole party was pushed to a climax that has never been seen in previous years, just because of the scene of seven singers appearing together If you don't give Lin Yue the first place in the show, you will definitely be scolded on the hot search. No one can afford this responsibility, so even if Teacher Li from the trade union is slapped hard on the head by Lin Cier, you have to be obedient Put his name at the top of the award slip.

The crux of the problem was Deng Xiaoqi's belly dance, which was an award-winning show at the city's New Year's Eve party, but it was only fourth in her alma mater, and she didn't make it to the top three. If she knew the result, one can imagine how sad she would be.

"Report." Lin Miaomiao pushed the list in front of Qian Sanyi.

"You have a good relationship with Deng Xiaoqi, it's better for you to come."

"You're stupid. It's because I have a good relationship with her that I can't do this kind of thing."

Lin Miaomiao shook her head like a rattle.

Qian Sanyi hesitated for a while, then nodded: "Okay, I'll report."

He took the award sheet, leaned closer to the microphone, and said in a somewhat sour tone: "Now we are broadcasting the list of award-winning programs for the New Year's Day Gala, first place, "Chapter"..."

He thought that Lin Yuesheng was unarmed, but just like what Lin Miaomiao said to him, if you don't agree with him, invite a few famous singers to the school party.

Can he please come?

Maybe if he used his father's property to throw money at him, but what's the point?


The students were not surprised that Lin Yue won the first place in the gala, and so did Deng Xiaoqi.

During the two days of the holiday, she got angry and felt that Lin Yue was all to blame. Seven singers appeared in a middle school's New Year's Eve party. Who would discuss and reminisce about her second place? For these two parties , she practiced so hard, the result? Leng was ruined by a guy who went through the back door and took advantage of his background. No one would feel good about this matter.

Unexpectedly, however, the result was worse than she expected. At first she thought she had heard it wrong. How could she, who won the first place in the city's New Year's Eve party, fall out of the top three? For this reason, she went to find I asked the dance teacher, and got a very positive answer, because the ranking was chosen by the students, and the teacher couldn't change it. The only thing she could do was to accept the reality.

This is too cruel, she can't accept it!

"You did it on purpose, you just wanted to make me look ugly."

Downstairs in the classroom, Deng Xiaoqi blocked Lin Yue's way, venting her emotions loudly.

Lin Yue glanced at the sculpture of the boy studying on the left, and said unhurriedly: "I heard my conversation with my cousin in this place last time. Did you say you were happy? Are you still happy now?"

"You bastard!"

Deng Xiaoqi couldn't bear it anymore, and raised her hand to hit someone, but he grabbed her wrist.

"I'm just asking you to get used to the environment of the entertainment industry in advance. In front of competitors with backgrounds, sponsors, connections and resources, sometimes no matter how much effort you put in, it will be in vain." Lin Lin Yue looked at her with a smile: "Look, does my 'little dad' really care about you?"


She stretched out her other hand, but it was still useless, and she was still caught by him.

"Originally, I have nothing to do with your mother. I usually use her as a driver and a cash machine. I didn't expect that you and Jiang Tianhao decided that I was a little boy who ate soft food, and they only wanted to ruin my reputation. It can be said that I was willing to take the emperor down from the horse. Just like what happened in the cafeteria last time, I hate being wronged the most. Since you all said that I have an unusual relationship with your mother, then I have to be good. A lesson for your half daughter? Don't worry, this is just the first lesson, and the more exciting ones are yet to come."

"You're dreaming." Deng Xiaoqi looked at him with resentment.

"Then let's make a bet, see if Deng Xinhua listens to your persuasion and stays away from me, or obeys my advice."

Deng Xiaoqi said bitterly: "I am her daughter, who do you think you are?"

In Deng Xinhua's own words, why did she work so hard, not because of her only daughter, Lin Yue was asking for a face in order to make such a bet, because children have a killer trick to deal with their parents - commit suicide if they don't agree!

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