Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2254 Old Lin next door loves to steal house (two in one)

Lin Yue said: "Who said I have to take the bus from home."

Don't come by bus from home?

Hearing this, Tang Yuanming's face turned dark, and he took it for granted that this guy was really a bad person. Everyone knew that Deng Xinhua had a small family fortune, and if he didn't take the bus, he must have come to school by car. Who would buy the car for him? Wealthy women, generally in this kind of relationship, the car can’t be bad, you have to start with BMW 3 series, Mercedes C-Class and up, if you really want the kind of heart-to-heart favorite, Porsche and Ferrari will give it away if they say it.

"I rented a house in the country garden community."

Lin Yue directly interrupted his wild thoughts.

"Country Garden District?"

As a teacher of an elite middle school, Tang Yuanming is naturally very familiar with the surrounding environment. He knows that the village garden area is not far from the school, and it is only a few minutes away by bicycle.

The other teachers also suddenly realized that they were renting a house in the village garden community to do day studies. This was to live with Deng Xinhua. They had such fun in middle school. When they were in high school, most of them had never even touched the hands of their female classmates... …Amazing, really amazing, admiration, quite admiration.

Only Zhao Rongbao frowned when he heard these six words, because he suddenly remembered that the last time Pei Yin was driven away by Lin Yue, he chased after the principal to explain, and finally met the mother and son in this rural garden community.

Could it be...

Probably not. There are more than ten or twenty buildings in the community, and the probability of neighbors intersecting is no more than 3%.

"Sign it."

Lin Yue ignored the other teachers, let alone their thoughts, and only urged Tang Yuanming to get down to business quickly.

The uncle took the day study application form and looked carefully, and found that the life teacher Li Daokui and the principal Xie Weizhou had already signed their names on it, leaving the head teacher column blank.

Thinking about it, the life teacher is eager for Lin Yue to move out of the boys' dormitory, not to mention that he is willing to sign, as long as he is willing to go to school, it is no problem to treat him to a big meal. If all the time is spent outside the school, the energy spent on the chaos on the campus will inevitably decrease, and the headaches will also decrease in the future.

Shaking his head, Tang Yuanming signed his name on the head teacher column.

The other students are all parents contacting the school to run day studies. This guy who is a monster every day makes up his own mind, but he is not worried at all from the life teacher to the head teacher to the principal.

No one can do this to a student.

"Thanks, cousin."

Seeing that Tang Yuanming had signed his name, Lin Yue picked up the application form, turned and walked out.

"Wait, do your parents know that you are running a day school?"

"have no idea."

"Then why don't you tell them?"

"They've been very distressed recently, and I can't bear to cause them any more trouble, just tell them."


He left, Tang Yuanming was depressed.

Can Lin Qiang not be distressed, as an aid worker in Africa, the chief of the local tribe chased after his ass to be the in-laws of his sons and daughters, and said that Lin Yue had agreed, what could they do? If you obey, you will definitely be poked at the spine and told to flatter the black. The coffin of the ancestors of the Lin family will not be able to hold back. If you are a good old friend of the son of a brother and sister, then you can't worry about it.

It's just that people don't have enough skills in Africa, otherwise this kind of son... his ass will bloom for him.


Another two days have passed, Sunday.

Taking advantage of Lin Dawei's return to Jiangzhou on the weekend, the husband and wife took Lin Miaomiao from school to the east door on the second floor of Building 17 in the Country Garden Community, announcing the start of their accompanying life.

The house I live in now is bigger than the house over People's Square, and it looks brand new after cleaning.

The husband and wife regarded this as a surprise for their daughter, but for Lin Miaomiao, today was an extremely dark day, and all that awaited her was surprise, not joy.

Unexpectedly, Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan did what they said, so they really came to accompany the reading.

The problem now is that the relationship between her and Deng Xiaoqi has eased in the past two days, but it has not yet returned to the original level. More importantly, Lin Yue's misunderstanding of her relationship with Qian Sanyi has not been eliminated. After that, wouldn't she have fewer opportunities to contact him alone in her spare time?

Wang Shengnan's actions can be said to be drastic, and it's the kind of killing first and playing later.

She was very angry, didn't eat much for lunch, and then just hid in her room and got angry, but... what's the use of it?

It didn't help at all.

After all, she is not independent yet, and has to rely on her parents for a living. Lin Dawei is now working in Fuzhou, and she can't make peace with it like before. In the end, the only way to go is to compromise.

Faced with this situation, she can only comfort herself with "If you stay in the green hills, you will not be afraid of no firewood". If you can continue to study in elite middle schools, you will still have the opportunity to resolve misunderstandings. If you really want to annoy Wang Shengnan, give it to her. If you transfer to another school, then there is no more.

Monday morning.

Birds were chirping outside, and the smell of frying bacon wafted through the cracks in the windows.

Lin Miaomiao changed out of her pajamas, put on her JK school uniform, sat down beside the thick dining table, picked up a deep-fried dough stick and took a bite, picked up shredded bamboo shoots with chopsticks, and drank a big gulp of soy milk sullenly.

She eats as fast as she can, so that she can stay at home for one second less. Losing her temper is a way for her to express her thoughts, but just like Lin Dawei taught her, don't go too far. Too much can backfire.

Wang Shengnan went into his daughter's room with a broom and a dustpan, and after a few breaths he came out with a torn radio script.

"You...don't want it?"

"No, there will be none in the future."

See what this says...

Wang Shengnan sat down opposite her: "What happened?"

Lin Miaomiao said without raising her head, "I'm not an announcer anymore."


Wang Shengnan didn't understand. She liked this job very much before, and she told them that being an announcer would help improve her writing skills. When she met relatives and friends, she would show it off. Slap, she didn't say to back down, why is she silently quitting now?

Of course Lin Miaomiao couldn't say that I did this to express my attitude, to show Pei Yin and Qian San, to show Lin Yue, and also to those who spread rumors about her relationship with Qian Sanyi.

"In a few months, I will be in my third year of high school. I will be under a lot of study pressure, and I don't have the time and energy to take care of the work of the radio station."

Wang Shengnan looked at his daughter suspiciously, always feeling that this was a bit unlike her, but he couldn't find any obvious loopholes.


At this moment, Lin Miaomiao suddenly raised her head and glanced out of the window with a look of surprise.

"What's wrong?"

"No... nothing."

She seemed to hear Qian Sanyi's voice just now, but she wasn't sure.

Wang Shengnan looked at the scale of the quartz clock: "Hurry up and eat, we're going to be late."

"If you don't talk to me, I'm already full."

Lin Miaomiao muttered in a low voice, stuffed half an egg into her mouth, took another sip of soy milk, and got up to put on her shoes.

"Schoolbag, schoolbag."

Seeing her daughter going out, Wang Shengnan hurriedly took the schoolbag from the desk in the bedroom and chased outside. On the way, she saw a person wearing the overalls of a moving company carrying boxes to the third floor. She thought it was Zhuangyuanlang’s mother who had bought new furniture. She didn’t care and let the other party go After that, he went downstairs.

"Schoolbag, schoolbag,"

Seeing Lin Miaomiao stop at the door, Wang Shengnan walked over with his schoolbag in his hand, only then did he notice that his daughter was looking at the woman holding a courier file bag in front of her in a panic.

Pei Yin!

It seemed that he had just returned from picking up a courier from the gatekeeper of the community.


Wang Shengnan found out that something was wrong with his daughter, and thought that Pei Yin had said something to her daughter. After all, this woman spoke very badly when they met at school. She was seduced and tempted.

"Did she say anything to you?"

The fact is that she didn't say anything. The reason why Lin Miaomiao panicked was because she had a ghost in her heart. She never thought that she lived in the same building as Pei Yin, so the voice that sounded like Qian Sanyi outside just now was not hallucinations.

Here came the problem. She thought that Pei Yin and Qian Sanyi's mother and son had no intersection with Wang Shengnan, so she would "pull Lin Yue as a shield". Now they not only have intersection, but also live in the same building, if Pei Yin tells her mother the truth.


As powerful as a nuclear bomb.

"No, Mom, no, I didn't say anything." Lin Miaomiao almost snatched her schoolbag and ran away.

She didn't know what conflicts there were between Wang Shengnan and Pei Yin, but judging from the situation just now, her mother had a deep prejudice against Zhuangyuan Lang's mother. If she stayed any longer, the two of them would pinch her and let her mother know I "like Lin Yue's thing", I am afraid that I have the heart to strangle this unfilial girl to death.

Lin Miaomiao thought that she could avoid the worst by running away with oil on the soles of her feet, but it turned out that she was too wishful thinking.

The faster she escaped, the more Wang Shengnan thought that Pei Yin must have said something unpleasant.

"What did you say to my daughter?"

Pei Yin looked at her with a "you're funny" expression.

"What do you think I said to her?"

Wang Shengnan said: "Don't think that your son is the number one in the high school entrance examination, and think narcissistically that he can get what he wants. Aren't you always struggling with your son and Miao Miao being the only opposite-sex partner in the radio station? Now Miao Miao is leaving. Stand up, are you satisfied with this statement?"

Pei Yin said: "Your daughter really doesn't need to do this step. I don't think she has any reason to lie to me in the conversation last week."

Wang Shengnan frowned and said, "Last week? Talk? You went to see my daughter? What did you say?"

"It's very simple. She told me that she doesn't like Sany. The person she likes is Lin Yue. That's right, he is the boy who is very popular on the Internet and has sex with the mother of a female classmate." In the parent meeting of the first year of high school In the first place, Pei Yin entered the door without saying a few words and was angered by Lin Yue, so she didn't know about the feud between Lin Yue and Wang Shengnan, and the complicated relationship between the two families. In a normal family, how could it be possible for a baby girl to fall in love with a boy with a bad reputation and corrupt morals?

Pei Yin almost said how a girl like Lin Miaomiao could be worthy of my son.

"She...she likes Lin Yue? What did you say? Tell me again!" Wang Shengnan was so excited that his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. Lin Miaomiao and Lin Yue...this was the most unacceptable development for her.

"It seems that your daughter didn't tell you." Pei Yin didn't say much, smiled at her, and walked into the corridor step by step like a winner. The high heels hit the stairs, making a rattling sound, like Wang Shengnan's broken glass heart.

After staying in place for nearly three minutes, the volleyball teacher came back to her senses and swayed. Fortunately, the worker next to her who was moving furniture to the third floor helped her, so she didn't fall down.

I'm really afraid of what will happen. Lin Dawei knows that his daughter has an ambiguous relationship with Qian Sanyi, but he is quite content. How could he not know that this unfilial daughter...has fallen in love with the enemy of the Wang family. Now she knows why Lin Miaomiao slipped away so fast. This was because she was worried that the matter would be revealed and she would beat him to death on the spot, and the operation of quitting the broadcasting station was not that simple. In all likelihood, it was to draw a clear line with Qian Sanyi to avoid Lin Yue's misunderstanding.

"Are you okay? Would you like a bottle of water?"

The worker of the moving company handed her a bottle of ice dew mineral water.

Wang Shengnan waved his hand and declined, pointing to the second floor: "I live upstairs."

The worker showed a naive smile, pointed to the third floor and said, "We will help move Xihu on the third floor."

Wang Shengnan suppressed his anger for a while, and looked at the room opposite Pei Yin's house: "Is there someone living in that house?"

Since she moved here, she has never seen anyone coming in or out of the west house on the third floor. She asked the old couple who lived on the first floor before, and the answer was that there was a property right dispute in the west house on the third floor.

I didn't expect someone to move in now. Does that mean the contradiction has been resolved?

The worker replied: "That's right, it's a pair of mother and child."

"Haiko, are you being lazy again? Hurry up and get to work."

At this time, a reminder from the boss came from the entrance of the corridor. The worker smiled and turned to move the sofa in the back of the truck.

At the same time, Pei Yin came upstairs and found a mahogany statue nearly one person tall, bound by wooden planks and bars, at the door. It was shaped like a young woman wrapped in light silk, with flat shoulders, slender waist, and long legs. , although the private parts are covered by light silk, but more and more seductive and criminally sexy and charming.

Hey, an artist moved across the door?

She thinks she is also an artist, a soprano in a troupe.

After taking a closer look, she stretched out her hand, wanting to open the nameplate under the wood carving to see whose work it was.

At this moment, a female voice came from behind the door: "Don't touch it, you won't be able to pay for it if you break it."

Pei Yin was a little annoyed. When she moved, things blocked the corridor. Instead of apologizing, she still spoke with this attitude.

"I live opposite, can you move..."

Halfway through this, the rest of the content can't be continued, because the door opened, and the woman's face appeared on the opposite side...she knew it.

"It's you?"


Deng Xinhua.

The woman who had no shame in fooling around with a boy who could be her son.

Deng Xinhua actually moved here, and lived opposite him?

After being surprised, I feel uncomfortable, because the neighbor's reputation is not good, which will affect her and her son to some extent, and Deng Xinhua's concubine is Lin Yue, the guy she hates--although from the perspective of age difference, Lin Yue Compared to her, she is still a child, but for some reason, when she thinks of that incident, she feels uneasy. In addition, Lin Miaomiao would rather like a pervert with an Oedipus complex than her own baby son. Very frustrated and unwilling.

"Who are you……"

Deng Xinhua stared at her for a while, then remembered that she had met Deng Xiaoqi at a parent meeting in the first semester of senior high school: "You are the mother of the Jiangzhou high school entrance examination champion, Ms. Pei."

"That's right, it's me." Pei Yin suppressed the dislike in her heart, pointed to the opposite door and said, "You want to accompany me?"

Lin Miaomiao came downstairs, and Deng Xiaoqi lived in the opposite door. What is this for? Get together to play mahjong? She remembered that during the Spring Festival, Qian Sanyi said that he would go to a class reunion and mentioned the names of two girls.

"Ah, yes..."

Deng Xinhua felt a little reluctant, and changed his tone after a few breaths: "I'm still thinking about it."

It should be said that Lin Yue wanted her to be with her daughter, um... She was still considering some BT proposals.

Pei Yin watched the two workers move the sofa into the opposite room, thinking that not only the furniture and appliances, but also the collectibles were moved here, why are they still thinking about it, what the hell?

"Hey, you two, move this wooden sculpture in. After the place has been cleaned up, put it in the southeast corner of the living room. Be careful and don't touch it." Deng Xinhua directed two workers who were about to go downstairs to move the tempting and criminal wooden sculpture. into the living room.

"By the way, your daughter and Lin Miaomiao are good friends, right? What's their name..."

"Deng Xiaoqi."

"Yes, Deng Xiaoqi."

Pei Yin was about to speak, when a man's voice came from the living room opposite: "Xinhua, who are you talking to? Come and see, can the sofa be arranged like this?"

this voice...

Can't go wrong.

She can't forget it.

Pei Yin's face instantly became very ugly.

As if to verify what I thought in my heart, the door opened, and that annoying guy came out from inside.

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