Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2263 Spank if you are disobedient (two in one)

An hour later, it was dark.

The food stalls in summer are the most lively places in the city. The barbecue stalls are full of smoke and fire. Invite a few friends, have a pot of good wine on ice, serve with sizzling mutton skewers, and chat about the troubles at work. The tigress who said that the family was unreasonable, and finally urged the boss why the kidneys have not been roasted yet, and they are all waiting for tonic.

There are especially many pedestrians on the road near the river, because the wind blowing across the water has a slight coolness, dispelling the heat on the body.

Qian Sanyi ran out of the rural garden community and wandered aimlessly on the trail inside the river embankment. He didn't know where to go, let alone who to tell what happened today. When he looked back, he realized that half of his close friends were No, in terms of being a human being, it is really enough to fail.

"Qian Sanyi, Qian Sanyi."

A female voice behind him interrupted his melancholy, and when he looked back, he saw Deng Xiaoqi running over, panting, with a thin layer of sweat on his cheeks.

Whoops, whoops...

"Qian... Qian Sanyi, you're leaving so fast."

"How did you come?"

Qian Sanyi frowned, and his mood did not improve because of seeing an acquaintance, on the contrary, he seemed a little impatient.

"I glanced at the corner just now, and I said that the back is so familiar, it really is you." After Deng Xiaoqi finished speaking, she noticed that his upper body was dirty and wet, and his hair was all stroked: "Your T-shirt... you... this What's the matter?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Qian San resisted her concern, turned around and continued walking along the river.

"Qian Sanyi, what happened, tell me, as long as I can do it, I will do my best."

"You can't help me."

"How do you know I can't help you if you don't tell me."

Deng Xiaoqi walked with him expectantly, her heart pounding, hoping that Qian Sanyi would open up to her, tell her how she felt about her parents' failed marriage, and then comfort and relieve him. She also came from a similar situation, just like what Lin Yue said, she and Qian Sanyi are considered to be in the same sympathy, so they should report to the group to keep warm and help each other.

Qian Sanyi glanced at her, did not speak, and walked forward on his own.

Deng Xiaoqi was not discouraged, and quickly followed.

"Do you not know how to face your parents?"

How to face it?

Qian Sanyi knew early on that his parents were not on good terms, and he was used to the days when they were separated. He was already mentally prepared for the outcome of the divorce. What worries him now is his relationship with Lin Miaomiao and the resulting conflict between mother and child. At this time, running around to gain a sense of presence is like flying around a person who is distressed because of too much homework. The buzzing mung bean fly is as annoying as possible.

"Deng Xiaoqi, can you stop following me!"

"But your appearance...I'm worried."

Qian Sanyi said coldly, "I know what I'm doing, so you don't need to worry."

"You... how could you treat me like this?"

Deng Xiaoqi couldn't figure it out. The last time she was sad, Qian Sanyi comforted her and bought her delicious snacks. This time the roles were reversed, he didn't say he was grateful, but he also talked to her in this tone, It was so hurtful.

"I have nothing to do with my parents. I want to be alone."

"It has nothing to do with the parents, so who has to do with it? Are you thinking about how to get revenge on Lin Yue?"


"Who does that concern? You tell me."

"Deng Xiaoqi, can you stop bothering me?" Qian Sanyi said angrily, "Don't make me hate you more and more."

"Hate me? You said you hate me?" Deng Xiaoqi was very excited, she kindly comforted her, she was yelled at instead of saying that she had her hot face on her cold butt: "If it was Lin Miaomiao, would you still say that?"

"Can you stop being unreasonable?"

Qian Sanyi's expression changed slightly, and she felt that she was indeed a little irritable, but Deng Xiaoqi really hated it, she said she wanted to be quiet, but she just asked around like a deaf person, and even pulled Lin Miaomiao out to talk about it .

Deng Xiaoqi didn't realize the problem, and said indignantly: "Lin Miaomiao doesn't like you at all, she likes Lin Yue."

Qian Sanyi restrained his emotions and said, "This has nothing to do with you."

"Do you think that she said she likes Lin Yue to prevaricate your mother? To tell you the truth, I sent that WeChat. Wang Shengnan went to Africa to find Lin Yue's parents in order to break up the two of them. Do you think there is anyone who knows a daughter better than a mother?"

When Deng Xiaoqi saw that Qian Sanyi was thinking of Lin Miaomiao when she needed people's attention the most, she suddenly broke down and turned the table over.

At this year's New Year's Eve party, Lin Yue invited all the stars to help out. It is normal to get the first place in the school. Why did the Chicken Dance planned by Lin Miaomiao also overwhelm her? She is recognized by the school as a great beauty, what does Lin Miaomiao have? She is flat-chested, short-legged, and a girl with four eyes. She is usually crazy and lacks femininity, and even if she has Deng Bancheng's daughter as a taint, she is better than Lin Miaomiao, who has a family history of mental illness, right?

This is often the case, the more friends, the more girlfriends, the more I like to compare and become jealous, just like many women, when they are looking for a partner, they always hug my girlfriend’s boyfriend, how educated is his job, how rich his family is , then I must find someone with a better mentality than him to pick and choose. If there is a slight dissatisfaction, just one word, change!

In the matter of chasing Qian Sanyi, it is okay to lose to outsiders, but she is ten thousand dissatisfied with Lin Miaomiao.

Qian Sanyi was dumbfounded, and stared blankly at Deng Xiaoqi.

She said that sentence was sent by her? Didn't it come from Lin Miaomiao?

It was because of the courage brought by these words that he had just quarreled with Pei Yin, and now Deng Xiaoqi told him that all of this was false, that Lin Miaomiao was not interested in him, and that she was "falsely preaching the imperial decree".

"Impossible, impossible, that's Lin Miaomiao's cell phone, how could you..." At this point, he realized that the question was very simple. Deng Xiaoqi and Lin Miaomiao lived in the same dormitory, and they were still best friends. The latter's phone is not very normal?

Qian Sanyi grabbed Deng Xiaoqi's arm and shook it vigorously: "Why are you doing this? Why!"

"In order not to let you go to the juvenile class, are you satisfied with this answer?"

Seeing her sweetheart's behavior, Deng Xiaoqi became more and more sad, and her heart felt like a ice cellar, because this was basically tantamount to showing her attitude, and she almost said that she liked Lin Miaomiao.

Qian Sanyi stood there blankly, feeling that he had been deceived, and also thought it was a great shame, thinking that he was the number one scholar, the eldest grandson of a family of academicians, who had always been brilliant and admired by Deng Xiaoqi. Became a love clown.

The sadness of quarreling with the mother, the anger of being teased, and the disappointment caused by the failure of expectations, all these emotions were released in one go.

"Despicable and shameless!"

He roared, pushed Deng Xiaoqi hard, turned around, ignored the sound of "Ouch" coming from behind, and left without looking back.




No matter how despicable and shameless she was, it was because she liked him.

Deng Xiaoqi sat slumped on the ground, and there were bursts of stabbing pain in her knees. It should be that the skin was broken when she fell.

I thought that what happened last time brought the relationship between the two of them closer, and now supporting him at his most vulnerable moment would move him, but I didn't expect this to be the result.

She felt her life was a joke.

dad? She doesn't even know who her father is.

Mother? Mom and classmates are well.

friend? Best best friend stole her favorite boy.

study? Learning is not enough.

specialty? The dance that I danced with my specialty didn't even make it to the top three of the school party.


"Well, love is the art of dressing people up as clowns."


Yes, she was a real clown, and he was right.

Deng Xiaoqi turned her head up and looked at Lin Yue who sat on the fence of the river bank at some point.

"You...why are you here? Are you...following me?"

"Is this important?"

is not important.

"You got your wish, got your wish! Can you watch my jokes again?"

Sure enough, he revealed to her that Qian Sanyi's whereabouts belonged to the weasel giving the chicken a New Year greeting, which was not kind.

She frowned and endured the pain in her knees to prop up her lower body, but she didn't stand up in the end, she sank and fell back to the ground.

I thought it was a contusion of the skin, but now it seems that I have sprained the joint.

Lin Yue sighed, jumped off the fence and helped her up.

Deng Xiaoqi staggered and couldn't stand upright, so she was still unwilling to accept his help.

"Don't touch me, don't touch me!"

Without saying a word, Lin Yue forcibly lifted the man on his shoulder and walked towards the stairs leading to the sidewalk.

"Let go of me, you let me go, if you don't let me go, I'll call someone."

Lin Yue turned a deaf ear.

"Help, help..."

Her voice stopped abruptly as a slap came across her ass.

Only then did she realize that she was being carried on his shoulders, with her feet in front and her head facing back, which was the most convenient spanking position.

"You... how dare you..."

Her face turned red all of a sudden, she has grown so big, she has never been spanked by anyone, even Deng Xinhua.

"Lin Yue, I warn you, let me go."


Not only did Lin Yue not let go, but he slapped her hard again, which made her tremble. The pedestrians passing by looked at them playfully, and didn't take her struggle and yelling seriously.

"Deng Xiaoqi, didn't you forget the bet you made last year in the teaching building? I didn't force you to fulfill your promise. I just spanked your butt a few times. What is it called?"

The bet made last year downstairs...

Thinking of this incident, Deng Xiaoqi's face became ugly, but the physical struggle stopped and she stopped calling for help.

"Call Dad."

"My surname is Lin, don't push yourself too hard!"

Deng Xiaoqi was sad and sad when Qian Sanyi treated her like that, but what he did to her completely disrupted the process of breaking up and interrupted the brewing of emotions. She couldn't cry and struggle was useless. Crazy, very broken!


Qian Sanyi wandered outside like a ghost, walking from the south of Xinjiang Road to the north of Xinjiang Road.

He got the tranquility he wanted, but if he wanted to say what he got through thinking, it was blank.

That's right, a blank space.

Walked miles and miles and it didn't make any sense.

Deng Xiaoqi's words made his persistence in front of Pei Yin meaningless, and the arrogant No. 1 scholar turned into a wishful clown. If someone in the school knew the process of the incident, he would laugh his ass off.

A guy like Lin Yue!

That super shameless guy... actually slept with the mother of a female classmate. Is Lin Miaomiao crazy? Will you like this kind of person?

He couldn't figure out why she didn't like a school bully with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and beauty, and a prominent family background, but liked a guy who looked like a scum in every aspect.

Perhaps, his mother is right, moving out of the country garden complex is also a good choice.

But... just because I opposed moving away, I turned against my mother and made a sharp 180-degree turn. I couldn't bear it.

The entanglement came and went, two drivers who suffered from road rage were saying goodbye to each other in the driveway, and they honked their horns until everyone frowned, and woke him up. When he looked up, he found that he was back to the original place.

"Go home first."

Defeated by the cruel reality, he regretted it, regretted having such a deadlock with Pei Yin.

However, when he returned to Building 14 with an attitude of admitting his mistake, he vaguely heard his mother talking to the same person near the second floor.

"Don't worry, the child will come back when his anger subsides. Lin Miaomiao has done this kind of thing a lot. Later, I found out that her father and I didn't care at all, so I never did it again. Now I'm angry with the adults and locked myself in the room. not come out."

"But Sany, this is the first time, it's dark outside, where do you think he can go?"

"He is eighteen years old, will he be taken away? Can you let him ride a bicycle to school every day, and you are afraid that he will go to the street alone? Okay, stop thinking about it, let's discuss how to deal with the bastard surnamed Lin Eggs."

"You just said that his parents agreed to the marriage proposal of the African that true?"

"Could it be false? I was listening while they were discussing the details. According to the great chief named Ghana Asanxi, Lin Yue had already let go, and the two parties even agreed on the dowry. It is Lin Qiang and his wife who have been obstructing it."

"Then he and Deng Xinhua..."

"Why are you so naive? It's impossible even if you think about it. Put the mine aside and marry a woman 20 years older than yourself? He's just for fun."

"That's right, as far as his character is concerned, he won't be the kind of person who keeps his feet on the ground."

"Talking about the child, Miaomiao has a good relationship with your Sany. It's pointless for you to ask your Sany to persuade her not to live here."

"Okay, when Sanyi comes back, I'll tell him what you said."


Qian Sanyi, who was eavesdropping at the door, was a little confused. Two days ago, Pei Yin also said that Wang Sheng had a bad personality and was not a good guy. Turning his face, the two of them started talking and laughing and became friends?

If you combine the current situation, it can be understood.

Pei Yin knew that he liked Lin Miaomiao, and if she wanted to find him, she had better ask Lin Miaomiao to call him, which explained why she appeared on the second floor.

The two women regarded Lin Yue as an enemy. Based on the principle that the enemy of an enemy is a friend, it is normal operation to form a united front.

Wang Shengnan wanted him to persuade Lin Miaomiao to agree to move, and from Pei Yin's point of view, he would definitely agree with it, because once Lin Miaomiao left, he would no longer have the obsession to stay in Building 14 of the Country Garden Community.

It turned out that Lin Yue had already agreed to the marriage proposal of the African chief, so Lin Miaomiao's result... probably could only end in unrequited love.

Thinking of this, he resolutely decided not to move, at least until Lin Miaomiao didn't let go, he would guard her by her side.

Male students who love to make trouble do attract the attention of girls. This is always the case in movies, but as long as Lin Miaomiao recognizes Lin Yue's true colors of marrying black people for the sake of mines, which can be called mercenary, I believe she will definitely do the right thing. s Choice.

At this point, he no longer suppressed the sound of his footsteps, and went straight up to the third floor.

In the living room of Wang Shengnan's house, Pei Yin listened attentively for a while, then pointed outside: "That sounds like Sany's footsteps."

After finishing speaking, he stood up quickly, left the sentence "I have to go back and have a look", and hurriedly bid farewell and left.

When Wang Shengnan sent her to the door, he did not forget to tell her to control her emotions and speak up when she had something to say.

Pei Yinxin said that if you persuade others to do it, have you done it yourself? Don't you train your husband and daughter into dogs every day?

Of course, on the surface, she wouldn't say what was in her heart, she just nodded, hummed and went upstairs.

Although the relationship between the two of them has been greatly improved just now, but for Wang Shengnan, there is a bit of hypocrisy and obedience, and a lot of things are left halfway, because she found that Wang Shengnan has real hatred for Lin Yue, and she... It wasn't hatred, it was anger before, but after the previous conversation, the anger in my heart was mixed with some inexplicable emotions, and even the idea of ​​moving house became less urgent.


Lin Dawei is very busy these days.

Busy with organizing the memorial meeting for Jiang Quanling—the memorial meeting during his lifetime.

The venue is done, the eulogy is written, the set is OK, everything is ready.

Then go ahead.

This time, it failed, Jiang Quanling punched half a set of punches in public, but couldn't catch his breath, so he died.

So the funeral during his lifetime ended hastily.

Lin Dawei was quite confused, thinking that he had caused trouble, but Jiang Quanling's wife didn't blame him and let him continue to organize the funeral. In order to be different from others, he also decided on the festive color red as the theme of the funeral.

The master has an order, and he, who provides services, has to obey.

Nothing to say, just do it.

So I bought a bright red exercise uniform online, and prepared to wear it at the funeral.

He has been busy with his own affairs recently, lacks communication with his wife and daughter, and he is not high enough to change careers in the funeral industry, so he didn't tell anyone.

What Lin Dawei didn't expect was that when he changed his clothes in front of the mirror in the funeral parlor, looked at himself in red and kept cheering up, saying over and over again that you could do it, and determined to hold a red funeral that had never been seen before or since. His wife, Wang Shengnan, also came out of the house with her red exercise uniform, and drove to the funeral home. If you want to ask why, it’s very simple. She had studied under Jiang Quanling, otherwise she could beat Lin Dawei with one hand when she was young. take it?

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