Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2266 The First Person in an Elite Middle School (Two in One)

Tianya Forum.

The BBS in 2016 has not been completely suppressed by video sites, but it has begun to decline. Except for the small and characteristic communities such as Douban, Hupu, and Azeroth, those comprehensive, large and comprehensive forums can be said to be It went from bad to worse.

Main title: "Jiangzhou Elite Middle School Students Kick the Hall to the Funeral of the Jiangbei Boxing Champion"

Subtitle: "Following the academician's birthday banquet, another masterpiece of the African flat-headed brother"

This is the hottest post of the day.

The author used thousands of words in eloquence, accompanied by pictures to describe the scene at that time, and finally shared the video shot with everyone.

"Fuck, that's cool!"

"Damn it, you're all on the ground? This Jiangbei boxing champion's signboard has been smashed."

"This kid is too good at fighting. Is it true that one fights ten, is it contemporary Ye Wen?"

"No wonder he's always causing trouble. He really has the money to do it. He's so powerful. It makes me want to learn two tricks from a teacher."

"Do you think that in such a chaotic place in Africa, the people who come to ask for marriage will be ordinary people? I have said that this guy is very smart, and he is definitely not a single-minded young man. He dares to cause trouble There is the ability to do things in peace.”

"Yes, yes, you are right, Your Excellency Afterwards."

"The one who was stunned at the end was Du Ling, right? Last year he won the fifth place in the National Free Fighting Competition held in BJ, and he fell to the ground after two blows. Can you believe that?"

"Who remembers the 5,000-meter long-distance race in the elite high school sports meeting last year? This guy's sports skills are really beyond the reach of ordinary people. I don't believe that after this incident, those people in the Education and Sports Bureau can still sit still."

"Upstairs, it's childish, you have to sit if you can't sit still, just such a thorny head who doesn't accept the control of the heavens, what do you want him to do? To participate in the Olympic Games and win a gold medal? Teamwork, modesty and prudence, being lenient and so on , does not exist, but if he is wronged, believe it or not, he can turn the table of the International Olympic Committee."

"The rules of the rivers and lakes are terrible. If you slap someone on the street, you will have to pay tens of thousands. He beat people like that and didn't hold them accountable, pedantic!"

"You know what a fart, but if you can't beat it, it's called inferior skills. If you sue people and go to the detention center because of this, the reputation of Jiang's class will be bad. Don't try to get involved in related industries in the future, and that's called Ouyang Jian He is the richest man in Jiangzhou, others are shameless, how can he be shameless?"

"That's right, Jiang Quanling is known as the Jiangbei boxing champion. The opponent came to kick the gym alone, and half of the twenty or thirty disciples were beaten to the ground. The police were also asked to avenge their hatred. Believe it or not, the old man can be angered by them."

"I watched the original video. If you want to say that the culprit of this incident is the kid called Grand Uncle Jiang Quanling, he didn't leave much room for his speech. He thought there was a group of Lianjiazi standing behind him, which was awesome, but he didn't expect the African flat-headed brother It’s not like the Raptors don’t cross the river.”

"Then you can't beat women, men who beat women are beasts!"

"It stinks, it stinks. I haven't brushed my teeth for a few days? Are there men and women in the ring? You know you can't beat you so don't go up."

"I know about this matter. In the final analysis, Du Ling and others belong to the side that lays the gun. The whole thing is to be blamed on two people. It's just that woman. I heard that she is a volleyball teacher in a high school. In order to prevent her daughter from liking Lin Yue , went to a construction site in Africa to find her parents to make a big fuss, and now she also came to her master to ask for an explanation, but then ran into a filial grandson who spoke neither lightly nor seriously, well, this is a shame. "


In the classroom of the science experiment class of the second year of high school, several students gathered around Liang Yunshu's mobile phone and carefully watched the messages on the Internet.

Because they were too close together, Sun's glasses were fogged up by the heat from Tian Xu's nose, and he didn't bother to wipe them off: "I'll it true? Lin Yue is so powerful?"

Just kick Du Ling twice, if it were him, he would be in a vegetative state if he didn't die.

He trembled when he spoke. You must know that when he lived in school, he often jumped back and forth between Lin Yue and Jiang Tianhao. Now that he thinks about it, he should really thank his roommate for not killing him.

Wei Xindi was also a little scared, because she and Liang Yunshu often gossip behind their backs and speak ill of Lin Yue.

Tian Xu said: "No wonder Jiang Tianhao turned on the air conditioner to the lowest level and blown him all night. We all caught a cold the next day, and he's fine."

Another classmate said: "This explains why his physical fitness is so abnormal. Our class... didn't complain about losing in the sports meeting last year."

"Does anyone of you still remember the time when Dong Jiangxin and Zhang Yonghui were unlucky when they played basketball in the first year of high school?"

"Jiang Tianhao is in danger."

"What's the danger? Mr. Jiang is a rich second generation after all, and this is China. You think it's a chaotic Africa. It's dangerous. Dangerous. By the way, Jiang Tianhao? Where's Jiang Tianhao?"

It was only after a group of people chatted here that they remembered the key players in the whole incident. To put it bluntly, without Mr. Jiang, the incident would never have become so big.

No, I searched the entire classroom and couldn't find any shadows. If there was no one discussing this matter... there was only one person, Qian Sanyi.

Well, he and Jiang Tianhao can be regarded as brothers in trouble, one indirectly caused grandpa to have a stroke and was hospitalized, and the other made the coffin of grand-uncle so hard that he couldn't hold it down.


Jiang Tianhao got into the gymnasium right after class, although he also meant to avoid the limelight, but this is not the point, it was Zhang Yonghui and Dong Jiangxin who asked him to come here to meet.

"Hi, Jiang Tianhao, are you okay?"

People from the basketball team saw him coming and greeted him from a distance.

This question was asked with good intentions, but the timing was wrong, it sounded like irony.

What can he do? If I had to say something, it would be synonymous with Uncle Kengtai and the turtle with a shrunken head. Because of him, Jiang Quanling's apprentices were beaten all over the floor looking for their teeth, and finally found out that they were clowns, hiding behind their parents' butts and dared not come out. , which is completely different from the sports student personality he created before.

Not to mention the way the schoolmates looked at him, Jiang Qilong and his wife scolded him bloody when they returned home from the funeral. In the evening, Jiang Quanling's son, Jiang Qilong's uncle, called and wanted to cut off his family. Relatives, you have to ask why, because some people who know the inside story talk too much, and talked about the feud between him and Lin Yue in school. Jiang Quanling's family became the joke of the whole country.

From Jiang Tianhao's point of view, it was all Lin Yue's fault, the bastard pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

Although similar things have been done in the sports meeting, who would have thought that this guy can do kung fu.

grass! grass! grass!

He greeted the eight generations of the ancestors of the Lin family in his heart.

"Jiang Tianhao, here, here..."

At the door of the locker room, Dong Jiangxin waved at him.

"What's the rush?"

Dong Jiangxin didn't answer the question right away, dragged him into the locker room, and sat down on the bench opposite the locker. Zhang Yonghui was also there, and there were two others who were sweating profusely and panting. They seemed to have just finished exercising. Member of the basketball team.

"The new coach of our basketball team is looking for Lin Yue."

"Why is Zhu Sihao looking for Lin Yue?"

Before the 2015 autumn sports meeting, the coach of the basketball team was Lu Haotian. After the sports meeting, he was disappointed in his career and emotions, so he transferred to another school. Zhu Sihao took over the school basketball team. To be honest, everyone didn’t like him very much, because he was acting according to the wind , the ability to flatter the leader is much better than the ability to guide the basketball team.

Zhang Yonghui said: "He is going to ask Lin Yuelai to be the main force of the basketball team."

"What? Ask Lin Yue to join the basketball team?"

Jiang Tianhao almost jumped up.

Dong Jiangxin said: "He watched the video of the funeral parlor, and he didn't know who told him about our competition with him when he was just in high school. He thought it was us who hindered it, which caused the school basketball team to miss a good seed. No, personally. I went to the sophomore office to look for Tang Yuanming, hoping to work as a nephew and come to the school team to play basketball."

Zhang Yonghui added from the side: "The coach also said, isn't it going to be a game against Hodge Middle School right now? If Lin Yue can join the school basketball team, he can 100% become famous in the first battle and take off our school's No. 2 in the city. hat of."

"Zhu Sihao is a bastard."

Jiang Tianhao was very excited and couldn't help cursing, because he won the opportunity to play against Hodge Middle School. Half a month ago, the leader of the Education and Sports Bureau visited the winners of the City Youth Games. He knew that Hodge Middle School in the United States Learning to come to Jiangzhou for a visit, and also to play a friendly match with Jiangzhou Middle School, he ran to talk to the leader, demanding that this opportunity be given to the elite middle school ranked second in the millennium in the city, because if the elite middle school wins, then The leader's face is so radiant, even if he loses, it can be said that he is saving face for the guests and not letting the champion team play. The leader thought it was such a reason, so he readily agreed.

He is an American middle school, and he attaches great importance to playing basketball. In order not to lose face and be compared to elite middle schools, he went to the principal to ask for funds, wanted to change the basketball team's equipment, and set up a cheerleading team. Time to stand on the court, long legs, hips and big breasts, sexy and seductive, who knew that old guy Xie Weizhou would not approve, and he told him that he would be in his third year of high school soon, and he had to use his energy on In terms of study, don't keep doing these useless things.

Why is playing basketball useless? Playing basketball is not sacred in his mind, it is also very important, and he finally won the opportunity to fight against American middle schools, he must not just give up like this, the school does not give the budget, it does not matter, he is a rich second generation , parents are rich, so Jiang Tianhao bought 20,000 yuan from Jiang Qilong, changed the equipment for the team, and prepared cheerleading uniforms for the goddess.

He has done so much, now Zhu Sihao is going to invite Lin Yue to play the main force? Now that the matter has developed, he also knows that Lin Yue is not a human being, so what's the matter with him if he is allowed to play?

"What did Tang Yuanming say?"

A player said, "Lin Yue didn't come to school today."

Zhang Yonghui said: "Haozi, don't worry, he has already joined the school basketball team, and he won't wait until today."

Dong Jiangxin agreed: "That's right, he would have participated long ago, and he won't wait until today."

Jiang Tianhao pinched his chin and fell silent.


On the other side, Building 14 of the Country Garden Community.

Lin Yue glanced out the window at the passers-by who were pointing at his room, and stroked the head of the Haishuang puppet cat with white fur all over its body.

"If Xiahou is here, I don't know if it will be jealous."

A pet like a cat is no different from a dog in terms of jealousy.

"Yes, yes, I will eat it." A sharp voice sounded, interrupting the harmonious atmosphere in the room.



The originally very well-behaved puppet cat turned its head and grinned hostilely at the red-billed green-haired parrot standing on the bird stand shaped like an ancient light pole in the living room.

"Don't scare me, black and blind people are not afraid, who are you, ah, who are you?"

Xiahou is a black cat, he is blind in one eye, so he is called Hei Blind, which is the result of his thinking of "facing the wall for a hundred years".

The big villain turned around after saying this, wagging his tail at it, looking like you bit me.

Lin Yue patted the puppet cat on the head, looked at the villain and said, "Shut up, believe it or not, I will lock you up for decades."

It is not afraid of the cat's threat. When it is said to be confined, the fur all over its body explodes.

It was stuffed into the portable space and locked up for decades, remembering that dark time, it is really a tear.

When the puppet cat saw that the parrot was scared, it also lowered its head again, and lay down beside the tea tray, sweeping its tail left and right.

Lin Yue raised the teacup to his mouth, and was about to drink it when suddenly he raised his eyebrows and put the teacup down again.


He sighed softly, picked up the mobile phone on the corner of the table, and dialed Tang Yuanming's number.

"Hey, cousin, tell Zhu Sihao that I'm very interested in his proposal."

"Your boy... I asked you just now and... said, are you trying to play tricks again?"

"How come, an honest person like me..."

"Aren't you ashamed to say that?"

"Not ashamed."


"Say it or not, if you don't, I'll call him myself."

"All right, all right, I said."


Lin Yue hung up the phone, got up and walked to the balcony, picked up the watering can that was placed on the ground, and sprinkled water on the poppy that was blooming with delicate flowers.

"Smart guy."


sunset time.

Pei Yin sent away the students who came to learn the piano, and went to the vegetable market not far away to buy a catty of green shrimp, two catties of tomatoes, and a bundle of celery, and returned to the community with a plastic bag. The passing aunt greeted her, She also nodded in response.

Speaking of her popularity in the community, she felt that she was pretty good, but recently because of Qian Shouzhong's incident, everyone looked at her a little more pitifully.

After all, everyone in Jiangzhou now knows that Qian Yukun raised a woman outside, and she raised Qian Sanyi for more than ten years. She alone raised Qian Sanyi and raised an extremely good child, but this It also means that she has stayed alone in the vacant house for more than ten years, which is cruel to a woman.

What is the prevailing view on marriage and love in today's society? If it doesn't work, let it go, if you don't like it, change it, who would foolishly hang on a man like her.

She knew what everyone was thinking, but if she said that she should go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for a divorce immediately, she felt that it was wrong, because Qian Shouzhong was still lying in the ward, and his condition had just stabilized. What should I do if the condition recurs? Although... the old man should have some psychological preparations, but she is not willing to take this risk.

And three one...

In this way, she returned to Building 14 with wild thoughts all the way. When she walked into the stairwell with her front foot, she realized something was wrong with her back foot. There was a sound of playing a violin upstairs.

this song...

Sarasate's Carmen Fantasia?

As the soprano of the orchestra, she also plays the piano very well, needless to say her musical attainments.

Of course she knew that "Carmen Fantasia" was known as a touchstone repertoire for violinists. Those who could play this piece well were basically professional violinists, and most of them were children.

When did this building have a very professional violinist? Judging from the fluency of her performance, she is much better than the violinists in her orchestra.


She walked upstairs step by step with curiosity.

The first and a half floors, the second floor, the second and a half...

When she reached the second and a half floors, her expression became very complicated, because it was certain that the voice came from Xihu on the third floor, which was Lin Yue's room.

Walking slowly to the door of her own room, she stopped and looked at the neighbor's house with the door wide open. After hesitating for a while, she still couldn't hold back her curiosity, put the vegetables on the ground, and walked cautiously towards the opposite door.

As the sound of playing the violin became clearer and clearer, she saw the wood carving of a sexy beauty that Lin Yue had seen when Lin Yue moved house, and on the opposite side was Venus, the God of Love, carved from the same material, but not The one with the broken arm is the one looking back while holding the hem of the skirt. It is said that it is the treasure of the Naples Archaeological Museum.

Although it is a wood carving, the expression is lifelike, the curves are smooth and graceful, and the details are so exquisite that people can't speak. After thinking about it, she tried countless adjectives, and all that remained in her mind was the word "good".

At this moment, a burst of passionate melody woke her up, and then she realized the purpose of her coming, and looked towards the place where the music came from.

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