Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2272 The War of My Licking Dogs (Two in One)

The two on the opposite side looked up together.

That's right, they are Pei Yin and Qian Yukun.

Wang Shengnan was very familiar with the former, and he had also seen the latter from the video of Lin Yue going to Qian Shouzhong's birthday banquet, and knew that it was Qian Sanyi's father, a well-known local real estate developer.

"Wang Shengnan?"

Pei Yin was taken aback, looked at her, then at Lin Dawei who was accompanying him, and pointed at them.

"You... this is..."

Wang Shengnan said blankly, "Get a divorce."

Pei Yin glanced at Lin Dawei again, leaned closer and whispered, "You have thought it through."

"Think clearly." Who is Wang Shengnan, and can he back down even after he has gone to the Civil Affairs Bureau? Then how can she be worthy of her personality? I'm even more sorry for the name "Shengnan". She really doesn't know where Lin Dawei got the confidence to divorce her. She is the woman that the richest man in Jiangzhou never forgets.

After she said this, Pei Yin naturally didn't want to persuade her: "You just need to think it through."

"What about you? How do you..."

Wang Shengnan carried forward the spirit of coming and going without being indecent, and asked why Pei Yin also divorced Qian Yukun on this day. You must know that the soprano singer was still hesitant about the divorce when the two talked last time.

"An Lili... is pregnant."


Wang Shengnan understood that the man and mistress were planning to have children, and if they didn't get a divorce, it would be even worse if outsiders knew about it.

"Men don't have a good thing."

This was for Lin Dawei.

The two women were whispering next to each other, Qian Yukun stared at Lin Dawei for a while, without saying anything, handed out a blank divorce registration application form, and handed the one in his hand to the clerk.

In the TV series, An Lili and Wang Shengnan had children on the same day. Because of Lin Yue's relationship, Lin Dawei hadn't touched Wang Shengnan for a long time. Naturally, there was no plot of having a second child, but here, it was replaced by her and Pei Yin. Divorce on the same day can also be regarded as the result of the intervention of the power of the world.

In this way, Pei Yin and Qian Yukun divorced, and Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei also divorced. That night, she moved out of the country garden community, because according to the divorce agreement, Lin Dawei, a so-called good man, gave the house and car to Wang Shengnan, who has a very stable job and income, is almost equivalent to leaving the house. However, those people who moved Wang Shengnan... were found by Ouyang Jian. Is mom cheating?

Pei Yin's side was quiet, and Qian Sanyi accepted all this calmly. After all, he witnessed An Lili's door-to-door swearing in sovereignty. After scolding him, he said that he almost killed his brother. Thinking about those words, he is still full of resentment.

Lin Yue lived on the third floor, so he knew exactly what happened downstairs.

Genes, genes...

Qian Yukun regards the genetic theory as the golden rule. People like Lin Dawei should be extinct from the genetic level. Obviously, Lin Miaomiao was raised by him. He has not yet had a stable job, but he gave the second bedroom in People's Square to him. Wang Shengnan, by the name of a husband and wife, this operation... I think I am a gentleman and generous, but in fact it is more disgusting than those who voluntarily work overtime for free. This is the kind of person who opened a "Because I am a 'manly husband', So women need to be taken care of at any time." The bad guy, but this kind of person is very marketable in society.

Manly man? Lin Dawei is worthy of this kind of person?

He doesn't think that a man's sense of responsibility is to accommodate and tolerate his wife without a bottom line, does he?


Half a month later.

The Third Civil Division of the Third People's Court of Jiangzhou City.

Eighty percent of the seats in the auditorium are occupied.

"Have you heard that this woman is divorced?"

"Huh? Divorced?"

"Yes, both sisters are divorced."

"If I were a man, I wouldn't be able to stand her. She's too good at being a demon. The child is so young, how can I bear to use her as a tool for anger."

"That is to say, I hope that the judge can award it to the man in the interest of the child. Otherwise, in the woman's family... Mom is in a mental hospital, and my aunt is like this again... Sigh..."

"Wang Dingnan, Wang Shengnan, look at this name, instilling opposing thinking in children since childhood, can only say that the family education is bad, and the children they raise are not good things. Let's say that it is right for them to have two daughters. Such an old man Things should be destroyed."

"Last time it was reported on the Internet that she went to Africa to find the troublemaker's parents. I quite understand it. After all, she has a girl who is as old as her daughter. She is a strong mother, but I saw her with a The niece smashed up her ex-brother-in-law's wedding, it's really deceiving people too much. At least the troublemaker surnamed Lin is reasonable and has a basic bottom line. This woman is so extreme that her relatives don't recognize her."

"This kind of woman should not be kept for the New Year? It's good, it's wonderful, it's amazing."

"When the mother is mentally ill, the custody right should be given to the father. There is nothing to argue about."


da da da ~

da da da ~



Following the hammering of the gavel and the reminder from the judge, all the people sitting in the auditorium shut up and stopped expressing their views on Tang Yuanming suing the Wang family and demanding to change the custody of his daughter. The court scene returned to silence, leaving only sporadic Light cough.

Wang Shengnan, who was sitting in the dock, had a gloomy face. She didn't expect that so many people would come to the court to listen in their free time, and they were all malicious guys. As far as her temper is concerned, she will definitely have a good time scolding these people.

Think about the culprit of this...

Wang Shengnan looked at the young man playing with a pen on the plaintiff's table, and really wished he could kill that little beast with a knife, and took out his heart, liver and lungs to cook a pot of meat and feed it to the dog.

On the second day after she divorced Lin Dawei, the video of Tang Yuanming and Cai Ying's wedding where she brought Tang Jiaojiao to the scene was posted on the Internet. Originally, she was accused of cheating her teacher because she went to Africa to find Lin Qiang for an explanation. You know, once this happened, good guy, the voices scolding her on the Internet can be said to be overwhelming, overwhelming.

She is under a lot of pressure. When the residents in the community where she lives now see her passing by, they will point at her and call her a vicious woman. Even her elderly parents are squeezed out by the neighbors, and their lives are very difficult. Sorry.

She had a very horrifying thought about this, could it be... that everything at the wedding was calculated? The kid surnamed Lin took advantage of her vengeance? But... is he really that godlike? This is a very troubling question, because judging from his behavior of causing trouble everywhere, he does not look like a person with emotional intelligence. How could a reckless man calculate to such an extent?

"After deliberation by the collegial panel, the verdict is now..."

With the voice of the presiding judge, all the staff stood up.

"In view of the mental condition of the defendant Wang Dingnan, this court supports the plaintiff Tang Yuanming's request to change the custody of his daughter..."


There was a discussion below.

Others applauded and yelled, "That's how it should be."

For a while, Wang Shengnan and her parents turned into street rats that everyone shouted and beat, almost throwing leaves and eggs on them like in a costume drama.

The old man's face was so ugly that there was no trace of blood, and the old lady was trembling all over. They didn't expect so many people to come, because they didn't know how to surf the Internet, so they naturally didn't know that the Wang family had become synonymous with "vicious".

Had he known this, Wang Shengnan would have advised them not to come to the trial.

"Dad, Mom, you go first and wait for me in the car."

Wang Shengnan hurriedly greeted the couple to leave first, and she stayed to sign.

Father Wang didn't say anything, his old face was ashen, and he helped his wife to walk towards the small door next to him.

"Son of a bitch."

While the clerk was sorting out the notes, she couldn't help cursing at the cousin and nephew who were sitting in the plaintiff's seat. Lin Yue wanted to have a fit, but was held down by Tang Yuanming.

Wang Shengnan didn't dare to make further mistakes, because someone below shouted that she was swearing in court and asked the judge to arrest her.

Soon, the signing was completed, and the plaintiff and defendant withdrew from the court.

Wang Shengnan went to the toilet first, walked out of the trial building to the parking lot, happened to see Tang Jiaojiao coming out of a Ferrari 718 co-pilot, she subconsciously shouted, the girl just gave her a cold look, Then he opened his hands, ran towards Tang Yuanming who came out of the reception room, and plunged into his father's arms.

Seeing this scene, she was furious, and in her heart labeled her niece "like her father, an ungrateful and unfamiliar villain".

She noticed that in the Roewe car not far away, her father and mother were also looking at her, with angry faces, feeling betrayed. She also saw Lin Yue smiling at her, mockingly, contemptuously, and contemptuously.

Just when she couldn't suppress her anger and wanted to swear, the mobile phone in her pocket rang. She took it to her face and found that it was Director Huang from the Office of Academic Affairs. .


After hearing a few words, she couldn't help but choked and said, "Why? I want to find the principal!"

However, the other party didn't give her more chances to vent, and hung up the phone.

"Old bastard..."

Director Huang called to inform her that the school had suspended her coaching position of the volleyball team, which meant that she would not have a place in the volleyball match to be held two months later.

"It's not good to go to work with emotions."

At this moment, Lin Yue dropped a sentence in a strange manner, and got into the co-pilot of the Ferrari 718. The car turned a corner on the ground and drove out of the gate of the court.

Wang Shengnan picked up the mineral water bottle placed on the fence of the flower pond and threw it at it, but unfortunately missed, and the old guard in the reception room yelled at her.

If you want to ask her why she was irritated by the above words, the reason is very simple-after the video of her going to Tang Yuanming's wedding scene was posted on the Internet, the teachers and students of her school also discussed it in private, and some of the words were very It was ugly, she felt uncomfortable, and she was inevitably angry during training. Later, because of a little friction, she had a quarrel with the students, and she complained to the Education Bureau. She suspected that she had mental problems and was not suitable for leading the team. I suggested that the school change her. She, Director Huang called just now to inform her of the school's decision. She was very angry here, thinking that the behavior of the students who complained about her was dirty, and Lin Yue poked her lungs with words, how could she be happy?

"Katsuo, Katsuo, are you alright?"

At this time, the door of the Roewe car opened, and Father Wang stepped down with a worried face.


She shook her head, shaking off the unhappiness in her mind.

She told Ouyang Jian about the quarrel with the players at school, how did he persuade her? If you are not happy working in school, then resign and work in his company, and make sure no one will dare to treat her like that.

So her situation conforms to an old saying that if you don’t stay here, you will have your own place. The big deal is to change jobs. The salary is higher than being a teacher. Be strong.


a month later.

The new school year begins.

It is the third year of high school. For students, there are less than 300 days before they will face the first hurdle in their lives. To put it bluntly, the college entrance examination can be regarded as an important opportunity for ordinary people to change their destiny.

This rule also applies to Deng Xiaoqi. Even if Deng Xinhua took her to visit Wang Jinghua this summer and recognized her as a godmother, people still hope that she can get admitted to a good school, because in the film and television industry, it is still very important to have a professional background. Grassroots counterattack, hasn't Wang Baoq and Zhao Liy been popular for so many years?

With such a backer, it is indeed something to be happy about, but Deng Xiaoqi is very upset these days, because her mother has been nagging in her ear, saying that Wang Jinghua is willing to accept her as a goddaughter. For Lin Yue's contribution, regardless of whether it is out of politeness or gratitude, he should sincerely thank him and try to repair the relationship.

That's right, she can also recognize the reality, but thinking of bowing her head and admitting her mistake to that annoying guy, she gets angry, why should she keep her mother in the company and enjoy her mother's nanny-level care, and she still has to lower her posture to please him.

That's not to mention, there is a parents' meeting at the beginning of the third year of high school, because there is a monthly examination system - according to the two-month comprehensive ranking, the strong will go up and the weak will go down. This is all thanks to Lin Yue. Whether her grades are good or bad is never a problem with her. The problem is that Deng Xinhua would rather accompany Lin Yue to meet clients than hold a parent-teacher meeting for her. It seems that he is his real son and she picked him up.

She felt uncomfortable, and her words were inevitably eccentric, and Deng Xinhua said to her directly, "I will move upstairs if I make trouble for no reason." How troublesome it is to go upstairs to sleep for him often in the early morning, if you want to move, you can move, what a waste.

The next second, Deng Xinhua's slap greeted her.

This was already the third time my mother slapped her because of Lin Yue.

Same as the previous two times, she left home in a fit of anger, but unlike before, she used to go wandering in the street, this time she went to school, locked herself in the dance room and danced profusely.

Half an hour before class started, she took a shower, put on her clothes and opened the door, and was about to go to the teaching building, when she heard Lin Miaomiao's voice from the corridor leading to the radio station, she tiptoed over , eavesdropping around the corner.

"Jiang Tianhao, you're already in the third year of high school. Why haven't you learned how to behave? You used to give away duck necks and durians, then you gave me diet meals and imported snacks, and now I give you review materials. Is it useful? It's useless. Deng Xiaoqi doesn't like you at all. Take my advice and save yourself."

"Miaomiao, you and Deng Xiaoqi haven't reconciled yet?"

"If it weren't for Gu Nian's friendship in the first year of high school, who would care about you? If the game is over, you still hide it from me, for fear that I will inform Lin Yue, right? If I had told him about this at the time, the situation would not have been like this, Jiang Tianhao , do you know what you have done? Your two good buddies, Dong Jiangxin and Zhang Yonghui, have ruined their futures by you."

"Miao Miao, I came to you to ask you to help me as an adviser, not to scold me."

"Then my suggestion is, stop pestering Deng Xiaoqi like a dog licking, it's meaningless. By the way, have you heard of the word licking a dog? Haven't you? Go to the post bar to find it."

The word licking the dog can be understood just by looking at the literal meaning, let alone the person who heard it.

Deng Xiaoqi thought of her relationship with Qian Sanyi. In front of Zhuangyuan Lang, she was licking a dog, right? She licked until she lost her dignity, but the object she spared no effort to lick was Lin Miaomiao's licking dog.

She is Lin Miaomiao's dog licking dog, the logic is that dogs are inferior.

These two words hurt her deeply.

"Lin Miaomiao, if you call others a dog licker, aren't you also a dog licker? You are the ultimate dog licker because you fell out with your mother and encouraged your father to divorce for such scum."


Jiang Tianhao and Lin Miaomiao were taken aback. They didn't expect Deng Xiaoqi to be around the corner and listened to their conversation.

"Speak, am I right? Are you wrong?"

Deng Xiaoqi ignored Jiang Tianhao directly, and her jealousy towards Lin Miaomiao reached its peak at this moment.

If you regard Qian Sanyi as your target, then why should you be the loser? She is obviously more beautiful and slender than Lin Miaomiao, and has a better temperament. People are still best friends, and there is no relationship in the world more torturous than this.

Lin Miaomiao was indeed stimulated by Deng Xiaoqi's words, because she did divorce her father and mother, and no one forced her to move out of the country garden community to be complacent. It was originally a sad and sad thing, but... the heart surged It was more about relief and relaxation. From a rational point of view, she knew that she shouldn't be like this, and she inevitably felt guilty and guilty. She thought she was hiding it well and covered it up very well, but she didn't expect to be punished by Deng Xiaoqi.

In the past, when the two had a good relationship, she would most likely take a step back. Now that the cold war is in place, of course it is impossible to swallow her anger: "What nonsense are you talking about? My dad brought up the divorce."

"Your father mentioned it?" Deng Xiaoqi sneered, "Speaking of your father, Lin Miaomiao, you don't know..."

Hearing what she said, combined with the facial expressions, Jiang Tianhao's heart skipped a beat, and he said that he would suffer.

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