Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2274 Large and small ones (two in one)

Deng Xinhua raised her hands several times, but finally held back, because she knew very well how far that guy Lin Yue could go if he wanted to toss a woman on the bed. She only looked at her daughter's current state, and she didn't know how much she was beaten by him last night. How badly she was ravaged, she was really distressed and sad, and she was not willing to give a heavy hand to teach her a lesson.

" do you not love yourself so much, you have to be mad at me to be happy, right?"

"When a mother can't love herself, she uses this to ask her daughter?" Deng Xiaoqi stretched out her face, took her hand and patted it up: "Hit, hit, you hit, just like before, Slap me hard in the face."

Deng Xinhua pulled his hand back and roared, "I'm so pissed off, I'm so pissed off, why did I give birth to a daughter like you."

"That's right, I just want to be angry with you and make you sad. Now, are you going to grab a man from your daughter? Or are you going to serve a man with your daughter?" Deng Xiaoqi had a distorted pleasure on her face. Isn't that what you want? She wanted to see if Deng Xinhua could face the relationship between the three of them calmly after knowing that Lin Yue had slept with her.

"Don't you think he is more important than me? What's the idea of ​​changing you to sleep with him tonight, and waiting for me to be better tomorrow?"




Deng Xinhua roared like a wild beast, she was about to be driven crazy by her daughter, she raised her hand again and again, and finally the slap fell, but it didn't land on her daughter's face, it landed on her own face, and more than once , bowing left and right, making a lot of noise, and the disheveled hair is so ugly.

"Do you know, I did that to protect you... all to protect you!"

Lin Yue proposed to give Deng Xiaoqi a day study and rent her a house on the second floor. She had a bad feeling, but based on her understanding over the past two years, she could be sure of one thing. An indifferent attitude, but at least he has a conscience. As long as she treats him well, so much better than his own daughter, it will be difficult for him to pass the hurdle of plotting Deng Xiaoqi, and he will have psychological burden.

This can be proved from the previous times when his daughter ran away from home because he was the one who got her back.

She also knew that her daughter liked Qian Sanyi, and after knowing that she was going to live in the country garden community, she urged her to go to school as soon as possible because she could get the moon first, so it is basically impossible for a man who likes Lin Yue to steal his mother. , However, she made all kinds of calculations and considerations, and never thought that Deng Xiaoqi would choose to use this way of hurting herself to take revenge on her because she resented her for being too kind to Lin Yue.

Deng Xiaoqi looked at her beating herself, with somewhat unbearable eyes, but when she heard the words above, she became emotional again.

"Protect me? If you really want my best, stay away from him."

Deng Xinhua said: "Only he can give your future that your mother can't give you."

What is Deng Xiaoqi's ideal? Be a star.

This thing does not mean that you are rich and beautiful. Of course, if you have enough money to reach the level of the richest man, a middle-class family like the Deng family wants to train Deng Xiaoqi to become a star. It is impossible to say that it is impossible. The probability is not higher than 2%, but if Lin Yue helps...the longer she follows him, the more certain she is about one thing. As long as he can do his best, with Deng Xiaoqi's personal conditions, the probability is infinitely close to 100%.

However, what Deng Xiaoqi hates the most is the saying "I did this for your own good".

"I will take what I want with my own hands, and you don't need to take shortcuts under the banner of doing my best."

Deng Xinhua was very sad and didn't know how to explain it to her.

Young people are like this. They always think that they can get what they want by working hard. If it’s just a game console or a luxury bag, it’s not difficult, but what can be called ideals and dreams, one in a thousand people Can individuals get it? Many people entered the society and were beaten by various iron fists. Looking back, they have drifted outside for many years and got nothing. It is not as smooth as the road arranged by their parents back then.

The problem is that it is useless to talk about it. Only when you hit your head and blood will you reflect on your past, and you will no longer laugh at and look down on "pedantic and old-fashioned parents". Things can't be found.

thump thump.

Deng Xinhua took a few steps back, probably because she was too emotional just now, and the effect of the sleeping pills still remained, her body wobbled, her feet were unstable, and she felt better by holding the door frame with her hands.

Deng Xiaoqi didn't move. After staring at her twice, she pulled the blanket that had faded to her feet and turned her face sideways.

Deng Xinhua slowed down for a while, calmed down his emotions and breathing, turned around and left his daughter's room, without changing his clothes or washing his face, just wearing slippers and walking towards the third floor with disheveled hair.

Coincidentally, Pei Yin, who was wearing black wide-leg trousers, came down from the third floor. Seeing her like this, she was taken aback for a moment. In her impression, Deng Xinhua was a woman who cared about her image. She usually greeted her face to face. Why today...

Between her and Lin Yue... Did something happen?

Pei Yin was very curious, but as a lady, she was very restrained in this regard, so she didn't want to ask too many questions, and the leader of the orchestra was anxious to see her. After hesitating for a while in the corridor, she sighed heavily and found a "no matter what happens." It has nothing to do with me" reason, after reaching the effect of self-deception, I walked downstairs quickly.

Deng Xinhua naturally had the key to Lin Yue's room in his hand. Deng Xiaoqi opened the door with the key in her bag last night, so there was no need to call the door. She took out the key and twisted it, opened the door and walked in.

She saw the big villain at a glance, but unlike usual, the guy known for his cheap mouth didn't greet her, as if he realized that something was wrong with today's atmosphere.

Then, she saw Lin Yue standing on the balcony watering the potted flowers.


The puppet cat heard footsteps coming out of the bedroom and barked at her.


she asked.

Lin Yue didn't answer, just put the watering can on the ground and turned around.


She repeated the question again.

Lin Yue still didn't answer, and walked towards the sofa calmly.

You can just play the tuba, she recognizes it, and doesn’t reject it, but the trumpet that I practiced hard by myself is also given to him... the more I think about it, the more angry I get, the more irrational I get, I have to scream, go up and raise it Just hit it with your hands.


Her hands rest in the air.

For Lin Yue, this kind of situation is commonplace and not enough to describe.

His backhand is a slap.


This was worse than Deng Xinhua slapping himself. He turned half a circle and fell to the ground with bloodshot eyes.

Lin Yue sat on the sofa and looked at her expressionlessly: "Didn't Deng Xiaoqi tell you that she seduced me?"

Deng Xinhua shivered, and his mind recovered somewhat.

Even if she calls 110, she doesn't care about this matter. Deng Xiaoqi turned 18 last year, and last night she ran to Lin Yue's house in her mother's sexy pajamas to find him. Can she be expected to sleep with her? And she also admitted that it was voluntary.

Lin Yue took out a thin cigarette from the cigarette box thrown on the coffee table and put it in his mouth, but he didn't light it. He said regretfully: "It's not good to be too young, don't call it 'Dad', the mouth I have to cover it up, but a woman like you can let it go. I always feel that there are many young girls every year, but after more than ten years, they can still maintain their figure, appearance, temperament, and personality online. This kind of woman is called Pick one out of a hundred."

Deng Xinhua was provoked by his words, anger and unwillingness came up again.

"You clearly know that I am obedient to you for nothing else but for my daughter, but why do you still do this?"

Lin Yue sneered and said: "You should know that the person I despise the most is the traffic guy in the entertainment industry. Deng Xiaoqi has always wanted to be a star, and she will definitely meet such a guy in the future. Let's see how she treats Qian Sanyi, a domineering boss. Do you think she can keep the bottom line and rationality? There are so many couples in the entertainment industry, how many of them don’t forget their original intentions until the end? Even the model couples who are famous for their love, most of them set up a lie Word of mouth is nothing more than word of mouth, so why can't I take advantage of this instead of letting her be cheated by the countless traffic and greasy rich men? I raised your mother and daughter, and I also planned her career path. What happened last night happened again. Why can't you accept her wish? You even ran to me to make trouble. "


A flame with a golden inner flame and a blue outer flame ignites the cigarette.



"I've told you more than once that a woman with a bottom line should not be in the entertainment industry. How did you answer me? Since you and your daughter insisted on sticking in, it means that you are ready to abandon the bottom line. Now you come here and ask me why Touch your daughter, don't be a gentleman, do you think I'm a big grievance? Others can't touch me? So you asked for this slap."

Deng Xinhua opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Because this was indeed a problem, she took it for granted that Lin Yue had harmed her daughter, but...he was right, why should others harm her, but he couldn't? He is not Deng Xiaoqi's father.

Lin Yue lit the ash in the ashtray, got up and said, "Is there anything else to say? I have nothing to say. I'm going to school."


What can she say?


Lin Yue took off the schoolbag hanging on the hanger, carried it behind his back, and opened the door.

"Don't forget to feed the cat."

After speaking, he went downstairs.

Deng Xinhua looked at the puppet cat looking up at him, sighed several times, and went into the kitchen to find canned cat food.

Compared with the cheap parrot, the puppet cat is closer to her, because she feeds Lin Yue when Lin Yue is not around.


Lin Miaomiao didn't know what happened at the opposite door, because her attention was on herself and Lin Dawei.

It's all because of the picture Deng Xiaoqi showed her!

A know-it-all?

You must know that she not only told Qian Sanyi, Deng Xiaoqi, and Jiang Tianhao that Lin Dawei was the vice president of the real estate company, but also told other students in the class.

Even if you are unemployed at home, knowing your guests for nothing, earning money from the dead, how ugly it is to spread.

Because of this, she quarreled with Lin Dawei, forcing him to change his job, becoming a taxi driver, or delivering food to people would be better than doing this. Of course, Lin Dawei would not listen to her, and insisted that what he did was neither stolen nor robbed, and there was nothing shameful in making money with technology and services. Miaomiao replied that I can support you if you do nothing.

Lin Dawei didn't believe it, and she didn't explain, so she secretly vowed to prove herself with actions.

She said this with confidence, because the live broadcast industry has developed rapidly in the past two years, and Lin Yue's live broadcast in Africa gave her the confidence to engage in this business, so she secretly registered a live broadcast account, and used various strange The strange dress and the eloquence trained as an announcer attract fans and traffic to make money. Not to mention, she earned 2,000 yuan in the first month, which greatly boosted her confidence. She felt that as long as she worked hard, she would not be far behind , Being an Internet celebrity is not a dream.

It took several days for her to realize that Deng Xiaoqi hadn't gone to school for several days in a row. You must know that this is a senior year in high school, not a second year in high school. Time is tight and precious.

Could it be because of the last fight? But anyone who reads it will say that Deng Xiaoqi took advantage of it. Is that because of Qian Sany? Knowing that Qian Sanyi liked her, Deng Xiaoqi was disheartened and broke the pot?

Wouldn't it be a transfer?

Originally, she had resentment towards her best friend Deng Xiaoqi, but if the guess was true, for some reason, her inner discomfort took over as time went by. On the fifth day, she plucked up the courage to knock on Xihu's door. What made her puzzled was that no one knocked at noon, no one knocked in the afternoon, and no one knocked at night.

She had a very bad premonition, and hesitated whether to ask Lin Yue about the whereabouts of Deng Xinhua's mother and daughter. However, on the sixth day, Deng Xiaoqi came to school. What is the situation, after all, she is very happy to see him and Deng Xinhua separated.

Another day passed, a female classmate told her that Deng Xiaoqi had moved back to the female dormitory again.

Returning to boarding school from day school? What is this operation? So does it mean that the mother and daughter have moved out of the rural garden community because no one has been seen in or out of the opposite door for many days? Going one step further, is there something wrong with the relationship between Deng Xinhua and Lin Yue?

She wanted to know the answer, but she was too embarrassed to ask the person directly, and she was very confused.


in a few days.

The sun is shining brightly, and the autumn tiger is still alive. The old people are looking forward to an autumn rain to quench their anger that has been raging for several months. The vegetable farmers walking in the countryside are thinking of a torrential autumn rain, which saves the effort of watering the ground. .

Pei Yin sent her students away, went back to the living room and sat down on the sofa, took a sip of water from the mug in front of her.

After Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei divorced, they moved back to their original home and lived alone. Deng Xinhua also left with her daughter. To be honest, it was a bit uncomfortable without the noisy feeling before.

Boom boom boom...

The sudden knock on the door pulled her back from her thoughts, quickly put away her melancholy, and turned around to ask, "Who is it?"


This Lin Yue.

Her heart suddenly rose, she was a little nervous, she couldn't help but glanced at her son's room, and she was relieved when she realized that Qian Sanyi had gone to class.

Boom boom boom...

There was another bland knock on the door.


She thought for a while, got up and straightened her coat, and walked over to open the door.

Lin Yue stood outside in his school uniform.

"Did you not go to class?"

"I have something to do, I'm back from leave." Lin Yue pointed to the living room: "Won't you invite me in for a sit down?"

"Cough, come in."

Pei Yin was hesitant at first, but after thinking about it, she and Qian Yukun were divorced. What Lin Yue said before that made her unhappy were all aimed at her failed marriage. As far as the current situation is concerned, there is no such thing as If there is no meaning, then apart from the fact that his son doesn't like him, there is no reason to continue to fight against him.

Whether it was rational analysis or self-persuasion, she invited Lin Yue into the room.

"What would you like to drink?" She didn't ask him straight to the point why he was knocking on the door. After all, he was a young lady, so he naturally understood the etiquette of hospitality.

"Don't bother." Lin Yue lifted the wooden box in his hand, and pointed to the piano near the balcony: "I came here for it."

"For it?" Pei Yin was a little dazed, unable to figure out what this meant for a while.

"Don't you think that the sound of this piano is a bit dull compared to the previous two months? And there is a problem with the pitch."

After being reminded by him, Pei Yin nodded: "Yes."

Lin Yue said: "There was a lot of rain a while ago, the room must have been damp."

Pei Yin said, "Yes, I forgot to close the windows a few times."

Lin Yue didn't speak anymore, just smiled, walked over and lifted the cover of the piano, opened the wooden box, took out a dark green cloth wrapped with maintenance tools, took out the wrench and tuning fork, and began to check the pegs inside.

"Can you still repair the piano?" She looked over from behind, initially having doubts, but when she saw him skillfully remove the sleeve, use the tuning wrench with his left hand, and use the ear and the ground to correct the timbre, a professional maintenance The appearance of the staff was relieved and surprised at the same time.

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