Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2276 I Bet Him (Two in One)

Jiang Yuwen was not stupid, of course he could hear Lin Yue's sarcasm.

If it was another young man, he would dismiss it and just smile, because who is he? A doctoral student at MIT, a well-rounded returnee, what is the background of the kid on the other side? At most, he is a kid playing in mud in Africa. Will elephants care about ants? of course not.

But the current situation is that this kid is so angry with his mentor, he didn't know how to restrain himself afterwards, went to the funeral of the Jiangbei boxing champion, and now said such things in front of Pei Yin, how could he treat it as nothing? occur.

"Why is he here?"

Pei Yin didn't react for a while, because the scene in front of him was very awkward. Lin Yue just now looked like a handsome and talented literary youth, but in a blink of an eye, he turned into a very aggressive, snarky and merciless one. people.

"Look at the question asked, don't you think it's very stupid? You can come here, why can't I come? Pei Yin has divorced Qian Yukun, she is free to invite whoever she wants into the house, why should she consider you and Qian?" The feeling of home."

"Lin Yue, can you say a few words less?"

Pei Yin kept giving him winks, signaling him to go first.

"Okay, I'll take a step first." Lin Yue walked out with the wooden box, and when he was on the wrong side of Jiang Yuwen, he suddenly thought of something, stopped, and looked back at the two with a smile: "Jiang Yuwen, let me guess." Could it be that old bastard Qian Shouzhong asked you to invite Pei Yin over?"

Jiang Yuwen's face changed, because he was right, it was indeed what Qian Shouzhong meant, the old man said he missed Pei Yin. It would be good to make a phone call to inform her about this, but he wanted to give her a surprise, so he didn't have a mobile phone to contact him, so he chose to visit her, but he didn't expect that the surprise didn't come true, but the shock did.

Lin Yue continued: "Well, let me use my imagination a little bit more, that old guy doesn't like An Lili, he keeps thinking about Pei Yin's good, knowing that you miss her, it's better to bring the two of you together, not let It's not bad for her to be a daughter-in-law, or an apprentice's daughter-in-law."

The more you say it, the more outrageous it is.

Pei Yin scolded, "Lin Yue!"

And Jiang Yuwen's face is hard to describe in words, he didn't think that much at all, but after listening to the above, it seems... Qian Shouzhong and his wife do have ideas, otherwise why don't they think about their ex-daughter-in-law sooner or later? Knowing that he likes Pei Yin, she thought about it when he went to visit, and the old lady happily told him the address of Pei Yin's home.

"In the past, because he liked Pei Yin, he forced his son to marry a wife, and in the end, the marriage and family were messed up. Now that she is free, she can think about what kind of life she really wants. , It’s better to say that enough shameless apprentices come over.” Lin Yue looked at Pei Yin and shook his head: “People around me have always made requests and wishes, what about you? What do you want? You want to be their eyes. Miss Pei's family, or be yourself?"

He left a word and walked to his room.

"Go back and tell that old man, I will let him taste the taste of family ruin."

"What did you say? Tell me again." Of course, Jiang Yuwen couldn't tolerate others insulting his mentor. He felt that he was not there last time. If he was there, he would definitely show some color to the bastard surnamed Lin.

Without saying a word, Lin Yue turned around and kicked Jiang Yuwen down with a puff, and fell like a dog eating shit.

"You have been in the United States for so long, why is your understanding of home breaking not as deep as that of people in China? It's a pity, if it were the United States, I would not hesitate to shoot him with a gun for violent intruders. "

After saying this, he closed the door and entered the house.

How did Jiang Yuwen catch up with Pei Yin in the TV series? Stalking, that's right, regardless of the location, the occasion, and the reputation of the Qian family, and using her shameless expertise to make this educated woman not know how to deal with it, her thoughts loosened bit by bit, and finally developed into a sister-brother relationship.

It looks a lot like an affectionate boss embracing a beautiful woman, but when you think about it rationally, it is simply wishful thinking of the screenwriter. Pei Yin is a musician, and Jiang Yuwen talks about himself as a man of science and technology every day, emphasizing logical thinking. That emotional person and A combination of rational people may be happy and sweet for a period of time at the beginning, but after a long time, the radiance of the goddess fades, isn't it back to the life of daily necessities? Qian Yukun has a good temper. He never loses his temper when he is disliked by his son or despised by his own father. He will still quarrel with Pei Yin, and finally get into a rift. A so-called domineering president like Jiang Yuwen who only cares about himself and completely ignores the feelings of people around him , Can you get along with Pei Yin? Just kidding, unless he can lead Pei Yin to appreciate the charm of programming, the fun of mathematics, and the beauty of artificial intelligence, and then make Pei Yin admire him and fall in love with his talent or appearance. But is it possible?

Aside from the fact that talent for making money is generic, the other... how many women like politics? How many women like math? How many women like war games? The big cows in these fields, even the emperor, should have an unfortunate marriage and be cuckolded. Then her fate will be from marrying Qian Yukun who loves to make money to marrying another who loves to study. Qian Yukun.

He closed the door and went back to the house, the situation outside was quite embarrassing.

Lin Yue's kick to Jiang Yuwen was not heavy to be honest, but the damage it caused was comparable to a fatal blow.

The returnee in a suit and leather shoes with a big back and a proud head was kicked down by a young teenager in front of the goddess in front of him as soon as he came back. The typical pretending to be Boi was fucked instead, and his face was completely embarrassing. .

"Yuwen, are you okay?" Pei Yin walked over to help him.

"Yinyin, why do you want to associate with this kind of person?" He was very excited, and kept patting the footprints of his trouser legs with his hands, explaining from top to bottom what it meant to be "angry from embarrassment".


Pei Yin was panicked by the name "Yinyin" and didn't know how to respond to him.

Jiang Yuwen suddenly grabbed her by the shoulder: "Move, okay? Stay away from this kind of person."


Pei Yin still didn't speak, but took half a step back, trying to shake off his hand.

She found the word "move" suddenly harsh.

"Yinyin, why are you hesitating? Well, I'll take you to find a house tomorrow. If Sanyi doesn't want to leave, I'll do his work. I think I still have some prestige with him."

You must know that Qian Sanyi has always regarded him as a role model, and he often asks for advice on difficult problems. Regarding his suggestions, it is a bit too much to regard his suggestions as golden rules, but it is certain that his influence is stronger than Qian Yukun.

While avoiding his gaze, Pei Yin pushed his hand: "Yuwen, let go of your hand first."

Not only did Jiang Yuwen not let go, but he took a step forward, wanting to hug her.

"Could you please stop doing this."

Pei Yin's face is a combination of resistance in uppercase and confusion in lowercase.

"Yinyin, I like you, I have liked you for a long time, no, I love you. In the past, you and elder brother were not divorced, so I could only bury this love in my heart. Now that you are separated, I don't need to suppress this feeling any more. You know, there is a saying surnamed Lin that is right. I returned to China to develop because of you. Believe me, all of this has been carefully considered. I will never hurt you like Qian Yukun. Yinyin, My goddess, my love for you can be learned from heaven and earth, and will never change until death."

Jiang Yuwen frowned and stared at her, putting on an extremely serious and affectionate look.

"Ah, I like you, I have liked you for a long time."

"Ah, I love you, my Yinyin, my goddess."

"Ah, the world can learn from it, and it will never change until death."

Continuous, sharp, hoarse, with a touch of comedy, a bit of irony sounded.

The two of them followed the prestige, and saw a red-billed green-haired parrot standing on the beam outside the window in the stairwell, repeating his affectionate confession in a birdy way.

As a result, the picture that should have been full of affection has become quite funny, and the domineering president was completely destroyed by a bird.

Naturally, Pei Yin recognized it. The parrot raised by Lin Yue had a strange name. It was called "Big Villain". It didn't look at all like that beautiful puppet cat named Nuomi.

This time she knew why it was called the villain, just this mouth, it was really ruinous, it was so cheap.

"Silly bird, what is it called? It affects others' confession."

Following a yell, the door that was closed just now opened, and Lin Yue took a look at it. The bird flapped its wings and flew into the living room.

"Sorry, you go on, go on."


He closed the door behind him.

continue? How to continue? As soon as the atmosphere was set up, a basin of ice water was poured, and there was embarrassment between the two of them.

Pei Yin took the opportunity to break free: "Yuwen, you go back first."


She quickly stepped back to the door: "Go back and tell... Uncle Qian, I will take Sany to the hospital to see him on weekends."

When Jiang Yuwen took a step forward and tried to say something, the dark red door closed quickly, and Pei Yin's face disappeared.


The voice was quite loud, and I don't know if she couldn't hold it back, or if she deliberately closed the door loudly to remind him not to speak.

It's all that damn bird!

Jiang Yuwen gritted his teeth angrily, wishing he could slaughter it and make soup for it.

He stood at the door to calm himself down, glared at the opposite door fiercely, and walked downstairs.

Even if it was embarrassing just now, but the heart has been conveyed, it's good to give Pei Yin some time to think about it, anyway, he has already returned to China, and he will have more time to chase her in the future.

At this moment, Pei Yin was leaning against the door, closing her eyes, her chest rising and falling rapidly.


The moment Lin Yue greeted the big villain to go home, seeing his face, he wished he could cut a seam in the floor and stick it in.

Although she had some mental preparations after the incident of the birthday banquet last year, she never thought that Jiang Yuwen would be so reckless, so she confessed to her directly, and said some very nasty words, what kind of goddess, love, everything The reason she didn't respond at first was because she was stunned, or in other words, bluffed, and she was at a loss as to what to do.

What did you say that you want to surprise her? It's here to scare her.

When her younger brother came to confess, she was already worried, and with Lin Yue's words, she actually wanted to refuse directly, but she was afraid of ruining the relationship between her siblings, so she just said the last sentence, what did she say? Bringing Qian Sany to see Qian Shouzhong on weekends meant that she didn't want to be alone with Jiang Yuwen. I hope he can understand.

When she calmed down a bit, she slowly opened her eyes.

The sun divides the piano into two parts, one side is bright and the other side is cool, and the side-by-side piano benches are also separated.

Ding ding ding... dong dong...

The melody just flowed through my heart.

She was very confused, this unspoken ambiguity was like a hundred ants crawling in her heart.

The young man at the door wouldn't be interested in her, would he really have an idea? This is more magical and unpredictable than Jiang Yuwen coming to her to confess, but why is the one that is more magical and unpredictable in comparison, making her feel sweet and astringent, uneasy?

The problem is, they are twenty years apart...impossible!


She threw her head back with a long sigh, and slid slowly to the floor.


two days later.

It’s the weekend soon, and the students in the first and second grades are a little relaxed in their words. The students in the third grade are different, because even if it’s a rest day, they will be pressed on the desk by their parents or teachers in the remedial class to study. The days are really on the fingers of one's fingertips, wishing to use the gap between meals to memorize a few words, and recall what knowledge points the teacher taught in class.

Lin Miaomiao didn't know that others were no exceptions, but she was an exception anyway.

First, Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei divorced. The former moved back to the two-bedroom and one-living room in People’s Square, and he didn’t know what he was doing recently. All kinds of urging her to study hard.

Second, her mind is all on the live broadcast, and she can just use the weekend to develop her career, interact with other anchors, attract fans, increase popularity and so on.

"Hey, Lin Yue, Lin Yue!"

When a familiar figure from the back came into sight, she gave a shiver, and quickly put those thoughts behind her, she stood on tiptoe and waved to call for someone.

Lin Yue stopped and looked sideways at the person who was standing in the corridor on the third floor of the complex building calling her.

"You're not on duty at the radio station, what are you doing here?"

"Come up, come up." Lin Miaomiao pushed her glasses, seeing that he was unmoved, she begged, "Come up, I have something to tell you."

"Look at your sneaky appearance, what kind of ulterior motives are you planning?" Lin Yue said as he entered the lobby of the complex building and walked up the stairs.

Impatiently, Lin Miaomiao rushed down from the third floor, blocking him in the corridor on the second floor.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

This is a comprehensive building, not a teaching building, and because school is over, the students are either picked up by their parents, or take the bus to leave by themselves, only the boarding students who have no one at home are still staying on campus, so there is no one nearby, so it is a safe place place to talk.

Lin Miaomiao clasped her hands together and begged for help like praying to Buddha: "Can you do me a favor?"

"What help?"

"Do you know about my live broadcast recently?"

Lin Yue nodded.

Lin Miaomiao said: "Look, you are a big internet celebrity with millions of fans, can you go to my house to have a photoshoot the day after tomorrow, help me increase my followers, and let me absorb traffic?"

It turned out that this girl had her idea on his head.

Lin Yue said: "The direction of your live broadcast is completely different from mine, and the audience is different. The effect of doing this will not be very good."

"How could it be?" Lin Miaomiao said with a little admiration: "Let's not talk about Jiangzhou now, you are considered a big Internet celebrity in the whole province and even the whole country. Let's not talk about things in Africa, even if we just sing a song, Performing a magic trick can also bring a lot of popularity to a small anchor like me."

She is not good at learning cultural knowledge, but she learned about live broadcasting very quickly. She is very clear that now is the era when traffic is king. Black and pink fans are all fans, and if they are fans, there will be traffic. As long as you stand by her side, the picture itself is a hot topic. Her thinking is very simple, first hook people over, whether you like her live broadcast or not, it’s like selling goods, if the packaging is not good, people don’t even have interest in knowing your product, so it’s a fart to sell.


Lin Yue pondered for a while, nodded and said, "The day after tomorrow, no problem."


Lin Miaomiao was so happy that she almost jumped up.

"Lin Miaomiao."

At this time, a figure flashed on the rest platform leading to the third floor. The two looked up and found that it was Qian Sanyi.

"Qian Sanyi, why did you come down?"

"This should be me asking you why it takes twenty minutes to go to the toilet."

Obviously, Qian Sanyi heard their conversation, glanced at Lin Yue, frowned and said earnestly: "Lin Miaomiao, do you know what you are doing? Put all your thoughts on heresy ways, look at this How many points did you score in the next month's exam, you can keep your qualifications to study in the experimental class, and if your score drops in the next month's exam, you will go to the ordinary class."

"Okay, I see. You go back to the radio station first, okay?"

Lin Miaomiao was afraid that he would make Lin Yue repent, so she stopped helping her.

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