Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2295 The Sisters Bureau at the End of the Volume (Two in One)

Chapter 2295 End of Book - Sister Bureau (Two in One)

"Why are you doing this to me? Why!"

The girl's voice was so loud that it could be heard across two walls, let alone in one room.

Tang Yuanming looked at her, then at Lin Yue, and immediately understood that Lin Miaomiao must have eavesdropped on the conversation between the two, especially the content that Lin Yue wanted to give Deng Xiaoqi a title, so the reason why she was so angry... a scumbag The beginning and end of chaos?

How many women has this kid provoked? How much emotional debt do you owe?

The history teacher has a big head.

However, he knew that Lin Miaomiao was interested in Lin Yue as early as the first year of high school. He saw her restless and in a trance in class in the afternoon. It turned out that... Deng Xiaoqi was pregnant with Lin Yue's child. The one who got hurt was her.

"Yuan Ming, what happened? This that girl named Deng Xiaoqi?"

Lin Qiang's voice came from the speaker.

"Cousin, I'll explain to you later, so I'll hang up first." Seeing that Lin Miaomiao was so excited, Tang Yuanming thought they should have a good talk, so he hung up the phone, got up and walked outside: "Let's have a good talk."

Not only did he close the door, but he was also coaxed away by the students who came to watch the excitement after hearing the sound.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

Lin Miaomiao asked again, but her voice was a little softer. Now there were only two of them in the whole office, and the originally excited mood calmed down a lot.


Lin Yue sighed: "What can I do if things have become like this?"

"Didn't you say that the person you like is me? Just because she is pregnant with your child, you are going to marry her?" Lin Miaomiao became excited again when she said this, no one in the school knew about their prospective boyfriend and girlfriend relationship , So when talking about Deng Xiaoqi's pregnancy with Lin Yue's child, she didn't shy away from her. She was uncomfortable at first, but those words tormented her like poisonous stings for a whole day.

After school in the afternoon, I found Class 1. Sun Chuan came out and told her that Lin Yue had been called away by Tang Yuanming. She went outside the office just in time to hear that Lin Yue planned to give Deng Xiaoqi a title. Live, completely broke out.


She couldn't figure it out.

Why is the road to happiness so bumpy? It was agreed to take the same train, go to the same city, go to the same university, study in the same library, watch the same movie, eat at the same table... She even wrote down the things she wanted to do together in a small notebook, In the future, one by one will be realized and one by one will be crossed out.

Now everything is messed up.

Deng Xiaoqi hated Lin Yue for two years, and she liked him for two years, why did it end up that he wanted to marry Deng Xiaoqi?

For this, she was not only aggrieved, but also aggrieved.

Why? Why did fate treat her like this? It's not fair!

Lin Yue said: "Then we can't just watch her knock out the child."


Lin Miaomiao hesitated to speak several times, and she found that she couldn't bear to say "let Deng Xiaoqi kill the child".

"You obviously don't like her, you clearly said...the one you like is me...we agreed...we agreed..."

She was repeating this sentence again, but no matter how she heard it, it sounded like an idiot's raving, pale, powerless, and depressed.

Lin Yue walked up to her, took out a CITIC bank card and handed it over.

"This... there are 15 million in it, so it can be regarded as my compensation for you."

15 million, sneaking together for two months, this sale in the society, I am afraid that few women can refuse.

In the past, there was no such thing as a breakup. If someone gave her 15 million, she would wake up laughing in her dreams, and then show off in front of Lin Dawei. The card in your daughter's hand is something you can't earn in your entire life.

She would also think, with this, what else to study, what class to go to, what will my sister want to eat and play in her future life, and become a real foodie from now on.

but now……

"I do not want!"

Without the slightest hesitation, she pushed away his hand and hugged his waist all at once.

"I don't want money, I just want us to be together, I don't want money..."

Lin Yue's hand fell down, patting her back lightly.

"I know, but..."

But what, he didn't say, and it doesn't need to be said.

Lin Miaomiao just hugged him like this for a long time, until the commotion downstairs subsided, almost all the students were gone, she suddenly wiped away her tears, said "I'll go find her", and left the office with pursed lips and red eyes.

"Where are you going to find..."

Lin Yue called softly, but didn't move, and slowly sat down next to Tang Yuanming's desk. For a moment, he really wanted to use hypnosis to solve the problem, but...



at dusk.

The burning clouds dyed the entire sky red. It is hard to say whether to describe it as "sad" or "magnificent", maybe... tragic? It's not very suitable, just like Lin Miaomiao's mood at this moment.

bang bang bang...

The knocking on the door could be heard downstairs.

"Deng Xiaoqi, I know you are at home, open the door."

There was no response from the room.

bang bang bang...

She patted again, even if the force was so strong that her palms were numb and painful.

"If you don't see me today, I won't leave."

It was still quiet on the other side.

bang bang bang...

She still took pictures, as if she was determined to call the door open.


With a soft sound, the door opened, but it wasn't the door she was knocking on, it was the opposite door.

An old woman with a chihuahua in her arms and a curly head said unhappily: "What are you shooting, and why are you making people sleep?"

"Don't let me, I can't open this door today, all your residents in the building don't sleep." Lin Miaomiao held back her breath, and since the old woman showed her head, she just threw it on her head.

"Do you know who lives in it?"

"It's none of your business anyway."

"You damn girl..."

The old woman got mad at her, and was about to threaten her to pat her again and asked the security guard to get her out, but a man in his thirties pulled the old woman back, and the two looked alike.

"Mom, mind your own business."

"She makes me upset."

"We can't afford to offend that family."

"What do you mean you can't afford to offend, who is it?"


The mother and son should be getting farther and farther away from the entrance, and the content behind can't be heard clearly.

Lin Miaomiao turned back and continued to knock on the door. This time, she just raised her hand when the door opened suddenly, and Deng Xinhua appeared in her field of vision.

"I knew you were at home, where is Deng Xiaoqi?"

While talking, she rushed into the room, turned around the glass screen separating the entrance and the living room, and saw Deng Xiaoqi standing next to the coffee table at a glance.

"You guys talk, I'll go downstairs to buy some food."

After saying this, Deng Xinhua put on his flat shoes, took off the key hanging on the hook, opened the door and left.

"Sit down and talk."

Deng Xiaoqi pointed to the sofa, motioning for her to sit down and talk.

How could Lin Miaomiao feel that way.



"Why do I ask you?"


Deng Xiaoqi didn't expect her to be so excited. You must know that even when she said that she slept with Lin Yue, she didn't come to the point of questioning her.

"do you like him?"


"Don't pretend to be dumb, let me ask you if you like him?"

In the past, Deng Xiaoqi would have taken this question as a joke, curled her lips, and asked with a contemptuous smile, "How is that possible?!" But today, to Lin Miaomiao's surprise, she nodded after pondering for a moment.

She nodded, she actually nodded!

Lin Miaomiao couldn't accept this answer, and found it even more unbelievable.

"Didn't you say that the person you hate the most is him? When did it start?"


Deng Xiaoqi couldn't answer this question herself. It seemed that her impression of Qian Sanyi had changed after she gave up on Qian Sanyi, and it seemed that she knew she was pregnant and was reluctant to kill the child. Maybe it started yesterday, because this scumbag is actually okay, he said he would be responsible for their mother and daughter——he can be a scumbag to the end, just like those bad boys exposed on the Internet, he doesn't care about them Ask, if you continue to mess around, you don't need to wear the curse of "family responsibility", but you don't. From the perspective of responsibility, you are indeed a man.

Lin Miaomiao stared at her: "Speak, I ask you when did you start?"

Deng Xiaoqi touched her belly subconsciously.

Lin Miaomiao noticed this small gesture: "Is it because you are pregnant with his child?"


Deng Xiaoqi suddenly felt very torn apart. She was 19 years old and Lin Miaomiao was 18 years old. They were arguing like those women in their 20s over things like pregnancy, boyfriend, and father.


Another child.

Lin Yue had to separate from him because of the child, and Deng Xiaoqi was also because the child began to like him.

"Why are you doing this to me? Why!"

This is what she complained to Lin Yue, and now she used it on Deng Xiaoqi: "You know? We were still together a week ago, and he promised that when I went to college, he would take me to eat all the snack streets in the country, three meals a day would not repeat the same , even if you feed me like a pig, you won’t dislike me, but now...everything has changed, just because you are pregnant with his child."

At the end, she covered her face and cried: "What did I do wrong, you want to treat me like this, aren't we best friends? When did we become like this? Qian Sanyi...I never liked He didn't even think about arguing with you, but tortured me like this..."

Deng Xiaoqi knew, she knew the reason for Lin Miaomiao's unprecedented excitement.

No wonder she laughed it off when she teased her about picking up the man she had slept with before, ignoring it, and devoted all her energy to her studies. It turned out that after her mother and daughter moved out of the country garden community, she finally got what she wanted and met Lin Yue Universities come in pairs.

But who would have expected...the child in the womb of the mother and daughter subverted everything.


Faced with questioning, Deng Xiaoqi finally stopped being silent, and looked at her best friend, the most pitiful person in the whole incident, with understanding and ashamed eyes.

Looking back, what did Lin Miaomiao pay for Lin Yue in the past two years?

The two-year-long emotional changes, from the first attention when they knew that the two were related, to the interest in his various shows, to the closeness because of Tang Jiaojiao and taking care of small animals, to the fear of being intimidated by Tang Jiaojiao. From the suppression of Wang Shengnan's lust, to knowing the sadness and incomprehension of the relationship between him and Deng Xinhua, to patiently waiting for the mother and daughter to leave, it was a matter of course. During this period, the relationship with his mother was messed up, and his parents divorced. She wanted to cultivate to a positive result but was robbed of love by her.

Look at her again, did you pay? Now that she has reached this point, she can already ignore Qian Sanyi, and she doesn't think it is a disadvantage for her voluntary dedication at the beginning, including the relationship with her mother. After knowing that the two are not related by blood, she also wants to open it, except for some in the middle. Childish and silly emotions of anger, sadness, and hatred, has she lost anything important?

If I had to find one, I would not be able to be an actor or a star, but compared with the little life in my stomach, it is something that can be given up, so from her standpoint, the gain is far greater than the loss.

Judging from the results, she was right to snatch the person her best friend liked, but the initial opportunity was not liking, but hatred, followed by jealousy and a shameful desire for revenge because of Qian Sanyi.

Touching his conscience, he said that she was sorry for Lin Miaomiao, she owed her.


She said "I'm sorry" again, this time more clearly and louder, and tried to hug Lin Miaomiao, but she was pushed away before she could get close.

"I don't want to be sorry, I want you to give him back to me!"

Lin Miaomiao was very emotional, her bangs on her forehead were wet, and she couldn't tell whether it was sweat, tears, or both.

Give it back to her?

How to return it?


Putting it half a year ago, Deng Xiaoqi's thinking was that whoever loves this kind of person wants whoever wants it, but now she has made a 180-degree turn.

"Miaomiao... I'm sorry..."

Still sorry.

Lin Miaomiao wanted to yell at her, but because she was too emotional, her blood pressure soared, her brain was dizzy and her foothold was unstable, so she could only hold onto the armrest of the sofa with her hands to maintain it.

"Miaomiao, don't get's not good for your health."

Deng Xiaoqi remembered the Wang family's genetic history of mental illness, and stepped forward to help, but the result was the same as last time.

"Do you tube."

Lin Miaomiao pushed the person away and stumbled towards the outside.

Deng Xiaoqi raised her hand, wanting to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, and didn't chase after her, because she was worried that she would further irritate her if she chased after her.


The door opened.

Lin Miaomiao staggered out and slammed the door down.

It may be that he hadn't slowed down yet, and was shaken by his own strength again, and his center of gravity lost his balance and fell forward.


With a sigh, she was held by a hand.

Lin Miaomiao glanced slightly, and after seeing that familiar face, she let go of her heart and energy, and went to sleep in a daze, letting Lin Yue hug her and leave.


after one day.

Lin Miaomiao woke up at home and was asked by Lin Dawei if she was feeling sick and why she looked sick. On the 18th floor of the Fangyuan Business Center Building, Wang Shengnan, who didn't know what happened to her daughter, looked up to the sky and laughed.

That's right, he just raised his head, almost laughing until he was out of breath.

"Miaomiao should give up now."

She is very happy, very happy, because just now, the news on the Internet has escalated again, from Deng Xiaoqi being pregnant alone to being pregnant by both mother and daughter at the same time. There is no doubt that the public opinion has exploded, and there is everything to say, but Most of the words are ugly. After all, it is acceptable to have a relationship with a mother and daughter. At most, I would use a jealous and contemptuous tone to tease Lin Da trouble, but let them conceive a child together, that is a crazy test on the edge of the red line of human relations. This kind of thing is unacceptable. Some extreme women will even yell at Deng Xinhua's mother and daughter for embarrassing women. Can no man die? It is possible to do such a bottomless thing as giving birth to a child for the same person.

Of course, the publisher omitted the part that the mother and daughter are not related by blood.

Just like what Lin Yue said, those who engage in the media like to play the reverse game most, and the public likes it very much. On the first day, they used Lin Big Trouble to make Deng Xiaoqi's belly bigger to attract a wave of attention, and the next day they used the pawn The news that the mother and the daughter were pregnant at the same time was revealed, and a depth bomb was thrown into the vortex of public opinion. On the third day, it should be the fact that Deng Xiaoqi, who has a mentality, is not Deng Xinhua's biological child. It was a perfect operation with twists and turns.

"Ouyang Jian, why didn't you respond at all?"

Wang Shengnan didn't believe that Ouyang Jian didn't see the big news on the Internet. Now that Lin Yue has become the target of many netizens' curses, he should be happy.

In fact, Ouyang Jian knew about Deng Xinhua's mother and daughter being pregnant at the same time earlier than her. He even knew that the mother and daughter were not related by blood. Moreover, the reason why the news spread so quickly on the Internet was that he asked people to buy hot searches, They hired water troops, published articles, made up jokes, and made a series of tricks to stir up the incident.

If there were no accidents, then naturally it would not be a surprise.

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