Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2297 Lin Dawei at the end of the volume (two in one)

"Now that the heat is on, the next thing I want to say is, Mr. Ouyang, there is a saying that a hero is sad and beautiful. Everyone has heard the story of King Zhou You's beacon fire and princes. I really want to know whether you love Jiangshan or I love beauty." Lin Yue said: "Lao Li from HK is running. The richest man made a lot of overseas mergers and acquisitions last year, but they were stopped. He kept his debts in China and his assets overseas. Many people are doing this. It's the so-called gun It can only be said that he is too conspicuous. As far as I know, you, the richest man in Jiangzhou, have done such things. Many people want to know about the blending of interests. The stock market crashed last year and overseas mergers and acquisitions are popular this year. Should this financial chaos be dealt with heavily? Then you say... If investors and partners vote no confidence in your company , Turn on the debt collection mode, how long will you be the richest man in Jiangzhou?"

The smile at the corner of his mouth faded away, replaced by a cold gaze.

Ouyang Jian's expression changed drastically.

He is about to be criticized by netizens for betraying his wife and regaining his old love. At this time, a scandal broke out in the company, and the tricks he made overseas last year and the exchange of benefits with the leaders of Jiangzhou Bank were made public. Then... what will happen next?

Stocks plummeted, banks drew loans, tax audits, anti-corruption investigations, partners pursued compensation, suppliers demanded debts, customers fell into trouble and delayed payment, interested parties sought another home...the problems would snowball, and finally BOMB, He, the richest man in Jiangzhou, was blown to pieces.

"Don't think that you can rely on domestic forces to suppress it, because this mine will be detonated in a bank in South Africa that rich domestic people like to use for money laundering, and if international anti-money laundering organizations intervene, let alone the richest man in Jiangzhou, you will be considered a The richest man in the country will face a situation where his wealth plummets and his wealth empire collapses."

Ouyang Jian stared blankly at the young man opposite him.

As a successful businessman, he was actually threatened by a high school student. This scene is not only ridiculous to look at, but also ridiculous when you think about it in your mind, but it is a fact, a fact that is happening.

The problem is that the other party speaks clearly and well, and these problems do exist, such as the bank in South Africa, such as the small tricks he engaged in outside, such as the inhuman collusion between him and the leaders of Jiangzhou Bank, and last year's stock exchange. After the disaster, the increasingly stringent financial supervision measures are really going to hit the gunpoint, and the skin will be peeled off if you don't die.

Thinking about the Qian family whose family was ruined by Lin Yue, and Jiang Qilong who was just under investigation for economic crimes, he was indeed frightened.

"So tell me, do you choose Qian or her." Lin Yue pointed at Wang Shengnan: "You have one minute, and in one minute, South Africa will play the prelude to Fang Yuan's elegy."

The onlookers also felt a sense of cognition and reality being torn apart, but... in view of what Lin Yue did, they were all sweating for Ouyang Jian.

Money or old love?

This multiple-choice question made Ouyang Jian think of the previous deal of exchanging 15 million for Lin Yue to leave Lin Miaomiao. He didn't expect the present report to come so quickly, and this kid was even bigger, worth 15 million. hundred times.

If he also considers the operation of filming the video of Peng Yuhang catching Xiaosan and posting it online, then what he did to Lin Yue will happen to him in turn.

Use his own way to treat his own body?

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered the questions he had thought about when collecting information about this kid.

Why did Lin Yue make trouble at Qian Shouzhong's birthday banquet? The most direct reason is that Qian Sanyi messed up his birthday, and then Lin Yue went to Jiang Quanling's funeral to kick the hall. Regardless of the factor of Jiang's father and son fighting, what was the initial motivation? It was Wang Shengnan who went to Africa to ask Lin Qiang and Wang Hongyu for an explanation. In exchange, he went to Jiang Quanling's funeral to ask how the old man taught his disciples.

So looking at it this way, Lin Da trouble is really a vengeful master.

"One minute, tell me your answer."

Lin Yue gave Ouyang Jian an ultimatum.


The employees of the company held their breath and looked at him without blinking, because the next answer was related to everyone's jobs.

Ouyang Jian turned his head to look at Wang Shengnan.

Wang Shengnan was also looking at him.

If it was a scheming woman, green tea whore or something, she would definitely retreat at this time and take the initiative to choose to leave. After all, the future is long, and she will continue to lead the way after the limelight passes. Lin Da trouble can't keep staring at Ouyang Jian.

But she is different, she lives up to her name, even if she is middle-aged, she still has a "girly heart". When two people are together, she must be put first and cannot be half-hearted.

From Lin Yue's point of view, this is a common problem with TV series aimed at middle-aged women.

"Katsunan, I can't help it. Mom has high blood pressure and heart disease. This matter..."

Ouyang Jian didn't say what happened next, he just acted hesitant to speak, in a dilemma.

Parents... Pull parents out as a shield.

Everyone knows that the richest man chose money, but he didn't want to go too far, so there was a very "beautiful" scene where a bitch wanted to set up a memorial archway.

In fact, he openly admits that it’s okay to love money a little more, businessman, is there anyone who doesn’t love money?

If you want to say that you are looking for a peerless beauty, with a good personality, knowledgeable and sensible, and compatible with each other in soul, it is more or less plausible that a beauty lover does not love the country, and becomes a beauty in anger, but what kind of mistress did you find? A woman in her 40s who divorced and gave birth to a child is neither beautiful nor has a bad temper, so only her ex-girlfriend can do it, but Ouyang Jian is not the young man who was full of blood 20 years ago.

"Ouyang Jian! Okay, okay, so what you told me before is that you will never forget me, that you treasured the gift I gave you for twenty years, and that you would never let me be wronged. It's all nonsense. , I was deceived by lard and believed you."

With disheveled hair, Wang Shengnan yelled ferociously, stepped forward and pushed Ouyang Jian hard, and walked away without looking back.


Ouyang Jian just called her name in a low voice, and didn't chase after her, because he was no longer the young man who could risk his life for love. These twenty years of experience have turned him into a real businessman. He knows very well that now His life, status, courtesies... are all made with money. To satisfy the regrets at the beginning, to give up the gains of so many years of hard work and start from scratch, this deal is not worthwhile.

Just like the previous operation of buying Lin Yue and leaving Lin Miaomiao with 1500, Wang Shengnan is also valuable to him, how many Lin Miaomiao? ten! The limit is reached.

"You see, after all, money is the most solid thing, right, Mr. Ouyang."

Lin Yue said: "Actually, those things you did... There is no solid evidence, I just want to cheat you, and see if your true love is Qian or Wang Shengnan, well, I am very satisfied with your Choose, this friend can get along."

After saying this, he patted his ass and left.

The onlookers in the back stepped back one after another to make way for him.

"Brother Lin, wait for me."

Peng Yuhang was too embarrassed to stay any longer, without Lin Yue's backing, he didn't dare to face Ouyang Jian's anger directly, so he hurriedly brought his rape-catching team to follow.

"Aren't you going to work soon? Why are you standing still?"

The female assistant was very good at getting things done, and she yelled twice at the clueless people at the entrance of the corridor, and drove them away, which not only eased Ouyang Jian's embarrassment, but also prevented those people from becoming the boss's target.

Ouyang Jian glanced at her, and walked back to the office with a sullen face. The female assistant quickly closed the door, let out a long sigh of relief, and went back to her desk.

Lin Yue said he was defrauding him, is it possible?

The high probability is to make a big event into a small one, and to block the mouths of the company employees by the way, so as to reduce the impact of the incident on Fangyuan Group, which is exactly the saying "Your friend can deal with it".

Give a mallet and pass another painkiller?

Ouyang Jian's head hurts a lot. On the one hand, he made up his mind that he must not provoke that unpredictable guy again in the future, and on the other hand, he was glad that he just made some small moves after the news of Deng Xinhua's mother and daughter's pregnancy was exposed. Jiang Qilong also asked a private detective to follow him, and even thought of hiring a murderer to kill him. Combined with the advice given by the Mozambican official, maybe... next year today will be the anniversary of his death.


In the afternoon of the same day, the tone of the internet broke the news, saying that Deng Xinhua and Deng Xiaoqi were not biological mothers and daughters, the latter was adopted by the former, so even if they were pregnant together, it was not unacceptable. Given Lin Da troublesome's "excellent" style, It is normal to have such a result.

So, the netizens who called Lin Yue a beast in the morning suffered a lot. Although it is not appropriate to describe it as "being slapped in the face", anyway, he was not in a good mood. He wanted to ruin his reputation. On the contrary, those who heard the frown earlier said that this is very good, at least there is no need to kill the child, and there is no crime.

Lin Yue knew that this was Ouyang Jian showing his favor to him.

This kind of thing, when you want to have a sip of hot porridge, the two people are enemies, but once you draw a clear line with Wang Shengnan, you will lose the point of conflict, and confrontation is meaningless. Appropriate showing weakness can reduce losses and repair the relationship.

In this regard, Ouyang Jian is indeed more of a businessman than Jiang Qilong.


a month later.

Lin Miaomiao did not take the final exam.

After hearing the news from Tang Yuanming, Lin Dawei felt dizzy. He and Wang Shengnan had the same idea. He thought that after the news of Deng Xinhua's mother and daughter's pregnancy broke out on the Internet, his daughter would give up on that kid. The result was just the opposite. The blow...was not normal. I was depressed for more than half a month, and I didn't even go to the final exam in a fit of anger.

He panicked and wanted to talk to his daughter, but she not only refused to listen, but also went on a hunger strike to protest. She had already lost a lot of weight, and it would be bad if she didn't eat anymore. Seeing this, Lin Dawei was anxious in his heart, his hair was all grey, but he couldn't find a good way to relieve his daughter.

When Chinese New Year was approaching, he invited Qian Sanyi to his home, thinking they were friends, and they used to be partners in the radio station. Qian Sanyi's daughter should be able to listen to what Qian Sanyi said, but it turned out to be self-defeating. Lin Miaomiao directly invited him out of the house. Let's put it down, if he does this again, both father and daughter will have to do it.

Lin Dawei was about to collapse, thinking how good his daughter was before, even if she had a little temper occasionally, but most of the time when facing him as a father, he can be described as being like a "best friend". Why is the relationship between the two of them so tense now? ?

He couldn't figure it out, didn't he just keep her from being with Lin Yue? Look at what that kid did, any father in his right mind wouldn't just sit back and watch his daughter jump into the fire pit, okay?

In a few days, it will be the Spring Festival.

The sound of firecrackers outside kept going all night. Although setting off fireworks and firecrackers is prohibited in the urban area, the police will not be bored to arrest people if they sneak up on a firecracker on New Year's Eve.

This sneaky one, that sneaky one, light sleepers don't want to stop.

Lin Miaomiao has been lying in bed all this time, not reading books, not attending cram school, and not responding to her classmates asking her to go out to play. It may be because she is too sad, or she may have slept too much. Her brain is only fuzzy, not tired. I didn't sleep well all night, until I was tired from crying in the second half of the night, and then I squinted away in a daze.

It's very simple to ask why you cry, because it was agreed at the beginning that the two of you would spend the winter vacation together and go to cram school together, let alone spend the winter vacation together now, you can't even meet him. Some netizens posted that they were at the airport a week ago Seeing that Lin Yue took Deng Xinhua's mother and daughter to Mozambique to meet their parents by plane, would she be happy when she heard the news?

"Miaomiao, Miaomiao..."

It was around ten o'clock before she was awakened by a soft cry. She forced her eyes open to look over, and the initially hazy face gradually became clear.

It wasn't Lin Dawei's face, but the slightly mean mother's face in my impression.

Wang Shengnan?

How is it possible, Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei divorced.

"Miaomiao, Miaomiao..."

In addition to calling, she was also pushed by the hand coming in front.

"Look at what Mom made. Your favorite dumplings stuffed with shepherd's purse. Let me tell you, this shepherd's purse is not easy to buy. Your dad went to three vegetable markets in a row yesterday to buy this."

The sound, the touch, and the smell of the dumplings.

This is real?

Lin Miaomiao woke up suddenly, sat up propped up, and looked at her with dazed and shocked eyes.

Lin Dawei was beside him, standing with his hands down, smiling very warmly.

"Why did you come to my house? Who asked you to come to my house?"

Lin Miaomiao pushed away the dumplings that Wang Shengnan handed to her in front of her. The force was not weak, the plate was knocked askew, and two or three dumplings slipped off the edge of the plate and fell to the ground.

"Lin Miaomiao, I'm warning you, it's almost over, if you play with your temper, I'll see how I deal with you."

Wang Shengnan turned his head and said bitterly, "Lin Dawei, what have you done with her?"

"Miaomiao, today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. Of course we have to eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year. Your mother worked very hard to wrap them. Come, eat some more."

Of course, Lin Dawei couldn’t be angry, or dare not, the younger one couldn’t say he was on a hunger strike... It’s almost the same, the bowl of porridge that was brought into the house yesterday was thrown away after two mouthfuls, and the older one, he managed to put people away I hope that the three of us will have a reunion to celebrate the Spring Festival and repair the broken family. Of course, this attitude must be kept very low.

Lin Miaomiao roared with strength from nowhere, "Lin Dawei, did you bring her back?"

Can a brokenhearted person be reasonable? cannot! Because for a person whose world is collapsing, reason is like a younger brother before emotion.

She hated Deng Xiaoqi, but she hated Wang Shengnan even more. She thought that if this person hadn't been a hindrance, she and Lin Yue would have been together long ago, and Deng Xinhua's mother and daughter would be pregnant. Regarding this point, Lin Yue made it clear that if When it comes to choosing an official girlfriend, she ranks first. He doesn't care about the genetic history of mental illness.

"I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off! You unfilial daughter."

Wang Shengnan slapped her as soon as he raised his hand. Thanks to Lin Dawei's sharp eyesight and quick hands, he grasped her wrist so that he didn't slap her.

"It's Chinese New Year, and my daughter is in a bad mood. Don't be as knowledgeable as her. If you have something to say, you can't solve any problems."

Wang Shengnan struggled twice but did not break away, and shouted sharply: "You are used to it!"

After losing her temper with the cowardly man, she turned back to her daughter: "For a scumbag, look what you have ruined yourself into? You can't study, you can't take the exam, and you just lie on the bed like a sow every day?" ? Sows are fatter than you."

The word "human scum" angered Lin Miaomiao, weakly waved her two red fists, and said loudly: "Then he is more shameless than you, who is in his forties and wants to be a rich man's mistress!" Well, with a mother like you, what else should I study? What books should I study? I am different from you, and I can't afford to lose this person."

"And you..."

Speaking of her hatred, she even scolded Lin Dawei: "You picked up a woman that no one else wanted, are you collecting trash?"

This viciousness and hysteria that go all out... resembles the Wang sisters...

The father was confused by her scolding, but he didn't show any anger, and even had the illusion that he was being scolded by his wife.

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