Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 321 I'm going to rape

I didn't pay attention when I turned over the corpse to get the gun just now, but now I can't help being surprised when I see the face of the dead man, because it is not German, and it is clearly an Asian from the facial features and skin color.

There are... very few Asians in the German army, right?

Lin Yue tore off the collar of the corpse's military uniform, but found no nameplate.

American soldiers will hang two dog tags around their necks. The biggest function is to confirm the identity of the owner. After all, corpses that have been bombed beyond recognition during the war can be seen everywhere, and it is very difficult to identify their origins.

Similarly, German soldiers also have ID tags similar to dog tags, but they are oval in shape with a hollow in the middle, and they can be separated by breaking them hard when collecting them.

Not a German soldier?

Is it a prisoner of war?

It doesn't look like it.

Lin Yue thought for a while, reached into the dead body's military uniform and touched it. After a while, his expression changed slightly, and a small iron piece was pulled out from it.

He knew this thing because he had seen it in the world of "My Leader, My Regiment".

During World War II, the Japanese army also had dog tags, but unlike German soldiers, the dog tags of Japanese soldiers were hung over the shoulders and under the ribs.

That's right, the dead man in front of me came from Japan.

Lin Yue tore off the dog tag, rummaged through the lining of the military uniform, and found an officer's pocketbook. He opened the cover and saw that there were lines of Japanese text on it, recording the owner's name, cultural background, enlistment time, military rank, etc. .

Junpei Abe.

Graduate of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy.

Second lieutenant rank.

Japanese military officers sent to study in Europe.


These messages flashed before Lin Yue's eyes.

He rummaged back, stuffed Junpei Abe's officer's pocket into his pocket, and then found some documents and a field diary in the dead man's pocket.




A cannonball exploded tens of meters away, and the raised dust rained down with hot flames, dousing him all over.

After a few breaths, Lin Yue raised his head, spit out the sand in his mouth, picked up the Mauser 98K rifle, climbed out of the trench, and ran towards the concrete wall in front of him.

At least at this moment, the intensity of the European battlefield is much higher than that of the Asian battlefield. Judging from the shelling just now, the caliber of the shells is no less than 100mm, and it may come from the main guns of the battleships.

The thick concrete wall blocked his vision and also saved him from being killed by stray bullets. Lin Yue walked along the base of the wall for a while, and drilled into a tunnel leading to the interior of the concrete wall.

It was very dark inside, and the low-power electric lights above the head diffused a dim light, and several of them were broken.

Every Allied bombardment shook the walls, and in some places tiny lumps of concrete fell.

Because the lights were dim, Lin Yue couldn't see his face clearly, and Lin Yue was wearing his own clothes. The German soldiers in the tunnel didn't care about his arrival, and just went about their own work, carrying ammunition, making phone calls, passing orders... …

From one side of the tunnel to the other, and walked along the trench for a while, he found a place with few people, took out the all-seeing eye in the form of a goggle, put it on, and looked at the war zone ahead.

Steel frames used to block tanks and armored personnel carriers were scattered on the beach, surrounded by mutilated corpses, those who were terrified were crying, and those who were not dead were howling. The bodies in the water were pushed ashore.

Machine gun bullets from bunkers and high ground firepoints shuttled over the battlefield, sometimes hitting the steel frame and splashing sparks, sometimes hitting the beach with popping sounds, and sometimes shooting American soldiers wearing M1 helmets and holding M1 Garands into death. A shaking sieve.

On the distant horizon, several destroyers continued to shoot out fire, and the gunpowder smoke from the muzzles rose with the wind.

This is?

D-DAY? The Normandy landings?

At this time, a row of bullets hit the sandbags in front of him. Lin Yue held his head and retracted. After he was done, he walked forward for a while, pulled down the corpse of a German soldier from the edge of the trench, and carefully drilled out to observe the movement of the beach in front of him.

With the support of the rear naval guns, the US soldiers have advanced to the front position of the tidal flat bunker.

At this time, there was a sudden bang, and the defensive zone between the trench and the beach in front of the bunker on the right was blasted by the blasting tube.

When a row of people sprang out from behind the sand and advanced along the outer wall of the trench, Lin Yue froze for a moment.

Because he saw a few acquaintances.

To be precise, they are the acquaintances in the movie --- Captain Miller, Sergeant Horvath, Sniper Jackson...

As you think when you first see the beach, this is Omaha Beach, where Saving Private Ryan begins.

He is very fortunate now, thankful that the system threw him inside the German defense line instead of on the beach in front, otherwise, no matter how dexterous his skills are, no matter how good his martial arts are, he would have to resign himself to the machine gun fire on the beachhead.

"It would be great if the attribute bar could add luck."

Just as he was thinking, when the spring field sniper rifle fired over there, the MG-42 machine gun point on the high ground behind the bunker was removed, which indicated that Captain Miller's men had opened the D1 gap, and soon the German defense line would be attacked by the American infantry. Down fall.

"Can't stay here any longer."

He didn't want to stand by and watch this war, just waiting for the time to surrender to the U.S. Army. God knows if those guys who were killed by the Germans would shoot him out of anger. It's better to be cautious and leave the theater first.

Lin Yue quickly slid down the trench and retreated along the way he came. When he entered the tunnel, he was stopped by a lieutenant who came down from the second-floor bunker.

"You, return to the combat position immediately."

The lieutenant had a gun pointed at him.

Lin Yue glanced at the ammunition box on the ground, picked up a string of ammunition belts for MG-42 machine guns, put them on his shoulders, and walked up the stairs to the second floor of the bunker.

At this time, a person flashed into the tunnel entrance. The lieutenant deflected his pistol and asked for his identity.

Taking advantage of the moment when he was relaxed, Lin Yue pushed his body forward and slammed the lieutenant against the wall. The bullet belt that was originally draped over his shoulders was pushed forward and pressed, and the bullet sank deep into the lieutenant's throat, blood gushing like a spring The same flowed out from the wound.

Those who entered the entrance stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

Lin Yue didn't give him a chance to warn him. He turned his arm back, and the Luger pistol he had seized before appeared in his palm.


The trigger was pulled, the bullet was fired, and there was a blood hole in the middle of the M35 helmet, and the person fell straight down.

After solving the problem here, he removed the ammunition chain, jumped from the one-meter-high ladder to the place where the grenades were placed, took out two fuses and threw them into the second-floor bunker, and then to the place where explosives and inflammables were piled up. After losing one, he ran out as fast as he was done.




When Lin Yue got out of the tunnel entrance, there were continuous explosions from behind, and black smoke poured out like sea waves.

"The Allies are coming, run away..."

"The allied army is coming, if you don't run away, you will die."

He was yelling in broken German as he ran.

In the world of "Chasing the Dragon", he has learned two languages, Japanese and German. Perhaps it is because he has watched more anime and Japanese movies. It's very good, although daily communication is not a problem, but the standard accent can't be learned no matter how hard it is.

There was thick smoke billowing in the tunnel, and he ran out again wearing the uniform of a second lieutenant officer. The people around him were completely frightened, and immediately scattered like birds and beasts, and retreated in a swarm.

Although Lin Yue came out late, his legs were so fast that he left those people behind in a short while.

Near the beach, the Allied landing forces began to clean up the enemies in the bunkers and underground bunkers. More than half of the last line of defense built by trenches was lost, and one after another the German soldiers surrendered their weapons.

Originally, several Allied soldiers saw him running and were about to shoot him. Unexpectedly, seven or eight German soldiers who came out of the underground bunker ran into the muzzle of their guns and became his shield.

When the fire-breathing soldiers set the bunker on fire, Lin Yue ran out of the Allied fire range.

A German private first class had just started the engine of the tricycle, and Lin Yue pressed the back seat and jumped up.

"Let's go, let's go."

The German first-class soldier glanced back at his collar patch, didn't dare to say anything more, twisted the accelerator with his right hand, and drove inland away from the battlefield.

Seeing that the German defense line on Omaha Beach was completely lost, the Allied forces advanced from various areas.

Lin Yue felt that he could not stand by and watch, otherwise the German soldiers would be defeated too quickly, and the three-wheeled motorcycle would easily become the target of the Allied snipers.

So he drew his pistol and pulled the trigger continuously.




The trucks, half-track motorcycles, and tricycles parked on the side of the road, as long as they were within range, blew their tires.

The German soldiers who had been left behind by him before looked at this car with a flat tire, and looked at that car with a flat tire, and cursed angrily from behind.

The German private first class looked back at him: "Sir, what are you doing?"

Lin Yue fired a shot in the direction of the beach: "I'm shooting those damn Yankees, soldier, you just need to concentrate on driving, and I'll take care of the enemies behind."

Faced with such a complete defeat, ordinary soldiers were startled, but the young second lieutenant sitting behind him had a calm face, and no panic could be seen in his eyes. The German first class soldier admired his courage and composure, and said: Respectfully: "Yes, sir."

"Don't worry, we'll make it back alive."

Lin Yue cleared all the bullets in the Luger pistol and was about to change the magazine when there was a crisp sound in his mind, and the system reminded him that the content of the task list had been updated, please confirm in time.

Special thanks to the 10,000 starting point coins that my fourth uncle rewarded before his death.

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