Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 406 Lu Fumeng, You Liar


The ambiguous yellow was entangled on the balcony, a leaf fell from the branch, and fell lightly on the asphalt road, covering a corner of the black oil stain.

Lin Yue opened the door of the refrigerator, took out a can of Budweiser beer from inside, opened it with a snap, put it in his mouth and took a few sips with his head raised, feeling that his thirst after a nap had subsided a bit.

He saw that there were washed green grapes in it, so he squeezed a few in his hand, left the kitchen and went back to the bedroom.

Li Qian had already got off the bed, and was standing by the window to call Aunt Wang, the nanny, and told her to buy more food and cook a sumptuous dinner when she picked Zhang Ziming home.

After hanging up the phone, she was about to get the clothes that were thrown on the bedside table, but she took two steps before her calf gave way, and her body fell to the side.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Lin Yue supported her from behind.

"What? You can't even walk?"

Li Qian glared at him: "It's not because of you."

There was one thing she couldn't understand. In the past, Yu Huanshui gave people the impression that he was a very stable and gentle person, but at a critical moment... he was so wild that it was suffocating.

Lin Yue leaned close to her ear and asked in a low voice, "How long have you been here?"


Li Qian slapped him, how would she answer this kind of question?

Is it possible to tell the truth that after the divorce, I have spent all my energy on the children, and I have no time or energy to find a man, and I am living a life of abstinence?

Li Qian is not the kind of woman who is particularly easy-going. She doesn't know how to go to nightclubs and bars, and she doesn't like sissy meat. Any good man who can catch his eye either has a family and a business, or has a young and beautiful girlfriend. In a very awkward position.

Lin Yue handed over the last blueberry in her hand, and she was about to open her mouth to pick it up, when that hand turned a corner, and the blueberry slipped into his own mouth.

"Yu Huanshui, why didn't I see that you were such a person before."

"It's not too late to see now."

Lin Yue carried her back to the bed, feeling tired again.

She giggled to hide from his prickly stubble: "Don't...don't make trouble, it won't be nice for Aunt Wang to come back later."

"So what if she sees it? Throw me out?"

"That's not true. At most, put some laxatives in your meal."

"It can't be so vicious, she doesn't want you to marry so much?"

Hearing what he said, Li Qian suddenly became quiet, staring at the ceiling blankly.

Lin Yue was a little surprised: "What's wrong?"

She said, "Do you know why I haven't looked for it for more than a year?"

Lin Yue shook his head.

"After I divorced Ziming's father, the child was awarded to me. Firstly, it took too much time and energy to raise him. Secondly, I was always afraid. If I find a stepdad for him, will the child's mentality change? Good change, as you know, Ziming is a very sensitive child. Now that I think about it, it’s all our fault. If my father and I hadn’t quarreled every day, maybe he wouldn’t have become what he is today. .”

Lin Yue recalled Zhang Ziming's cowardly behavior in Xu Jiao's office, coupled with Yu Chen's daily narration, he knew exactly what kind of state Zhang Ziming was in, inferiority complex, sensitive, lonely, paranoid, like a curled up Hedgehogs are self-enclosed in a small social circle. This is why every time a child celebrates his birthday, Li Qian asks other parents to bring the child along.

Speaking of which, Yu Huanshui and Zhang Ziming are very similar. Their parents quarreled endlessly, and finally came to the step of breaking up. When they were young, they did a lot of things that shouldn't be done in order to prevent their mother from remarrying.

Li Qian blinked, looked at the ceiling and continued: "Not long after we divorced his father, one day Ziming woke up from his sleep, hugged my neck tightly and cried, telling me not to leave him, saying that his father no longer wanted him. If I leave with someone else, he will become an unwanted child. Since then, I have made up my mind not to marry, and the child will be all I have in the days to come."

Lin Yue held her hand and clasped his fingers tightly.

She was silent for a while, and slowly turned her head to look at his side face: "For people of our age, children basically become the whole of life, so... I don't know if I can give you what you want .”

Lin Yue leaned over and kissed her, then patted her hand: "Don't think too much, just let nature take its course."


at the same time.

In a studio on the outskirts of Jialin City that was converted from a factory building.

Tang Yun was sitting on the sofa facing the sunset on the second floor, her hands were naturally placed between her legs, and she was holding a mug with a black cat printed on it, and there was less than a third of the coffee in it.

There is an easel not far behind her, with an unfinished painting sandwiched between the drawing boards, the quiet starry sky is dotted with bright oil paints, giving people a very intense sense of conflict.

There is another painting on the table not far from the easel, the outside is covered with canvas, only a corner is exposed.

"Honey, Mr. Ma thinks highly of your pair of "Wall"."

Along with the sound came the sound of footsteps, and soon, Lu Fumeng appeared on the second floor of the studio.

Tang Yun didn't look back, she and her coffee were silent in the golden yellow spilled from the skylight.

"You should really go and see it. There are several rich and tasteful people coming to the exhibition hall today. Someone has already paid a deposit for your "Running", "In the Wind", and "Smoke from the Sea."

Tang Yun still didn't look back, but she spoke: "Lu Fumeng, last time you told me that the painting hanging in the living room was borrowed by a good friend of yours for an exhibition. When will he return the painting to us?"

"You are in a hurry to call me over because of this? What a coincidence, the two of us talked on the phone yesterday. He said that it will only take two days. When the exhibition is over, he will personally drive the painting back. He also said that he would invite us to a big meal to thank you for your generosity."

"Did he really say that?"

"Of course, he also said that many people who visited the art exhibition, whether they were inside or outside the circle, praised you for your good paintings. As long as the publicity keeps up, you will surely become the leading painter in Asia in time."


"What's the matter? Honey."

"Why are you lying to me?"

"How did I lie to you?"

"You take off the canvas on the table on the right."

Lu Fumeng walked over with curiosity and anxiety, picked up the canvas and lifted it up, his face changed when he saw what was inside.

The painting covered by the oil canvas is the one hanging in the living room of Tang Yun's house, and it is also the one that Yu Huanshui snatched away.

Lu Fumeng was very puzzled, why did Yu Huanshui send the painting before the money was returned?

At this time, Tang Yun stood up from the sofa, looked at him and said, "Is your friend who opened the art exhibition called Yu Huanshui?"

"Tang Yun, listen to me." Lu Fumeng quickly explained, "I said that because I was afraid that you would get angry. After all, this painting means a lot to you."

"I already know about the money you owe him. I don't understand. One hundred and fifty thousand yuan is not a big amount to you. Why do you keep delaying paying it? To take a step back, if you really can't pay , why didn't you tell me? Instead, you lied to me? "

"Honey, the matter between me and Yu Huanshui is a bit complicated to say, it involves another person..."

"Is that the man named Da Zhuang?" Tang Yun interrupted him: "A letter was sent along with the painting, which stated the reason for your conflict."

Lu Fumeng stopped talking and looked at her quietly.

"I don't understand. If you take revenge on him and don't pay him back, will Da Zhuang be resurrected? What if he gets angry and destroys my painting? Let him pay or send him to prison? Do you have any choice in this matter?" Didn't you think about me?"

"Tang Yun, don't worry. I know Yu Huanshui's character. He won't do anything to your paintings. Look, isn't it back now? I will pay back his money, but before that I have to let him Know the price of lying."

"So you didn't hesitate to deceive me in order to get revenge on him?"

"How is this a deception? I also have good intentions, and I am afraid that you will be upset about this and affect your creation."

Tang Yun glanced at the unfinished picture, and sighed heavily: "Well, I don't care about your lying, but you must return the money to him as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll return the money to him after the exhibition is over."

Tang Yun didn't speak anymore. Lu Fumeng was about to say a few nice words to coax her when the phone rang suddenly. He picked it up and said a few words. After hanging up the phone, he said anxiously: "The assistant said that a big client is here, call me I'll be right back."

Tang Yun said, "Then you should be busy first."

Lu Fumeng turned around and was about to leave when he saw the painting on the table: "I took this painting with me, there is just a booth over there in the exhibition hall."

Tang Yun hesitated for a while, then nodded, "All right."

Lu Fumeng left with the painting, and she sat back in front of the easel, staring at the painting named "The Sea" in a daze.


Yu Huanshui's father is here.

Of course, Lin Yue wouldn't give the old man a good look. He had the money, but he wouldn't give it to him. In his words, high blood pressure, right? It's better to be angry, so as not to waste food. As for going to the court to sue, it doesn't matter, anyway, he is now divorced from his wife, and he has cancer again, time is running out, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

He went all out, and old man Yu became wilted, and began to speak soft words begging for forgiveness.

Lin Yue was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he left 2,000 yuan as living expenses, left Xianglanyuan and moved to a one-bedroom apartment with earl gray marble background wall.

After calculating that it was almost time, he went to the street where the murderer Xu Dapao stabbed the cyclist with a knife.

Although the location is not shown in the TV series, by comparing the terrain with Yu Huanshui's memory, it is possible to determine where the crime occurred. Combined with the tree shadows on both sides of the street in the TV series, the time of the crime can be estimated, so the shared bicycles on Nanpu Road The parking spot has become a must for him every morning.

On this day, he had nothing to do and sat on the table next to the flower pond to watch short videos. The screen flashed, showing that there was a call connected, and the caller's name was Gan Hong.

Gan Hong?

What is she calling for? Tell him to go through divorce procedures?

Lin Yue pressed the connect button with doubts.

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