Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 450 Old Zhang, You Are So Kind

Lin Yue rummaged through the backpack on the bedside, took out a magazine with a colorful cover and threw it over.

Xu Kaiyang took the book in his hand and took a closer look. There were four large characters written on the cover - "Popular Software".

"I think the above is very reasonable. In the future, computers will change from a luxury product to a popular product like VCD, and enter thousands of households. Think about it, VCDs and tape recorders are entertainments that only listen to songs and watch movies. Devices will set off a revolutionary wave, and countless people will become rich because of them, so what kind of impact will the computer, an invention that integrates entertainment, leisure, office, and learning, bring to us? you know the Internet? ?”

The chubby and the four-eyed thin monkey shook their heads lightly.

Xu Kaiyang thought for a while and said: "I heard from my dad that he said that the official system of HK has completed the establishment of an Internet platform. For example, if Interpol provides clues to a case, it only needs to send the information to the police department via email. It’s more convenient than calling and faxing.”

Lin Yue clapped his hands, pointed to Xu Kaiyang and said, "Bingo, think about the phone, think about the BP machine, think about the big brother. Now the Internet has not been popularized, so there are so many benefits. If it is popularized, let me say, computers And the Internet will definitely become a new thing comparable to the first and second industrial revolutions."

Ayang said: "Then why do you say that computer games will be one of the most profitable businesses in the future?"

Lin Yue took out the Xiaobawang game console that was put aside: "Isn't it very fresh and exciting to play Contra with others for the first time? Then just imagine, when the Internet becomes popular, you can play Contra with players all over the world." How about playing games together? What kind of experience would it be?"

A Yang said: "You really think a lot."

Lin Yue patted "Popular Software" in his hand: "So reading more magazines that are at the forefront of the times is very helpful to broaden your horizons."

With such an explanation, they would never doubt him again. The group of college students accepts new things quickly, but in the current era, the closed campus life cannot allow them to open their eyes to the world, just like some PIAN (ZI) programs broadcast by a certain seven sets, what raises scorpions Hey, raising wild boars, there are many college students who believe it is true, and after graduation, they focus on starting a business and getting rich. What happens in the end? Most people waste their time, energy and money, and their passion and self-confidence will be drained.

In fact, explaining so much is not only to make them not doubt their own advanced development concept, but also to brainwash them. According to the plot in the movie, the chubby and the four-eyed skinny monkey don't get along very well. The only promising person in room 315 is Chen Xiaozheng, who got it by abandoning Zheng Wei. He will definitely need help if he wants to make a career, no matter what. , it is more reliable to have college classmates to help than to hire someone.

As for the wrong major, whoever said what to study in university, you must do a job in a related industry in the society. Milk Tea East University majored in sociology. Jack Ma played English at the beginning, and the one who raised pigs was engaged in communication. .

The thin monkey grinned, and the light fell on the gleaming silver braces, which was very bright: "Old Zhang, I didn't expect you to be the person who can see the farthest in our dormitory." After finishing the matter, he glanced at Chen Xiaozheng intentionally or unintentionally.

Lin Yuexin said that in 1996, what he said should be worth a lot of money. Mi Jun said it well. Standing on the wind, pigs can fly to the sky. Every student in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering who listens to his words goes to IT Depending on the industry, after ten or twenty years, there must be something to do.

Chen Xiaozheng looked at the computer screen for a few moments, then left with the English reference book in his hand.


The next day, in the evening.

The door of Room 308 of the girls' dormitory building rang, and the three girls sitting on the lower bunk chatting looked outside together.

Zheng Wei shouted, "Please come in."

The door opened with a bang.

Lin Yue carried a VCD player into the room and put it on the table on the right: "Here, this is a benefit for you."

Li Weijuan was just eating there with a bag of raccoon crispy noodles, but she was amused when she glanced at the VCD player on the table.

"Hey, is there such a benefit in joining the Weiqi Club?"

"I'm envious, I let you in a long time ago, you won't be in." Zheng Wei walked to the front of the VCD player, looked around, and found that it wasn't the one in Lin Yue's dormitory: "Where did it come from?"

Lin Yue said: "It was found in the electronic market."

Ruan Guan got up from the bed with a worried look on his face: "Old Zhang, don't you want to save money to buy a computer? How much did you pay for this VCD player? We will supply it to you."

"The boss who recycles electrical appliances sold them to me at the purchase price for the second-hand items discarded by the locals. It's not worth much, and I've already bought my computer."


"No, a brand new Pentium."

Zheng Wei doesn't know what a Pentium machine is, but it doesn't prevent her from understanding the price of the computer: "A new computer should cost at least 10,000 yuan."

"No, I bought parts and assembled it myself, and it cost less than 9,000 yuan."

"Old Zhang, do you know how to assemble computers?"

"What's so rare about this, with your smartness, you will definitely learn it in no time, and I will teach you when I have a chance in the future."

"Tsk tsk tsk, 9,000 yuan doesn't seem like a lot of money in your mouth." Li Weijuan poured the last bit of instant noodle dregs into her palm and gave it to her mouth. I took a sip of water from the tea mug, and then I felt better: "Is it so profitable to sell CDs in the night market?"

"It's okay, but I have to suffer a lot. The weather is cold recently, and you can see that my hands are cracked."

Hearing what he said, Ruan Guan quickly took out a bag of Yumeijing children's cream from the desk drawer by the window and handed it to him: "When you go out every night, soak your hands in hot water, apply a little on the frostbite, and keep it for a while. Will be fine."

Lin Yue was not pretentious, and took the Yumeijing Children's Cream, which was sealed with a clip, and put it in his pocket.

"Oh, that's right." He took off the backpack again and handed it over: "This is the DVD that I promised you, so I don't have to go downstairs to fiddle with movies in the future."

"Old Zhang, you're so kind." After Zheng Wei finished speaking, she unzipped her backpack, "Let me see what discs you brought us."

The first thing she took out were two CDs, the covers of which were exactly the same as the band posters on Ruan Guan's wall.

"Well, Suede Band, this is Ruan Wan's. This... "Chongqing Express" is mine, and "Days of Being Wild", "Farewell My Concubine"...however, they are all literary films."

Lin Yue took the orange handed over by Ruan Guan, broke off two pieces and put them in his mouth: "There are still some in the upper pocket."

She unzipped the zipper, and sure enough, she found a few more DVDs, all of which were comedies such as "East and West", "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance".

"Why is there no horror movie, what about "Mr. Zombie" I want?"

"Okay, okay, these are enough for you to watch for a while, and then ask Lao Zhang for them." Li Weijuan hurriedly stood up to persuade Zheng Wei, not because she was considerate of Lin Yue's difficulty, but because she was afraid of watching ghost movies.

This Zheng Wei, every time she came back from her schoolmate's place to get a movie, she would express her emotions. When talking about ghost movies, she was the most excited. Not only did she tell the plot, but she also interspersed with some ghost stories she heard from others when she was in high school, which made her every day every day Fast light to fall asleep.

"Okay, look, I'm leaving first." Lin Yue carried an empty backpack on his back.

"Aren't you going to sit down for a while?" Ruan Guan kept him.

"No, the computer is still engraved with a disk, so I have to go back and guard it."

"Oh...then I'll see you off."

"I send you."

The first "send you off" was said by Ruan Wan, and the second "I'll send you off" was said by Zheng Wei.

"Then you go." Ruan Wan walked back to his bed and sat down.

Zheng smiled and picked up his coat, and followed Lin Yue outside.

"This one is really nice." Li Weijuan walked over and turned on the TV, and turned it off again after seeing the snowflakes on the screen.

Ruan Wan said, "He doesn't have a girlfriend yet, how about...introduce him to you?"

"Forget it. No matter how much money he can make, no matter how good he is, there are too many uncertainties in his life, what if he gets paralyzed in a car accident, what if he falls ill..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was knocked dizzy by the flying pillow from the opposite bed.

"You were paralyzed in a car accident."

"I said to him, why are you in a hurry."


A wisp of evening wind drifted through the sky, it was not warm at all, it was as cold as a piece of ice stuffed into a person's collar.

The street lamps on both sides of the road cast a blue light, and one by one, students carrying thermos bottles or textbooks walked hurriedly.

Zheng Wei walked very slowly, looking at her feet from time to time.

"Are you going to set up a stall later?"

"Go, I made an appointment with a customer yesterday, and I will show her a European and American movie today."

"Does it look good?"

"Quite good looking."

"What story did you tell?"

"A story about a mentally ill man who believes in freedom or death and escapes from a mental institution."

"Then I want to see it too."

"You can read the ones I left for you first, but remember, you are not allowed to skip class and watch DVDs."


Lin Yue looked around to see if there was no one around, took out a cigarette and lit it in his mouth, took a deep puff, looked back at Zheng Wei and said, "Ask you a question."

"what is the problem?"

Thanks to sony527 for tipping 1000 starting coins, and Wuliang for tipping 500 starting coins.

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