Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 542: King of Portugal and Macau

The man said, "I didn't come with you."

"Oh." Lin Yue looked at the corpse of the Japanese soldier: "The work of the Blue Shirts Club is not easy."

Yi Yitian's expression changed: "Your job is even more difficult."

Lin Yue shrugged: "It's not easy being a babysitter. It's frustrating, but after a lot of experience, you'll get used to it."

"I didn't expect them to trouble you, let alone you killed them all, it's you who are ruthless."

Yixiantian knew what Lin Yue had done in Fengtian, Ma San was abolished, and the forces and individuals attached to him would inevitably fall and disperse. Now, except for Ding Lianshan, who doesn't care about world affairs, the third and fifth elders of Xingyi Baguamen and their disciples Killing Lin Yue cleanly, even if this martial arts school entrenched in the north can't reach the level of extermination, it will be seriously injured. If there is no strong manpower to turn the tide, I am afraid that it will collapse and decline from then on.

Lin Yue said, "I didn't kill them all."

Yi Yitian glanced at Fifth Master's body and laughed dumbfoundedly.

"The train is coming in, let's go now."

Yi Yitian opened the car door with the key found on the Japanese soldiers, and Lin Yue went over to see that the train was indeed slowing down.

He fumbled in his pocket and took out the razor that Yixiantian lost to him yesterday.

"I'm not in the habit of collecting guys that other people eat."

Throwing the things behind his back, he tightened his windbreaker and jumped out of the car.


Start with the razor.

Yi Yitian poked his head out to look at the figure walking on the outside of the track with his back to the train and remained silent.


Because of the matter of the third and fifth masters, it took Lin Yue a few more days to return to Guangdong.

At the beginning of 1940, the Japanese army dispatched troops from northern Guangdong to Guangxi. Some boxers who had taken refuge in the west when the Japanese army attacked Guangdong fled again with their families. Lin Yue took some of them back to Guangdong from Guangxi and moved to Hong Kong.

In the second half of 1940, he returned to Hong Kong. He stayed there for a year, because among those who took refuge in Hong Kong, there were more than 300 boxers from the mainland alone, and some of them had families with them. These people had to live , but the HK market is so big, so many people flood in at once, it is quite difficult to find a job.

He had to think of some profitable business to help those people through their difficulties. For example, contracting wharves, entering the fishing industry, conducting ocean trade, and smuggling arms and medicines to the inland, striving to improve the business ecology and establish and improve related industrial chains.

In the second half of 1941, he started a business cooperation with his compatriots living in Thailand. He put most of his savings in these years into the local market, lobbied and threatened, and used both soft and hard tactics to transfer almost 35% of the mainland boxers.

People didn't understand why he did this until the Pacific War broke out and HK was soon occupied by the Japanese army.

In the next few months, except for Thailand, Southeast Asia was occupied one after another, and large-scale massacres, rapes, looting and other evil deeds occurred in many places.

Some people who were dissatisfied with him becoming ruthless and unreasonable at the end of 1941 suddenly realized that it was not Lin Yue who had changed, but the situation had changed, and he had to do this. Because after the Japanese occupied HK, the Lin Group, as a commercial organization at the forefront of the anti-Japanese war, attracted extremely fierce retaliation. Whether it was fishing boats, cargo ships, or real estate in HK, they were confiscated by the Japanese army, and their employees were confiscated. Expulsion, even beating.

Although their living conditions are poor in Thailand, they don't have to worry about being harmed by the Japanese.

There are also 15%-20% of boxers who went to MO with Lin Yue on the eve of the outbreak of the Pacific War, and more than half of the rest of them changed careers with the support of Lin Yue and HK Jingwu Association between 1940 and 1941, engaged in newspapers, Slaughtering, printing, weaving and other jobs, others obeyed the advice and moved to the Kowloon Walled City, and spontaneously established a mutual aid organization called Tongshengtang.

In 1942, because the Japanese army occupied the entire Southeast Asia, the route from the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean was basically controlled by the Japanese army. Although MO was not occupied by devils, the lives of the people were also in a difficult state. Lin Yue could only focus most of his energy on business. In order to protect the lives of people around me, I would occasionally sneak to Guangdong to attack the Japanese patrols and make some extra money to subsidize the "household", but I dare not do too much, because once the fact that the guerrillas are hiding in MO is exposed, they may be killed. Provoking the Japanese, whether it is asking the Portuguese government to hand over people, or disregarding the past relations between the two countries, entering MO to carry out raids, will be a harm to the local people.

He cannot harm the interests of innocent people for the benefit of himself and those around him.


Late summer of 1942.

The scorching sun was still ravaging the earth, and the rickshaw drivers were sitting in the corners, smoking cigarettes while looking listlessly at the pedestrians on the street.

Since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, more and more refugees moved to MO. This city, which is famous for its gambling in Asia, is also a bit overwhelmed. The upper-class people can rely on the relationship between Portugal and Japan to make some money by doing import and export business. It is difficult for those at the bottom who lack the means to make money.

"Hurry up, Wangbei Building on Mage Street has started serving rice porridge. It is said that canned pork has been added this time. The amount is not much, and it will be gone if you go late."

I don’t know who shouted at the street corner, the rickshaw driver squatting under the eaves waiting for work, the beggars huddling in the shadows, the local civilians who gathered on the empty tables in the teahouse dining hall and took a nap...all came to their senses, He took out the bowls and porcelain bowls that he had prepared in advance and ran to the location on Mage Street.

Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening, Wangbeilou will serve porridge outside the north gate, and it is not the porridge used by the temple to relieve the poor. There will be vegetables and meat in it, although the amount is very small. And every Sunday morning, Wangbeilou will also provide steamed buns to children under the age of 13.

Many civilians and residents living near Mage Street have formed the habit of flocking to the north gate of Wangbei Building to beg for a bowl of porridge every time they receive news.

What's interesting is that it doesn't matter how many times the average person goes. If those middle-income citizens are greedy for petty gains and ask for good porridge repeatedly, disasters will definitely happen in a few days. Items are stolen, but the police have no clue at all, the assailants cannot be caught, and the stolen items cannot be retrieved. In short, there are many such phenomena, and no one from a wealthy family dares to visit Beilou for cheap.

When the rickshaw drivers pulled their rickshaws past, three iron pots had already been erected on the roadside of the North Gate. A man with a scar above his right eye stood with his arms folded to maintain order in the field. The refugees and coolies begging for porridge stood obediently Stand in three rows, hand out the containers one by one, and take the rice porridge with oily flowers floating and vegetable leaves visible from the spoon holder, and then quietly go to a place that is out of the way to eat and drink.

It's not that they are high-quality, it's because they are afraid, because Wangbeilou is very good in MO.

How old is it?

Niu Dao’s previous police chief was found dead on the beach the next day because he was protecting a subordinate who went to Wangbei Tower to molest a female character. Looking at the station in the North Tower, it turned out that the next day after the order was issued, there was an extra bullet in the office of the Governor of Australia, and the commissioner he sent to investigate the case lost contact.

Outsiders don’t know what happened afterwards, but the plaque of Wangbei Building is still hanging there, the porridge is served, the opera is sung, and the business is done. For singing, you have to pay for tickets and arrange seats according to numbers.

Why is it called Wangbei Tower? I heard that there is an allusion in it. The boss who sees the head and sees the dragon is waiting for someone.

As for waiting? I do not know.


Long lights illuminate the terrace.

Lin Yue sat on a chair on the verandah of the Wangbei Building, watching the fishing fire in the distance. On the terrace below, the female voice was melodious, and the smoke below the stage was like a fairy cloud. Watch the music by the pillars behind, or lean on the railing on the second floor.

At this time, he heard footsteps coming from the stairs, and the third sister walked up to his ear and whispered a few words.

Lin Yue sipped his unfinished cigarette into the ashtray, followed her to the outside of the hall on the first floor, and there was a person standing by the door frame behind the wooden fence.

"Does it sound familiar, do you know what play this is?"

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