Liang Zhengxian's hand holding the goblet froze in mid-air.

Zhao Jingyu, this name is very unfamiliar to other people, but to him, it is a person who is so familiar that he can no longer be familiar with it.

Three-year girlfriend, seven-year fiancée, this woman has been with him for ten full years.

Why did Zhao Jingyu appear here?

Didn't she take the plane back to HK this morning?

Just when he was at a loss, Zhao Jingyu walked behind Wang Manni.

"Are you Wang Manni?" She held out her hand.

Wang Manni looked puzzled, she didn't know this person, why did the other party call her name? But out of politeness, he stood up and stretched out his hand for a handshake.

At this moment, the hand from the opposite side raised upwards.


The slap was loud.

Wang Manni was beaten until her hair was disheveled, her body swayed, and she almost fell to the ground. There was a red palm print on her left face.

Nearly 20 people around the long table froze there, completely unexpected that this would happen.

"It's strange, isn't it? Why did I hit you?" Zhao Jingyu looked at Wang Manni, who was covering her left cheek with her hand and looking angry.

"Because I am his fiancée, Liang Zhengxian's fiancée." As she spoke, she raised her left hand, with a diamond ring on the root of her middle finger: "This is what Liang Zhengxian put on for me seven years ago. Although we are not married yet, But HK's relatives and friends all know that I am his woman."

What a big melon~

The guests at the back were all dumbfounded. Just now Wang Manni and Liang Zhengxian looked very affectionate, but they didn't expect...

Turning face is the scene where the original partner catches the mistress.

It's too awesome~It's too bloody~It's so cool~It will make your sister laugh.

Lin Yue looked at Wang Manni who was at a loss and sneered silently.

Heh~ Looking for a diamond king and old five to be your boyfriend? High-quality men in their thirties, those who are down-to-earth, have married wives and children, and those who haven't played enough are surrounded by a lot of young girls. How can it be the turn of an older leftover girl like you?

Turning his face to see Zhong Xiaoqin's hellish eyes, seemingly repeating the word "bed" infinitely, he winked at her, his smile was twitchy.

For Wang Manni, the burning sensation on her face was nothing but humiliation and grief in her heart.

"My name is Liang Zhengxian. I am thirty-seven years old. I am a Chinese-American. I returned to Hong Kong to settle down many years ago. Now I am... single."

"After being financially free, I like to travel around the mountains and rivers."

"After getting off the boat, I found that I couldn't forget the taste of the tomato scrambled eggs."

"These are all for my girlfriend, she'll be fine if she accepts them."

"I love you as much as I work hard."


What Liang Zhengxian said in the past flashed in her mind, and she turned her head suddenly: "Is what she said true?"

With his fiancee standing in front of him, he naturally couldn't continue to lie: "Yes."

Zhao Jingyu said: "I have seen a lot of vain girls like you. Every time Liang Zhengxian gets tired of playing with that woman, but he can't get rid of it, I will come forward to help him. This can be said to be the two of us. It's a tacit understanding. After careful calculation, I have helped him drive away twelve women over the years, um, you are the thirteenth."

Seven years and twelve...

Or what he can't get rid of, plus what he can get rid of?

This melon is not only big, but also fucking sweet. The employees of the fireworks company were fascinated by watching it, and they were hooked.

"Every time Liang Zhengxian comes to Shanghai, he will tell you that he lives in a hotel, right? In fact, he has an apartment in Yunjin Dongfang, XH District. I have been living there for the past few days, and I just left this morning."

After Zhao Jingyu finished speaking, she cast a gloomy look at Liang Zhengxian next to her: "Why do you look unhappy? Do you think I started early? Could it haven't slept with her yet?"

"Enough!" Liang Zhengxian finally couldn't help it anymore, he wanted Zhao Jingyu to shut up, but he didn't know that a strong hand pushed him back to the seat.

"Why are you so excited? Mr. Liang." Lin Yue walked up to Zhao Jingyu, put his arms around her waist and said, "I won't be happy if I scare my lover."


Look at his crooked hand!


This TMD is too wonderful.

The group of people from the fireworks company didn't even dare to blink their eyes, not to mention drinking and eating, for fear of missing something.

Liang Zhengxian's meticulous back turned into a green grassland in their eyes.

Shen Jie was really convinced. For this little driver who Xu Huanshan described as "suddenly driving and hanging", it can be said that he admires the five bodies... No, I'm in admiration.

You said this Liang Zhengxian, why do you have nothing to do with him when he has nothing to do, is he green?

"I must make you look good."

Faced with this situation, even a gentleman like Liang Zhengxian couldn't bear it anymore, he got up and punched Lin Yue in the face.

There was a snap.

Lin Yueli raised his palm to meet him, clasped his five fingers inwards, and snapped them backwards. Liang Zhengxian snorted coldly, most of the strength in his arms lost.

"You, the fiancé, are only allowed to steal sex all over the world, but the fiancée is not allowed to have a fling overnight? You are too overbearing."

He kicked over, and Liang Zhengxian staggered, fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a moment.

Zhong Xiaoqin recognized Zhao Jingyu early in the morning as the woman who had sex with Chen Xu in her "home", but she never thought that he would speak out in such a high-profile manner, and... this woman was actually Liang Zhengxian's fiancee.

Doesn't he like Wang Manni?


Wang Manni was beaten!

Liang Zhengxian was green!

At this moment, she felt empty around her, turned her head and found Zhong Xiaoyang standing up.

She turned her head again and saw Gu Jia and Xu Huanshan, who finally saw something was wrong and came over.

"What's going on?"

Zhong Xiaoyang said: "Chen Xu went to pick up a woman. She said she was Liang Zhengxian's fiancée, and that was it."

Is that true?


The guests present couldn't find any reason, but it was a sentence that was in line with the facts, which made Lin Yue frown and stared at Zhong Xiaoyang coldly.

Obviously it was Liang Zhengxian who stood up for Gu Jinghong and pissed him off, but the matter turned around in Zhong Xiaoyang's mouth. From the standpoint of Gu Jia and Xu Huanshan, there is a sense that he took the initiative to cause trouble at the birthday party and embarrass Wang Manni and Liang Zhengxian... Although he really wanted to take this opportunity to mess with Neptune.

"I wanted to save some face for you. It's not good to spread the word, but since you're such a bitch..."

Lin Yue looked at Zhong Xiaoqin and said, "Do you know how many girlfriends your little puppy has had? He had five girlfriends before he was twenty-five. The one in high school was fine, and the one in freshman year was fine, but he was in sophomore and college years. During the three-year period, I talked about one at the university, and another at my hometown during the summer vacation. Well, two boats with one foot. The northeast is bitterly cold, and the environment is not very good. People there want to run south, and my girlfriend at home thinks he will go back to school. Afterwards, he behaved indifferently, so he flew to Shanghai to find him, but the two girls bumped into each other. Speaking of which, Little Milk Gouer simply gave up his two girlfriends.”

"Rich second generation, rich and self-willed."

"When he was in his junior year, he made another girlfriend. I won't say the name. She looks like a goddess. I still have her photo on my phone. Do you want to see it? His friend is so envious, They all fantasize about the opportunity to have a kiss. The so-called happiness alone is not as good as the crowd, the so-called good brothers show loyalty, once he took her to a nightclub and poured a few glasses of wine, and added some ingredients in it, and what happened in the following time What, guess..."


Still need to guess? !

"Poor girl, she didn't know what her boyfriend was until she broke up."

Lin Yue looked leisurely and said: "Why, don't you believe me? Have you ever seen a rich second-generation woman who can have fun? Like me, I can change three or four female partners a year, but we know each other in nightclubs. Take what you need, there is still a bottom line for being a human being.”

"During his senior year internship, he had a fifth girlfriend, who was two years older than him, an intellectual beauty who graduated from the famous Ivy League University of Pennsylvania, but the two broke up soon because the other party disliked him for not studying. No skills, except clubbing, playing video games and doing locomotives, hobbies and outlook on life are too different."

"In the past, he was the one who dumped others, but this time it was others who dumped him. I was quite stimulated, so I decided to find a decent job to experience it. After that, I joined the property department of Hongyuan Group and met an older man who was several times older than him. Older sister, I don't need to talk about the next thing."

Another big melon.

Tonight he is going to break up the two pairs.

Yoyo understood.

Zhong Xiaoyang said: "It's really not that I destroyed your brother's marriage, you don't have to slander me like that, Zhong Xiaoqin and I were colleagues before they divorced."

"Heh... are you still playing innocent? Some men are more terrible than women. Lu Mingfei, the driver who attacked me in the underground parking lot of the Grand Hyatt Mansion, is also your good buddy. I haven't contacted you for many days. Alright."

Lin Yue unlocked the phone and clicked on a recording, in which came the voice of a person with a slightly baby voice.

"Zhong Xiaoyang, you should be familiar with this voice, right? You played your ex-girlfriend to your brothers. I gave you such a big embarrassment at the merchants in Hongyuan Mall. Of course they will repay you, right? ?”

Speaking of Lu Mingfei, the two of them were not acquainted with each other.

When the man came out of the classroom to contact him for a drink and talked about these things, Lin Yue had only one thought in his mind at that time——this is right, this is what a rich second generation who plays coffee should look like.

Not to mention the rich second generation, even young people from middle-class families who play Harley are all a group of people who flaunt their individuality and pursue publicity. Who doesn't have many women around them?

Only honest people who have never been in love a few times will praise their girlfriends to the sky!

Zhong Xiaoyang looked down at Zhong Xiaoqin's face full of doubts: "Sister, when I was in school, I had the experience of not knowing who to choose to hurt the two girls, but what he said about getting his fourth girlfriend drunk is not true , you must trust me."

Lin Yue looked at Zhong Xiaoyang who was eager to explain, then at Liang Zhengxian who was full of resentment, and Xu Huanshan and Gu Jia who looked confused, and walked outside holding Zhao Jingyu's hand.

"You're welcome, ladies."

He left, as if he had no interest in admiring the ugliness of the two couples behind him.

Gu Jia was speechless.

Doesn't he like Wang Manni? There seems to be something wrong.

Shen Jie had a headache over there, and didn't know how to explain what happened here to Xu Huanshan.

Not long after Lin Yue left, Wang Manni didn't say anything, picked up her bag and left the table with a cold face.

Liang Zhengxian chased after him: "Manni, wait for me, listen to me, I have separated from Zhao Jingyu, she is taking revenge on me."

Zhong Xiaoqin said: "Mr. Xu, can you take me home?"

Xu Huanshan: "..."

Gao Qiangxin from the fireworks company said it was awesome, really awesome, not to mention sleeping with someone else's fiancée, the two couples were torn apart after a meal.

Don't talk about eating, just going to the theater, the money to buy Gu Jia's birthday gift is worth it.

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