Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 628 I'm really in self-defense

The people in the box turned their heads and saw a stranger rushing into the room.

"Who are you?" The young man who was closer to the door asked with a frown.

It's easy to fight if you drink too much in KTV, but no one dares to smash their place, one is because there are too many people, and the other is because the people present are either the rich second generation, the second generation of officials, or the sons and daughters of state-owned enterprise leaders. Dare to compete with them, on this three-acre land in the HK district, it is equivalent to breaking ground on the head of Taisui.

The man didn't speak, just ran inside.

The three girls in hot pants who were holding a microphone and singing in front of the big screen were startled and hid aside one after another.

"Go out, go out, if you don't go out, we will report..."

A few men nearby were about to step forward to stop them. At this moment, four people chased in a row from outside the door. The two in front were holding shining machetes, the one behind was holding a hammer, and the one behind was holding a dagger.


The ear-piercing screams came from the woman in the black suspenders, and everyone in the box panicked. The women shrank behind the man, and several voices were crying.

The two men who entered the room with knives ignored them, and went straight to the first man who broke into the room to chop.

As the last thug with a dagger entered the house, the young man who had asked "Who are you" pulled his female companion behind him and fled.

If there is a leader, follow suit. The men and women who huddled in the corner rubbed against the door a few times. Seeing that the thugs were not interested in them, they simply gave up their clothes, bags, mobile phones, etc., and ran out.

Ye Yiyi was sitting on the sofa in the innermost part of the room, completely unaware of the scene in front of her. She watched with her own eyes the man in the blue and white plaid shirt with a black tie on his chest pass by the machete of the thugs behind him without any haste. , snatched the billiard cue from a person standing stupidly next to him, slammed his head back, and stabbed the thug's throat fiercely.

Uh~cough~cough cough...

Following several violent coughs, the machete fell to the ground with a clang. The man lay on the ground, clutching his neck, desperately trying to catch his breath, but no matter how wide his mouth opened, he seemed to be unable to breathe, and his face became more and more serious. The more red, the blue veins on the neck burst out.

At this time, the second thug chopped the cue cue with a knife, cutting it more than one centimeter deep.

While his opponent was drawing his knife, the man kicked the thug in the chest.

At this time, a hammer came from behind, and he quickly dodged to dodge, picked up the unopened champagne on the table next to him, and smothered it with ice water.


Bottles shattered.

Blood ran down the face of the hammer-wielding thug.

"Damn it last year."

The man took the opportunity to pick up the ice bucket next to him, and slammed it on the head of the thug who was stunned by the bottle, grabbed the man's wrist and lifted it up, bang~ the hammer hit the ice bucket, the thug swayed a few times, and fell to the ground .

At this time, the second thug who had been kicked got up from the ground and slashed again. The man backed away in fright, hiding very dangerously.

"Yiyi, why are you still standing there, let's go."

On the front right, a woman with the sides of her clothes tied in a slipknot greeted her loudly.

"oh oh."

Ye Yiyi finally came to her senses, and quickly got up from the sofa and ran outside.

She originally wanted to go around the pool table and run to the door, but unexpectedly, in order to avoid the chasing thugs, the man put his hands on the table and turned sideways, blocking her only way.

"Looking for death." At this moment, the last thug who came in stabbed him with a dagger.

The man dodged left and right, and with a snort, a hole was cut in the tie.

Ye Yiyi saw the opportunity and rushed forward, but she didn't expect the man to grab the thug's empty door and rush forward, holding the arm holding the knife and throwing it out.


She pretended to be full of arms with the thugs, lost her balance and fell to the ground.

At this time, the thug with the machete slashed at the man's shoulder. Unexpectedly, his eyesight and hands quickly shrank back, pulling the man in front of him.


The knife struck the shoulder of the dagger-holding thug, and blood spurted out directly.

She only felt hot spots hit her face, and a bloody smell came to her nostrils.

dang lang~

The dagger fell to the ground, reflecting the flash from the big screen less than half a meter away from her toes.

The man didn't stop because of the wailing of the injured thug, and while the thug holding the machete was in a daze, he picked up the black 8 on the pool table and slammed it in the face of the man continuously, until blood spurted from the mouth and nose, and he collapsed on the ground and convulsed , Just now panting and throwing away the bloody black 8.

At this time, the thug who was still able to move finally took off the ice bucket, got up staggeringly, looked at the thug with wide-eyed and distorted face on the ground, then looked at the bloody thug over there, and the twitching man lying on the ground Another thug threw his hammer to the ground and ran out with blood on his head.

Four people chased and killed one person. As a result, the other person was scratched, but it was not serious. One of them died and two were seriously injured. If they charge up again at this time, they will die.

Ye Yiyi was woken up by that man.

"Are you OK?"

She shook her head and said with a look of horror, "You...don't touch me."

"Don't be afraid, my name is Chen Xu, I'm not a bad person."

Not a bad guy...not a bad guy but also a ruthless guy.

Ye Yiyi wiped her face, looking at the blood on her palm, she almost fainted from fear.



"Don't move."

At this time, there was a commotion at the door, and seven or eight policemen rushed into the box.


the next day.

Most of Shanghai knew about the violent incident at a high-end KTV in the HK area, resulting in the death of one person and serious injuries to two people.

The police issued a wanted warrant for the fugitive mob after calling the surveillance.

At the same time, the video of four thugs with knives chasing young people went viral on the Internet, and a new media company also revealed that the young man who was injured in the hacking incident was attacked in the underground parking lot of Grand Hyatt Mansion the same month before. the same person.

This revelation once again pushed up the heat of the incident. At that time, he had already surprised many people by knocking down two motorcycle gangsters with his bare hands. Unexpectedly, this time, he only suffered some skin trauma when he defeated two motorcycle gangsters with his bare hands. Among the serious injuries, there was also a brain injury, Zhu'er who was admitted to the ICU after being sent to the hospital.

In the past, in such a bad incident, the party being chased would also be under a lot of pressure, but since the incident of Brother X in Kunshan, there have been extensive and in-depth discussions in the society on how to judge whether self-defense is justified. Stirring has started, and the murder scene video has also been circulated on the Internet. It can be clearly seen that the young man fled into the KTV box unarmed, and the witness's confession is that he picked up a pool cue and a billiard ball as a weapon to fight back, which led to such a result.

A machete, a hammer, a dagger, and a pool cue and billiard ball.

If this is not justifiable defense, then what is it? You must know that the judicial definition of "justifiable defense" does not have the definition of a fighter who has a higher standard than ordinary people.

For the general public, seeing such a result, their only thought is to relieve their anger. After all, normal people hate 99% of villains.

On the third day after the incident, the police issued a notice, arguing that the behavior of the young man attacked in the incident was self-defense and that he would not be held criminally responsible.

According to gossip, the reason why the police gave the result of not pursuing it so quickly was that apart from considering civil accidents, they were also under pressure from above, because the young people who sang in KTV at that time were either rich or noble, and the KTV boss also had a deep background. , If this matter is left alone, it will be difficult to do business in the future.


Because the results of the police's handling were in line with public opinion, the attention fell quickly.

People only applauded the death and serious injury of the villain, and few people cared about where the young man surnamed Chen went after he got out of the police station.

There are two people who are very concerned --- Li Yuanxin and his wife, Mrs. Li.

According to the information they have, Chen Xu bought a plane ticket to the United States the next day after he was told that he was not criminally responsible.

From Li Yuanxin's point of view, that kid was afraid, and finally chose to flee overseas, because this was the safest and most convenient way to avoid disaster.

Speaking of which, even if he guessed that the perpetrators were hired by them, he and the police have no way to dig them out, because it is too easy for tens of billionaires to hide themselves, and only those ignorant local rich people will be in Buying murder in China, as a family rich over three generations, there are many means at its disposal.

"Let him run away." Mrs. Li looked at the man smoking a cigarette standing in front of the French window in the living room and said, "Do you think he will mail the things in his hand to the police?"

Li Yuanxin, who was wearing a purple nightgown, took the cigarette away from his mouth: "If it was me, no, the monk would not be able to run away from the temple. He still has a mother in Shanxi and an elder brother in Africa. If he dares to take the things in his hand If it leaks out, then don't blame me for being cruel and killing his family. He is a smart man, and I don't think he would do such things as harming others and benefiting himself. "

Mrs. Li walked up to him: "I was wondering...whether we made a fuss out of a molehill, in case what he said was a scene..."

Recalling the situation at that time, Gu Jia burned the documents after just one glance, so she couldn't be sure whether that Chen Xu really had the evidence to bring down the Li family.

"There is a saying that misfortune comes out of your mouth. Rather than betting that he is lying, I would rather spend a few more dollars to make him shut up forever."

At this moment, the screen of the mobile phone on the coffee table turned on, showing that there was an incoming call. Li Yuanxin walked over and took a look. It was a foreign number. He pressed the connect button and put it to his ear.

"Hey, what's the matter, tell me."


After a few breaths, his face changed.

Thanks to Century Insect God and Old Cat Brother 6 for the 500 starting coins and the 100 starting coins for Fu News.

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