Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 639: Lying Down and Earning Money (2 in 1 5600 words)

The next evening.

Xujiahui, "Meiqing" Lin'an wine shop.

The eyes are green and the fragrance of wine is slowly coming.

The green leaves in the hanging baskets, the picture of going up the river on the north wall, the wine jars and earthen jars on the wooden shelves, and the waiters in Hanfu who shuttle between them, the decoration of this store gives people a dreamy mood of returning to Zhao Song Dynasty.

Lin Yue looked at the tableware with fine enamel on the dining table, the orange soup collided with the azure on the cup wall, and the small fresh bouquet of flowers in the amber vase ahead.

Although it is full of elegance and delicacy, it feels a bit too forceful, but it can be seen that the boss is running this store with great care.

Lin Yue picked up the teacup and took a sip: "After the rain, the sky is clear and the clouds are broken. This Ru Kiln's famous azure glaze is really something you will never get tired of seeing."

He looked calm and breezy here, and Xu Huanshan on the other side really didn't have the slightest interest in agreeing.

"Are you saying that I produce blue fireworks for the sake of selling money? The tea factory she took over from Mrs. Li is a bottomless pit of burning money. These days, the profits of the fireworks company are 70% after deducting employees' wages, taxes and other expenses. All of the above were voted for in Xiangxi, she is fine, after seeing the order for blue fireworks yesterday, she scolded her head and face like an adult teaching a child, I thank her for knowing how to send the staff away in advance, otherwise the first thing to do when I go to the company today is I submitted my resignation letter to Mr. Gu. If I knew this would happen, I shouldn’t have started a company in the first place, and it would be nice to work for others in a safe and stable way, but now even my hobbies depend on her face.”

"Sir, here is the dish you ordered." The waiter came from behind and put the dishes on the table on the table: "Fresh fruit southern milk braised pork, golden chicken, and a pot of warmed osmanthus wine, please use it slowly. "

After reporting the name of the dish, the waiter left. Xu Huanshan continued to complain: "I used to say that I would design a blue firework that would create an ocean in the sky and treat it as a gift for Gu Jia. She said yes, I will wait for yours." The blue fireworks, but now? The blue fireworks really became a firecracker in front of her, and they exploded at one point. You know, I have been playing cold violence with me since yesterday. Then, sometimes when you think about it, enough is enough.”

Lin Yue poured him a glass of wine, and poured himself another: "That's not what you said at the birthday party two months ago."

"..." Xu Huanshan was stumped by these words.

Lin Yue smiled, raised his wine glass as a signal, and poured a big gulp into his mouth.

"To this day, do you still think the blue fireworks are a gift for Gu Jia?"

Xu Huanshan's hand holding the cup stopped in the air: "What do you mean by that?"

"It's not interesting, that's it... I think the two of you should think about what you really want, and then find a balance between the differences. Don't lie, lying will become obscene."

He put a piece of braised pork in his mouth.

"Well, it's really good. It has the essence of Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine."

"Chen Xu, you are really capable now. If I knew this, I shouldn't have come to you." Xu Huanshan drank the wine in his glass in one gulp: "Only the blue fireworks, I don't know Concession."

He didn't eat, got up and left.

Lin Yue knew that Xu Huanshan came to him because he wanted him to help him persuade Gu Jia not to be angry with him about the blue fireworks, but after talking about it, he got a suggestion of "seeking common ground while reserving differences", which is similar to bureaucratic talk What's the difference?

"Waiter, pack."

He didn't care about Xu Huanshan's irascibility, he ate a few mouthfuls of food and drank a glass of wine, told the waiter to pack it, drove home and made a small detour, and gave the food to the male owner of the food stall who was still selling scallion pancakes at night , picked up a one-eyed cat that smelled of oily smoke from a child.


in a few days.

Xu Huanshan was completely overwhelmed by Lin Youyou during this time.

At the same time, there was a problem at the fireworks factory, and there was not enough hard wrapping paper. The director of the factory, Yan, urged him several times but couldn't solve it, so he came to Shanghai directly in a hurry.

No one in the company could find Xu Huanshan, so Gu Jia had no choice but to put down what she was doing and rush to the company to clean up the mess left by Mr. Xu.

Call this one, call that one, and finally managed to get three truckloads of hard wrapping paper together, which solved the urgent need. Factory Manager Yan was very happy. After the end, the two met Xu Huanshan, who had come late, and Yoyo, the secretary who was in charge of the docking work in the past.

Factory Manager Yan looked puzzled, because the "Yoyo" that Xu Huanshan brought to the factory last time was not the Yoyo in front of him.

The shrewd Gu Jia noticed that the atmosphere was a little weird, and her distrust of Xu Huanshan increased a little.

After returning home and taking a shower, she was just about to go to bed when her mobile phone rang.

It was Xu Sheng calling.

As the financial director of the tea factory, there must be something urgent to call so late, and it is most likely related to the operation of the tea factory.

The problem of the fireworks wrapping paper here was solved, and the true and false Youyou incident broke out. Who would have thought that the tea factory over there would not stop. The good thing is that the house leak happened to be raining overnight, she really felt unsustainable, and her mentality of stress was about to collapse.

"Hey, old Xu, what's the matter with calling so late?"

"Gu Jia, have you advertised Kongshancha recently?"

"No, last time I invested 200,000 to 300,000 yuan in marketing on Weibo, but the effect was very poor, and I haven't done it since then."

"Then did you go online today?"

"I've been busy with fireworks wrapping paper today, so I don't have time to go online."

"You'd better look online."

"Look at what?"

"Just watch programs on video sites, iQiyi, Tencent Video, Youku, Bilibili, whatever."

"Old Xu, I'm already very tired today, I really don't have time and energy..."

"Gu Jia, listen to me, I guarantee you will sleep soundly tonight after reading it."

After hanging up Xu Sheng's phone call, Gu Jia sat down on the sofa on the balcony, opened the iQiyi APP, and randomly clicked on a slightly interesting program.

When the new page opened and the video window loaded the opening screen, she froze for a few seconds.

Wang Yishi, a well-known real estate tycoon across the country, is sitting in a small building with thin bamboo in his eyes. At this time, the camera zooms in. He takes the purple clay pot with steaming spout on the wooden table and pours it into the white glazed cup next to it. He poured a cup of tea into his mouth, put it to his mouth and sniffed it with his eyes closed, and took a sip naturally.

As soon as the screen changed, what appeared in front of me was the pattern on the outer packaging box of Kongshancha, with the three characters of Kongshancha slowly appearing in the middle, and then the trademark.


She read it back and forth several times, and was sure that she read it correctly, it was an advertisement for Kongshancha.

You have to know where she has the money to advertise on the video portal, and the person who endorses the advertisement... Can any real estate tycoon afford it? This kind of person is not a celebrity actor, and it is difficult to hire even if he has money.

She changed a few more websites, such as Tencent Video, Youku Video, Bilibili, and Kongshancha’s advertisements. Many well-known bloggers in the food circle on Weibo also recommended to fans, and even wrote about Kongshancha. Dedicated review articles.

what happened?

She suppressed the excitement in her heart, went through the incident, and remembered what Chen Xu said a few days ago whether she should help her.

"No way..."

Picking up the phone again, looking at the 23:15 time in the middle of the screen, she hesitated whether to call to verify.

Xu Sheng said that she must have slept soundly after watching it, but the fact is that she couldn't fall asleep after watching it.


the next afternoon.

Peninsula Hotel.

A cup of Earl Grey, some English muffins.

Gu Jia came over from behind, took off the windbreaker, folded it, and put it on the chair next to it.

"Why did you make an appointment to meet here?"

Lin Yue said: "Just now I was talking about business with someone upstairs. I heard that the afternoon tea here is quite famous. The chef who makes the dessert is from the UK. The taste is very good."

Seeing Gu Jia sit down, the waiter came over and asked what to drink.

She ordered a cup of Peninsula afternoon tea, and couldn't wait to talk about the problems in her heart.

"What's up with the ads on the Internet?"

Lin Yue said, "Isn't it good?"

Gu Jia shook her head: "Very well, a tea merchant called this morning to inquire about cooperation. I mean, why did you make such a big news out so quietly?"

Lin Yue smiled: "Are you blaming me for not discussing it with you?"

"That's not true." Gu Jia pondered for a while and said, "It's just that I feel caught off guard in the face of the current situation."

Lin Yue knew what she was referring to——his and her sales ideas were very different, which disrupted her positioning of Kongshancha.

"First of all, you have misunderstood the audience of the product. Now the beverage market is flourishing. In the past few years, bottled beverages such as cola, orange juice, and yogurt have won the favor of young people. In recent years, A Shui Mugcha, Michelle Ice City , COCO milk tea and other beverage stores have swept the country, squeezing the market for bottled beverages. These things are easy to get and can meet the taste needs of young people. If you want to get a piece of cake on this plate, it is really difficult.”

"Secondly, you haven't grasped the core selling point of Kongshan tea—purely handmade, with limited output. In your opinion, this is a shortcoming. In my opinion, as long as you use it properly, it is entirely possible to turn the shortcoming into an advantage."

"Again, the saying that quality is the key is true, but quality is used to maintain long-term interests. Tea is not like a commodity on Pinxixi. As long as the price is low enough, it can win the favor of sellers. For Kongshan Finding the right marketing direction is the key to an unknown new product like tea.”

Gu Jia was dumbfounded by what he said. After taking over the tea factory, she has been running around, paying fines to attract investment to find sales, and never stopped to think about it. Now when I tell him, she realizes that she doesn't really understand Kongshancha.

Lin Yue took a sip of tea and continued: "Have you ever thought about who are the people who have the time and leisure to sit down and drink tea now? In my opinion, 30 years old is a watershed, that is to say, when it comes to thermos cups At the age of soaking goji berries, ordinary people will consider whether to make a cup of hot tea to drink. In terms of development, brands such as Dayi and China Tea have basically monopolized the low-end tea market. Small tea factories can only fight price wars or rely on relationships, or even cheat, to survive in the cracks. So Mr. Xu said that what you took over is a There is nothing wrong with a bottomless pit of burning money."

"There is only one way to open up a way in the hot tea market, and that is marketing. Considering the characteristics of high quality and low yield of Kongshan tea, it is better to take the high-end route. However, whether it is wine or tea, new products that want to take the high-end route Ninety-nine out of one hundred companies will die, because they have no historical background, no word-of-mouth guarantee, insufficient brand accumulation, and impetuous capital behind them. Take Moutai and Wuliangye as examples, how many liquor companies want to catch up with them, and the result? ? Has it been done in fifty years? Why? In addition to quality, there is another important factor --- popularity!"

"So, if there is a market for Kongshancha, the most important thing is to let the target group remember it, so finding a celebrity endorsement is the fastest way to get results. So who should you turn to?"

Gu Jia already knew the answer. Real estate tycoon Wang Yishi --- a successful entrepreneur, a high-end person, a representative of the business community, seeking fame but not wealth... There are such labels on him.

If Kongshancha is associated with such a person, it will naturally be branded as high-end, business, and high-quality, and become something that can show its identity.

Gu Jia said: "I'm curious, how did you convince Wang Yishi, who is more seeking fame than money, to endorse Kong Shancha."

"Try and see how it tastes?" Lin Yue pushed the plate of muffins in front of Gu Jia: "Who in a normal person doesn't love money? It's nothing more than a high level or a low level."

She cut a small piece and put it in her mouth, chewed it for a while, and nodded with satisfaction: "It looks like the most common English muffin, but I didn't expect the taste to be so good. When did you get used to the life of a classy person? I weren't like this before."

You must know that there is a clear difference between an upstart and a rich family. People with poisonous eyes can tell the difference at a glance. Although she is not the kind of person mentioned above, she still has the basic ability to know people. Now Chen Xu is sitting Afternoon tea in the restaurant of the Peninsula Hotel... If there is one word to describe this scene, it would be "fit", as if he belonged here.

Lin Yue pointed to his own head: "I am enlightened."

This sounds like a joke, but Gu Jia can't laugh at all, because he is like a young man when he hates people, he is flamboyant, passionate, and reckless, and he behaves better than people of her age at other times Mature, thinking about problems more carefully and comprehensively, people have an indescribable sense of tearing in his impression.

"It cost a lot of money to invite Wang Yishi to advertise." Gu Jia said, "With my current financial situation, I will definitely not be able to pay you back. I will make up for you when the tea factory makes money."

"It's not necessary." Lin Yue met her puzzled gaze and said, "Because he was a guest star in friendship, so a few people had a meal here afterwards."

"Friendly cameo?"

"Don't think too much, it's definitely not me."

"Who is that?"

"..." Seeing her resolute attitude, Lin Yue smiled helplessly: "Well, advertising is the condition I offered to Wang Yishi's friend as a shareholder."

Gu Jia didn't expect that the whole thing was more complicated than she imagined: "What tricks are you doing?"

"A few days ago, I negotiated a deal with the second shareholder of Huayuan Group."

"Or help him transfer assets outside?"

"This time it's more complicated." Seeing her interested look, Lin Yue explained in detail: "I registered a leather bag company abroad, and I want to do a deal with a domestic company controlled by Lu Jinwei. If the money cannot be paid in full when it expires, the transaction will be voided, and 60% of the liquidated damages will be charged. After the things are shipped from overseas to China, Lu Jinwei’s company will have problems and cannot pay the money in full and on time. At this time, I The company will initiate a lawsuit against Lu Jinwei’s company, requiring the return of the goods and paying liquidated damages, or the payment can be postponed for a period of time during court mediation, but the option of liquidated damages must be given, which is equivalent to Lu Jinwei’s company. Purchase items at 160% off the original price."

Gu Jia stared straight at her eyes: "Transfer assets by losing a cross-border lawsuit? You guys... can really take advantage of loopholes in regulations."

She is really convinced, you said why he has so many evil ideas.

Lin Yue shrugged and said nothing. Such things as taking advantage of loopholes exist in all walks of life. As far as lawyers are concerned, picking words and taking advantage of legal gray areas are necessary skills.

"How much is the 60% liquidated damages?"

"Eight billion."

"So many?" Gu Jia was taken aback: "Aren't you afraid that the foreign exchange management department will be alert and won't exchange currency for you?"

"First, in terms of process, this is a normal commercial behavior, and the foreign exchange management department has little room to use conventional means to veto it; second, if a lawsuit is filed in a foreign judicial system, if the company has money in its books but cannot pay compensation, it will It will cause a great negative impact internationally, which may trigger a domino effect; third, if I am a supervisor, even if I know that there is something tricky in it, I will try my best to facilitate the transaction.”


Obviously, the question here is aimed at Lin Yue's third point, why the leader in charge tried to facilitate the transaction even though he knew there was something tricky about it.

Lin Yue said: "Because the products here are two 1980DI lithography machines."

Gu Jia really wanted to swear, really wanted to swear, but as a cultural person, she couldn't swear, so she couldn't bear it, and her face turned red.

Even though she seldom reads the news and is not very interested in international events, she knows from the people around her that chip manufacturing has always been a weakness in the technology field.

At this juncture, Lu Jinwei's company bought two 1980DI lithography machines from the Netherlands. Even if they are not the latest and most advanced, it will be a blessing to the domestic semiconductor industry.

Isn't it just paying more foreign exchange? Allowed.

What's more, logically speaking, the person who pays is Lu Jinwei, not the foreign exchange management department.

"You can really do it if you can link the promotion of the development of the domestic semiconductor industry with the transfer of assets abroad."

Lin Yue smiled noncommittally.

"But what does this have to do with Wang Yishi's friends?"

He didn't say that Wang Yishi's friend was Lu Jinwei, so it must be someone else.

Lin Yue said: "Because Lu Jinwei can't hold on alone, two people are needed to sing the oboe about financial problems."

Is it easy to find rich people who want to transfer assets abroad? Of course it was easy to find, but there was still one thing she couldn't figure out.

"Then if you do this, you can transfer half of the total amount at most. The Dutch are not fools, and they will definitely not sell the lithography machine at a low price. Isn't the 50% asset transfer rate a little low? See what you mean, that Not only did people not hesitate, but they were also very willing to accept the condition of Wang Yishi helping to advertise, so what is going on here?"

Lin Yue glared at her: "I used to be a smart woman, why are you so stupid now? Half of the money goes out, and the other half becomes a lithography machine. This thing is a hen that only lays golden eggs."

"Yes, it can be sold at a higher price when it is shipped back to China."

Of course she knows that things like high-end lithography machines cannot be bought with money.

"Sell? What do you think?"


"Poach a few outstanding employees of foreign semiconductor companies or people who understand technology, and then enter the semiconductor industry based on equipment..."

Lin Yue didn't continue talking.

Gu Jia's expression was almost petrified.

She thought it was a big deal to invite Wang Yishi to advertise for Kongshan Tea, but compared with his strategic blueprint, it was only a small part.

She thinks that he can perfectly "fit" with the luxury hotel because of the invisible, intangible and imaginary things like temperament, but it is not the case, he can perfectly "fit" with the luxury hotel because of his strength.

"How much money can you earn from this operation?"

Lin Yue didn't hide it from her: "The transaction commission plus the profit of being a second-hand dealer is about 120 million. Oh, and Lu Jinwei also promised to give me 10% of the semiconductor company's shares afterwards."




Gu Jia didn't know what to say at all, this empty-handed white wolf's trick was a slippery one, let alone Xu Huanshan, Liang Zhengxian would just lift his shoes, no wonder Yu Wenhua and Wang Xiangqun were in front of him It's quite polite to speak and act.

She didn't know about the murders surrounding Li Yuanxin's family, and simply thought that he won the approval of those people with his business acumen.

Think about yourself and him.

Sure enough, if you meet the right person, you can make money lying down.

Thanks to Black Toolbox for the 1,000 starting coins, Mu Yu Yulin, book friends with tail number 8690 for the 200 starting coins, Zhu Haochen for the 169 starting coins, and Angel’s praise for the 100 starting coins.

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