Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 643 End of Volume - Wang Manni's Story (Part 2)

"Mr. Dong, do you think it's time for your company to settle the payment for the batch of goods that your company bought from Zhisheng three months ago?"

"Hey, didn't the accountant send you the money?"


"Then I'll give you a rush."

"Mr. Dong, you said the same thing last time I came here, but I waited for several days after I went back and there was no movement."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, yes."

"Well, I have a meeting to hold right now. After I finish the meeting, I will ask the financial side to find out the situation, and find a place to eat in the evening. Let's chat while eating, okay?"

Wang Manni froze in place, she couldn't understand the meaning of the other party's words.


"Follow, right? You can follow if you want."

"Mr. Lu, we really need this money urgently. If you don't send the money, your business will be affected if you go to court."

"Little girl, have you ever heard a saying that the debt is too heavy. Ask your legal department to sue me."

"Mr. Lu, please don't embarrass a small employee like me. If I don't get the money today, I will fire the company. You see, I came to Shanghai from a small place, and I finally found a job."

"Your name is Wang Manni, right? Don't cry miserably with me. These days, who else is easy except for the gentlemen sitting in the courtyard? My payment is still owed by others. If you have the ability, help me get it back. If you want to come back, I will pay Zhisheng immediately, and not only that, I will give you a little commission."


"Come here, little girl, it took me a long time to sit here, you must be starving, come over and have some food together, although there are no decent dishes, at least it will fill your stomach."

"Old man, when will your son come back, can you give me a letter?"

"You want a letter of approval, and I want a letter of approval. This little brat hasn't been back on August 15th. What did you say to me about a business at the Jack Daniel's Distillery in Scotland? He's too busy , I don’t have time. He really thinks I don’t know how to search the Internet? I don’t know how to use a smart phone and there’s a fat guy next door. Jack Daniel’s Brewery is in the United States, not in Scotland at all. He runs the train every day, ten sentences Eight sentences are false, and one sentence is half-truth and half-false."


It has been more than a month since she came back to Shanghai, and she has to pay back three arrears in total. The day after tomorrow is the deadline for the task Frank gave her, but let alone getting the money back, there is not even a clue.

Jenny has complained many times that Frank is making things difficult for her, because the tasks given to her are those that have been delayed for a long time and have a high probability of getting dirty.

But what if he knew he was making things difficult on purpose?

While walking on the street, I suddenly looked up and found that I had come to the street where Xiaoshanmen Cafe was located.

Counting with fingers, the two have not been in touch for a long time. You must know that Jiang Chen took the initiative to talk to her in the past, but for some reason, she has been a little wilted for a while, and she no longer posts photos of new products in Moments.

Of course she won't take the initiative to contact him, she wants to maintain the personality of the goddess.

Today, however, a special impulse drove her into the café.

Nothing has changed, the decoration, display, and the aroma of coffee beans are all the same.

Jiang Chen was stunned when he saw that it was her who entered the door.

"Why do you look surprised? Are you surprised to see me?" Wang Manni found a table and sat down.


Jiang Chen shook his head, gave her a complicated look, and made a cup of coffee as before and brought it over.

"I didn't know how delicious your coffee was until I returned to my hometown."

Wang Manni took a sip from the coffee cup, and frowned involuntarily, feeling that the taste was much worse than the one she drank before.

"Jiang Chen, your skills have regressed."

Jiang Chen said: "The craftsmanship hasn't deteriorated, it's because the good coffee beans are gone."

"What? Is it because the sales volume is not good that you no longer buy high-quality coffee beans?"

"Roughly the same."

He said something perfunctory, and saw the back door opened, and the waitress walked in with a bucket of coffee beans, told her that she still had some work to do, and left.

Wang Manni picked up the cup and took another two sips. At this time, the waitress put the coffee beans and walked out from the counter, and sat down on the chair opposite her.

"We got the certificate."

Wang Manni's hand trembled, and she almost spilled the coffee.

"When did this happen?"

"Just half a month ago, the wedding was scheduled for the day after Christmas. You must come then." The waitress looked happy.

Wang Manni's expression was a little unnatural, but she still refused to admit defeat: "Okay, then I will definitely pack a big red envelope for you."

At this time Jiang Chen came over: "How big is it?"

The waitress took his hand with a reproachful expression on her face.


a week later.

Boyheng 55 Clubhouse.

Wang Manni met Party B in the contract, who is also the president of Zhisheng Group Wei Zhijie.

She came here timidly, and her walk was a little awkward, the reason was simple, she was fired by Frank, in other words, she lost the bet with Wei Zhijie.

At the beginning, she was full of ambition and wanted to go back to Misia's store standing up, but after almost two months of blood, she had to face the result of lying in front of Wei Zhijie.

If it wasn’t for Ye Yiyi’s help in the TV series, she would have been fired by Frank as early as the 17th day after joining the company. Ye Yiyi didn’t show up here, and Zheng Lixiang’s payment of 100,000 yuan was paid to help her spend the first 17 days Then, she passed the second 17 days, but in the third 17 days, she still did not escape, and was fired by Frank who kept finding fault.

"Boss Wei."

"Come?" Wei Zhijie sat on the chair in front of the bar without looking back.

"Sorry, I couldn't complete the task you gave me."

Wei Zhijie offered her a glass of whiskey: "Needless to say I'm sorry, we signed a contract, each has its own choice."

"Mr. Wei, I think...can you give me two more days?"

"What? Still refuse to admit defeat?"

"No, I think..."

"You want to get evidence of Frank's embezzlement and fraud, don't you? He made things difficult for you in collecting money, so you have to bite him back, right?"

Wang Manni looked shocked: "You know about Frank...?"

"There is a saying that when water is clear, there are no fish. Frank has been in the sales department for many years, and the people under him have benefited more or less. Do you think I don't want to replace him? But the price is too high at present. Now the group as a whole It is profitable in theory, if you move him, you will lead to a series of crimes, which may hurt your vitality, so we can only take it step by step."

Wang Manni suddenly realized: "No wonder he sees me holding the recommendation letter from the president's office and makes things difficult for him all the time. He is always on guard. It turns out that he knows that his situation is not good. Mr. Wei, you expected this before you sent me over. Let’s develop, I’m not counting against those old Lai, but I have to fight wits and courage with department leaders and colleagues.”

Wei Zhijie took a sip of wine and said, "Are you making excuses for your failure?"

Wang Manni stopped talking.

"According to the agreement, you haven't lasted for three months, so you must be my personal assistant."


Wang Manni didn't know what to say, because the rights and obligations of both parties were written in black and white in the contract. If she was an honest person, she would be Wei Zhijie's personal assistant from now on.

She is said to be a personal assistant, but in fact she is a woman, the kind who can give up at any time after playing enough, not as high as Xiaobai, the lover of wine merchant Cheng Boss.

"But things have changed now."

Wang Manni was taken aback when she heard the words: "What do you mean?"

"Just before you were fired by Frank, someone bought the Misia store from me. Because the basic conditions have changed, the contract has lost its meaning."

Has Misia's store been bought by someone else? In just three months, they changed hands twice. What's the situation? Although... she no longer needs to be Wei Zhijie's personal assistant, but no matter how she thinks about it, she feels a little uncomfortable, because she came here with the idea of ​​betting and admitting defeat.

"Mr. Wei..."

"Although the Misia store was bought by someone else, the position of deputy store manager is yours now."

Wang Manni was surprised at first, then overjoyed: "Thank you, Mr. Wei."

In her opinion, to have such a result, Wei Zhijie must have spoken good words to her in front of the new owner of the Misia shop.

"Don't thank me." Wei Zhijie said, "It was the new owner of the Misia store who asked you to be the deputy store manager."

Wang Manni was surprised again, and said that there are more strange things every year and this year, how did the new owner of Misia store know about her? Are you sure she can be a good deputy store manager?

"You don't know who bought the Misia store from me, do you?" Wei Zhijie looked into her eyes and said a name.

Wang Manni's facial features, including her eyes, froze as if she had been hit hard.

" could it be?"

After a long time, she came back to her senses, seeming to ask herself, or asking Wei Zhijie for verification.

"The new owner of the twin villas, Hou Lang, who dares to be angry and dare not speak out, since he has taken a fancy to Misia's shop, I don't want to have an antagonism with him because of this matter, not to mention the price he gave is very fair."

After Wei Zhijie finished speaking, he took a deep look at her.

Wang Manni knew that there were some things he didn't say - I don't know if that person is interested in Misia's shop or you? But I don't want to compete with that person, whether it's Misia's store or you, because the price is too high to pay.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor on the left, and a face flashed out, accompanied by a question.

Wang Manni was sitting near the corner on the right side of the bar, and she didn't see who was coming, but that voice...she was all too familiar.

PS: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Don't rush to comment. The Wang money chapter was originally intended to be compressed into two chapters, but it ended up being one more chapter~囧~

Thank you for the 1,000 starting coins from the old and the new, the 200 starting coins from Fengtongyin, jams10v, sunnysun, book friends with the end number 5070, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by the book friends with the end number 9995.

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