Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 656 We are different, different

Lin Yue knew what he wanted to ask—why did you force me to reveal the behind-the-scenes instigation when you knew the ins and outs of the whole incident?

As for the evidence...

Jin Yiwei Commander Tian Ergeng is Wei Zhongxian's adopted son, if he wants to start a small thousand households, isn't that easy to catch?

"I think it's really fun to do that."


He made such a big circle and got five or six stinky coolies to come and mess with him just for fun?

Xiao Zhang Sui, who had been running errands for him not long ago, stepped on him in a blink of an eye, knowing the cause and effect of the emperor's falling into the water, but still playing with him, insulting him both physically and mentally.

Guo Zhen's mentality collapsed, is this person a devil?

"Leave the men alone and become a eunuch. You deserve to be fucked."

"You... aren't you also a eunuch?"

Lin Yue stared: "I was tricked by someone."

There is one more thing he didn't say, just now, the system reminded him that the side mission was completed, +1CM, currently 2CM (the reward secret technique for the first time - shrinking the sun into the abdomen).

This... is it really possible?

So touched.

Guo Zhen noticed that he looked a little excited, and seemed to have a deep resentment for entering the palace as a eunuch, so he sneered, "You deserve what you deserve."

Did you deserve it?

Lin Yue slapped him on the face, wanting to say that Lao Tzu's can still grow back, but can yours?

But in the end, he didn't say anything, because Guo Zhen had been forced to collapse once, and the second brush would be boring.

"You have the guts to kill me now."

"I can't see that you are still a spineless eunuch."

Lin Yue walked over and pulled him up from the ground: "Don't think that I don't know what you're thinking, whether it's sent to prison or handed over to Wei Zhongxian, the end result is worse than life, so why don't you provoke me to kill you. "


Guo Zhen was speechless, the guy in his 20s in front of him was extremely thoughtful.

"Don't worry, I won't hand you over to Wei Zhongxian."

Seeing that Guo Zhen's face changed slightly, he said again: "Of course, I won't let you go. There is a saying called Qihuo Keju. I don't know if you have heard of it."

Guo really understands.

What's the meaning? If he guessed correctly, this guy is going to use him to threaten King Xin.

What is this little eunuch going to do?

"By the way, I still have a letter here, let's see if it was written by you." Lin Yue took out an envelope, pulled out the letter paper inside and unfolded it in front of him.

Guo Zhen looked at it for a while with the help of the oil lamp, and his body shivered.

It wasn't written by him, but it was written by him from the handwriting.

Of course, this is not the key, the key is the content.

"You...what do you care about?"

If it was fear of the little eunuch's skill before, then the fear now comes from the insidiousness of the other party.

What kind of heart can I say to you?

Lin Yue knocked Guo Zhen unconscious with a single punch, then thrust into the system space, and left the room in three steps at a time.

He still has business to do. If he arrives late and cannot get the second "+1CM", wouldn't he be a little further away from his wish of 18CM?

In the past, he was doing a good job, but his skills can only be said to be a little above average. Now he comes to the world of "Xiu Chun Knife", and the side missions are not broken or established. They are challenges and opportunities. Without [Teacher Killer], there can be countless peach blossoms.

Leaving Ma girl alley to Mingshifang, when returning to the front of Jinling Tower, Jin Yiwei's people have surrounded the scene of the crime, and the surrounding spectators are pointing and talking about the murder that happened inside.

Lin Yue took out a roast chicken from the system space and ate two bites. Then he saw that the closed door opposite was kicked open from inside, and a black shadow sprang out, rushing forward along the long street.

It was Yin Cheng, a small banner officer under Shen Lian's command.

According to the plot of the movie, this guy will lose his grip after urinating in three or two cats, and he dares to tease Wei Zhongxian, not to mention the case of Xi Zong's falling into the water.

The point is that Wei Zhongxian's nephew, Ling Yunkai, had just had an unpleasant fight with Shen Lian over who was in charge of the restaurant case. Hearing this, he might as well punish him to death.

Seeing Yin Cheng running wildly all the way, knocking over several braziers for burning paper money for the dead, Lin Yue took out a black cloth and tied it to his face, and chased after him from the long road on the other side of the river.

Yin Cheng threw off Ling Yunkai's subordinates and jumped onto a rowing boat.

He thought that he was safe for the time being, but he didn't expect Shen Lian to jump off the stone bridge and land firmly on the bow of the boat.

Yin Cheng's intercession failed, so he could only draw his sword to face each other, but Shen Lian subdued him with two moves, and Xiuchun's sword fell into the river.

What he said was recorded in the Impermanence Book by Ling Yunkai. As a Jin Yiwei, he naturally knew how tragic the ending would be if he went to prison.

Just when he drew out a dagger and was about to figure it out on his own, he suddenly heard the sound of water on the left, a bamboo pole entering the water, and then a black shadow borrowed his strength.

The pair of sabers suddenly appeared, and a cold light shone into Shen Lian's eyes.


The embroidered spring knife and the crossed short knife rubbed against each other to create a flash of fire.

The so-called connoisseurs only know if they have nothing to do when they make a move. Double short knives versus Xiuchun knives. If fighting in such a narrow area, short weapons will naturally have an advantage.

He pressed hard on the hilt of the knife to prevent the enemy from approaching, and at the same time jumped back to make a gap of about half a meter. While drawing the knife, he turned the blade and swiped with his elbow.

Lin Yue turned around, passed the dagger forward, and hurriedly Shen Lian faced the door.

The move is not only fast, but also tricky.

Shen Lian took another big step back, the heels of his heels almost touching the side of the boat, and only then barely avoided the stabbing. As a counterattack, the Xiuchun Knife, which was originally Zhankong, was handed over to his left hand, and he slashed towards the opponent's chest in one stroke.

Lin Yue moved the dagger in his right hand one square forward, and caught the Xiuchun knife that was drawn horizontally.

At the same time, the ship passed the arch bridge, and Ling Yunkai, who arrived late, appeared at the corner of the promenade in front of him, and saw the scene of the two fighting each other.


Lin Yue turned back, grabbed Yin Cheng's shoulders and jumped towards the river.


The water sprayed in all directions, and the ripples spread outward.

Shen Lian was stunned for a moment, and when he realized that he rushed to the stern, he found that the night was so dark that it was impossible to grasp the escape route of the masked man and Yin Cheng.


After half an hour.

In a small courtyard near Ma girl alley.

Lin Yue released Yin Cheng, who was barely stuffed into the portable space, and patted his face.

"Yin Xiaoqi, Yin Xiaoqi..."

After three breaths, Yin Cheng woke up leisurely, looked startled at the man with a palm-sized birthmark on the right cheek in front of him, touched his waist with his hand, only to remember that the Xiuchun knife was thrown into the river by Shen Lian.

"You rescued me?"

Lin Yue nodded: "Otherwise?"

Yin Cheng breathed a sigh of relief: "You...why did you save me?"

Lin Yue said: "I have a grudge against Ling Yunkai, and anyone who dares to resist the eunuchs is a righteous man."

Yin Cheng wanted to fight against the eunuchs? Don't be kidding, he just drank too much alcohol and said some outrageous things that Ling Yunkai heard and recorded in the Impermanence Book. He thought that the result of going to prison would be worse than life, and he might as well fight to the death and escape. How did he get here? Has he become a righteous man against the eunuchs here?

But he will not clarify this misunderstanding.

"The Eunuch Party's cholera policy, everyone can get it and punish it." Yin Cheng thought that even if the person in front of him was not a member of the Donglin Party, he still had something to do with them.

Lin Yue went to the table and poured a cup of tea and handed it over: "Brother Yin drank this cup of tea first to suppress the shock, I'll go get some food, and the city gate will open tomorrow morning, and then I'll find a way to send you out of the city."

Yin Cheng took the cup and drank the tea in it without thinking. The other party rescued Shen Baihu from Shen Baihu at the risk of being wanted by Jin Yiwei, and there was no reason to harm him: "Brother, please."

Lin Yue smiled and nodded, opened the door and went out.

In less than a quarter of an hour, he went back and forth, returned to the room, put a roast chicken, a pair of pig's feet on the table, and a jug of still warm white wine.

"Come on, brother Yin, it's still early, I'll drink with you."

Yin Cheng is a drunkard, he went to Jinling Tower to investigate the case, and Ding'an saw the corpses vomited profusely, and he still had the leisure to drink the wine from the shop.


Yin Cheng knew that the matter had developed to this point, regret and anxiety were meaningless, he might as well relax and have a drink, and leave everything to the brother surnamed Zhou in front of him.

Although the Donglin Party was defeated by the Eunuch Party, its foundation still exists. There are still many ways to get someone out of BJ City.

Pushing cups and changing cups, toasting and staggering.

The more they drank, the more energetic they were, and the more they talked, the happier they were.

Catalyzed by the two emotions of alcohol and the grace of life, Yin Cheng almost introduced the man opposite who claimed to be Zhou Tai as his lifelong confidant.

Not long after, a roast chicken was finished, and the pig's feet turned into bone dregs on the ground. Yin Cheng fell asleep on the bed in the corner half drunk, and that Zhou brother thoughtfully covered him with a blanket. He blew a song, it seems to be called "Swordsman"?

The next day, when the morning light shone on his face through the window sill, Yin Cheng was shaken awake from his sleep. When the foreground in front of his eyes changed from blurred to clear, he froze. What do you mean?

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