Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 673: Fooling Chongzhen

It was a booklet with the words "Supervisory Minutes of the Treasure Ship" written on it.

Ding Baiying's face changed, because this thing was originally in Shen Lian's hands, that guy didn't know that Beizhai was a believer in the king, and tried to coerce them to release Beizhai.

"Why is this thing in your hand?"

"It doesn't matter how it got into my hands. The important thing is that Guo Zhen and Beizhai are under my control. Once they are handed over to Dongchang, your young master will not be able to argue. Mr. Lin is currently handling the case."

"Okay, I promise you."

Later, Ding Tai and Ding Chong wanted to say something, but Ding Baiying stopped them with a wave.

"But before you go to see the son, you must give it to me."

Lin Yue casually threw the "Treasure Ship Supervision Minutes" to Ding Baiying. Anyway, Guo Zhen was in his hands, and he knew Beizhai's whereabouts, so the booklet meant little to him.

Ding Baiying opened the brochure, looked at it a few times, and got up from the chair: "Come with me."


At nightfall, Lin Yue met Xin Wang Zhu Youjian in a small wooden house outside the city.

With a handsome face and a slender figure, with a jade pendant hanging from his waist and a sword in his hand, he is dressed as a heroic nobleman.

It was very cloudy outside, and the wind that came in through the gaps in the windows blew the flames in the candlesticks, and even the back view on the wall was a little distorted.

"You were the one who rescued Guo Zhen?"

"That's right."

"You were also the one who burned down Jinyiwei's archives?"


"Where's Bei Zhai?"

"In a safe place."

"What exactly do you want?"

Lin Yue squeezed out a smile, but in Zhu Youjian's view, it was not kind at all, like a devil's grin.

"You go down first."

Seeing that Lin Yue didn't speak, but just aimed his eyes at Ding Baiying who was kneeling beside him, Zhu Youjian turned his head and ordered.

"My son..."

"I'll let you go down." Zhu Youjian repeated blankly. In his opinion, the short-knife masked man did so many things not to kill him, but to ask for something from him.

As the old saying goes, the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. No one will do a troublesome thing without purpose.

Ding Baiying took a deep look at Lin Yue, picked up the Qi family knife on the ground, turned and left the cabin.

"Now you can talk."

"His Royal Highness, according to the information I have, your brother may not be alive for a few days."

Zhu Youjian's expression was very calm, as if he didn't care about his brother's life or death.

"That dragon chair, have you been looking forward to it for a long time?"

Zhu Youjian frowned: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"I can help His Highness get what I want. After that, Your Highness will help me get what I want, how about it?"

"what do you want?"

"Spare Shen Lian's life."

"What?" Zhu Youjian was stunned: "Rao Chenlian? Is it that simple?"

He thought that the masked man with short knives would make more difficult requests, such as high-ranking officials and rich salary, such as gold ten thousand taels, but he didn't expect that he would spare a Jinyiwei who happened to meet him.

"not simple."


"Because he fell in love with your woman."

"..." Zhu Youjian's face was a bit ugly. He is a person who wants to do big things, but he is a man after all. The woman he loves is now with someone else. It is a lie to say that he doesn't care, mainly because he has no energy now. Take care of those two. Thinking that when the imperial power is in my hands, I will have it in the world. If I just give a command, the people below will silently do Shen Lian.

"Okay, I promise you."

"Boldness." Lin Yue pretended to praise him.

In the movie, Shen Lian came to have a showdown with King Xin. There was a chance to kill him, but Shen Lian didn't do that. Later, Zhu Youxiao died of illness, and Zhu Youjian became the emperor. Because the eradication of the eunuch party was supported by civil and military officials with common interests such as the Donglin Party, his position was stable, so naturally he was not afraid of the treasure ship case being exposed... and no one dared to expose it This matter, and considering that Shen Lian let him go at the beginning, he issued an amnesty order and allowed him to work in Jinyiwei. Unfortunately, there were no shortages for hundreds of households, so he was given a general banner.

Now that Lin Yue replaced Shen Lian, he came to Xinwang to show his presence in front of him for later use. Maybe this guy turned around and killed Shen Lian after he ascended the throne. After all, it was just a matter of crossing.

Of course he didn't care about Shen Lian, what he cared about was the 1CM.

Zhu Youjian stared into his eyes: "Now you can say what should I do?"

"Yesterday, Lu Wenzhao made a small move against Lin San, the eunuch of the East Factory. Not only was he unsuccessful, but he also made a fool of himself and attracted Lin San's attention. I think it will be a matter of time before he is investigated. Ding Baiying's master and apprentice also showed their faces in front of Lin San. Your Highness If you want to sit on the throne, the first thing you need to do is to shut up Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiying, master and apprentice, who is tight-lipped, I don't think I need to say more?"

"This is the first point. The second point... is to win Wei Zhongxian's support. The old man also knows that the emperor is dying, and has been arranging for himself. Why do you think he reuses Lin San? He is forcing Your Highness is soft, either the fish will die and the net will be broken, and the court will be in chaos, or they will hit it off and the world will be peaceful."

"For him, as long as he is favored, it doesn't matter whether his elder brother is emperor or younger brother is emperor, so to get his support, it is easy and difficult to say."

Zhu Youjian said, "How do you say it?"

Lin Yue lowered his voice and said something.

"..." Zhu Youjian was silent for a moment and said, "I see."

"Those who make big things don't care about small things, I hope His Highness will make plans early." After saying this, Lin Yue turned and left.

"Wait... what's your name?"

"My surname is Zhou, and my name is Tai."

"No, you have done so much, it is impossible to save an irrelevant person, what do you want from me?"

"Don't you understand, Your Highness?" Lin Yue smiled: "All the people around you who can rely on are dead, and who can you trust when you board the Great Treasure? Jinyiwei? Dongchang? Or the Civil Service Group?"

"Are you not afraid that I will kill you too?"

"How many people do you think can be found in the world who are courageous and resourceful and dare to tell the truth? So I am willing to gamble my life to see if you are a wise king."


The next night.

Seeing a black shadow appearing on the horizon, Lin Yue said "slow", and the bay red horse under him stepped forward from fast to slow.

When he went to see Zhu Youjian, the first purpose was not to bring the incident back to normal, but to complete the main task.

Because this is a difficult task, at least it will be reused by Chongzhen. In Xiuchundao I, Lu Jianxing took the matter of letting Wei Zhongxian away. When Han Kuang, the chief assistant of the cabinet, wanted to investigate this matter in detail, Chongzhen sternly stopped him and said, "Do you want no one to use me?"

It can be seen how lonely Chongzhen has become after sacrificing Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiying. Now he has given Chongzhen a way to break the situation that suits his wishes. I don't believe that Chongzhen can ignore his existence after he ascends the throne.

In short, his plan is to get the guaranteed reward first, and then attack more difficult task requirements according to the situation.

Think about being the emperor yourself required by the difficulty of nightmare... He smiled wryly and shook his head.


When the village was about to be abandoned, there were several pigeons singing in the woods.


When he meowed twice like a kitten, a person emerged from the nearby bushes.

"Brother Zhou, you are back."

"Well, I'm back." Lin Yue handed the horse to Yin Cheng's care: "Where are Shen Lian and Bei Zhai?"

Yin Cheng stared at the small broken house over there, and Lin Yue patted his shoulder and walked forward.


After Shen Lian caught Bei Zhai who stole the books from his house, Lin Yue told about Lu Wenzhao's plan to kill them to silence them. It was true that a wanted notice was posted, and Yin Cheng trusted this man named Zhou Tai for three years, so the two of them stayed here with peace of mind and waited and watched the development of the situation.

Shen Lian didn't want to live a life of escape. After knowing that Lu Wenzhao was Guo Zhen's accomplice, he still hoped to send the "Treasure Ship Construction Minutes" to King Xin in exchange for a way out.

"How about it, have you seen King Xin?"

Hearing the question from behind, Hokusai, who was dozing off under a blanket, opened his eyes and looked towards the door.

"He agreed and said that he would order Lu Wenzhao to withdraw the arrest warrant. However, it will be difficult to implement this and it will take time. Now the surrounding area of ​​the capital is not safe. Let's go to the south to avoid it first."

"What about me? Did he mention me?" Beizhai asked before Shen Lian could speak.

Lin Yue took out a letter from his pocket: "This is a letter from him to you."

Beizhai took the letter, walked to the swaying charcoal fire, and read it against the light, with a sincerely gratified expression on his face.

The content of the letter is very simple, saying that the capital is not safe now, and she is asked to go to the south to avoid it first, and when he finishes the affairs here, ascends to the throne of the emperor, and wipes out the eunuchs, he will rehabilitate his father and pick her up Reunion in the palace.

Shen Lian noticed Beizhai's reaction and felt a little sad. You must know that Beizhai asked for water just now, and he blew it into lukewarm water one mouthful at a time. After all, the relationship between the two made progress, and the result was not as good as a letter from the king.

"Have you thought about where we're going next?"

Lin Yue said: "Hangzhou, but before that, choose a safe route."

He took out a map from his pocket and unfolded it in front of Shen Lian: "Go south from here, take the waterway to Liaocheng, bypass Jinan Prefecture and run to Yishan, take more night roads during the period, choose small paths all the way south, and pass Nanjing It's not a big problem."



At this moment, a strange noise was heard from the yard, and the door was kicked open from the outside with a bang.

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