five days later.

Kunning Palace.

Zhang Yan opened her eyes, glanced at the embroidered gauze curtain, lifted the blanket and put her feet under the bed.

At this moment, Lin Yue came in from the outside, with the casual clothes he had just brought from the Clothes Bureau draped over his arms.

Zhang Yan watched him and the two maids come over and helped her take off the gauze she wore for rest and put on the new regular clothes. Every time that hand touched her skin, she couldn't help feeling restless and panting slightly.

Does Lin San's hand have magical powers? no.

The main reason is that I don't know what's wrong these days, I always have dreams at night, and what I have is not an ordinary dream, but a dream, and the protagonist in the dream is the little eunuch in front of me.

The feeling of his hot palm brushing against the skin was so clear, as if it wasn't a dream at all, but actually happened.

One day, two days, three days... almost every day.

Now when I touch him, I can't get up all over, I just want to lie paralyzed on the bed.

After changing into her usual clothes, she drank a cup of tea, calmed herself down, and turned away the maids on the left and right.

There were only two people in the room.

"Lin San, how does this palace treat you?"

"Your Majesty treats you very well."

Lin Yuexin said that it would be okay, and he would eat tofu every day, reckoning that in a few nights, he would be able to take her down, and then Concubine Chun, Concubine Liang...

Actually...Zhu Youjian's wife Zhou Shi is also pretty good.

"Where is Wei Zhongxian? How do you treat you better than Wei Zhongxian?"

"How can Wei Xie compare with your empress?" Lin Yuexin said, aren't you talking nonsense? We are so close, what are you talking about Wei Zhongxian, do you know whose name you call every day when you "dream"?

"Bengong met the emperor's uncle yesterday and saw a memorandum, which recorded in detail the process of Wei Zhongxian concocting a treasure ship to murder the emperor. He asked my opinion on this matter. Bengong replied that the murder of a husband and the conspiracy of treason are irreconcilable. , We should eradicate Wei Xie and his party members, rectify the law and discipline, and strengthen the court." Zhang Yan looked at Lin Yue and said: "Lin San, you have stayed in Dongchang before and know a lot of scandals about Wei Wei and his party members. There are not many people here, are you willing to help me in this matter?"

Although this script was designed by Lin Yue, seeing Zhang Yanzhen venting his resentment on Wei Zhongxian still felt a little funny.

Your short-lived ghost husband was obviously killed by Zhu Youjian...

"I am willing to go through fire and water for the empress." He looked at her, his eyes seemed to say that I would do anything for you.

Zhang Yan was burned by his gaze, and forgot what he was going to say later.

Lin Yue said: "It's no wonder that Wei Zhongxian suddenly called a stop when the investigation of the treasure ship case was close to the truth, and demoted the minister to the Supervisor of Rites to liquidate the warehouse. It turned out that he was afraid that the matter would be exposed."

"Well..." Zhang Yan said: "I know the intention of the emperor's uncle to show me the memorandum, so he is not stable in ascending the treasure. If I take the initiative to mention this matter, it may cause the situation to get out of control. Before the emperor As a widow, you should accuse Wei Zhongxian of his evil deeds, both emotionally and rationally, and you have put a lot of effort into the Treasure Ship case, if you say that you have found the truth through secret investigations, basically no one will doubt it."

Lin Yue said: "The Empress is really thoughtful."

"I know very well that the emperor's uncle wants to use my hands to beat the eunuchs, and I also know that this will bring you heavy pressure. In fact... you don't have to make a decision so quickly. Think about it after you go back. Just give me an answer."

This is caring about him.

As Zhang Yan is the queen, it is not easy for Wei Zhongxian to move her. He is different, he is just a little eunuch, if he really wants to kill her, he can use many methods.

"Your Majesty, I really don't need to go back and think about it. I still say what I said just now. I am willing to go through fire and water for my Majesty."

"Lin San, you really belong to me..."

At this moment, a few young eunuchs walked into the palace gate, Zhang Yan's expression changed slightly, and she said something that surprised Lin Yue.

That's not how the script was written.

The little eunuch who walked into Kunning Palace from the outside carried exquisite food boxes, and with the help of the maid, put plates of steaming food on the table in the east room.

Zhang Yan looked at him and said, "Let's have dinner with Bengong."

Lin Yue was taken aback. Although he thought that Zhang Yan had already fallen in love with him, even if he settled the matter tonight, he might not be willing to punish him, but eating together in front of eunuchs and maids would have to make people feel uncomfortable. thought about it.

It's really kind of love for the queen to eat with an eunuch.

He once saw an article on the Internet, saying that Zhang Yan had indeed encountered such a thing. An eunuch actually instigated the maid of Kunning Palace to persuade the widowed Zhang Yan to be a couple with him, which made Zhang Yan furious. The court ladies were expelled from the palace, and the eunuchs were thrown into the vegetable garden to grow vegetables.

Fortunately, she didn't say anything, she took the initiative to keep him in the palace for dinner.

Is it love?


However, Lin Yue felt that Zhang Yan also meant to play a little temper. She was not the kind of person who was too stupid to be cured. Of course, she knew that Zhu Youjian was going to use her hands to kill people. Although she really wanted to kill Wei Zhongxian, but in the end A little bit unhappy.

Zhu Youjian took all the benefits, but what about Lin San? After this incident, there is no doubt that Lin Sanhui is the party in the most dangerous situation.

Lin San is her person, and also the person she trusts and likes the most. Now that he is playing Zhu Youjian's pawn in order to please her, how can she be calm. So simply... don't you, Zhu Youjian, want others to work for you? You have to come up with enough remuneration. If you don't give this remuneration, I will.

"Your Majesty, this is not good, those eunuchs and court ladies will gossip..."

"It's normal for monarchs and ministers to drink together, so there's nothing to worry about." Zhang Yan stretched out her hand, "Help me over to have breakfast."

"I obey." Lin Yue helped her off the bed and walked towards the east room, deliberately holding her hand halfway.

Zhang Yan didn't hide, but just glanced at him lightly.


Six days later.

Qianqing palace.

Wearing a crown and a dragon robe, Zhu Youjian was sitting on the dragon chair, dazed with a booklet in his hand, which described Shaanxi's request for relief from the state treasury, which had suffered from severe drought and no crops.

Wei Zhongxian stood not far from the dragon chair wearing a feather coat, and reminded in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"Ah?" Zhu Youjian was startled, and recovered from his distraction: "What's wrong?"

"Is this disaster relief fund approved or not?"

"Approval, of course it will be approved." Zhu Youjian handed over the notebook: "Wei Qing thinks about it and sees how much approval is appropriate."

"Old slave obeys." Wei Zhongxian took the paper, looked at the smug expressions of the officials below, and almost said directly to those civil servants who were determined to be evil, look, after the new emperor ascended the throne, won't he rely on me, Wei Zhongxian, for assistance? You officials are top-notch, do you succeed in doing practical things?

No one dared to speak, even Han Kuang, the so-called chief assistant of the cabinet, just looked up at the person on the dragon chair, and then lowered his head again.

"This morning, is there anything else to play?" Wei Zhongxian looked around at the ministers, and when he was about to announce his resignation, he suddenly heard chattering outside, as if someone was making trouble in front of the palace.

Who dared to cause trouble in Qianqing Palace and didn't want to live anymore?

The ministers all turned their heads and looked towards the entrance of the main hall.

Zhu Youjian frowned and asked, "Who is making noise in front of the hall?"

As soon as the voice fell, the guards on duty outside walked into the hall: "Your Majesty, it is Empress Yi'an who is here."

Why did Empress Yi'an come to the early court? This is unprecedented in the past.

Zhu Youjian looked puzzled: "Empress Yi'an? Why did she come?"

The guard said: "Empress Yi'an said that she has a book to play."

The ministers below began to whisper to each other, Wei Zhongxian was puzzled, because he couldn't understand why a widow went to the Qing Palace to make a fuss, and it would be a disgrace to the royal family if she said it.

"Empress Yi'an is the wife of the first emperor, so she must not be disrespectful." Zhu Youjian said, "Xuan."

"Empress Xuan Yi'an is going to the palace."

Following the singing of the guards, after a while, Zhang Yan, who was wearing a phoenix crown and long sleeves, entered the hall, walked straight to the front of the dragon chair, and saluted Zhu Youjian.

"Emperor's sister-in-law doesn't need to be too polite, but I don't know why I came here early to do the Qing Palace?"

"The concubine violated the ancestral system and came to the Qianqing Palace to impeach a person. I really did it because of the seriousness of the matter. I hope your majesty will make amends."


The ministers were in an uproar.

Empress Yi'an wants to participate? This is a big deal.

Zhu Youjian glanced at the officials in the hall, and the civil and military officials were stupefied and kept silent: "But I don't know who the emperor's wife is going to impeach?"

Zhang Yan looked at Wei Zhongxian who was standing in the front right, without concealing the resentment in his heart: "Wei Zhongxian."


This time Zhu Youjian's gaze could no longer suppress the emotions of His Royal Highness and the officials. The neighboring officials were all talking in low voices, wondering why Zhang Yan was crazy, and he did not hesitate to go to such a point in order to hit Wei Zhongxian.

Officials of the Donglin Party and other parties are naturally happy to see this scene, but those who are close to Wei Zhongxian are in a different mood.

Wei Zhongxian squinted at Zhang Yan: "I don't know what crime Empress Yi'an wants to punish the minister for?"

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