Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 685 Eunuch Lin is happy to be a father

In the past few letters, he told Beizhai that King Xin had successfully ascended the throne, and that Shen Lian and Yin Cheng were also pardoned and spared the death penalty. Moreover, the two had a tight relationship, and he did not disclose that the destination of their previous trip to the south was Hangzhou. It can be regarded as a kind of protection for them.

Shen Lian accepted the position of General Banner and continued to work in Beizhen Fusi. Yin Cheng was very vigilant, and fled the capital as soon as he came out of the imperial prison, lest Ling Yun, who had healed up and transferred to Dongchang as the foreman Eunuch Kai couldn't kill Zhou Tai, so he poured all his anger on him.

Beizhai was naturally very happy that Shen Lian and Yin Cheng were pardoned. Zhu Youjian's behavior made her selectively ignore the betrayal of Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiying, because she was in Hangzhou and was not very clear about what happened in the capital. , she asked Lin Yue to pay attention to Zhu Youjian's movements, and if he really attacked the eunuchs, he must tell her that she would come to the capital to file an imperial lawsuit and avenge her father.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons why she wants to go back to the capital, and more importantly, she wants to see Zhu Youjian.

Lin Yue was a little speechless. He snatched Shen Lian's chance to meet King Xin, and this girl felt less gratitude towards Shen Lian. On the contrary, her expectations for Zhu Youjian did not decrease but increased, even if there was a growing Ding Baiying who hates Zhu Youjian.

I don't know how these two people with diametrically opposite views on Zhu Youjian lived together?

Set aside disputes and have dinner together?

Judging from the handwriting and wording, each letter was written by Bei Zhai, and the situation about Ding Baiying was basically mentioned briefly, but this time it was different. Bei Zhai told him that Ding Baiying was pregnant.

Ding Baiying has been suffering from retching symptoms since the beginning of the month. At that time, she didn't take it seriously, thinking that the food she ate recently was too greasy. Until two days ago, Ding Baiying said that the monthly letter had not come for two months. Went to a nearby medical center for consultation, the doctor told Ding Baiying that she had a baby, and the child was about two months old.


This result was like a bolt from the blue to Ding Baiying, even if she didn't count the days forward, she still knew who the child in her belly belonged to - the fake eunuch who harmed her body.

She didn't want this child, but she couldn't bear to destroy it for a while, and was in a state of hesitation. Beizhai didn't know how to persuade him. It happened that the messenger arrived, so he wrote what happened there in the reply letter, and wanted to ask his opinion.

Ask Lin Yue for his opinion?

Of course it can't be played.

Thanks to the presence of a big villain, and thanks to the ancient cultural background, if it were put on some modern women, it should be eliminated on the spot.

Lin Yue didn't dare to delay, went home and went straight into the study, and wrote a letter to Bei Zhai, asking her to persuade Ding Baiying not to kill the child, and to go to Hangzhou immediately, the question of whether the child will stay or not Wait until he arrives to discuss the solution.

Seeing the big villain fly to the south with the reply letter, he couldn't help but sighed. After careful calculation, the Overlord took revenge on Ding Baiying for mocking him as an eunuch happened in July, and now it's almost late September.

8cm can hit the bull's-eye with one shot? What do you call this.

Here Zhu Youjian is going to attack the eunuchs, and his dream of a chaotic palace has actually advanced. However, compared with the child in Ding Baiying's womb, the importance is naturally much weaker.

I want to go to Hangzhou as soon as possible, but the things here...

He frowned, feeling that his plan had been completely disrupted.

"Sanggong, what's wrong with you?" Miaotong saw him staring at the south in a daze, remembering the way he hurried into the study just now: "Did something happen at home?"

"Hmm..." Lin Yue pondered for a moment, then spoke to Miao Tong.


next morning.

East Police Factory.

Zhao Jingzhong called out respectfully to the people at the dining table: "Father".

"About your stepmother..."

"My son already knows." Zhao Jingzhong glanced sideways at the expressionless Wei Ting on the seat behind him: "My son has already said that Lin San is unreliable."

Wei Zhongxian said: "It's useless to say these things now. Ever since that widow read my copy in the court, leaving your adoptive mother's bones gone, those Donglin Party members are like cats smelling fish these days." , There are those who joined me, those who joined Zhou Yingqiu of the Ministry of War, and those who joined Sun Yunhe of the East Factory. Although the emperor has been defending me, Sun Yunhe has been stripped of his official title and handed over to Li Biao, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, for review."

Zhao Jingzhong said: "Father, you are the one who has contributed the most to the successful enthronement of the current emperor. How can he just watch those Donglin party members participate in you? As long as he makes his will, anyone who dares to participate in you will have their heads cut off." Let's see if those Donglin Party members dare to point fingers."

These words are very tough, just like his current back, because it turns out that Wei Zhongxian made a huge mistake. At that time, Lin San was fighting for favor with him, and the old man chose the former. What happened? He also killed a carbine and cooperated with Empress Yi'an to slaughter the Ke family, which severely damaged the morale of the Wei family group and set an example for the Donglin party members, so that the situation became more and more unfavorable to the old people.

"Your Majesty naturally has his own considerations." With Gui Xiang's support, Wei Zhongxian got up from the chair, bowed his waist and walked to the back, rubbed the small wooden pavilion on the table, squinted his eyes and remained silent.

It was given to him by the first emperor Zhu Youxiao on the Double Ninth Festival the year before last. The three characters "Yujingting" on the small pavilion are exactly the same as the handwriting on the signboard of the real Yujingting in Guanhua Hall.

"Your Majesty said to me, first follow the people of the Donglin Party, the higher the jump, the better, so that you can tell who is the one who should be rectified, and when the matter is about to ferment, we will catch them all in one go. As for Sun Yunhe, Tian Ji and others are just bait for fishing."

Zhao Jingzhong said seriously, "Your Majesty is wise."

This is the truth. He really didn't expect that a teenage young man would have such a scheming plan, and would take this opportunity to trick the Donglin Party members.

Watch them dance, dance and dance, and slap them to death when they dance the most joyously, and then the whole world is clean.

Wei Zhongxian looked at him noncommittally, his eyes seemed to say, child, you are still too young.

"It is precisely because His Majesty's move is very 'wise' that I have doubts. Is there any expert advice behind His Majesty?"

What did Zhu Youjian look like when he came to him for help before? He was flustered and submissive, and he also revealed his weakness of indulging in womanhood. What about now? Suddenly learned to forbear? Do you want to use fishing techniques on the Donglin Party? This guy is contradictory.

Zhao Jingzhong is also a person who has been in the officialdom for several years. Naturally, he knows it all. What is Wei Zhongxian most afraid of? I am most afraid that the emperor will do one thing on the outside and another on the other side.

"Father, what do you want the child to do?"

"Go and keep an eye on Han Kuang to see if he has contacted any suspicious people. I want to know if the emperor is really fishing for the Donglin Party, or is he using this statement to paralyze me."

"Then... what about Lin San?"

"Lin San has been having a hot fight with some empresses in the harem recently, you don't need to worry about him, I have already sent eyeliners in the palace to closely monitor his movements."

"Father, do you want to take that Guo Zhen..."

"In case Guo Zhen dies in prison, we can't escape the responsibility. Don't touch him if you don't know what the emperor wants."

Zhao Jingzhong clasped his fists and said, "Yes."

Wei Zhongxian moved the small wooden pavilion and walked to him: "I just came back to the capital and asked you to deal with the Donglin Party. Thank you for your hard work. This treasure was given to my father by the late emperor. I saw that you were interested in it a few days ago. Take it away." Collect it."

"Thank you foster father."

Knowing that Wei Zhongxian was comforting him, Zhao Jingzhong took over the miniature Yujing Pavilion with both hands. Regardless of the source, the wooden handicrafts made by Zhu Youxiao are also very popular in the market.

"The factory owner, the factory owner..."

Accompanied by eager shouts, a young eunuch walked outside: "The emperor sent someone here, and Mr. Xuanchang went to Qianqing Palace for questioning."

Wei Zhongxian was puzzled, he was called into the palace after the morning court, why is it so urgent?

"Do you know what it is?"

The little eunuch shook his head: "The prince didn't say anything."

Wei Zhongxian looked at Guixiang and said, "Help me change my clothes."

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