Lin Yue looked at Wei Zhongxian and smiled: "I won't tell you."


The old eunuch shook him, not to mention how depressed he was: "Then you don't want to know where my money is."

Lin Yue sneered: "Joke, will you tell me where your money is after I tell you?"

Indeed, if he really wanted to tell him how to make Empress Yi'an more pampered, Wei Zhongxian would not tell him where the money was.

"You know I won't talk and ask?"

"I see the long night is long, can't we have some fun?"

If you kill him, you must kill him. This grandson is definitely the kind of villain who will be rampant when he succeeds.

Wei Zhongxian snorted coldly: "Wei has been in the government and the people for decades, but he didn't expect to be humiliated by a little eunuch like you in the end."

Lin Yue said: "There are many bosses who have been humiliated by me. You are not the first, nor will you be the last. The second question, why did Wei Ting attack Han Kuang, the chief minister of the cabinet?"

Wei Zhongxian didn't hide this question: "The person Wei Ting wanted to kill was not Han Kuang, but Zhao Jingzhong. That person just happened to meet him and suffered an innocent disaster."

"Wei Ting wants to kill Zhao Jingzhong?" Although Lin Yue knew that the relationship between Wei Ting and Zhao Jingzhong was not good, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't kill each other.

"Because that person, like you, is a guy with rebellious bones in the back of his head."

It turned out to be like this. It seems that not only Cui Chengxiu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, was forced to defect by Chongzhen, but Zhao Jingzhong also turned against him when he saw that the situation was not right.

Wei Ting is a stubborn person, maybe because of his betrayal last time, he couldn't hold his head up against Zhao Jingzhong. He usually keeps a close eye on Zhao Jingzhong. When we are together, it is normal for our brains to get hot and do something out of the ordinary.

Lin Yue's face was a bit strange, saying that Zhao Jingzhong had a traitorous bone in the back of his head, it was really not wronged at all, after all, this guy had defected to the Tartars, said he had a traitorous bone in the back of his head? His positioning of Wei Zhongxian has always been a stepping stone, okay?

"It's almost time." Lin Yue stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in front of him.


For some reason, as soon as he snapped his fingers, drowsiness flooded in. Wei Zhongxian yawned several times, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he couldn't help falling into a deep sleep.


On the day Shen Lian and the others returned to the capital with Wei Zhongxian's body, Jin Yiwei was searching the eunuch Tian Ji's manor on the outskirts of the city. He heard someone calling for help in the cellar, found a secret door and opened it, and found that it was Father Lin Sanlin who had been missing for more than a month.

After making such a great contribution, the general flag on duty was overjoyed, and personally escorted Lin Yue into the city after finishing the transcript.

A group of people came to the entrance of the alley in front of the house. Lin Yue sent the people of Jinyiwei back, and took out a Yaoqin that he bought on the way, which was pitch black, with large flowing water and broken patterns, and the word "Xiangyue" engraved on the back, from his portable space. In his arms, he pushed open the door of the courtyard.

With a bang, the door opened.

He yelled inside: "Miaotong, I'm back."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the living room opened. Zhang Ma came out and saw Lin Yue's face. There was a hint of panic in her surprise, but she quickly reacted and said "Eunuch Lin is back", and went outside after finishing the matter. , seems to be very discerning, and doesn't want to disturb the good time of the couple's reunion.

"Where are you going?" Lin Yue stopped him, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Mama Zhang's wrist.


The woman cried out in pain: "Eunuch Lin, what are you doing?"

"Hmph, I've been paying attention to you for a long time." While speaking, Lin Yue reached out to touch her arms and took out a few letters.

"That... that is..."

Zhang Ma wanted to snatch it, but she was staggered by Lin Yue's slap, and fell to the ground humming.

When Lin Yue was still working in Dongchang, he came home early once, Zhang's mother left in a hurry, and Miao Tong said that something was going on at her house. At that time, he became suspicious and ordered Da Huang to keep an eye on the woman.

It turned out that the old woman really had a problem.

"Hmph, do you think I don't know about making small moves behind your back?"

At the same time, Miao Tong came out from the living room with a complex expression, and a pale face: "Sir, I..."

Lin Yue waved his hand to signal her not to speak, and took out the letters in the envelope one after another to watch.

Most of them were written by Yan Yanbin to Miaotong. The first letter was eloquent and used three pages to reflect on his incompetence. He couldn't get the amnesty document from the Ministry of Punishment, so his lover was taken away by an eunuch. This is his greatest regret in his life. .

The second letter was about him persuading Miao Tong to be submissive and submit to eunuchs and dogs for a while. After all, eunuchs and dogs are incapable of human affairs, and her body will be his sooner or later. Once Wei Xie loses power, he will ask his father to ruthlessly read the copy of Lin, and throw it into imperial prison. Then the two of them can continue their relationship and love each other as before.

It may be that Miao Tong did not respond to the two consecutive letters, Yan Yan was in a hurry, and the third letter said that he would use his father's retainers to ambush the dead eunuch on the way home and chopped him down.

Miao Tong wrote him a reply letter, which was mentioned in the fourth letter, but to Mr. Yan's surprise, Miao Tong's reply was not a flattering letter, but a strong warning to him not to do such a thing, since Lin Sanming Media is marrying and taking her home from Nuanxiang Pavilion, then she will fulfill her responsibilities as a wife. If he dares to touch Lin San's hair, she will hate him for the rest of her life. If so, continue.

Yan Yanbin wrote at the back of the fourth letter that Lin San had died in the hands of the eunuchs, and now there is no obstacle between the two of them. When the situation in the capital stabilizes and people forget the name Lin San, they can live together. We grow old together.

The last letter was written by Miao Tong, the content was very simple, telling Yan Yanbin that the relationship between the two of them is over in this life, don't write to her again, even if Lin San is really dead, she will not take his money to invest Young Master Yan's embrace would make her feel ashamed for the rest of her life, because even if Lin San couldn't do anything, his kindness to her was enough to make up for her physical defects.

After reading these letters, Lin Yue squeezed the letter paper and envelope into a ball of waste paper and threw it on Zhang Ma: "Get out, don't appear in front of me forever."

The woman, as if she had been pardoned, fled in a hurry grabbing the waste paper thrown on her chest.

Lin Yue looked at Miaotong, and handed out the Yaoqin that she bought when she accompanied Ding Baiying to Hangzhou City: "I brought this back from the south, do you like it?"

She looked carefully from left to right, nodded and took it: "Sir, Yan Yanbin and I..."

"Don't mention the past, if he pesters you again, remember to tell me."

Miao Tong nodded: "Yes."

Lin Yue held her hand with a smile and walked towards the house.

Yes, for Miao Tong, don't mention the past.

But for Yan Yanbin, heh...

Before, I thought that there would be a chance to pull Yan's family and save Yan Yanbin from prison, but in the end, this bastard harassed Miaotong again and again, and wanted the people from Jindaomen to kill him and occupy his property and women.

Yan Peiwei, Yan Yanbin's father in Xiuchundao I, is the imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, not a member of the eunuch party. Judging from the plot, he was framed by Zhao Jingzhong. However, in Lin Yue's view, the Yan family's planting is not counted. Injustice, an imperial envoy of the imperial capital is only a civil servant of the fourth grade, why do you have so many swordsmen in your family?

Yan Yanbin, Yan Yanbin, I'm not going to trouble you, you come to abduct my wife, this matter is endless, let's ride a donkey to read the libretto and wait and see.


After lunch at home, Lin Yue went to Jin'er to report that he was safe, then changed clothes and went to the palace.

The maid of Kunning Palace was startled when she saw him, and she looked like a ghost.

He didn't bother to explain to these people, he walked into Zhang Yan's bedroom without notification at all, looked at the lush fingers in the gap of the gauze curtain, waved his hand, and turned away the maid who was waiting at the door.

He pushed aside the gauze curtain with his hands, sat down against the edge of the bed, gently held Zhang Yan's hand, approached her obviously thin face, and called out with a trace of guilt and pity: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Zhang Yan's eyebrows moved, her eyes slowly opened, and her eyes fell on his face.

From confusion at the beginning, to doubt, to surprise, to disbelief, and then to the excitement after confirming that he really came back.

Without any hypocrisy or hesitation, she hugged his neck all at once, rubbing her hands behind his head constantly, as if she wanted to hold on firmly and never let go.

Lin Yue sighed in his heart, is it okay to be the emperor's woman? Anyway, it's great for the people and their families, but what about the women involved? It's good to be loved, but not to be loved...

The night is long, the long lights are bleak, let alone a month, sometimes half a year without seeing the emperor, most women are very emotional, no one loves, no one to accompany, no one to appreciate how hard it is, only they themselves know.

Just like Zhang Yan, what's wrong with being a queen? Under the attraction of "Teacher Killer", under the provocations of the past few days, under the emotion of trust and dependence, under the longing that has been accumulated for many days, under the desire to eat the marrow and taste, it is not all reserved and arrogant. Throwing it out of the sky and becoming the woman in his arms?

Now that it's all like this, let's... cook.

Thanks to the book friends with the tail number 2088 for the 500 starting coins, DARKMOON for the 200 starting coins, and Hey La Baji for the 100 starting coins.

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