Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 692 The Death of Zhang Ying

A person came out of the alley on the other side of Yan's mansion.

It's Lin San.

Behind him are three attendants, all of whom were old subordinates when he worked in Dongchang.

In any case, Zhao Jingzhong did not expect Lin San to move so fast. In order to kick the three brothers Lu Jianxing to death, he asked Zhang Ying to pick people at noon, but in the end, that guy caught up.

"Let go." Xu Hai yelled, and went over to cut off the ropes that bound the two copper rings at the gate of the Yan Mansion.

Jinyiwei Tiqi, who was holding an iron chain next to him, looked angrily, and Xu Hai yelled again: "Who dares to mess around with the East Factory."

Tiqi in front looked at each other in blank dismay, and looked back at Zhang Ying's timid face towards the young eunuch, and wisely chose to let go.

Xu Hai hurried over, unhooked the door knocker, and pushed hard with both hands.

With a rattling sound, the gate opened, and Lu Jianxing and Jin Yichuan, whose faces were stained with blood, ran out from inside. Shen Lian shot several crossbow arrows from behind to force the people from the Golden Knife Gate back, and dragged the only two remaining men out of the courtyard.

Yan Yanbin saw Tiqi holding a sword outside the door, and then looked at the doormen around him. He felt that there was no advantage in going out, and he hesitated for a while.

Lu Jianxing and Jin Yichuan came out from the inside, looked up, and were stunned when they saw the person standing in front of them.

"Lin...Eunuch Lin, you are not..."

"I was lucky. I didn't die. I disappointed some people." While speaking, he glanced at the opposite alley and found that the sedan chair was missing.

Lu Jianxing thought that Lin Yue was pointing at him, bowed his head and said, "Eunuch Lin is fine, this is great news for Lu."

This is the truth, and it is from the heart. When Lin San was around, even if Wei Zhongxian sent someone to the warehouse to liquidate supplies, Zhang Ying would not dare to put on shoes for him. Just now, if Eunuch Lin hadn't come in time, maybe the three of them would have confessed to Yan's mansion.

After Lu Jianxing finished speaking, he couldn't hear a response. He thought Lin Yue was dissatisfied with his performance. When he looked up, he found that his attention was not on the three brothers at all. A little eunuch came from here.

"When did Eunuch Lin become a member of Dongchang? Why didn't I know?"

One sentence stunned Zhang Ying, Lu Jianxing and others.

Lin San's people said that Dongchang was doing business, and then the admiral of Dongchang came and slapped him in the face severely.


Embarrassingly capitalized.

Xu Hai, who had a complacent expression just now, also withered, and felt that he was too simple. Lin Sanyi said that he was going to work with him, so he took it for granted that he was transferred back to the East Factory.

Lin Yue smiled and said: "I'm not from Dongchang."

Sure enough, Xu Hai was listless just now, but now he is in despair. The embarrassment in facing the group of Jin Yiwei is still secondary. The key is being targeted by Zhao Jingzhong. Will he still have good fruits from him in the future?

Zhang Ying's back straightened at the back, and Xiao Qi beside her muttered, "Isn't it just an eunuch who wiped the body and feet of a widow of the emperor and brought a chamber pot, what's so great about it."

At this time Lin Yue took out something from his sleeve: "Zhao Jingzhong accepts the order."

The first time he saw the piece of silk cloth with two green ends and a yellow embroidered silver dragon in the middle, Zhao Jingzhong's heart trembled, and he quickly knelt down to accept the order.

Zhang Ying and the others next to him got off their horses, put their weapons down, and then lay down on the ground.

Lin Yueju looked condescendingly at Zhao Jingzhong who was kneeling in front of him, unfolded the imperial decree, cleared his throat, closed his mouth just as he was about to read it, cleared his throat again, made gestures to read it out, and then stopped again. Repeat this three times, and pass the imperial decree forward: "This is a secret decree, you can see for yourself."

This guy definitely did it on purpose, Zhao Jingzhong had the heart to kill him.

No matter how stupid the people next to him were, they knew that Lin San was playing Zhao Jingzhong, but the dignified admiral of the East Factory had no choice but to accept the imperial edict with a low eyebrow even if he was dying of anger.

As he held the imperial decree in his hand and read it silently, his face became more and more ugly.

It is true that Lin San is not from Dongchang, but the emperor's order is that he continue to clean up the eunuchs, and the matter about Wei Zhongxian is handed over to Lin San. If the case requires, Dongchang, Jinyiwei, and Wucheng Bingmasi must cooperate .

To a certain extent, Lin San is not from Dongchang, but Dongchang is under Lin San's management. Even he, the admiral of Dongchang, has to listen to Lin San in matters about Wei Zhongxian.

"I'll take Lu Jianxing, Shen Lian, and Jin Yichuan away, do you have any objections?" Lin Yue said, rubbing his new waist card, which had the word "Suitang" written on it.

The literate Tiqi around took a look and secretly clicked his tongue, such a young eunuch?

Before returning to the capital from Jinan Mansion, Wei Zhongxian said he would be a eunuch, but soon because he encouraged Wei Ting to say something that should not be said, he was demoted to the warehouse to liquidate supplies. He was a eunuch in name only.

It's different now, with the eunuch's waist badge, it means that he was appointed by the emperor. As the first office in the twenty-four yamen, the Supervisor of Rituals has one eunuch for palm printing, two eunuchs for holding pens, and four eunuchs for accompanying the hall. In terms of function, Wei Zhongxian is just a eunuch holding a pen, which shows how fast this kid is climbing.

Zhao Jingzhong's face sank like water: "I have no objection."

Lin Yue gave Xu Hai a wink, asking him to take the three of them aside and walk up to Zhang Ying and the little banner official who was mocking him.

"Yan Yushi is also a fourth-rank official, Zhang Baihu, I think it's better for you to go to the Jinyiwei yamen for questioning."

Zhang Ying looked at the Jindaomen who were holding simple knives at the gate, and then at Zhao Jingzhong, begging.

"Eunuch Lin, it's the job of Dongchang and Jinyiwei to capture the eunuchs. You stretch your arms so long...isn't it good?"

"Eunuch Zhao, I heard that you were Wei Zhongxian's adopted son. I'm considering whether to invite Eunuch Zhao to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Let's talk to Wei Ting."

Zhao Jingzhong glared fiercely, but quickly restrained himself, and walked towards the alley opposite with a cold snort.

Lin Yue said coldly: "Come on, invite Zhang Baihu and Leng Xiaoqi to enter the Yan Mansion to arrest the rebels."

Zhang Ying trembled with fright, her legs went limp: "Eunuch Lin, please spare my life, I beg Eunuch Lin to spare my little life."

Seeing that he ignored him, two Dongchang servants walked over behind him, forced Zhang Ying and his confidant Xiaoqi into Yan's mansion with a knife, and shut the door and locked the copper ring amidst the shouts of "Eunuch Lin, please forgive me".


They were all classified as rebels. There is no reason for Yan Yanbin and those people not to go all out, not to mention that it was Zhang Ying who ordered people to shoot arrows and killed his father.

Soon, Lin Yue received a prompt that the side task was completed and the length was +1CM.

Then came Zhang Ying's screams before she died.

"What an arrogant traitor, why are you standing still? Why don't you go and save your boss?" Lin Yue gave the guard a wink at the door, and the two men took off the iron chain that locked the copper ring, and pushed open the courtyard door.

Jin Yiwei, who was armed with a weapon, was terrified as he rushed in.

save? What to save? Zhang Ying had already hacked Yan Yanbin with a knife.

This Eunuch Lin is really sinister and vicious, and he will take revenge.

"Remember to keep alive."

Lin Yue gave orders to Jin Yiwei and took Xu Hai and Lu Jianxing away.


"That charred corpse was brought back by the three of you?"

"Yes, according to Eunuch Zhao's order, the three of my brothers caught up with Wei Xie in Fucheng County, and beheaded him after a fight."

Lin Yue stopped and looked back at him: "Did you see Wei Yan burned to death with your own eyes?"

Lu Jianxing's complexion changed: ""

Lin Yue glanced at Shen Lian and Jin Yichuan with a deep expression on his face: "The emperor has doubts about the identity of Jiao's corpse, and intends to ask Han Kuang for an autopsy to determine whether it is Wei Zhongxian."

Lu Jianxing said: "It's all burnt like that, can you still identify your identity?"

Lin Yue said: "Wei Zhongxian has taken the elixir for a long time, and his bones are different from ordinary people. You can know it when you test it."

Hearing these words, Lu Jianxing and Jin Yichuan's expressions were normal, and Shen Lian's eyes flickered behind him, seemingly distressed.

"Hey, you just said... Zhao Jingzhong wanted you to kill Wei Zhongxian?"

"Yes, Zhao Jingzhong found my three brothers a few days ago and said that the emperor wants Wei Zhongxian to die."

"This Zhao Jingzhong is so courageous, he dared to falsely preach the imperial decree. The emperor never said that he wanted Wei Zhongxian to die."

The expressions of the three people kept changing. No matter how stupid Lu Jianxing was, he could still think of what happened today——Zhao Jingzhong knew that Lin San was back, and the emperor had doubts about the identity of Jiao’s corpse, so he ordered Lin San and Han Kuang to investigate the case. Zhao Jingzhong was worried that the incident would happen , so I want to use Yan Peiwei's knife to kill them.

"When Zhao Jingzhong asked you to intercept and kill Wei Zhongxian, were there other people present?"


"Do you have proof?"

"No, Zhao Jing's loyal words are the emperor's word of mouth."

"That would be troublesome."

As he said, there is no personal evidence or physical evidence. Even if he reported to the emperor, Zhao Jingzhong could justify himself by claiming that the three failed to follow the order to capture Wei Zhongxian alive, and instead falsely accused him of ordering the murder.

Lu Jianxing pleaded: "Elder-in-law..."

Lin Yue put on a show and sighed: "Now we have to see Wuzuo's autopsy results, I'll go to Han Shoufu to find out what's going on, you guys go back first."


In any case, it was a good thing to be able to get out of the Yan Mansion alive today. Lu Jianxing said, "Thank you, Eunuch, for saving us today." He didn't stand up until Lin Yue's back disappeared, and looked at Shen Lian questioningly.

At that time, he and Jin Yichuan were fighting against Wei Zhongxian's guards downstairs, and only Shen Lian went up to the second floor. In other words, only the second brother knew whether Wei Zhongxian was really burned to death.

Lin Yue didn't go to Han Kuang to inquire about the news. After leaving Lu Jianxing and the other three, he went straight to the Compassionate Palace, where lived the beautiful and cunning Concubine Ren Rong—the grandnephew of Wei Zhongxian, who was also the one who flattered Lin Yue when he first entered the court. The widow of the emperor who was transferred to the internal official prison.

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