Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 810 People like you are either stupid or bad

The whole class looked at Lin Yue who was seated by the window.

"It's him again."

"What's the matter with him?"

"What do you mean? He is the only one who disagrees with everyone?"

Chen Xun showed displeasure: "Everyone agrees to do this, but you disagree? Why do you disagree?"

Lin Yue said: "It's nothing, I just want to see what the democracy and freedom you keep shouting about is, and now I know."

Chen Xun was very upset. This kid behaved differently from others when he arrived yesterday, and now he demolished him in public: "What do you mean?"

"The democracy and freedom you talk about is just a politically correct reason for your struggle. If there is no word 'democracy and freedom', there will be slogans such as 'revolutionary progress'. In the final analysis, the ass decides the head. And the brain always has to find a reason to unite or confuse more people to join their camp." Lin Yue curled his lips: "I can't tolerate the existence of different voices, and I still have the face to talk about democracy and freedom. There is only one word to describe what you are doing now—— -hypocritical."

Lin Yue put away the books on the table and walked outside, saying, "Don't you just want to watch the game between the Lakers and the Magic? Isn't it just to get revenge on the Malaysian monkey? Just cancel the evening self-study to please the whole class." You can achieve your personal goals by using different methods, and you have good political skills at a young age."

He left, and the people in the classroom looked at each other in blank dismay. Chen Xun was a little bit embarrassed because he found himself at this moment as if he had been stripped naked by that guy named Lin Yue and thrown into the crowd.

"Cough...haha." Zhao Ye reacted quickly, clapped his hands and said, "Don't pay attention to him, 30:1, even if he disagrees, it won't change our choice."

Several boys who have a good relationship with Chen Xun said in unison, "Yes."

The four-eyed girl, Kong Lingcao, looked at the flashing figure behind the back door and curled her lips, "Who is it? You're so energetic."

He Sha said: "I heard that the evening self-study in Shandong will last until 9:30."

Konglingcao said: "It's up to him if he wants to, don't drag us."

At this time, Chen Xun also came to his senses, and slapped the podium: "Yes, 30:1. The minority obeys the majority. This time we want to let the Malaysian monkeys experience the power of the collective."

Zhao Ye praised: "Unity is strength."

Taking advantage of the situation, Chen Xun took out a big-character poster: "This is a proposal. Everyone write their names on the back, and show it to Da Ma Hou when he comes to class later."

The proposal was passed on and the students began to sign.

Zhao Ye, Qiao Ran, Kongbellcao, He Sha, Ren Gaoying, Zhang Huiran, Fang Hui...

Fang Hui deliberately read the content of the proposal when signing, but was misunderstood that she might be a traitor like Lin. Zhao Ye also mentioned that the whole class went to have a snowball fight when it snowed last time, and she didn't move. Kongbellcao said that she and that Lin Yue were really a perfect match.


Three minutes before class started, Lin Yue returned to the classroom.

The students have already returned to their seats, sitting upright without looking sideways.

There is a letter of proposal signed by 30 people on the blackboard, just waiting for the big horse monkey to come over.

"What did you do just now?" Qiao Ran recalled the books that Zhao Ye took out from Lin Yue's drawer with a feeling of displeasure, and his curiosity about him rose from the original three points to five points.

"Am I not the representative of the computer class? I went to the computer room for an inspection."

"you are not……"

"Teacher Xu helped me."

"Oh." Qiao Ran suddenly realized.

At this moment, Lin Yue asked, "Did someone move my drawer just now?"

"It's like this." Qiao Ran explained: "Zhao Ye accidentally bumped into your desk when he passed by, and a few books fell out. He picked it up and put it back for you, so it may be the same as the previous The sorting is different."

"Is that so..." Lin Yue said with a fake smile.

He knew well what happened in the classroom, and Zhao Ye wanted to hide two railway books, which made him anxious, but Qiao Ran stopped him, because anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the books belonged to his uncle, not him. A dead man is still a hero's book, so vile and dirty.

As far as the three male characters in the TV series are concerned, Chen Xun is too pretentious and has no room for others. This can be seen from the fight between him and Su Kai for the basketball captain. Zhao Ye is stupid and not stable enough. And Qiao Ran... is the most humble and polite among them, but he is too boring and keeps everything in his heart.

"Why do you want to read this kind of book?" Qiao Ran couldn't hold back after holding back for a long time. You must know that high school is no better than junior high school. Indeed, it is difficult for ordinary students to learn these subjects well, and then disperse their energy on that kind of professional books... unless he doesn't want to go to a good university.

"Uncle hopes that I will inherit his mantle and continue to contribute to the railway cause of the motherland in the future."

Lin Yue said nonsense casually, to put it bluntly, he was too idle. The four subjects of politics, history, geography, and foreign languages ​​are basically given away for nothing under [Photographic Memory LV2]. Mathematics, physics, and chemistry in high school are also very simple for him. , with his divergent thinking and ability to understand by analogy, it is not difficult to get the first place in the grade. After all, the initial identity setting is the top student in the county high school in Northwest Shandong. The reason is that Tsinghua University and Peking University can’t study, and it is still possible to go to 985 and 211 universities. For Chinese... because there are essays, there will be too much uncertainty due to the different personal tastes of the marking teachers, but it is not a big problem.

In short, for him, the college entrance examination is like asking a middle school student to do the exam questions for elementary school students.

You must know that it is only a semester of high school now, and there are still two years before the college entrance examination. Reading the professional books left by your uncle in your free time is also a way to pass the time. For knowledge, it is always good to learn more, in case you need it later. here.

While the two were talking, a figure flashed at the door of the classroom. Da Mahou walked in with a textbook and was about to write with chalk.


He slammed the table: "Who did it? Who did it?"

Chen Xun stood up with a look of disdain: "I can do it."

"It's you again." The Malaysian Monkey Group slapped the initiative letter on the podium: "You are going to rebel, Mr. Hou asked you to be the monitor, did you ask you to take the lead in making trouble?"

"I didn't make trouble." Chen Xun said, "I'm negotiating with you on behalf of the whole class."

Lin Yue raised his hand: "Since I was young, there have always been people who have spared no effort to represent me. You represent them. I abstain from voting on this matter and will not express my opinion."

The big horse monkey looked at Lin Yue and then at Chen Xun.

"If you don't want to study, go home. Since your parents sent you to study in school, you must obey the school's arrangements."

Chen Xun glanced at Lin Yue: "We are students, but we also have the right to speak. Director, I would like to ask you a question, how do you write the characters?"

"What did you say?"

Chen Xun left his seat, walked to the podium, picked up a chalk and wrote the word "person" on the blackboard.

"If you don't understand, I'll tell you. People, one side is free and the other is independence. You have deprived us of our freedom and denied our independence. Director, if we can't even be human , how to be a student."

"you give me……"

The big horse monkey hadn't finished saying "shut up", when a strange voice came from the seat by the window: "You are so easy to be a human being? Some people live their whole life and don't know whether they count as alive or not until they die." Look like a human being, a middle school student who has never been beaten by the society, talk about being a human being? Heh..."

"What do you want to say?"

The big horse monkey was confused by these two people.

"I'm not interested in participating in the proposal. I'm just discussing the facts and helping the director to say something fair."

Lin Yue left his seat, walked to the front of the podium, picked up chalk and wrote four words on the blackboard --- "Freedom" on the left and "Independence" on the right.

Da Ma Hou took a look and remembered that the chalk writing that surprised him this morning was written by Lin Yue.

"Freedom, freedom is not a tool used by some people to act willfully. Freedom is a relative concept, not an absolute truth."

"Independence, a person who depends on his parents for food and clothing, and is not yet independent in life, is he qualified to talk about independence? Besides, independence in life is only the most basic, and there is also independence in thought and personality after seeing a little bit of poisonous chicken soup. Are you a philosopher? The book said that the French Revolution was a feat of breaking the feudal shackles, but some people said it was a carnival of the mob, and the book also said that breaking the Bastille was embracing freedom, but there are also documents revealing that a large Bastille was closed7 personal……"

Lin Yue sneered and said, "There are two kinds of people who always like to talk about high-sounding and plausible truths. One is a fool and the other is a bad guy. I really want to know if you are the former or the latter."

Thanks to Garfield Faner for the 1500 starting coins, the Kongque River rafting for the 1000 starting coins, the time-space gold for the 166 starting coins, the Weiwei of the Seven Realms, and the magic curse for the 100 starting coins.

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