Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 813 But I Have Seen Everything

Chen Xun had played several computer classes and the save file was gone, but the game itself was still there, so he was barely able to fight. This time he chose Sun Jian, the general who is dominating Jiangdong, waiting to steal Liu Bei and Cao Cao.

Zhao Ye was not interested in the Three Kingdoms, he just wanted to play violent motorcycles, that guy rushed up, pulled out machetes, chains, and baseball bats, and it was a CEI. It was so cool, but the violent motorcycles were deleted by that guy.

He looked at Qiao Ran again, and actually opened Word, inserted a table, and then split the rows or columns of grids to design a curriculum schedule, product list, etc., which felt quite exciting.

The Minesweeper and playing cards that come with Windows 98 are gone, but the drawing is still there. Zhao Ye freed up the drawing program in the attachment, and used the mouse to draw a turtle on the canvas, with the word "Lin Yue" written in the middle, which looks very special. Ugly, but he's happy.

After drawing the tortoise of "Lin Yue", he drew a second tortoise, looked up at Mr. Xu who didn't know what he was doing, and wrote the word "Xu Jianxun" on the back of the second tortoise. giggled happily.

"Let you teach us, poke, poke, poke, I'll poke your head." After finishing speaking, he happily followed Xu Jianxun's words: "I didn't think carefully, how about it, you come after school on Saturday Computer room……"

He was playing beautifully here, when a warning box with a yellow triangle pattern popped up on the desktop, which made him shiver in fright.

Unlike previous system problems, the content of the warning box is not in English, but in Chinese characters.

"Zhao Ye, I know what you are doing, now stand up and apologize to Lin Yue in front of the whole class, otherwise, I will ask your father to come to the school to find me in the afternoon, and I will not attend the computer class in the future."

Zhao Ye panicked a lot, and quickly closed the drawing program, looked at Xu Jianxun who was directly opposite to the monitor whose expression was blocked, and then looked at Lin Yue who was sitting there pretending to click the pinyin one by one with his index finger. Zhao Ye was not Chen Xun. He weighed the gains and losses in his heart, and felt that compared to his father's slap, his backbone was too weak, so he stood up abruptly.

Everyone looked at him.

Xu Jianxun kept a sullen face and said nothing, thinking that he didn't give up and wanted to find fault with Lin Yue.

"Ms. Xu, students, I was wrong. I shouldn't bully Lin Yue. I made a bad start. I apologize to him."

After speaking, he bowed deeply to Lin Yue.

Chen Xun tugged at him, and whispered, "What are you doing, are you ashamed? Apologize to him? Is it worth it?"

Xu Jianxun's face softened, and he said in a tone of someone who has experienced it: "That's right, you are all classmates, you should cherish this friendship, and it will be difficult to cultivate this kind of intimacy when you come to society."

"Teacher Xu is right." Lin Yue said, "I accept your apology. From now on, we will live in peace and make progress together."

Zhao Ye sat back.

"You're admitting cowardice now, aren't you a man?" Chen Xun looked at him with the look of a traitor.

"You think I think so? I don't apologize. I'm going to be invited to the parents this afternoon. Now that Xu Jianxun and that kid are wearing a pair of pants, how will I be able to attend the computer class in the future?" Zhao Ye was very sad.

Chen Xun said: "It doesn't matter if there is a teacher backing him up, there is always a way to deal with him."

Qiao Ran glanced at the two of them: "Don't mess around, you two, if you really mess up, it won't be good for anyone."

"Cut~" Chen Xun curled his lips, disapproving.

A class is over soon.

I don't know if he was fooled by buying a pirated disc, installed it and couldn't play it, or taught NPC how to be a human being. When the bell rang for the end of class, Xu Jianxun said "get out of class end" with a sullen face, picked up the textbook and the game disc, and left.

Chen Xun winked at the others, many of them did not turn off their phones, threw their earphones on the computer desk, and swarmed out of the computer room.

If they don't turn off the computer, or tidy up the mouse, keyboard and earphones, the class representatives have to do this job, and if there are 30 machines, one at a time, it will take at least ten minutes.

No one paid attention to the expression of the bellflower.

The four-eyed girl was looking at the machines with a sad face.

"What's the matter, Xiaocao?" He Sha couldn't help asking when she saw Kongbellcao standing there stupidly after turning off the phone safely.

"Teacher Xu asked me to tidy up the computer room after class."

"How come I don't know about this?"

"He sent me a message on the computer, saying that girls are thin-skinned, so they don't have to apologize to Lin Yue in front of the whole class like Zhao Ye did, but as punishment for bullying the transfer students, tidying up the computer room Leave it to me."

He Sha looked at the computer that was not turned off, the mouse and earphones that were thrown around: "So... Chen Xun and the others are the one who tricked you?"

Kongbellcao nodded, her face full of grievances.

"It's okay, I'll help you." He Sha volunteered.

At this time, Lin Yue walked in with a broom, pretending to be surprised and said, "Hey, why haven't you two left yet?"

Kongbellcao looked bitter, and silently arranged the mouse and keyboard, hung the earphones on the partition, and shut down the phone safely.

He Sha looked at Lin Yue and said, "You deleted those games, right?"

"How is that possible? Although we distribute books on computers, the school does not have a computer room, and the Education Bureau stipulates that computer classes must be held. The teacher can only carry one computer over there. Demonstrating it in front of us is considered a class, so we have to say I still know a little about the relevant knowledge, but operating a definitely the first time after I came to this world."

"Is it so difficult?"

"It's a small place, so it can't be compared with the Imperial City." Lin Yue thought for a while and said, "Could it be that the computer games you're talking about are caused by people who took computer classes before?"

"Will it be?"

"That means someone filed a complaint against the director, and Mr. Xu had to delete all the games on the computer."


Anyway, He Sha thinks he is suspicious, it has nothing to do with reasoning, it has to do with a woman's intuition.

"Is this your handwriting?"

While Lin Yue was cleaning the dust in the corner, He Sha picked up the notebook next to the computer he had just used and flipped through it.


"It's really well written."

"Is there?"

"Of course there is..."

He Sha wanted to say something, but was pulled out of the computer room by Kongbellcao by her sleeve: "What are you doing? Do you want to be a traitor?"

"Why did I become a traitor? Doesn't it mean that he writes beautifully?"

"It's okay to say he's good."

"But he really looks good at writing."

"He Sha, if you do this again, I will break up with you."

"Okay, okay, okay, I won't say it's over."

Bellflower took He Sha away.

Lin Yue stood at the door of the computer room, looking thoughtfully at the backs of the two of them leaving.

Will a girl have a good impression of a person because of writing?

It seems that the backup plan for He Sha has to be mentioned before Wu Tingting, otherwise she really likes herself to the point where she can betray her friendship and ignore her background, so how can she be a backup.


When he came back after finishing the computer room, the students had already started self-study, and the big horse monkey was walking back and forth outside, supervising the self-study of the six classes of the first grade.

"What did you do?"

"I was cleaning the computer room just now." Lin Yue took out the class rules that had been copied twenty times and handed them over: "Director, these are the class rules you asked to copy earlier."

Da Mahou took a glance at the letter paper and nodded: "Work hard, try to get into a good university, don't learn from those mischievous ones, go in."

"Hey." Lin Yue agreed, turned and entered the classroom.

They all lowered their heads, those who did homework did their homework, those who looked up the dictionary looked up the dictionary, those who read the notes read the notes, Chen Xun wore headphones and looked down at the book, and Zhao Ye behind him took a sneaky look at Lin Yue.

He walked to his seat and sat down, stretched his hand into the drawer, ready to get the math textbook, and finished the homework assigned by the teacher in the morning.

But after fumbling around, there were only a few old books about railways brought to school, and mathematics, Chinese, English, politics, and history were all gone.

Lin Yue glanced at the back row, Chen Xun pretended not to know, Zhao Ye turned his head away.

It's nice not to hide his uncle's books, but his textbooks.

History, politics, English, Chinese, etc., he has already printed the content in his mind, and the content of mathematics, physics, and chemistry courses is also the same, but he did not memorize the latter topics because he felt that it was unnecessary, and now he needs to do homework. The book is gone.

In fact, he knew where the book was, but he didn't intend to take it back, firstly because the textbook was not as important to him as an ordinary high school student, and secondly because he wanted to make a fuss about it.

Hiding his things, the consequences are very serious.

At this moment, Fang Hui noticed his reaction and looked over. The eyes of the two met in the air. She seemed to be unable to bear it, but she didn't dare to tell him who took the book, because everyone else lowered their heads. , pretending to be studying at the desk, but actually paying attention to the movement here--you are not a cow, you have memorized all the English texts, now take all your textbooks, you have memorized all kinds of things.

Lin Yue stood up abruptly, glanced at Fang Hui, but did not walk in front of her, but seduced the eyes of the whole class and walked towards the back.

In the new year, I wish you all peace and health, and everything goes well.

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