A dark-skinned man wearing a cotton cap on a hot day was walking step by step, with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, exhaled in clusters of green smoke, torn apart by the wind blowing up from his body.


The middle man asked a question.

Lin Yue took two deep puffs and took the cigarette away from his mouth.

He said in broken Chinese with a foreign accent: "A soldier, when you take up a gun to threaten other people's lives, you must be prepared to be shot to death by the enemy. When you are alone, when you watch "Young and Dangerous" The scenes in the movie are full of enthusiasm. When you learn to mix with the society, you must be prepared to be killed or disabled. Some things, if parents don’t educate, what the society gives is not education, but a lesson, so don’t resent, it’s all your own choose."

He went straight to Hou Lei and the others, even a fool could see that he was looking for trouble.

A black man dared to provoke the five of them, he was looking for death.

The gangster with a cropped cut stepped forward and pushed his hand towards Lin Yue's chest.

With the tangy smell of smoke, the gangster's hand was held three inches in front of Lin Yue's chest.

There was a crisp "creak".

Then there was the scream of "ah".

The inch-headed gangster fell down with his right hand in his arms, sweating, his body shaking, and all four fingers were broken.

The middle-segmented man next to him saw this posture, and punched him without saying a word.


The punch was caught in mid-air.

Lin Yue jumped up and kicked the man in the middle, and he flew five meters away with a whimper, spit out a mouthful of blood and lay on the ground without moving.

Another gangster rushed up next to him. He moved in and kicked his feet on his knees.



Ear-piercing screams soared into the sky, and the gangster rolled on the ground hugging his broken leg.

The tall, thin man in a black and white T-shirt next to him wanted to run, but Lin Yue tripped and fell to the ground, straightening his arms and kicking down.

There was a shrill cry, the bones were broken in two, and this arm was considered useless.

Hou Lei's scalp exploded. He never thought that he would meet such a ruthless and powerful person.

The last gangster in a blue shirt beside him took out a utility knife from his pocket, and pushed it out against the fulcrum.

Kaka~ The blade is exposed.

With a sound of swishing, the knife slashed in front of Lin Yue.

He didn't retreat, he held the gangster's wrist with one hand, bent his knee and knocked it.

With a cry of pain, the man let go, and the utility knife bounced, and Lin Yue grabbed it and swiped it forward.





"I can't see, I can't see."

Blood trickled down the eye sockets, and the gangster in the blue shirt put his trembling hands in front of his face, wanting to touch it but daring not to touch it, screaming on the ground in pain.

Hou Lei was really terrified. Three of the four younger brothers were disabled, and one of them didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

At this time, why are you still talking about loyalty, and what about brothers? Fuck it all, saving your life is the most important thing.

He spread his legs and ran outside. The fence that he thought was well designed before was an eyesore no matter how he looked at it now.

However, when he was approaching the midfield, he was pinched by the neck by a hand stretched from behind, his body lightened, and he flew up.

That black man is not a few centimeters taller than him, but his strength is unacceptable.

Then he saw a cigarette return from his hand to his mouth.

Then, his body fell down, his waist was pushed up by a hard object, he heard a creak, his lower body went numb, and the pain spread to his entire upper body.

Lin Yue threw the paralyzed Hou Lei to the ground, turned around and walked outside. The smoke he exhaled was scattered by his body and turned into a cloud of green smoke and went away.

No matter how bad Zhao Ye was, he was still his classmate. He shouldn't have lost his chance to go to college because of this, let alone this group of bastards injured Lin Jiamo and tore his reference books.

Not every wrong choice has a chance for the prodigal son to come back. Since the parents of this group of people did not educate them well when they were young, then he should educate these people and their parents well. The difference is that the education when they were young may only need a whip , and his education will be a thousand times more painful than a whip.


A week later, the District Gymnasium indoor basketball court.

Nike Cup final.

The leaders of the Education Bureau and the municipal sports system all came. The stands were full of students and teachers from Experiment No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School. Second China" banner.

Amidst the cheers, the basketball team of Experiment 1 Lieutenant Colonel, led by Su Kai, walked into the court. Opposite was the basketball team of No. 2 Lieutenant Colonel, who was also the champion of the Nike Cup last year.

The Experimental No. 1 and No. 2 Colonel Teams have always been old enemies, and Su Kai and Jiang Jian, the captain of the No. 2 Colonel Team, are also old rivals.

"I heard that your team's main striker was injured? Then if we beat you this time, wouldn't it be a bit disgraceful? Let me do the math. If we lose again in the first experiment this year, we will lose for four years in a row. Ten thousand years Second child? Do you think so?"

"Hahaha..." The Second Colonel team burst out laughing.

Su Kai said: "Jiang Jian, it's not certain who will win this match."

Jiang Jian moved his arms and patted his knees: "Su Kai, I just like the way you are so stubborn, so that you will be loud when you slap your face later."

The player on Jiang Jian's right gave a thumbs up, turned around and pressed down.

In the past two years, the results of the college entrance examination in Experiment 1 have stabilized at the top of the No. 2 middle school, but in the basketball game, the situation is reversed. It has been four years, four years, and the finals have been held between Experiment No. 1 and No. 2. Every time They are all champions in the second middle school and runner-up in the first experiment, so they are qualified to be called the second child of the team in the first experiment.

Su Kai glanced at Zhao Ye who was on the bench with a dull face, then at Chen Xun who was sitting in the audience, and sighed softly.

Yes, it is still unknown who will win the battle, but he knows very well in his heart that the five people on the field are definitely not opponents of Jiang Jian and others.

Zhao Ye's leg injury is not healed, he has difficulty moving, and can't play basketball. In fact, even if he can exercise vigorously, with his current state, Su Kai will not let him play.

Just now, two police officers approached Zhao Ye, asked him a few questions, and introduced some situations.

Zhao Ye was scared, panicked and shocked, so he didn't have the heart to play.

"I heard no, the famous Hou Lei in Nancheng was abolished."

"Hou Lei? Is that 'Brother Monkey'?"

"Who else is not him?" Ren Gaoying said: "Spine injury, don't even think about walking around in this life."

Jiang Xiaoxuan interjected: "I know that person, he usually fights and bullies others, and none of the students in the nearby schools are afraid of him. It's all over now, evil will be rewarded with evil, and the world will be peaceful in the future."

Zhang Huiran said: "I was almost beaten up by him in the freshman year of high school. The reason was that my bicycle was the same color as his bicycle. I don't know who did it. He is a hero who punishes rape and eliminates evil."

Ren Gaoying said: "Hou Lei is not the only one who is crippled, and the little brother who followed him is also completely disabled. If you say it is happy, it is really happy, and if you say it is vicious, it is really vicious."

Jiang Xiaoxuan said: "It deserves it, it's better to die."

Zhang Huiran said, "I didn't realize that you are so hostile, a girl."

"The hooligans who bully honest people all day long are not sanctioned. Wouldn't it be too wronged for a good boy like us who listens to his parents at home and the teacher at school?"

Ren Gaoying said, "You look a bit like Lin Jiamo in your jealousy."

Zhang Huiran pondered for a while and said, "Just now the police came to Zhao Ye and Lin Jiamo to investigate whether they have anything to do with the case, right?"

"Don't look at Zhao Ye's bluff every day. Seeing the police almost scared the shit out of him." Ren Gaoying curled her lips: "He is such a bullying master, how dare he go to Hou Lei's group to fight for his life? I heard Yeah...the murderer was a black man."

"Black people? How could black people tie up with Hou Lei?"

"Who knows."

Ren Gaoying, Zhang Huiran, and Jiang Xiaoxuan were chattering non-stop. Not far away, Lin Jiamo was thinking about what the police said. Hou Lei was paralyzed. The middle split man had five broken ribs, one of which almost pierced his lung lobe , one lost a hand, another lost a foot, and one became blind.


The exclamations from around brought back Lin Jiamo's thoughts, and when she looked up, Su Kai fell down while confronting Jiang Jian, and was sitting on the ground with arms folded, gasping for breath, his face as white as a piece of paper.

The doctor hurried over to check the injury. Zheng Xue, who was at the front of the stands, looked at the midfielder with a complicated expression, but finally chose to stay where she was, and didn't end up caring about her ex-boyfriend.

42 to 34.

Originally, he was at a disadvantage in the first experiment, but now that Su Kai's arm is injured, it can be said to be worse.

"Chen Xun, go ahead, if you continue like this, you will lose in Experiment 1." Fang Hui looked at Chen Xun expectantly.

"Why should I go? I'm not interested in the Nike Cup or anything like that."

"Chen Xun..."

"I still say the same thing, as long as you say yes, I will do it, because I don't want my girlfriend to be sad."

"Can you stop being so childish?"

"I'm not naive. I'm different from them. Basketball is just a hobby for me. I never thought of it as a career or an achievement."

Fang Hui didn't know what to say. On the one hand, he couldn't bear to see Su Kai being bullied by people from No. 2 Middle School. On the other hand, he hesitated, accepting without knowing who he liked more and who was more grateful. Chen Xun, be his girlfriend.

"Yes or no?"

Chen Xun ignored Su Kai's gaze asking for help, and kept his eyes fixed on Fang Hui. He knew what kind of person she was, and he also knew that if she didn't force her from behind, she would be a child with "difficulty in choosing" forever.

Fang Hui was flustered and anxious, not daring to look him in the eye.

At this moment, Lin Jiamo looked at the two of them.

Thinking of Lin, who was not available, and her grades that continued to decline, she decided to force herself, and opened her mouth, ready to say "yes".

Thanks to Zun Mojuhuan, William Carloing, Boring Universe, book friends with tail number 1228 for the 100 starting coins,

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