Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 849 That's just the youth of the protagonist of the TV series

Great break.

He Sha walked to Lin Yue from behind: "What did Teacher Zhai give you before?"

Lin Jiamo, who was lying behind a pile of books more than ten centimeters high, pricked up her ears when she heard this. She had asked Lin Yue once during the class break, and she had been fooling Lin Yue. Who wrote it to him.

Jiang Xiaoxuan guessed that it was a love letter, otherwise Teacher Zhai would not have handed over the letter to him after emphasizing that boys and girls cannot fall in love. Only with love letters, Lin Yue would gossip about him and refuse to tell the truth.

"Students, please pay attention, students, please pay attention..."

A broadcast from a loudspeaker relieved Lin Yue.

"The latest news is that Lin Yue, a third-year student from our school, won gold medals in mathematics and physics in the International Olympiad held in June, and won the first place in the total score of the informatics competition. The students won the silver medal in the biology group and the gold medal in the chemistry group. I hope that everyone can learn from them, strive to be the first, dare to climb, and get a good result in the college entrance examination next year that satisfies themselves, parents and teachers."


There was an upsurge of discussion in the class.

They only knew that Lin Yue had participated in many Olympiads, but they didn't expect to win all of them, especially in the Informatics competition, where he scored first. In other words, at the stage of middle school students, he can be said to be the number one person in the world.

There are surprised eyes, there are envious eyes, there are jealous eyes, and there are relieved eyes...

Lin Yue was not nervous at all, his expression was as usual, and Qiao Ran in front was also very calm.

The two of them knew the result of the competition a long time ago. The school deliberately concealed a summer vacation, just to start school in the third year of high school, and use this news as a wave of encouragement. A good example.

"Lin Yue, you are amazing." He Sha seemed to have forgotten what happened just now.

Fang Hui also looked at him and Qiao Ran with a smile.

Lin Jiamo straightened up and let out a foul breath: "Oh, when will I catch up with you?"

Jiang Xiaoxuan said "in the next life", Lin Jiamo was so angry that she turned around and stared at her fiercely.

Everyone's attention was on Lin Yue or Qiao Ran, and they didn't pay attention to Chen Xun. He patted the table, but there was no jealousy on his face, only excitement, and he didn't know what he remembered.


Hou Zhen's ability to lead the class is not bad, but she is not as good as Zhai Minli in the experience of leading the senior year. After the aggressive speech in the morning, she brought a piece of paper one meter long and two meters wide before self-study in the afternoon, and told Zhang Then post it on the blackboard at the back of the classroom, and everyone in the class must write down their favorite university and take it as a goal to study hard.

He Sha wrote about the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Chen Xun wrote about Tsinghua University, Zhao Ye wrote about the first style, Qiao Ran also wrote about Tsinghua University, and Lin Jiamo... wrote Peking University without hesitation. At that time, he wrote "Which one gets admitted".

No one took this seriously, because it is said that the school has already considered the matter of sending him to university, Tsinghua University or Peking University, it depends on which one he wants to go to.

Originally, it was quite funny to take the first body test with Zhao Ye's grades, but this guy didn't know what stimulated him. Since the end of the Nike Cup, he started the "sprint" mode, studying desperately, asking for notes for this, asking for that Questions and answers.

Some people say that the "Monkey Brother" incident scared him, while others say that his father's experience of selling fried skewers made him mature. In short, the theory is very mysterious.

Only Fang Hui didn't write down her goals.

Because she didn't know, she wasn't sure, and she was hesitant. In the final exam of the second semester of high school, she ranked 168, while Lin Jiamo had already reached grade 53, and even an art student like He Sha could get 65 in the whole grade. name.

In the freshman year of high school, it was Lin Jiamo who asked her to borrow notes and check the questions, but now she asked Lin Jiamo to take notes and check the questions.

It wasn't until after school on Saturday that the classroom was empty that she took a pen and wrote the word "Peking University" behind Lin Jiamo's name.


Four days later, the senior year office.

Zhai Minli was holding a glass thermos cup, and looked at Lin Yue standing in front of her with scrutiny.

"Do you know why I didn't give you the letter with great fanfare that day?"

Jiang Xiaoxuan guessed wrong, what Zhai Minli gave him was not a love letter, but a letter from a professor at Stanford University, to the effect that he learned about his situation through the International Olympic Competition, and asked him if he had any intention to study at Stanford University, if so If so, we can help you apply for a full scholarship.

Obviously, this is a tactful invitation to study at Stanford.

Logically speaking, the teacher should praise such a student in the class, but Zhai Minli handed him the letter casually without saying anything.

Lin Yue shook his head: "I don't know."

"Because the gap between you and them is too big, not to mention students with middle and lower grades, even a top-notch student like Qiao Ran, it is difficult to catch up with you. There is a competitor who can see the back, and the talents behind They will go all out to catch up, but if they are overtaken by one or two laps, or even several laps on the track, the contestants will not consider chasing, but give up."

Zhai Minli continued: "Look at what you wrote on the blackboard at the back. What do you mean by which one you pass the exam? As a role model for your classmates and a benchmark for the school, you should show a pragmatic side instead of being a rebellious teenager."

Lin Yue didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Mr. Zhai, it's not realistic which one to get into?"

"The pragmatism you talk about is not the same as the pragmatism I talk about. The pragmatism you talk about is the pragmatism of your own behavior, and the pragmatism I talk about is to encourage everyone to follow you and drive the learning atmosphere in the class. Let's put it this way, your I am not worried about the grades at all, my goal is to improve the enrollment rate of the class."

"Oh, I see, you want me to be a tool man."

"Let's put it that way."

Lin Yue really wanted to give her a middle finger. This guy is a teacher thanks to him. If he is a business leader, he will definitely be the mainstay that makes his subordinates hate him.

"Teacher Zhai, I want to ask you a question."

"What's the problem, tell me."

"How many years have you not gone to the hospital to check your physical condition?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I think you should go to the hospital for a gastroscopy as soon as possible."

Zhai Minli frowned tightly. She didn't know why Lin Yue said such words, but she did feel a little unwell recently.

"This song is my original creation. I want to dedicate this song to my favorite girl. Her name is Fang Hui."

At this moment, Chen Xun's voice came from the speakers on the roof of the teaching building outside.

Just when Zhai Minli, Li Jing and others were stunned, the music of the guitar sounded.

"I wish I could have a bright floor-to-ceiling window."

"I can go out and bask in the sun every day."

"Put all my things on the ground."

"Singing about the old days again."

"My hair wasn't very long back then."

"The eyes at that time were green and bright."

"I have an ideal paradise in my heart."

"And my dearest girl."

"I wish I had the kindness of a child with you."


Lin Yue smiled and pointed outside: "Teacher Zhai, it seems to be Chen Xun from our class."

Zhai Minli's face suddenly turned cloudy and cloudy, and she told the people in her class that she was not allowed to fall in love. As a result, Chen Xun went to the radio station to confess to Fang Hui. This was not a problem for her.

"It's Chen Xun again." As soon as he entered the office door, before he had a sip of tea, the big horse monkey said angrily, "Rebellion, this is rebellion. Xiao Liu, Xiao Wang, come with me, arrest people .”

He called people to go to the broadcasting station to arrest them. Of course, Zhai Minli couldn't be indifferent. You must know that he was her student. While standing up and chasing them, she said, "Go back and reflect on it, don't engage in those idiosyncratic little moves all day long." .”

"Hey." Lin Yue agreed, and turned to face Li Jing sitting on the desk by the window, making Li Jing a scissors hand, but the girl ignored her, as if she was in a low mood.

Or back to the TV drama.

Anyway, this scumbag song will always be used, right, just like the story of Laphroaig Whiskey in "Thirty Only" by Sea King Liang Zhengxian.

The school radio station uses the news that he and Qiao Ran won the awards to motivate the students to work hard, but it wakes up Chen Xun, and what is it to write "Fang Hui likes Chen Xun" on the blackboard? He wants everyone in the school to know that he likes Fang Hui. He knows Fang Hui's character very well. In addition, he has helped her out many times and always feels that he owes him. Such a girl will not give him face in public and say let her His embarrassing words? No way.

Whether he is moved or let nature take its course, as long as the raw rice is cooked, Fang Hui will not be able to escape from his grasp.


very good~

Then, it's time for Lin Yue to dismantle his tricks.

Thanks to Feng Tongyin for the 500 starting coins, Zun Mojuhuan, Shi Tianle, Revisiting Old Dreams, Boring Universe, and Lao Li in the 1980s for the 100 starting coins.

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