Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 855 I, Return of the King

At the same time, outside the office on the third floor of the teaching building of Experiment No. 1 Middle School, the logistics staff replaced the house number of "Senior Senior Three Office" with "Senior Senior One Office".

Hou Zhen pushed open the door and walked into the office, and put the roster of freshmen in Class One, Senior One, on Li Jing's desk.

"Hey, Li Jing, why are the homework books of the previous students still here?"

Li Jing didn't answer the question: "How about the matter I asked you to help investigate?"

"You guessed right, this kid did it on purpose." Hou Zhen slapped a note in front of Li Jing: "Look for yourself."

Seeing her unhappy face, the chemistry teacher, history teacher, and biology teacher over there walked over and looked at the table.

Name: Lin Yue.

Admission ticket number: XXXXXXXXXX.

Chinese: 149.

Mathematics: 150.

English: 150.

Comprehensive: 150.

Leaving aside Chinese because of the existence of composition, it is difficult not to mention the full score. Mathematics and English double 150, what about comprehensive science? The full score of 300 is just half of the questions. It's really time for you to be sick.

"Next time I see him, I must give him a good beating." The biology teacher is impatient, and is still resentful for "I'll see if you change into another".

"It's time to clean up." Li Jing said words that only she could understand.

"Hou Zhen, Liu Qian, go to the meeting room on the first floor immediately."

At this moment, Da Ma Houer yelled at the door, Hou Zhen and Liu Qian agreed, followed Da Ma Houer outside, and several other teachers returned to their desks.

Li Jing folded the note and put it in her trouser pocket, took out the bottom one from the homework of Class 1 of the original high school, and flipped it slowly while pinching the lower right corner.

The little cartoon figures seemed to jump out of the paper.

Subduing Dragon Arhat: "Great Sage, these eighteen grains of golden cinnabar were ordered by the Buddha to open the treasure house to take them to defeat the enemy, and now they are also taken by monsters. There is nothing to do, nothing to do."

Sun Wukong: "Then I will go to the Tathagata for advice."

"Hey..." Jianglong Arhat grabbed the monkey's hand: "The Master told me that if I am still invincible, I will ask you to go to Lihen Tiandoushi Palace to find the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, and you will surely catch this monster."

"Thank you very much." The monkey walked away with fists clasped.

On the somersault cloud, the monkey whispered: "Old Jade Emperor knows the details of the monster, but he pretends to refuse to speak out, and he is afraid of offending the West and making a group of soldiers fool him. Wu Na Tathagata is afraid of being yelled at Lingshan, and he can't let go of this oil and water." It is full of big projects, and asked Jianglong Luohan to send eighteen gold mountains to bribe the old man."


There are many similar cartoons. In the six months since she broke up with her boyfriend, whenever she was sad, she would take out his homework and look through it, and her mood would improve.


Two days after the freshmen meeting of Northern Technology and Business University, the first-year students took their personal belongings on the bus and entered the suburban military camp for military training.

Just like in the TV series, here, Chen Xun met Shen Xiaotang because of the penalty stand, because he can play guitar and basketball, and he looks good, and he gained a lot of favors from girls, including Fang Hui who lived in the same dormitory. The three roommates - Xue Shan, Li Qi, Liu Yunwei.

After the military training, the school officially started.

The sycamore trees beside the boulevard have begun to shed their leaves, and the wind from the north is mixed with the smell of autumn.

Lin Jiamo and Qiao Ran were on their way to the restaurant. She had no class this afternoon, so she came here to play with Fang Hui and Qiao Ran.

"How is it? Are you still used to the life at Peking University?"

"It's okay, but the study is a bit tight."

"Qingbei is full of top students from all over the country. If you want to stand out, you must work harder like the senior year."

"If he was here, the college courses should be as easy... It's been two months, has he contacted you?"


"I'm not mad at him anymore."

Qiao Ran said: "Jiamo, you should learn to look forward. Your choice is not wrong, and his choice is not wrong. Teachers, family, and friends have given him too many expectations, and only Stanford and Oxford are the best in the world." Only prestigious schools are worthy of his talent."

"Are you lobbying for Zhao Ye?" Zhao Ye started courting Lin Yue again after he knew that Lin Yue was going abroad. Basically, he would go to Peking University whenever he had time, and even learned how to bribe the girls in his dormitory by buying snacks. they.

"No, I really think you should take it easy and let yourself and Lin Yue go."

The restaurant is in front, Lin Jiamo glanced inside: "Qiao Ran, do you know what your biggest problem is?"


"Don't fight." Lin Jiamo said: "Some things, if you don't fight for them, they will never hit you on the head."

Qiao Ran knew why she said that, because Chen Xun was sitting next to Fang Hui at the table in the corner of the restaurant, whispering something while eating the rice on the plate.


Qiao Ran has nothing to say, because this is the truth. In high school, Fang Hui and Lin Jiamo were good friends, and Lin Jiamo and He Sha surrounded Lin Yue every day, so that Fang Hui became a member of the "Shuanglin Circle". , Chen Xun and Zhao Ye almost always feel a kind of rigidity when they play with them.

Now that Lin Yue has gone abroad, Lin Jiamo and Fang Hui have separated, college life is not like high school life, there is plenty of time, Chen Xun can easily find a chance to be alone with Fang Hui, he disdains stalking and cares about brotherhood He has no "power to fight back" at all.

"Qiao Ran, you could give up Qingbei and study abroad for Fang Hui, why did you give up when you met Chen Xun? In this point, Zhao Ye is a hundred times better than you. Brothers don't do this, if you like Fang Hui, We should snatch her here and give her happiness."

Lin Jiamo knew how much Chen Xun had done to his brother in order to get Fang Hui, and she neither admired nor despised him.

"On the 7th of last month, Chen Xun and I drank mutton soup together. It was the shop my dad used to take us to when we were young. I poured a lot of pepper, but I couldn't find the original taste. He said mutton soup The taste has changed, but we will not change, and we will be good brothers for a lifetime."

"So you backed off again?"

"I just don't want to compare myself to him."

"You don't compare with him, but he is forcing you to quit." Lin Jiamo said: "Why did he choose to meet you on your father's death day, why did he choose to meet you at the place where we drank mutton soup together when we were young? He also said to be brothers for life? Because he knows, you, Zhao Ye, are the soft-hearted among the three of you. Do you know that he is using your feelings for him?"

"Then if Lin Yue didn't go abroad and He Sha stood in front of you and said she liked him, what would you do?"

"It's a competition to get a job, but I will try my best to be open and aboveboard and open-minded."

"Sometimes I'm really jealous of him."

Lin Jiamo knows who the "he" here refers to.

"Hi, Qiao Ran...Jiamo, are you here too?" A familiar voice came from the dining window.

The two looked up, Jiang Xiaoxuan had just finished queuing up for a meal, and when she turned to look for a seat, she found them both.

Fang Hui and Chen Xun, who were eating together in the corner, also noticed the two people standing at the door, and they were surprised.

"Let's go, eat first, we can talk about anything later." Qiao Ran led her forward: "What do you want to eat? I invite you."

Lin Jiamo thought for a while and said, "Hot and sour potato shreds."

Qiao Ran remembered what Fang Hui said when he ate the hot and sour potato shreds in the cafeteria for the first time.

"If you expect the hot and sour potato shreds here to taste like his cooking, I think you will be disappointed."

Lin Jiamo lowered her head and stopped talking.

Three minutes later, the two sat opposite Chen Xun and Fang Hui with their dinner plates, and Jiang Xiaoxuan was on the other side.

"Jiamo, you're here..."

"Well, come and see you."

Lin Jiamo picked up a chopstick of hot and sour potato shreds, and found that it was not the taste in memory: "What kind of hot and sour potato shreds are these, even my dad makes them."

Jiang Xiaoxuan can't understand, Chen Xun can't understand, Fang Hui can understand, and Qiao Ran can understand. She was talking about her dad on the surface, but in fact she was thinking of another person, because in the past, I often had hot and sour shredded potatoes for dinner, which were sour and spicy, and very appetizing.

"You eat this." Fang Hui took the chicken leg from the dinner plate and gave it to her: "I have a small appetite, so I can't eat it."

Similar scenes, similar rhetoric.

Lin Jiamo looked at the chicken legs roasted until they were browned on the rice and remained silent.

Jiang Xiaoxuan said: "Jiamo, try it. This is the best dish in the canteen of Northern Technology and Business University. He Sha ate a pair last time."

"He Sha..." Just as Lin Jiamo was about to ask her if He Sha was okay, she glanced at the scene outside the window out of the corner of her eye, dropped her chopsticks, stood up suddenly, and ran out without saying anything.

"What's wrong with her?"

Jiang Xiaoxuan was puzzled, and when she turned her head away, Fang Hui, who was sitting across from her, also stood up, looking outside with surprise and many inexplicable emotions.

"What happen to you guys?"

Jiang Xiaoxuan followed her gaze and looked over.

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