Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 858 You were still wearing crotch pants when I was dating girls

Hu Youping said: "There is nothing wrong with us, you should ask him what's wrong."

"He" refers to Lin Yue.

"What happened to him?" He Lijun was puzzled, and Lin Yue was also puzzled.

"A girl called just now." Hu Youping looked at Lin Yue and said, "She said her name is He Sha, and she is a freshman in the Sculpture Department of CAFA. Tomorrow, the teacher will take the class to sketch in other places, and she may have to stay outside for a while. I want you to call her at night."

Hu Youping still remembers the scene when he answered the phone just now. The girl didn’t say who she was looking for, but asked if this was Room 1513, the male apartment building of Northern Technology and Business University. He said yes, and asked who she was, and the girl said she was the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Freshmen in the Department of Sculpture.

The Central Academy of Fine Arts, which is one or two of the top art universities in China, this kind of high-quality girl is definitely not looking for him, so he quickly motioned for Kuang Qiang to answer the phone.

Speaking of the dormitory... No, it should be said that the person on the first floor of the whole building who is the best at picking up girls is naturally Brother Qiang.

Kuang Qiang came over there, snorted, and asked her who she was looking for in a very gentle voice.

The girl said her name was He Sha, and asked if there was a boy named Lin Yue in room 1513. Kuang Qiang was at a loss for a moment, she asked again, and Hu Youping finally came to his senses, saying yes, Lin Yue did live here, but still The class was not over, so the girl politely asked him to tell Lin Yue that she was going out to collect pictures soon, and hoped that Lin Yue could call her later.

After hanging up the phone, Kuang Qiang walked away with a dark face.

"Oh, I see." Lin Yue threw the book on the bed, threw the clothes changed last night into the washbasin, and left the room with the laundry soap.

" could he do this." Hu Youping pointed to Lin Yue's back, as if he couldn't understand his behavior.

He Lijun couldn't answer this question, thinking he might be his classmate again.

Even if it is, then the situation is not right, why do you have to call him before you go out to collect music?

Hu Youping said: "Kuang Qiang, look at you, and then look at others..."

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with him?"

"You are not domineering enough, give you a girl from Yangmei, do you dare to neglect like this?"

"Go, let me tell you, maybe there's a dinosaur on the phone, otherwise how could you fall in love with him?"

jingle bell~

A few people were talking when the phone rang over there.

Hu Youping was close, so he walked over to pick him up.

"Hello, is this room 1513?"

Another girl.

Hu Youping glanced at Kuang Qiang, pressed the speakerphone, and cleared his throat: "Yes, who are you looking for?"

Kuang Qiang next to him also pricked up his ears to listen carefully, while He Lijun felt as if he had heard this voice somewhere before.

"I'm looking for Lin Yue from the Finance Department."

Lin Yue, it's Lin Yue again!

Hu Youping: "..."

He Lijun recalled all of a sudden, leaned over and said, "It's Fang Hui, I'm He Lijun, we just met in front of the playground."

"Oh, hello, is Lin Yue there?"

"Hey, he went out to do the laundry."

"That's it, please tell him, I'll wait for him in the gazebo in front of the boys' apartment building."

"Okay, I'll go to the bathroom and tell him."

"thank you."

Pop, the phone hung up.

Hu Youping and Kuang Qiang looked at each other.

What's the situation? They were looking for Lin Yue again, the one in front wanted to talk to him when they went out to collect news, and the one in the back went directly to the boy's apartment building to wait for him.

"This girl named Fang Hui is Lin Yue's high school classmate. I asked him to go to the cafeteria for dinner." Seeing the two of them looking over, He Lijun could only tell them what he knew.

Hearing such an answer, the two of them felt a little more balanced, high school classmates~

He Lijun walked out of the dormitory, went to the bathroom to find Lin Yue, and told him the news that Fang Hui was waiting in the gazebo in front.

The thinking of the three people in the dormitory was very simple, but Lin Yue knew very well that she came here in less than 30 minutes to avoid Chen Xun.



The three were still sleeping, Lin Yue got up from the bed, took a shower and went outside with the "Macroeconomics" that will be taught in the next semester.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" He Lijun looked at the watch on the bedside and found that it was not half past seven.

"Go to the study room and read a book."

"What time will you be back?"

"9 o'clock."

"Then when you come back, bring me two biscuits, stuffed with leeks, and an fried egg."

"no problem."

Lin Yue opened the door and went out.

Kuang Qiang, who was lying on the bed inside, turned over and muttered in a low voice: "What kind of self-study on the big weekend, I'm sick."

At around 8 o'clock, He Lijun was woken up by urinating, put on his clothes and went to the bathroom to pee. When he came back, he found that Kuang Qiang was up, sitting on the bedside, smoking a cigarette and talking on the phone. He looked excited and knew that he was a female netizen. .

This time it was Hu Youping's turn to suspect that he was noisy, lying on the bed and looking at Kuang Qiang bitterly, grabbing the trousers hanging on the beam to get up, and not to be sorry.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

boom boom boom~

boom boom boom~

He Lijun walked over and opened the door, and was stunned when he saw the person standing in front of him.

It was a girl, wearing a white sweater with clover on her upper body, blue jeans underneath, a backpack with a red high-heeled shoe pendant on the back, and an insulated box in her hand.

A pretty girl, coming to the boys' apartment early in the morning?

He Lijun was taken aback.

Lin Jiamo was not at all cautious, and said with a smile: "Student, Lin Yue from the Department of Finance lives here."

Before He Lijun could answer, Lin Jiamo had already opened the door and walked into the room.

Kuang Qiang looked at the girl walking in through the fog in front of his eyes, he couldn't help shaking, and forgot to speak for a while.

"Why are you so sweet?"



The girl's question came from the speaker of the mobile phone.

Hu Youping was still hesitating to get out of bed just now, the quilt was half lifted, revealing a pair of big hairy legs and old-fashioned pants, seeing Lin Jiamo entered the room, he pulled the quilt violently in fright, pulled the trousers over the bed to hide the quilt Wear it underneath.

"Where's Lin Yue?" Lin Jiamo didn't care about the reactions of Kuang Qiang and Hu Youping, walked around the room, found that Lin Yue was not there, turned around and asked He Lijun generously.

"Lin Yue... Lin Yue went to the self-study room to read before eight o'clock."

"Oh." Lin Jiamo was not surprised by his actions. When he was in high school, the Malaysian monkeys often said at the flag-raising ceremony that they should look up to their classmates. They have such good grades but they have never been complacent and complacent, and have always been strict with themselves. Only when they arrive in society will they be competitive.

He Lijun looked at his watch: "He said he would be back at 9 o'clock, and there are less than 10 minutes left. You should sit down first."

Before he could point his fingers, Lin Jiamo had already sat down next to the cleanest bed.

"This is his bed, I know."

"Uh." He Lijun was speechless. You must know that Kuang Qiang is recognized as a girl-picking expert by the marketing department, and he has never brought girls to the dormitory. This Lin Yue is very good, and he caused a lot of trouble within a few days after he came here. .

Hu Youping was sweating all over before he put on his pants, slipped off the bed and hid behind He Lijun.

Kuang Qiang is well-informed and able to stabilize his emotions when facing Lin Jiamo.

"Sister, which department are you from?"

"Oh, I'm not from your school."

"Not from our school?" Kuang Qiang thought of the girl who called before: "Did you just call a few days ago? The one from Yangmei..."

"You mean He Sha." Lin Jiamo explained, "I'm not He Sha, my name is Lin Jiamo, from Peking University."

Peking University's...

She is from Peking University.

First it was a female student from the Management Department, then a female student from Central America, and now a top student from Peking University.

"You won' are also his high school classmate?"

"That's right." Lin Jiamo finished answering He Lijun's question, pointed to the desk in front of the bed and said, "Is this Lin Yue's desk?"


She leaned forward, got up and packed up the books on the table, put them out of the way, unzipped the backpack she took off, and took out a photo frame and a small potted money plant wrapped in plastic wrap .

Tear off the plastic wrap, place the small potted plant on the left, and the photo frame on the right.

She nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, He Lijun leaned over curiously, and his gaze fell on the photo in the frame.

The top row of words is a group photo of Class 3 and Class 1 of Imperial Capital Nancheng Experimental No. 1 Middle School, with the teacher in the middle and the students behind and on the two wings.

"This is Fang Hui from the Management Department." He Lijun moved his finger on the photo: "This... this is you."

Lin Jiamo nodded: "Yes."

"This is Lin Yue..."

Seeing this scene, Hu Youping and Kuang Qiang also leaned over.

"Hey, isn't this Chen Xun from Room 1508? And this one... I'm familiar with this one too, just the one who plays basketball well. As soon as he comes on the court, many girls scream, what's his name... what's his name."

Lin Jiamo said to Hu Youping, "Qiao Ran."

"Yes, it's Qiao Ran."

"Then what about He Sha? Who is He Sha?" Kuang Qiang has always had a heart for that Yangmei girl.

"Here." Lin Jiamo pointed to the girl standing behind Li Jing.

He Lijun said: "Hey, not bad, the feeling of the girl next door."

Lin Jiamo said, "What about me? How do I feel?"

He Lijun recalled the scene just now, and giggled twice: "You? A heroine, a heroine."

A few people were chatting around the graduation photos, the dormitory door opened, and a person walked in from the outside, Lin Jiamo thought it was Lin Yue who had come back, turned around and found that it was Qiao Ran: "Hey, why are you here?"

Thanks to the little tiger in the devil world, the 1988 provocation, ROCKHUO, and Shi Tianle for the 100 starting coins.

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